Is Jules Jordan vs. Scott Justice Inevitable?

Chris writes:

Doesn’t anyone else find it amusing that Jules Jordan hired Scott Justice to run his company? Jules has a reputation of having his eye on every nickel that flows in and out of his office, and agonizing over every detail. Scott’s reputation is that of the person who plundered hundreds of thousands of dollars out of Sin City. Everyone knew he skimmed every budget before it made it to the director’s hand. How long til Jules catches Scott with his hand in the cookie jar?

38 thoughts on “Is Jules Jordan vs. Scott Justice Inevitable?

  1. Jules, like other producers, had his best days a few years back. His sales are down 80 and 90% just like everyone else. Hiring Justice is a desperation move which will only end with Jules blaming Scott for plummeting sales numbers.

    Like other producers Jules really doesnt understand the web. On the julesjordan website it shows a video with the foul mouthed Gauge as the “latest video”. Anyone one the web knows Gauge hasnt done porn in at least a year or two so web savvy users will know Jules is simply rehashing old shit as new and wont sign up.

    Adult video stores used to purchase any crap companies marketed to them but end users are much more prone to look for the best deal before. There is alot of research on the 1000s of free websites before users sign up.

    Jules will be out of business in the next year or two. Scott and Justice will have a big blow out over pathetic sales figures before summertime.

  2. moonkelly says:

    BDD you’re the best. Please, I’m begging you, start a porn biz news/gossip website.

  3. The Colonel says:

    Right on, BDD. Somebody must tell the truth about the industry.

  4. BigDickDaddy you are funny and terribly misinformed.

    While I will admit that hiring Scott was a bad move on JJ’s part, you are dead wrong about his production company, and anyone that works in analytics in this biz will call you on your bullshit too! I work for one of the major online malls, and JJ is still our main bread and butter, along with Evil Angel. I am happy to say that some things never change. Even with the market shifting, JJ’s sales are still going strong and beat out the rest of the crap hand over fist.

  5. dubG, thank you for input. You can get out from under Jules desk now. His balls have been polished enough for today. The adult business has always played the numbers game starting with the outrageous line that the business does 9 billion a year bullshit. Company owners and fanboys such as yourself always say that they are doing extremely well and that they are pushing 9,000 units of each title out the door and blah blah. The funny thing is that Larry Flynt admits the DVD business is taking a big shit but yet you tell me that some “major online mall” is doing well.

    Hustler: Office building on Wilshire, large established company with both adult and mainstream titles. Large staff of well paid employees.

    Major Online Mall: Office space is the back of the founders apt. No published sales numbers. Started 3 years ago.

    I’m more inclined to believe Hustler. Maybe Jules will give you a few dollars to tell us more bullshit. Hopefully you get enough to buy lunch today.

  6. JohnnyRocco says:

    BDD stands here on his soap box ranting and raving about everyone, never has a positive thing to say about anyone. Can you pelase explain to us your credentials – just to add some validity to your nonsense. thank you

  7. Wow, fan boy! Actually, you should not be so quick to judge, as you are dead wrong. I am not a “fan boy”, part of an empire that was started 3 years ago. My company is more closer than LFP in terms of revenue. Also, I am not going to sit around in the internet having a pissing match with an asshat like you that needs to get a fucking real job!

    Facts are facts, I rest my case.

  8. JohnnyRocco, I understand this is the first time you have been able to use both hands on you keyboard for sometime. You are welcome to go back to spanking off to free porn anytime if you have nothing meaningful to say. If you were a producer, talent or any way shape or form connected to the business except for end user looking for free content you would know the adult business is in a state of free fall with no end in sight. Raincoaters such as yourself dont understand that knowledge and insight many people who depend on the adult business for income(even limited income) will find themselves in a job market that is already saturated with other job seekers because of irresponsible and criminal acts of the current and thankfully outgoing administration.

    Right now the adult business is not positive. Its a war. Its a way against free loaders such as yourself that spend hours on free websites such as youporn and Its amazing how free loaders such as yourself use everyone bandwidth for free and then come onto websites such as this running your cocksucker like you have something to say. The bottom line is you are simply a leech. A bug that needs to be squashed and what you say is worthless, pointless and merit less.

    Go back to the crusty basement in your moms house with a several rolls of toilet paper and dont come back out until you have actually paid for the porn that you substitute for companionship. You disgust me.

  9. JohnnyRocco says:

    BDD I did not expect any less from a loser like you…pontificating yet has not accomplished a thing in your life. You completely discredited yourself with that post – thank you, you just made my point

  10. AshleyWentworth says:

    BDD – You obviously have a following. Why, I don’t know. You are the meanest, rudest, shit slinger around. I agree with JR – you’ve never had a positive thing to say about anyone. You attack and attack and if someone attacks you back you attack some more. By remaining anonymous, you come across, to me, as a coward. Ohhh, I’m in for it now.

