Jeremy on Bullys, in the World & on LIB


OP/ED by Jeremy Steele
Everyone has a right to be stupid; some people just abuse the privilege.

Recently a teenage girl from Massachusetts committed suicide following relentless abuses from other students, including online abuse.  Now 6 of those students are facing FELONY charges, and 3 others face lesser charges.
I say it’s about time!

Besides Massachusetts, it’s time to focus on the top five worst states to live where grade K- 12 bullying occurs: 1. California, 2. New York, 3. Illinois, 4. Pennsylvania, and 5, Washington.
School bullying statistics and cyber bullying statistics are increasingly viewed as an important contributor to youth violence, including homicide and suicide. Case studies of the school shootings have suggested that bullying was a factor in many of the incidents. Statistic say that about 100,000 students carry a gun to school.  School bullying statistics and cyber bullying statistics went on to say that teenagers say revenge is the strongest motivation for school shootings. 87% said shootings are motivated by a desire to “get back
at those who have hurt them.” 86% said, “other kids picking on them, making fun of them  or bullying them” causes teenagers to turn to lethal violence in the schools.
Every individual has their breaking point. Inevitably insults, humiliations and abuses lead otherwise gentile people to act out in extreme ways and for friendships and relationships (personal and business) to crash by design (sometimes in the worst way).
It doesn’t take a genius to figure this out, but usually those, who are busy abusing others, are too busy enjoying themselves to think about it, all the while believing their actions are impervious to consequence.
Logically, there is absolutely no other way to expect events to unfold.  It’s especially idiotic when a lover, friend, co-worker or business partner is abusive, because it’s like beating and not feeding a horse well
and then expecting it to work well for you.

Bullying definitely does not stop at school. Many of the “bullies”  you knew as kids grow up to be adult bullies and bullies at work.  They are fellow students in college. They are co-workers and even your
boss at work. They grow up to be the criminals of the world.
So stopping bullying at the childhood level has ramifications for us all. The bully at work is more common then you would think.

And for those adults who have not grown up, it’s time to focus on  holding adults accountable for their actions, as well; adults who have  never matured and still behave as evil children do, attacking and hurting
others for no reason than their sadistic gratification.
A bully is anyone that makes you feel like you are less then you. The bully usually has lost control in one or more areas of his or her development,  seeks to compensatebfor that loss of control, also has very little worth for him or herself.  All the efforts the bully makes to hurt others is an outward projection of the
contempt the bully secretly has for him or herself.
It’s time to start policing the cyberworld and weed out and identify the evil ones  for the public awareness.  If sex offenders have to registered, so should all offenders!
On solid ground there are laws against abuse. In cyberworld, however, it is a land of demons on wings roaming around without consequence. This must change.  Cyberworld needs it’s Wyatt Earp to law down some law and order!

Easter Sunday Evening: Following what was a nice Feaster (Feast on Easter), a movie (we watched the film adaptation of F. Scott Fitgerald’s "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button") and some music  (I put on Bonnie Raitt’s "Nick of Ttime") Lucky and I were just  enjoying ourselves, in a good mood, and while settling down for bedtime, we got on the internet to check emails and then lukeisback, where we
read the personal attacks of a self-evidently sick and evil man.
His ongoing mission: to personally attack, belittle and hurt others, even during religious holidays, time that is supposed to be spent with friends and/or  family (He has bragged how he is a parent, as if knocking somone up in an overcrowded world makes him a superior being).  It takes
a special type of lowlife to personally attack others during a religious Holiday.
Obviously, he is someone who has lost control in his life, for him to feel the need to abuse others who have never done anything to him.

I believe in "Free" speech, though in reality nothing is free. Every expression, good or ill,has it’s consequences, or at least should have it’s consequences. But as long as those who commit abusive acts of cowardice in anonymity believe they can hide, they won’t be held to pay and their abuse will only continue and esculate.

It’s time that internet abusers identities be tracked and revealed! Critcism and light-hearted fun poking is one thing. There is a clear difference, however between that and someone who is  obviously trying to pathologically and maliciously hurt others.
No longer should we allow abusers to hide and attack others relentlessly and without being held to pay. Adults who act like the worst type of children are evil and evil must stop. We must stop thinking it’s just
somebody else’s job or problem because we are all connected and affected.

