$5000 Bounty For Names of those behind PWL

From Keith:

"Someone emailed me stating you said I had something to do with PWL…. That is the farthest from the truth, if anything it’s the opposite."

The problem with this guy is that every time he opens his mouth he tells a different lie so it’s hard to know whats true and what isn’t

What I do have is someone offering a 5000.00 dollar bounty to anyone who outs the REAL owners of PWL. This person wants to remain anonymous which I will abide by unless he doesn’t pay up when the time comes.


7 thoughts on “$5000 Bounty For Names of those behind PWL

  1. jeremysteele11 says:

    How about making a list of people who can “sign” it, vowing to contribute a minimum amount of $10.00 (or whatever they choose) towards the total bounty? That $5000.00 can be raised much higher to, say, $100,000.00!

  2. chichiladouche says:

    At this point I wonder how many people actually care about the PWL issue. I mean look how small the talent turn out was for the FSC meeting, plus it just seems to me that there aren’t a lot of people (talent) that are coming out against this. Perhaps because of the attacks that Monica Foster and a few others have gotten the brunt of, but the number of performers who have either tried to remove information about themselves or spoken out against PWL is minuscule.

    As far as agents, studios, and other behind the scenes people in the industry only Mark Spiegler has discussed it publicly or actively discussed it. For the most part it has been silence or maybe indifference. So the question is, are people scared to discuss it, or do they just not care?

  3. I think that a lot of people don’t want to discuss is publicly but trust me when I say it is an issue being talked about behind closed doors with several studios.

    I do consulting work with a lot of people and I get to hear some of the behind the scenes talk about it going on. They are more upset by it than you think. Their biggest problem with it, and well mine too is not the just revealing of the porn stars real names but doing things like naming their children, posting pics of kids or posting the name of some porn star’s dad and his work number.

    That’s the kind of stuff that just more than crosses the line.

    However people like Monica Foster with her rants and claims of rape by a few people and making up stories about others has really distracted from the real issues with PWL which is why I am starting to believe the stories that she really is involved. That for some reason, maybe her new found jail house religion, has caused her to do this.

    I really don’t know but people like Monica Foster are the very reason a lot of people in the industry don’t want to publicly put their two cents in.

  4. So now I’m not just crazy – I’m behind PWL as well…wow.

    So where’s the letter from Jerry Aharony “Kelli” – clock is still ticking (and you’re in a panic along with your master).

    If I’m a liar take me to court and SUE me – I’m waiting. Funny how the truth hurts as much as it does huh “Kelli”.

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