AHF – Mandatory Condoms on Ballot

thanks Edward


from http://articles.latimes.com/2011/dec/01/local/la-me-porn-condoms-20111201

L.A. porn condom initiative moves closer to ballot
An HIV-AIDS activist group says it has collected enough signatures to put a measure requiring actors to use condoms in porn films to a vote in June.
    By Sam Quinones, Los Angeles Times
An HIV-AIDs activist group says that it has succeeded in collecting enough signatures to put an initiative on the ballot to require the use of condoms in the Los Angeles adult film industry.
The initiative would force any adult filmmaker who gets a permit to shoot in the city to require performers to use condoms and allow the city to charge a fee to pay for inspections of film sets, said Michael Weinstein, president of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, which sponsored the signature drive and intends to fund the initiative campaign.

6 thoughts on “AHF – Mandatory Condoms on Ballot

  1. So they want to force mandatory condoms AND want the porn industry to also PAY for the random mandatory inspections as well? just 2 more nails in the coffin for the California Porn Valley business.

  2. This was a very disingenuous way of obtaining 68,000 signatures by the AHF. Along with thousands of others in the LA area I was approached at a grocery store multiple times with a first petition regarding the death penalty then immediately asked if I wanted to sign a second petition in support of condom usage on adult movie sets, “because AIDS on adult movie sets and in actors is rampant.”

    I asked the guy for more info and he stated that “over fifty percent of porn performers carry HIV and are not tested.”

    Now of course we know this is not close to being true but any normal caring citizen might be inclined to sign this petition which apparently they did even though it really is not their business and ramifications of passage could bring additional problems unforeseen under the current system.

    I hope the Los Angeles City Council understands that this smoke-screen tactic was used to obtain those signatures and that it has enough sense to restrain themselves on any legislation or in putting this up for a citywide vote because there is no major problem. Based on past performance with regards to private business, it is more than likely the council will want to ‘regulate’ rather than promote business growth but the track record of the straight adult movie industry with respect to HIV is pretty darn good based on actual facts but I forget; facts really aren’t important in situations like these when it comes to people that enjoy controlling others.

  3. Michael Whiteacre says:

    This would only affect permit shoots. There are plenty of studio locations within the LA studio zone for which no permits are required, and there are many producers willing to shoot without permits. In any case, you can bet that an injunction against enforcement would be slapped on this monstrosity immediately were it enacted. This whole mandatory condoms debacle has always been destined to end up in the courts, and the courts are where AHF keep losing.

  4. jeremysteele11 says:

    I move for a measure to push an initiative to require a full, independent investigation into the grand HIV/AIDS hoax, started by a man tried for scientific misconduct and supported by an industry, which includes Weinstein, that profits mightely from this genocidal, money making fabrication.


  5. RickMadrid says:

    Maybe if all the asskissers and Cocksucker Professional would have taken care of Business over at FSC and the Other Professionals in the so call PORN industry we all wouldn’t have to deal with this , RIGHT? so stop cocksucking and asskissing and look at other places to go shoot like Instabul and or Canada and use those phony test to get the Girls in the shoots to perform, If they show up and don’t have a escort date booked by there pussy ass agents. Yeah its going to happen and I can see VIVID and WICKED and other companies saying”fuck this” were selling out and its time to go. AHF fucked this industry up and FSC has no more power other than suck and suck and suck. Bullshit!!.

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