88 thoughts on “Jeremy on Bullys, in the World & on LIB

  1. jeremiahsteele says:

    one of these days i’m gonna learn to be a better proof reader

  2. wow! OK, since my kid had to become a touf guy to survive Jr. High and then High School – I have a vast knowledge of bullies. My kid became one defending himself from other bullies and naturally weaker guys in school looked up to him, so they followed my son. Which got him in trouble in all the schools he was transfered to.

    He just wouldnt take their shit – somthing I told him to do… I said if anyone is picking on you, tell them to shut the hell up, and keep telling them until they leave you alone. You have as much right to exist as any of them, and if they try attacking you, and hit you, hit them back!

    He looks very white, but is spanish and jewish. In public school he was constantly fighting blacks and mexicans. One because he looks white and the other reason was because at 13 he was already 5’7 so he was tall and big, by high school he was 5’11, and all the short ethnic kids whom had something to prove, were constantly attempting to kick his ass.

    Its hard when your a parent having to constantly watch your kid go threw so much shit, just so he can get an education?

    So because of a broken school system, my son is watched, because he posseses the one thing our Government hates and watches – Leadership qualities?

    But they allowed these types of tough, leader kids to happen, by not protecting them.

    Weaker guys want protection from bullies, so they join a gang and then they feel that they have protection while they’re in school.

    I quess the same goes for a lot of junior high and high school girls as well, and they learn the gang mentality?

    I’m not saying that its right, thats just the way it is today in school, and the weak will not survive in public schools nowadays – they have to fit in or else, and thats sad.

  3. Mr. Steele,
    Very good article.
    By the way, can you think of anybody who regularly posts on this site that this might apply to?

  4. Why don’t you have a talk with my online stalker who has tried to find where I live for the past year, recently started blogs solely based on me, got Twitter imposter pages making people in the industry think it’s me, contact the head of Twitter to get me banned from Twitter, and try to pull my blog from WordPress. There’s so much more but that’s the gist of it. I even recently asked to be banned from a certain porn forum to get away from him temporarily but he still won’t leave me alone. It’s gotten worse.

  5. jeremiahsteele says:

    Thx Joe, I’ve addressed who I’m referring to. The abusers of this and other sites know who they are.

  6. jeremiahsteele says:


    Bullying is a form of abuse. It comprises repeated acts over time that involves a real or perceived imbalance of power with the more powerful individual or group abusing those who are less powerful. The power imbalance may be social power and/or physical power. The victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a target.

    Bullying consists of three basic types of abuse – emotional, verbal and physical. It typically involves subtle methods of coercion such as psychological manipulation. Bullying can be defined in many different ways. Although the UK currently has no legal definition of bullying, some US states have laws against it.

    Bullying in school and the workplace is also referred to as peer abuse. Robert W. Fuller has analyzed bullying in the context of rankism.

    Bullying can occur in any context in which human beings interact with each other. This includes school, church, the workplace, home and neighborhoods. It is even a common push factor in migration. Bullying can exist between social groups, social classes and even between countries (see Jingoism).


    Some schools with bullying problems have addressed the issue by adding CCTV cameras. Bullying is an act of repeated aggressive behavior in order to intentionally hurt another person, physically or mentally. Bullying is characterized by an individual behaving in a certain way to gain power over another person.

    Norwegian researcher Dan Olweus defines bullying as when a person is

    “exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons.” He defines negative action as “when a person intentionally inflicts injury or discomfort upon another person, through physical contact, through words or in other ways.”

    Bullying behavior may include name calling, verbal or written abuse, exclusion from activities, exclusion from social situations, physical abuse, or coercion. Bullies may behave this way to be perceived as popular or tough or to get attention. They may bully out of jealousy or be acting out because they themselves are bullied.

    USA National Center for Education Statistics suggests that bullying can be broken into two categories: Direct bullying, and indirect bullying which is also known as social aggression.

    Ross states that direct bullying involves a great deal of physical aggression such as shoving and poking, throwing things, slapping, choking, punching and kicking, beating, stabbing, pulling hair, scratching, biting, scraping and pinching.

    He also suggests that social aggression or indirect bullying is characterized by threatening the victim into social isolation. This isolation is achieved through a wide variety of techniques, including spreading gossip, refusing to socialize with the victim, bullying other people who wish to socialize with the victim, and criticizing the victim’s manner of dress and other socially-significant markers (including the victim’s race, religion, disability, etc). Ross outlines other forms of indirect bullying which are more subtle and more likely to be verbal, such as name calling, the silent treatment, arguing others into submission, manipulation, gossip/false gossip, lies, rumors/false rumors, staring, giggling, laughing at the victim, saying certain words that trigger a reaction from a past event, and mocking. The children’s charity Act Against Bullying was set up in 2003 to help children who were victims of this type of bullying by researching and publishing coping skills.

