Bad Ass Frank offers his Opinion on Gay for Pay

Op/Ed & book excerpt by Bad Ass Frank Prather

Bad Ass Frank has an opinion on the gay/straight crossover-

Many male performers have done, currently do, or will do gay porn. Gay or gay-for-pay, the risk is the same and it’s high. Is there risk in the heterosexual adult industry? Of course. It’s just that the risk is much greater when working with performers who have male-to-male sex. Gay performers will argue that they take the same AIM test every 30 days that straight performers do, and that’s fine. However their higher risk factor means that they are more likely to contract and possibly spread HIV in the 29 days between tests. A positive AIM test doesn’t prevent the spread of HIV, it theoretically stops the ADDITIONAL spread of HIV once it’s caught and people are alerted. Although not fool-proof, only condoms are going to prevent transmission. Whether you’re gay or straight, you’re playing with your life every time you perform or have sex without a condom. An AIM test is a joke.

I think the following statement says it all about crossover performers.

From, an HIV/AIDS resource site: "Jim Key, Chief Public Affairs Officer for the L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center, said people were shocked to learn through the campaign that 75% of the HIV infections in that city are in gay and bisexual men, though they make up less than 7% of the male population." …"HIV still has a hold on the gay community. Or, men who practice homosexuality, by any other name."

He also talks about it in his book, Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy. Here is an excerpt from chapter entitled, “Alfred Hugecock & Other Pervs”

Now, some male porn talent may run into the problem of a lull in work. It could be cyclic, meaning that the business has slowed down temporarily or, as of this publishing, permanently because of the economy. If not that, maybe he’s made a bad name for himself and many girls have put him on their “No list”, meaning that they refuse to work with him. Or maybe he’s just not good at marketing himself. Regardless, his work slows down.

What does he do? He may try to get into directing, thinking this is the road to riches (They all try. They all think that. They are all wrong.), or he may try pursuing mainstream acting (100 percent fail rate). When these don’t pan out, it’s not uncommon for him to develop an alternative income stream by having sex for money.

What, you ask? Isn’t that what they were already doing? Why yes, yes it is. But this time they’re having sex, for money, on camera! Okay BAF, now you’re just being stupid. That’s exactly what they were already doing. How is that an “alternative income stream” if they were already doing it? A legitimate question, dear reader, and one you must be prepared to hear the answer to, no matter how much it pains you. Two words….
Gay porn.

Yep, your beloved male pornstar may very well have sucked a couple of cocks for dough. It’s far more common than you think. There are multiple reasons that they choose to do this, not the least of which is money. The cash is simply superior than it is in straight porn. So it doesn’t take much to coerce Joe Donkeydick to be gay-for-pay. They’ll just come up with a different stage name, trying to keep it a secret, but that never works.

Invariably some blogger or bored fanboy discovers his dirty, anal secret and outs him on the message boards. Then it spreads throughout the industry and girls will surely start adding him to their No List, fearing the AIDS. It’s ironic because they’re certainly already fucking guys on camera that bang other guys, they just don’t realize it.

As time goes on I believe less and less female pornstars even care if the guys they work with have done gay porn or were gay in real life. One dude who works consistently is known for doing not only gay porn, but tranny (transsexual) porn as well. I actually saw a video of him being fucked in the ass by a giant she-male. And raw dog, mind you. No condoms for that brave fella.

Next time you’re watching some dirty movie and jerking off, try to keep in mind that the guy on camera may have been fucked in the ass just before he fucked your favorite on-screen slut. You’re whacking it to a gay dude. Enjoy!

To read more about his book, or to get yourself a copy clicky

14 thoughts on “Bad Ass Frank offers his Opinion on Gay for Pay

  1. jeremysteele11 says:

    Saying condoms protect from HIV is much like claiming wearing green tennis shoes decrease the chance of being raped. Chances are, no matter what color tennis shoes you wear, you’re not going to get raped. Likewise, the claim that condoms reduce the bogus “epidemic” of AIDS is not backed by science, only assumption.

    Let’s ignore that HIV is 50x smaller than the voids in condoms. If you believe without a doubt that HIV causes AIDS, and that the untested gay industry is running rampant with HIV, then testing is a better idea than condom use, because, in time, it will start cutting down the severe high numbers of HIV+ performers.

