Here’s What the Republicans Want to do..

NL-The Republican Party has written it’s doctrine for the next four years and it’s all explained in one sentence by Huffington Post. BUT this one sentence is enough for me to know that I will NOT be voting republican!

TAMPA, Fla. — Republicans emphatically approved a toughly worded party platform at their national convention Tuesday that would ban all abortions and gay marriages, reshape Medicare into a voucher-like program and cut taxes to energize the economy and create jobs.

22 thoughts on “Here’s What the Republicans Want to do..

  1. Don’t forget they also want to stamp out porn.

  2. jeremysteele11 says:

    these are just red herring diversion issues endlessly rehashed so we don’t notice
    both parties are controlled and essentially the same when it comes to the big and most important issues.

  3. And how often to politicians keep their promises???

  4. For the party that talks about “Big Government” being so bad, that seems like an awful lot of government intrustion to me.

    Got to love how womens’ health rights and who you share you bed with and want to marry are two matters are somehow on par with fixing the economy.

  5. Jerkuliscious says:

    I agree w/ Fruity Nutcake up there^^. The GOP aint gonna ban abortion or porn, just like the Dems aint gonna ban guns. It is all just pandering to dolts to distract us while the cronyism robs us blind.

    The one line I really liked outta Christie’s speech last night was something like, “we don’t need a leader that follows polls, we need a leader that changes polls.” Problem is, that leader is Christie, not Mr. Magic Underpants. Dude is rational and legitimately not afraid to piss people off, which is unique in politics today. Unless Biggie gets caught w/ smoking crack with some underage boys, he is a lock for 2016. Until then, I’ll vote for him for Governor again.

  6. The repubs have little or no chance of taking Obama with the sneaky duo they got now. They could have taken Obama if they had brought out someone that was amazing and has some balls.

    Instead they are pushing yet another rich white guy that doesn’t know what its like to have to choose to buy food or medicine, never had his utility shut off because he couldn’t pay the bill, or had his used car fail its yearly inspection and not have the $$$ to get it repaired. Those are things most americans have to deal with every day.

  7. Don’t worry. Obama promised to close Guantanomo, repeal the Patriot Act, get unemployment below 6%, and defend the U.S. Constitution. I suspect under Romney, women will still get abortions, Gays will marry depending on the state they’re in, and Medicare will not be under a voucher system but continue it’s road to insolvency. Tax cuts do stimulate the economy. That economics. The real issue will be if Romney can get the deficit under control after Obama essentially put America on the road to bankruptcy. Porn people shouldn’t worry about politics. If they’re so concerned about their futures they should go back to school, stop taking brain destroying drugs and get psychiatric help.

  8. Yeah because Obamacare is so much better. If you are over a certain age and have cancer Obamacare won’t even treat you.

    I was out of work for 2 years and lost everything during this administration. Even under Bush I could at least afford to pay my bills.

    Karmafan, porn is already done. People are opting for tube sites over paying, and I’ve seen top stars in foreclosure living in cheap motel rooms.

  9. jeremysteele11 says:

    Mitt’s a piece of shit n so is Obama who said old people should get no care so others can. The two puppets r controlled n elections r rigged, so there’s point of this time wasting shit.. controlled mass media leads us like sheep.. baaa humbug

  10. I’ve stated here many times that both parties suck ass. They are owned by big business and PACs and none of them are looking out for the average tax paying citizen thats just trying to keep a roof over their head and food on the table while they live from one paycheck to the next.

    I’m just saying they aren’t gonna take down Obama with the same rich white guys they usually put up for election.

  11. @ ajs,

    “Yeah because Obamacare is so much better. If you are over a certain age and have cancer Obamacare won’t even treat you. ”

    Where is your source for this statement?

    I sympathize, ajs, I know what is to be out of work. I’ve seen it happen to my parents during the Bush administration.

    Times are rough now but that’s because housing is in such a mess. Once housing picks up, the banks would feel more confident and start lending again. Once banks start lending again, big corps will start making investments and hiring again.

    The state of the economy wouldn’t really change no matter who is in office.

    But NO WAY am I voting for Romney/Ryan. They want an austerity budget just like the UK and now is not the time for that shit. Wait for housing to recover, THEN we’ll talk about deficit reduction. In the UK, people are feeling a lot more pain than us right now…

  12. Nothing in the economy , Nothing , is gonna pick up until bama is GONE

  13. jeremysteele11 says:

    Remember those “rednecks for Obama” signs, Travis? That’s how much Bush’s administration was universally hated. Do u have a short term memory? Yeah, Obama made things worse but that’s because he just continued or added to what his predecessor had done. You fools keep falling for this bullshit game, going back n forth, back n forth between two parties controlled at the very top and beholden to the sociopathic corporations. You’re like Charlie Brown kicking the football and the two parties are Lucy n her twin sister. Keep playing the role of sucker even though there’s ample evidence elections r rigged. Keep wasting your yime.

  14. It’ll certainly be interesting to see what transpires in November; of note to the tinfoil hat brigade will be that Romney was invited to Bilderburg this year and Obama wasn’t. Discuss??

  15. jeremysteele11 says:

    If that’s true Randal then maybe those owl worshipping bohemian grove attending bilderburgers have decided that shit Mitt is it. Regardless of who wins, we lose.

  16. There are no Republican or Democratic politics in Not Animal House XXX which stars Asa Akira and a cast of 30. It will be in stores September 26th and the only politics are Dean Wormer putting the hammer down on the Delta house.

  17. jeremysteele11 says:

    A cast of 30? Damn, that sounds like at least a $6,000 budget!

  18. We have a two party system (like it or not , thats the way it is ) until something better comes along, whats gained by not participating ?

  19. As Jeremy, Karmafan et al have already stated the game is rigged and was ever thus. Still, “Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!” to quote Kodos (or Kang). It’s all bullshit and it’s all bad for ya. I do enjoy your debates on the second ammendment, however.

  20. jeremysteele11 says:

    What’s gained by not participating is acknowledging that the system is rigged, and not playing into it… and hopefully, if the media acts on behalf of the people (and not the corporations) what’s gained is a real change instead of just the usual bullshit words by puppet “leaders”. These fucking politicians are such phony, insincere bad actors, I can’t believe any one falls for their bullshit.

  21. jeremysteele11 says:

    And actually Travisty, its a one party system pretending to be a two party system with two politically/monetarilly controlled puppet parties/candidates dancing to the strings of a superior puppeteer.

  22. RickMadrid says:

    We need change! turn the page and move on.

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