    Effects of bullying on victims
    The effects of bullying can be serious and even fatal. Mona O’Moore of the Anti-Bullying Centre at Trinity College in Dublin, has written, “There is a growing body of research which indicates that individuals, whether child or adult, who are persistently subjected to abusive behavior are at risk of stress related illness which can sometimes lead to suicide.”

    Victims of bullying can suffer from long term emotional and behavioral problems. Bullying can cause loneliness, depression, anxiety, lead to low self-esteem and increased susceptibility to illness.

    The National Conference of State Legislatures said:

    “In 2002, a report released by the U.S. Secret Service concluded that bullying played a significant role in many school shootings and that efforts should be made to eliminate bullying behavior.”
    There is a strong link between bullying and suicide. Bullying leads to several suicides every year. It is estimated that between 15 and 25 children commit suicide every year in UK alone, because they are being bullied.

    Characteristics of bullies
    Research indicates that adults who bully have personalities that are authoritarian, combined with a strong need to control or dominate. It has also been suggested that a prejudicial view of subordinates can be particular a risk factor.

    Further studies have shown that envy and resentment may be motives for bullying. Research on the self-esteem of bullies has produced equivocal results. While some bullies are arrogant and narcissistic, others can use bullying as a tool to conceal shame or anxiety or to boost self esteem: by demeaning others, the abuser him/herself feels empowered.

    Researchers have identified other risk factors such as depression and personality disorders, as well as quickness to anger and use of force, addiction to aggressive behaviors, mistaking others’ actions as hostile, concern with preserving self image, and engaging in obsessive or rigid actions.

    It is often suggested that bullying behavior has its origin in childhood:

    “If aggressive behaviour is not challenged in childhood, there is a danger that it may become habitual. Indeed, there is research evidence, to indicate that bullying during childhood puts children at risk of criminal behaviour and domestic violence in adulthood.”
    Bullies may bully because they themselves have been the victim of bullying.

    History of bullying
    High-level forms of violence such as assault and murder usually receive most media attention, but lower-level forms of violence such as bullying, has only in recent years started to be addressed by researchers, parents and guardians and authority figures.

    It is only in recent years that bullying has been recognised and recorded as a separate and distinct offence, but there have been well documented cases that were recorded in a different context. The Fifth Volume of the Newgate Calendar contains at least one example where Eton Scholars George Alexander Wood and Alexander Wellesley Leith were charged, at Aylesbury Assizes, with killing and slaying the Hon. F. Ashley Cooper on February 28, 1825 in an incident that would now, surely be described as “lethal hazing”. The Newgate calendar contains several other examples that, while not as distinct, could be considered indicative of situations of bullying.

    Types of bullying
    School bullying

    Physical bullying at school, as depicted in the film Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.
    Some states in the United States have implemented laws to address school bullying.
    Law prohibits bullying of students based on sexual orientation and gender identity; bullying for other reasons is allowed

    Law prohibits bullying of students based on sexual orientation only; bullying for other reasons is allowed

    School regulation or ethical code for teachers that address bullying of students based on sexual orientation

    Law prohibits bullying in school but lists no specific categories of protection

    No statewide law that specifically prohibits bullying in schoolsMain article: School bullying
    In schools, bullying occurs in all areas of school. It can occur in nearly any part in or around the school building, though it more often occurs in PE, recess, hallways, bathrooms, on school buses and waiting for buses, classes that require group work and/or after school activities. Bullying in school sometimes consists of a group of students taking advantage of or isolating one student in particular and gaining the loyalty of bystanders who want to avoid becoming the next victim. These bullies taunt and tease their target before physically bullying the target. Targets of bullying in school are often pupils who are considered strange or different by their peers to begin with, making the situation harder for them to deal with.

    One student or a group can bully another student or a group of students. Bystanders may participate or watch, sometimes out of fear of becoming the next victim. However, there is some research suggesting that a significant proportion of “normal” school children may not evaluate school-based violence (student-on-student victimization) as negatively or as being unacceptable as much as adults generally do, and may even derive enjoyment from it, and they may thus not see a reason to prevent it if it brings them joy on some level.

