Scott Fayner Checks in…

Hey there, just saying hello and letting my two remaining fans know that I have an article in the June issue of Hustler (out any day now) about throwing a bachelor party for a friend in Nantucket that is a must read for them. Oh, and check out the Barrett Blade-directed The Vow by Wicked Pictures ’cause I wrote the script and it is pretty funny if I do say so myself.

15 thoughts on “Scott Fayner Checks in…

  1. jeremiahsteele says:

    Lookin’ good there! (I’m talking about the dog).

  2. The Colonel says:

    I hate dogs. I fucking hate those pathetic little buffoons as much as I hate children. I hope something catastrophic happens and wipes out all children and dogs off the face of the planet. Have you seen the futuristic movie Children of Men in which women can’t get pregnant and humanity is on the verge of extinction? That’s an ideal world to live in, that’ll be awesome.

  3. jeremiahsteele says:

    I hate those little shit dogs which bark real loud and non stop, but more than that, I hate the owners of those dogs who think there’s nothing wrong with a little shit dog yapping non stop. I might as well set off a few car alarms while they’re at it.

    The only problem with that ideal world, Colonel, is that we’d run out of barely legals to shoot. We’d have to hold on to all our barely legal collections.

  4. Um, thats great [???], except I read porn news all the time and have freinds whom have been in the biz for years. I havs never heard of the guy?

    I love when people write like they think everyone should know who the hell they are?

    It would have been nice to have given the people whom were not his fans “or” best buds a little info to who he is, so everybodys not like – “who?”

    Oh, as for dogs, we have 4 of them living next door, to my room. Everything sets this one idiot dog off, any noise will do it, and this beast won’t stop barking for hours? It totally sucks!

    As for kids, we need people to wipe our asses when we get to be 90 something […], who’s going to do that for you “if” young people cease to exist? Everybody has a place in this world and sorry to be the one to tell you this, but kids are our futures! If you dont have one, welcome to growing old and alone all by yourself. Its nice to have somebody who will always want to know how your doing. Just saying…

  5. come on guys…I have 3 dogs and love them as much as I love any person in my life. they are so important to me and have so much personality.

    to say you hate all dogs is the same as generalizing and saying all Mexicans are lawn workers or that all black people are illiterate. that’s crazy.
    checkout my dogs christmas photos from last year 🙂 the owners are to blame not the dogs. mine don’t bark unless someone is at my door or at a cat when we go for walks.

  6. The Colonel says:

    Jeremy Steele says:

    ‘The only problem with that ideal world, Colonel, is that we’d run out of barely legals to shoot.’

    I know the solution to that problem, my friend: We must start cataloguing whores and putting them in suspended animation. We then bring them out of their coma whenever our dicks get hard, use them to pleasure our stiff dicks and put them back in sleep. Dammit, I’m a fucking genius.

    And Misty, I don’t need kids to wipe my ass for me; I’ll hire some whore to wipe it for me with her tongue. Disposable, fast, hassle free.

  7. jeremiahsteele says:

    Hey Misty Mounds,

    Fayner bought LF from a stoner who shoots pov’s with girls you often don’t see, but he was too stoned to upkeep it. He even hired me as a ghost writer but he didn’t even get around to posting the things I sent him, so he probably sold it dirt cheap to Fayner just to get rid of it.

    As for the constantly barking dogs, just throw a large rock through their window. I’m sure they’ll get the message.

    We don’t need kids to wipe our asses assuming we live till 90. We have depends and old folks homes or Dr. Kevorkian, if needed.

    There is no future, that I can see, only right now.
    I would wait at least until after 2012 in case the world ends. If it doesn’t, we have to look forward to an ever dumbed down, roboticized population and maybe WWIII. Obama’s saying the biggest threat is nukes. That must be true as long as we keep esculating wars globally.

    All the money you spend on kids over the years, you could get a nice concubine to do all the ass wiping and nub rubbing tasks.

    And Colonel, I suppose the elite are way ahead of us, already. They’re probably cloning supermodels, children or goats (whatever their preference is) and keeping them in freezers as we speak.

  8. misty12 Says:

    Um, thats great [???], except I read porn news all the time and have freinds whom have been in the biz for years. I havs never heard of the guy?

    I love when people write like they think everyone should know who the hell they are?

    It would have been nice to have given the people whom were not his fans “or” best buds a little info to who he is, so everybodys not like – “who?”

    Scott has been writing about the industry for ten years. He started writing for Hustler, then at, and later to his own site If you say you read porn news all the time, then you should know who Scott Fayner is.

  9. The Colonel says:

    True, Jeremy, The Elite have already set their plans in motion: Underground complexes throughout Midwest especially in Colorado, FEMA Concentration Camps, frequent HAARP activities, etc. Looks like something serious is about to happen. I was thinking if they tend to execute their depopulation plan and kill off %80 of the world population, 2012 will be a good opportunity for them. This date is shrouded in so much paranoia and speculation, they can easily take advantage of mass belief and unleash hell on earth on or around December 21, 2012. The best part will be that people, the remaining survivors won’t suspect anything; they’ll think an age old prophecy has come true. That’s a pure example of how the line between the conspiracy and coincidence can get blurry sometimes; you just can’t tell which is which.

    In any event, The Elite can take whatever they want, but they can’t take 3 things away from me: My whores, my mini fridge and my .45.

    Fuck The Elite. Fuck them all.

  10. jeremiahsteele says:

    I’m ready to write and direct an Alex Bones (instead of Jones) conspiracy porno.

  11. I didn’t recognize him without the powder all over his nose

  12. jeremiahsteele says:

    The dog must’ve licked it off his face when they were making out.

  13. makes sense, no wonder the dog has such a long face

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