  11. Johhnrockbottom, you had no point to begin with. You are scum. You are simply the skeet on the floor after a bukkake.

  12. blackwidow says:

    BDD, you have had your fun with me in past times…and you were usually correct! Now as I am a retired outsider your barbs do not affect me. I love your style and knowledge of the business. When I sold BWP last year I was down to between 500 – 750 pieces on a new release…the DVD market is dead and anyone who thinks it isn’t is brain dead! You should start your own site, you are sure a lot more entertaining and truthful than most bloggers in this industry!

  13. JohnnyRocco says:

    I love the fact you resort to name calling BDD – it means I am getting to you. A nobody who has never accomplished anything in this business….no clue. I can see you read other sites very well to see what the problem is in the adult business. Go back to your moms basement, invest in some face cleaner to get rid of the pimples and carry on with your keyboard warrior antics 🙂

  14. Yawn . . . . ..

    johnnyboring, take your time before posting pathetic replies and try to not us the same phases I use. If you can, try to be thoughtful and orginal. If not just shut the fuck up and crawl back into your shithole. This a website for grownups and obviously you are a little boy.

  15. JohnnyRocco says:

    BDD again you have yet to post your credentials…and deflectting is a sign of defeat. Maybe I can have someoen ship you some cum towels you can use them I am sure

  16. You want to see deflection? I’ll post my credentials as soon as you post your last year income tax return or your W2. You can redact your address but I’m willing to bet you made under 40k total last year and I’m willing to bet it has NOTHING to do with the adult industry. So unless you are making decent money($60k to $90k) you simply are not in a position to request anyone do anything. You are simply a pathetic loser with a sticky keyboard and a big mouth.

    How many excuses can you come up with now? Take your time before admitting you have nothing to show for that worthless piece of shit you call your life.

    p.s. take your time with your answer, you are starting to look restarded

  17. JohnnyRocco says:

    I have been in the adult industry on the internet side of things behind the scenes producing and developing profitable websites, VOD and manageing affilaitep rograms. Unlike you I do not sit here like a coward and pontificate about everything and anything…so stay there close to your momma and keep throwing stones loser……and FYI the Adult Industry DOES NOT revolve around the USA so I do not have a W2 loser

    Obviously you are an insecure, underendowed loser with popeye forearms….and once again Discredited. Bye loser

  18. Yeah exactly what I thought. You’re a fucking moron. Lucky for you, you are not in the USA. We have places for people like you. Its called guantanamo bay.

  19. AshleyWentworth says:

    BDD you are lame. You totally lose this pissing match. You are a mean-spirited coward hiding behind a laughable name. You tell HIM to grow up? Oh my god.

  20. sixamrush says:

    In as far as the shop owners are concerned, there are some items missing from this discussion:
    1. You still see customers buying VHS. Some porn fans lack the capacity to integrate to DVD, let alone Online smut.
    2. Perverts obsess. Why get your porn from the internet when you can get if from DVD too? We download and save, and buy DVD’s at the same time.
    3. nothing is more anonymous than paying CASH for your smut. When I want to watch bitches with strap-ons squirt milk out of their ass while playng a harmonica, I’m not using my credit card to download it, I’m gonna pay CASH for it.
    4. Porn shops, no matter how large, operate like family businesses. much of what they earn is not reported, since there is so much cash being put through the register. From what I read, people bemoan how bad it is owning a porn company, and how little they actually make. Well, all small business owners bemoan their business generally. It helps deter competition from upstarts, but there is no way that any of the top companies are selling less than 5,000 units, even of a crappy title. you might need to add a zero to that number, to get a more accurate sales forcast.

    Porno shops are here to stay. Rental is their bread & butter (if they are smart enough to rent) & sales are high when the product is priced to move ($19.95 per title on the east coast moves merchandise). There is a limit to lost sales. it would take the end of DVD completely to close the shops, and we are at least 20 years away from that, as it is still a popular revenue source for the studios on the other side of the hills.

    Now, can we get back to talkng about the skanks we beat off too?

  21. sixamrush says:

    oh, one more thing:

    If anyone in the industry (Blackwidow, take note) ever tells you that DVD is dead, and that they couldn’t sell their product, take a good look at their product. Chances are, it didn’t sell because IT SUCKS.

    The real problem (as is generally in life) is that no one wants to accept their short comings and failures. if something goes wrong, it MUST be some reason other than their own fault.

    As a rule, good product moves, shitty product sits on the shelves, and ANYTHING can sell if it has the right appeal for it’s audience. Even can be salvaged.

    If you are moving less than 1,000 pieces, either you lie about your sales, your distributor lies about your sales to you (and you are either too high, too stupid, or both to realize that he is lying to you), or your product sucks.

    Let’s face it, not everyone is cut out to be a porn director (or suitcase pimp, for that matter). most people trying their hand @ directing anyway are more interested in getting laid than in selling good product now, anyway, and it is evident in the shit on the shelves today.