    Bullying can also be perpetrated by teachers and the school system itself: There is an inherent power differential in the system that can easily predispose to subtle or covert abuse (relational aggression or passive aggression), humiliation, or exclusion — even while maintaining overt commitments to anti-bullying policies.

    Anti-bullying programs are designed to teach students cooperation, as well as training peer moderators in intervention and dispute resolution techniques, as a form of peer support.[citation needed]

    American victims and their families have legal recourse, such as suing a school or teacher for failure to adequately supervise, racial or gender discrimination, or other civil rights violations. Special education students who are victimized may sue a school or school board under the ADA or Section 504. In addition, the victims of some school shootings have sued both the shooters’ families and the schools.

    Workplace bullying
    Main article: Workplace bullying
    According to the Workplace Bullying and Trauma Institute workplace bullying is “repeated, health-harming mistreatment, verbal abuse, or conduct which is threatening, humiliating, intimidating, or sabotage that interferes with work or some combination of the three.” Statistics show that bullying is 3 times as prevalent as illegal discrimination and at least 1,600 times as prevalent as workplace violence. Statistics also show that while only one employee in every 10,000 becomes a victim of workplace violence, one in six experiences bullying at work. Bullying is a little more common than sexual harassment but not verbal abuse which occurs more than bullying.

    Unlike the more physical form of school bullying, workplace bullying often takes place within the established rules and policies of the organization and society. Such actions are not necessarily illegal and may not even be against the firm’s regulations; however, the damage to the targeted employee and to workplace morale is obvious.

    Particularly when perpetrated by a group, workplace bullying is sometimes known as mobbing. It can also be known as “career assassination” in political circles.

    Main article: Cyber-bullying
    According to Canadian educator Bill Belsey, it:

    …involves the use of information and communication technologies such as e-mail, cell phone and pager text messages, instant messaging, defamatory personal Web sites, blogs, online games and defamatory online personal polling Web sites, to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behaviour by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others.

  7. While Darrah thinks that she can say whatever she wants about whomever she wants, without accurate facts, this is completely incorrect.Especially when those statements impact people’s business and reputations.
    Hiding behind her anononimity and libeling people knowing full well that she can get away with it is the problem that I have with her.
    She even puts a “disclaimer” on her “blog” that reads..” This blog is an adult industry news & gossip blog. This isn’t the New York Times and was never meant to be. I post what many others won’t or can’t for various reasons. If you’re looking for accurate journalism, you can leave and go somewhere else.

    My intent is not to hurt anyone but to expose the people who should be called out & to warn the others in the industry.”

    She refers to me as a “stalker”, yet stalks Jenna Jameson,libeling her on her site.
    She has even asked “how not to be sued”, and “since they can’t find me, they would just drop it and forget about it?”

    “My intent is not to hurt anyone but to expose the people who should be called out & to warn the others in the industry.”
    The same goes for me. I expose and warn others in the industry via social networking sites and adult forums about the “character” Darrah Ford.
    It’s the same as criticizing George Costanza, the character.
    Her blog, posted openly, suggests that her character has no problem being a public person. If you are going to call people out in this industry or the entertainment industry, she should be held to the standard that all other “bloggers” and “journalists ” are held to.
    To trash people via an anonomous “identity”, thinking that there will be no penalty imposed upon her for her lies and mistruths is vile and malicious.
    She also uses her Freedom Of Speech Right to air opinions and thoughts. Just like I do.
    I do like to do investigative duties, such as exposing hypocrisy. She is a hypocrite,reason being that she truly believes that she can say anything about particular identities without any reprocussions.But people cannot say things that have been proven about her.
    And to further my argument, I do not make these accusations without any merit.
    If she is allowed to proceed to deem one as a stalker,drug user,rapist, or any of the labels she willingly brands others with, her skin should be thick enough to be parodied, impersonated satirically, or have blogs dedicated to her.
    I have asked Cindy straight-up if I can post this.
    So, if you are reading it, the owner of this site approved these comments and does not believe that I am acting in an inappropriate manner.
    If you care to see the proof behind my claims, feel free to contact Cindy, and she will forward the requests to me.

  8. I read your b.s post for the reasons why you are herassing Dera?


    Are you now Jena Jamesons keeper? Jena has millions of $dollars$, don’t you think she can handle her own probs?

