Never B4 Seen Hunter Bryce Pics

By Jeremy Steele

During my photo-shooting phase, I got several pictures of the late Hunter Bryce which I’ve never shared until now. I never spoke with or interviewed her but she seemed like a nice girl. I’m sorry about her death and wish she could’ve held on to ride the storm instead of drowning in it. There are more pictures of her somewhere in my many volumes of photos if anyone would like for me to look for them…

22 thoughts on “Never B4 Seen Hunter Bryce Pics

  1. Menachem Schneerson says:

    Steele is fucking ghoulish. Next he’ll be putting up casket pics

  2. Larry Horse says:

    Pretty girl, how long ago were these pics taken? Way too bright also.

  3. She graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a double major in non-fiction writing and literature

    I thought this woman had some intelligence, yet she smokes cigarettes!? That is a stupid, nasty fucking habit(and one of my biggest turnoffs in a female..along with obseity). Yucko.

    Her college majors were a joke…no money in that…probaly why she went into porn.

    PIC 1: Trying too hard…holding a cig….ewww.

    PIC 3: The look on her face says: “What the hell am I doing here? I had a double major, studied all those years, got a degree…for this?”

    PIC 4: Forced smile…you can see the disappointment and unhappiness in her eyes

    PIC 5: Calling her dealer to make a score that will bring some temporary happiness to her life and help her fall asleep

    Thanks for sharing the pics Jeremy…but I think Ive seen enough.

    Sad to see a Steeler fan go out in such a weak way

    Jack Lambert would not approve

  4. jeremysteele11 says:

    The first one’s a good one, Larry, just wanted to show what I had. Yeah, I know the next two are over-exposed. I think it was last Winter.

  5. tigger_lover says:

    @goatlord – I get it, you don’t like cigarettes. No need to be a judgmental prick about it. But I guess since (apparently) you know exactly what her thoughts were when those pictures were taken, you know everything.

  6. @goatlord

    People smoke because their parents smoke. Its a genetic thing…

  7. Origen-that is a weak excuse

    Both my parents smoked…and I never had a desire to smoke that nasty shit.

    I did try it years ago (once), and I fucking hated it.

    I know certain traits can be passed over through genetics like drinking, cigs, etc. but you have to be strong enough to overcome it. You cant be a weak minded asshole. If the temptation is there then occupy your time with something positive…like going to the gym.

    Speaking of the gym, I heard Hunter Bryce also worked as a personal trainer which makes her smoking….oh wait, there I go again, being a judgemental prick

  8. rubikscube says:

    My mom smokes. When I tried to smoke cigarettes I just ended up coughing. I never understood why people did it. Does nothing for me.

  9. JohnnieMontecito says:

    Smoking to me is the number 1 thing that turns me off. I could deal with some weight just not smoking. It is weird but I seem to have less respect for those that smoke that grew up in the anti smoking age. I know being 38 no one under 40 has any reason to.

    The deal of your parents did is just lame. I grew up with parents that did. One is dead because of it. Its a sad habit to start.

  10. People smoke because they want to or at least wanted too to begin with. Nearly my entire family smokes but i never wanted to, genetics has nothing to do with it. I could care less who smokes and where. its a choice, smoke anywhere you want to, bars , restaurants, wal-mart , it doesnt matter to me. anti-smoking nazis are some of the most annoying people ever

  11. chitownie says:

    Holy shit! I agree with TW on something!!!

  12. Alot of kids start smoking in an attempt to be “cool” like other kids. Education at an early age about how bad nicotine is for you and show its not cool will reduce the number of kids starting smoking.

    Also many kids smoke because they saw their parents do it from an early age and it gets imprinted on them as they become teenagers and young adults. I never liked smoking cigarettes but do like an occasional (5-6x a year) good cigar.

  13. I don’t smoke anything either and I agree starting smoking in this day and age is just stupid.

    That being said, don’t like 90% of PWs smoke?

  14. tigger_lover says:

    I don’t smoke either, but it’s ridiculous to equate smoking with stupidity. People start smoking because it looks cool, because lots of cool people smoke. Eventually they get addicted. It’s not rocket science. And it doesn’t make anyone unintelligent.

  15. jeremysteele11 says:

    Cigarette smoking is the excuse to stand around and stare at people. It’s also a great way of making me sick, lol. It knocked off my grandma who smoked it for some 70years.

    My great grandma lived till 102, was alive in 3 different centuries 1898-2001

  16. jeremysteele11 says:

    Btw, I just read that scumbag, Menachflem’s quote the first time: “Steele is fucking ghoulish. Next he’ll be putting up casket pics”.

    Jesus, what’s wrong with you? Go crawl up Roy’s ass! You might both like it.

    When Leonardo DiCaprio at the end of Titanic, in memory, was dancing With Kate Winslet, after he dies.. that was “gholish” too, right?

    Mr. Butt Schneer, can’t you die already?

  17. tigger_lover says:

    Ha ha! You’re right, standing around staring at people looks totally normal as long as you’re holding a cigarette.

  18. Menachem Schneerson says:

    Peewee, you’re almost as bad as trannyfucker. Right after she died he was posting pics of himself fucking her

  19. Menachem Schneerson says:

    You didn’t see it because Cindy’s way of trying to help you nitwits win arguments is to not post my replies for 15 hours (if she posts them at all). She’s biased for fudgepackers like yourself

  20. jeremysteele11 says:

    The day you see or say anything positive in/of any one or any thing, Munchchem Schmeerbuns, your brain will cave in on itself. That sounds like something he might do. But I’m sure there was all love there. If someone died, who was into scat, I’m sure it would be “interesting “to see the memorial photos.


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