    The rate of HIV transmission with sexual intercourse is much lower than with other sexually transmitted diseases-approximately 0.3% per sexual contact with an HIV-infected person. Other estimates range from a high of 1 in 1,000 to a low of 1 in 10,000.

    On the otherhand, studies in failure rates in condoms vary, but are at, the very least 8.08%

    0.3% versus 8%… YOU DECIDE!

    At the same time, in one test, 33% of latex condoms leaked HIV sized particles. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. vol.19. 1992

    STDs are very tiny organisms, minuscule in size compared to sperm. These super-small viruses can get through a hole in a condom much more easily than sperm can. For example, HIV (the AIDS-causing virus) is so small that two million of the disease-causing agents could crowd on the period at the end of a sentence.

    IPPF indicates that the risk of contracting AIDS during so-called “protected sex” approaches 100 percent as the number of episodes of sexual intercourse increases. Cates Medical Bulletin, IPPF 1997.

    In 1993 the University of Texas analyzed the results of 11 different studies that had tracked the effectiveness of condoms to prevent transmission of the AIDS virus. The average condom failure rate in the 11 studies for preventing transmission of the AIDS virus was 31%!


    “Spillage from condoms occurs as much as 65% to 75% of the time.” Bjorklund and Gordon. Univ of Manitoba. Nov. 1990.

    “The rubber comprising latex condom has intrinsic voids about 5 microns in size.” The HIV virus is 0.1 micron. Roland, Rubber World. June 1993. Roland and Sobieski, Rubber Chemistry and Technology. Vol. 62, 1989.

    “Increased condom use will increase the number of [HIV/AIDS] transmissions that result from condom failure” and “a vigorous condom promotion policy could increase rather than decrease unprotected sexual exposure if it has the unintended effect of encouraging a greater overall level of sexual activity.” “Condoms and seat belts: the parallels and the lessons” The Lancet, 29 Jan 2000

    The only sure ways to avoid sexual transmission of diseases (including AIDS, chlamydia, genital herpes, genital warts, gonorrhoea, hepatitis B, and syphilis) are not to have sex at all or to limit sex to one uninfected partner who is also monogamous. Food and Drug Administrationc (USA) Consumer Magazine Sep 1990.

  2. jeremysteele11 says:

    In the meantime, I presume companies can still shoot by hiring committed couples to work with each other, right?

  3. jeremysteele11 says:

    No Joe, but the above statistics state that 33% of latex condoms leaked HIV sized particles while unprotected HIV+ infection occurs at a 0.3% rate. The world isn’t flat, but your head is.

    Just call me Dick Tracy (not the porn star) and you’re Flattop Joe.

  4. jeremysteele11 says:

    Btw, this book must certainly be on the N.Y. Times Bestseller list by now, right? šŸ˜›

    Another btw: I think those ear rings of his look gay.

  5. Jeremy,in a short story,what do you propose talents to do to prevent catching HIV?

  6. jeremysteele11 says:

    Thanks for the question, Leslie.

    First of all, we need to start asking questions, to ourselves and then of our officials and the authorities we faithfully trust. Always question authority! There should be no hostility towards anyone who asks questions. I think there are no such things as stupid questions, as long as they are sincere, because it should give those with supposedly all the answers a chance to make things clearer.

    I would first recommend we ask how these testing facilities identify HIV and show it to us. Is there any controversy regarding whether or not what has been identified as HIV really is “the virus that causes AIDS”? Has HIV really been isolated by our testing methods and if so, where is it?

    If someone told me I was HIV+, I would demand to see the evidence. Then I would ask people who may challenge the current mainstream beliefs to present their case. Like any standard trial, governed by judge and jury, there needs to be a presentation and examination of at least two different sides BEFORE verdict.

    In the meantime, here and now, we should segregate the gay and straight industries without hostility, the gay industry needs to test if the straight business is testing, especially since HIV is supposedly so much more prevalent on their side.

    I think the gay industry has absolutely NO RESPECT for gay people. They are as bad or worse than the homophobes for not having the same standard the straight business had. They just care about money, not lives, but what else is new in this world? Of course there is, likewise, no respect for the straights, either, as it effects us all.