    Where the f*ck do you get off hacking sites, f*ing up other peoples lifes and work. Are you an internet watch dog? Do you get paid for waisting your time like that?

    And what gives you or anyone the right to do this shit to anyone?

    Did you ever STOP to think, that maybe, just maybe [???], the people that have beef with Jena, have lives outside their sites?

    I mean, you have a life outside of writting long and idiotic posts, about why you destroy and herrase people, because you dont happen to like them?

    Un f*cking believable, but knowing how many dumb asses there are like you in society […] who take sides for people they have never met, and abuse people they don’t know, over un-important shit, your actions dont surprise me in the least.

    And like I said before, the way your acting by admitting what you have done, and then giving us lame excuses about why you do the dumb ass shit that you do [???], makes everyone in reader land think you’re lame.

    Is that a good way to be percieved?

  9. BigDickDaddy says:

    Germy has always needed to step on soap boxes to get his little message out!

  10. My so called “long and idiotic posts” are at least not littered with spelling mistakes and stupidity.
    If one shouldn’t get in another’s business, don’t you think that Darrah can handle her own business?
    Why are you sticking your nose in my business?

    ” herassing Dera? “–I don’t know any “Dera”
    “off hacking sites”–what site did I hack?
    “Are you an internet watch dog?”–are you the LIB watchdog?
    “with Jena”–who is Jena?
    “because you dont happen to like them”–good point. I do not like her. I also do not agree with her ease in libeling people and thinking nothing of it.
    “And what gives you or anyone the right to do this shit to anyone”—The First Amendment–It allows me to post my opinions just like you post yours.
    “who take sides for people they have never met,”–I was pointing out the libelious content that D spews. She hides behind the fact that no one knows her real identity, thinking that it’s all Ok in “blogger-land”
    I can care less about “Jena”, as you call her.
    “the way your acting by admitting what you have done”–admitting that I call her and her posts out and the blatant way she uses her anononimity.
    She claims to have a BF that is a lawyer and has posted that she has a folder of info on me (or alluded that it was me at least) that her “BF” told her “never to use against that person”. If that’s the case, my first and last name are public knowledge, then come after me. The problem for her is that she has nothing but public forums to say that I said this and I said that. I am not foolish enough to write something on the internet that could hurt me. That’s not me . Nor have I ever written anything personally to her that was questionable.
    The funniest part about all of this is…I am here, and stand by what I write. There is no disclaimer, no bullshit like that.
    I will welcome any type of retribution from her, be it a lawsuit, a column putting all of my business out in public, and the attempt at differentiating what I post compared to what she posts.
    Last but not least, if she thinks that she wants to take me legally to task, she must give up her anononimity. I will welcome the chance to confront any accusations against me.Hope all you out in “reader land” understand.
    “Reader Land” What the fuck??

  11. jeremiahsteele says:

    Are you going to adultcon Roy Garcia? It’s time we meet again after all these years. Let me know and I will be waiting for you there, outside the front entrance.

  12. Blow my friends dog, is that good enough for you?

    You can’t write, and YOU totally SUCK!

    Why should I care about what some unisexed freak thinks, who judges his sex life by the size of his VISA bill?

    Oh, and you can read the story I wrote about you, on my site, and then say some stupid shit.

    On the, trust me – I really dont care what magot’s like you think! Why should I? Your’re nobody, and your post’s prove it!

    No more attention for you! Go crawl back under your rock and leave me alone… But thanks for the story.

  13. Hey redgoat, oops, i mean M.k.,
    Are you still threatening people on XPT that you are using your moderator status to track their personal IP addresses and attempting to identify them publicly?
    Is that a violation of the terms of usage on XPT Do the owners of XPT condone this? Doesnt the terms of service there mention that nobody associated with the site will identify posters there.

    Do the owners of XPT know that you have done this to posters in the past on their website? Just askin.

  14. You can say that my name is Mike.
    And, just FYI–Only the first six digits are exposed. The rest are encrypted.

    Aren’t you under a different name on Darrah’s “blog”?
    Is it “frog”, or “i was there”??

    If you are worried about what I do as a moderator, by all means, write to any of the higher-ups.

    The owners know everything I do, because I either reprint it up on XXXPT or PM one of them .And if you are calling what she puts out a website,think again.

    I love and adore the attention.