  22. 6amrush I think you are smoking crack. 5,000 unit each title? Seriously where on earth are you getting these numbers. I’m guessing you are about 50 or 60. Most people under 45 know that you can purchase prepaid credit cards if they are super paranoid and want to be anonymous. Honestly I cant think of anything LESS anonymous then going to a pornstore. We live in a society with cameras everwhere and in small towns the last thing you want to do is have your car seen in front of the local smut shop. You are off base on many different topics so maybe tomorrow at 6am you will stay in bed a little longer and get some more sleep. That red bull or whatever else you are taking is making you crazy as hell.

  23. MrBenGrim says:

    Just a few more reasons why Big Dick Daddy should have been banned.

  24. AshleyWentworth says:

    Everyone is full of shit except BDD.

  25. sixamrush says:

    at least someone gets the basics of my psuedonym…

    I’m 30, and maybe just a little jaded because I live in NY, which is definitely not the rest of the country, but your “anonymous” prepaid cards don’t mask an ip address, which is used w/ ever increasing frequency to catch all sorts of info about individuals. when you google something porn related, did you ever stop (in between bong hits) to ponder why your drag down search results all look so familiar? it’s because they keep records of what you do.

    While there are cameras everywhere, the video is not stored for long, and is never seen unless someone is looking for something. No, I’m sorry, Cash and carry is the only way to stay anonymous. there are many, many ways to hide & ‘clean’ cash.

    As for my numbers, I got them from the archives. His reporting (if you can call it that) from years past. I also know that you can own a Bentley and still live in your mom’s house, but for established players in this business (just like any business) you have to REALLY have the money, and porn, like liquor, cogarettes, & Lottery, is all about the cash.

    BDD, I have no idea who you are, so I’m not discounting your business accumen, but if I were to estimate the adult industry and how it works financiall based against industries that I am familiar with (I’m in product distribution, insurance services, Telecom, & I own controlling interest in a restaurant.), this is what I assume.

    what do you do in this business? Talent, production, or distribution?/

  26. I think BDD and Johnny Rocco should have to post their real names and companies. To make things more interesting.

  27. I think your mom should stop selling pussy on sunset blvd so whats your point?

  28. BigLeeBail says:

    ..the point of this post is So Much for Loyalty and Respect. From what I’ve learned, he’s Lucky he’s not in Jail…so Far. What Goes Around will visit this creep in spades.

  29. I think Fake Luke should have to post his real name and tell us why he removed the Penthouse story from a few days ago. Lee should also stop molesting little boys.

  30. Listen you guys, I probably dislike Andrew Dick AKA Scott Justice more than anybody out there. But lets not forget that he gave Sin City a production budget for every movie. If David was stupid enough to approve it, why you blaim Andrew. If he shot the movies less than than the budget, it’s his to keep. The only thing we should conclude is that Andrew is a better biz man than David!!!

  31. Larry Horse says:

    Look at the prices on Adult DVD Marketplace for some companies, it should tell you a lot. 500 to 600 a title sounds right, the product is so diluted compared to the old days. Still renting VHS? What time machine are you in Johnny? Even the most retarded pervert can operate and own a DVD player. The book stores will always be around, look at the guys going in and out, they plop down their 4 bucks, go home, squeeze one off and then are back before the wife gets home, or you see the guy with six, his wife must be out of town…or he’s divorced. And there will always be the closet queens, young guys and old farts who cant use a computer. All that aside DVD is in bad shape, but I assume many web sites are too. Man I am making less sense than Steele, need sleep, Horse out.

  32. JohnnyRocco says:

    Larry..I was not arguing the state of the industry. Beleive me I know – especially with the DVD market. I have been in the game for a long time, burned by distributors, seen the DVD market go to crap etc.

    My argument was NOT the state of the industry it is the one know it all individual who pontificates hiding behind a monitir critisizing every single producer, company or product he see’s posted. It is far to easy for people to judge from afar rather than be out there, fighting, clawing scratching etc. I was not here defending anyone, Just tired of that loser always posting nonsense like he is some sort of adult industry god.

  33. Larry Horse says:

    BDD is keyed in. This is where Steele is needed to bring some unintended levity to the scene.

  34. Johnny, do us all a favor an pickup a dictionary and learn another word besides pontificate. I’m sure you are so happy that you found a reason to use a four syllable word in a sentence but seriously this is the third time you have used it.

    Take your broke ass to school if you cant think of any other words.

  35. Mr. Banks, if a movie is shot “less than budget” why would the savings be Mr. Dick’s “to keep” Wouldn’t that money belong to the company. I don’t see anything “stupid” about that.

  36. Larry Horse says:

    Hey BDD, Johnny is a Rhodes Scholar, a Dusty Rhodes Scholar.

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