    We need to get out of the dark ages, one step at a time. We can do that by doing independent research, arming ourselves with facts, presenting them back to each other and the authorities who confidently but often mindlessly just repeat what they’ve been told.

    There is no “epidemic”. That is a lie. And should we trust liars? No. But we should also be civil but firm about it… and rational. If the chance of catching HIV from an infected person in an unprotected act of intercourse is somewhere between 1 and 1000 and 1 and 10,000, then how could there ever be an epidemic? Also, how can authorities be going around making presumptive diagnosis without testing, such as what they do in Africa, in order to promote the argument that AIDS is killing millions worldwide?

    We should not be freaking out about HIV or AIDS because the fact is it’s very hard to catch and many people who are deemed “HIV+” never get sick.
    The “HIV = AIDS = Death” paradigm is a terror tactic lie which has been proven false, although such a fact does not sit well with those who rake in lots of money through their scare tactics.

    Also, many people have diseases associated with AIDS in the absence of HIV. AIDS diseases include diarrhea, pneumonia, kaposi sarcoma (caused by excessive popper use) cervical cancer (after this disease was added to the list is when HIV in women raised, but that was only because they added that disease to the list). None of the AIDS diseases are new. The linking of them all together under one banner, allegedly caused by a super tiny retrovirus composed of three simple molecules, is a new and still disputed hypothesis.

  7. applesmith says:

    Bad Ass Frank Prather is a homophobic media whore. Most gay and bisexual men do not have HIV. I’d be more worried about bisexual women whom straight porn readily embraces.

    And what about all those sleazy straight guys?

  8. jeremysteele11 says:

    The first two things applesmith says are accurate. The third thing is idiotic and the forth irrelevant. If AIDS was an epidemic it would have evened out amongst all groups, yet it’s still locked in the same community. Someone please provide some sensible stats which at the very least suggest what we’re being told by heathcare orgs makes any sense… what’s the chances of getting HIV? how many gays have HIV? does it add up or is something else killing the percentage of gays that are hiv+? how many of them use condoms knowing how rampant aids is?

  9. christianx says:

    This article is fucking retarded. Why in the world did Bad Ass Frank write a book about the porn industry? Let’s break this down –

    Bad Ass Frank ran Bad Ass Models, which had Sasha Knox, Hailey Young, Faye Runaway, and a few more hot chicks. I mean he had multiple girls that worked.

    You guys realize that every scene a girl does, the agent makes around 200 bucks from right? BAF ran his agency on his own, so if 2 girls worked each day, he made almost 400 bucks. Think about that for a second.

    How fucking incompetent, dumb, and lazy did Bad Ass Frank have to be in order to NOT succeed as an agent with good girls to boot? It almost doesn’t seem possible. All he had to do was answer the phone, write shit down, and he would make 10 grand a month easy. 400×30=12,000 dollars a month and you know it was probably more than that. But Frank barely owned a car, much less became even moderately successful.

    Let’s also not forget that both Hailey Young and Faye Runaway got “Bad Ass” tattooed on themselves for Frank. How funny is that?

    I just think its ironic that a guy who gave himself his own nickname, washed out of the easiest industry ever to make money in, and now writes a book where he purports to be an expert on said industry. And Cindi actually prints this bullshit.

  10. jeremysteele11 says:

    I bet the 2nd edition of this book is going to be re-titled, “Please buy this stupid book or this dumb ho will shoot me”.

    The 3rd edition will say “Please buy this book or I’m going to have sell my bad-ass”.

    I noticed he’s apparently reviewed his own book on amazon. Two 5 star reviews. Uh-huh, yeah, right. I’m sick of people reviewing their own shit or hiring cheap hacks.

  11. Larry Horse says:

    Frank has some good points above, as for his book, this is more proof almost anyone can write a book. Mr TF, leave Cindi alone, she lets you post your bullshit. Love your line: washed out of the easiest industry ever to make money in, huh? Must be easy if you take strapons, gay cock & tranny cock up yer ass. What’d the Earl take when he booked you on another tranny fest or straponandshit epic.

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