  15. Since Redgoat just outed himself, which I never did, here goes. He started hating me because of what I’ve written on my blog about Jeff Steward and Tony Malice. They own and run the XPT forum. Though they didn’t care but Redgoat took it upon himself to protect his new friends from big bad me. Jeff cared more so because his wife found out what I wrote, no thanks to Redgoat showing her. I never meant to hurt his wife but he did take his new girlfriend to a porn party where pictures of them were posted on AVN. A possible divorce could ruin JM Productions. So I saw the story as porn news because it could ruin the company. I also never once posted Jeff’s private pictures with his girlfriend but only the pictures of them at a porn Halloween party.

    Redgoat banned me on XPT because he found a year old post on my blog about Jeff and his Lamborghini. I was even getting the search terms “Jeff Steward JM Productions” to my blog which I found odd. That old post was bumped November 18, 2009 with a sad smilie face. I was banned from XPT soon after. The message on my XPT dashboard read that the reason for my banning was because of what I wrote about Jeff on my blog. Gia unbanned me while the blame was put on Tony because all the blame for anything on that forum falls on Tony.

    I’ve tried many times to be friends with Redgoat but he has serious problems. He turns on you at the blink of an eye. He once told me I had the patience of an angel because I replied nicely to him on XPT in a PM after he had sent me a negative PM.

    He contacted Jenna Jameson, Kim Kardashian, and other celebrities on Twitter very recently sending them links to what I had said about them. He goes against me calling me a Jenna “stalker” because I have 168 posts under her category on my blog. But she is the most famous porn star out there that the mainstream covers the most which means more stories and pictures of her are out there more.

    He also tried contacting the head of Twitter trying to get me banned. He’s tried pulling my WordPress blog for copyright of pictures. Though he seems to not know that a lot of pictures I use are sent in to me to use. But sees nothing wrong with all the copyright violations on XPT.

    I’ve always said if the real owners of the pictures want the pictures pulled, then either contact WordPress or contact me. I was contacted once by NY Mag to pull the Lindsay Lohan/Marylin Monroe pictures. So I pulled them. They said I could leave up one picture but the rest had to be taken down.

    There was someone else that contacted me to pull his pictures. But because of the severity of the post and what he was accused of, I kept the pictures up so to warn women about S.K. Redgoat and many at XPT ridiculed him and posted more pictures on XPT than I did and found every video he ever made I believe. I contacted WordPress asking if I had to take them down but he said no because the pictures were not private pictures. I specifically posted the pictures of him at conventions because those were fair game because they’re public. While many at XPT posted every single private picture they could find of S.K.

    Redgoat has now started blogs solely based on me. One on WordPress which has since been pulled. I didn’t think it could be pulled but had first asked WordPress if the blog could be labeled a mature blog because my blog is and his blog was about a porn blogger. He wrote me back saying the blog was pulled because it broke the rules.

    I could go on more but that’s it for now.

  16. Hey Jade, you’re getting old.

    Your gunt is hanging over your beltbuckle.
    I’m not insulted about you reprinting all of today’s fun and games on your “blog”, which is worse than Darrahs.
    Funny how you kept the comments section closed.
    Misspellings, not knowing the difference between “your” and “you’re” , and several things wrong with your paragraphs indicate that you are not very smart.
    Thanks for the attention, though.

    I’m linking it to XXXPT.

  17. redgoat Says:

    Aren’t you under a different name on Darrah’s “blog”?
    Is it “frog”, or “i was there”??

    I know who all three are and they are not the same. Three separate people.

  18. Redgoat,
    I am not those people on Darrahs blog. Now, do you have the balls to truthfully answer the questions I am asking you? Probably not.

    the question still remains,
    Are you still threatening poster on XPT that you are tracking their IP address in order to publicly identify them.\?

    Do you deny doing this?

    And since you probably wont answer I will.

    Yes redgoat has done exactly what I have stated here, and he does not have the balls to admit it.

  19. Thanks for answering your own question.

    As said in my earlier post, nobody except Jeff and Tony can see all of the digits of anyone’s IP Addy.
    The last part is encrypted.
    Do you know what that means? It means a human cannot read the rest of the address.

    I would love for you to find proof where I ever said anything about that . Put it up or shut up.
    Put up the proof.
    I can put up all of my PM’s that I sent.
    I have them all copied to Word for this very reason.

  20. OK you effing cocksucker I will put up..

    Go to XPT

    look up on the user list a poster named..morning

    go to search all posts

    on the second page there is a thread called ‘question for duke and red

    You will see that redgoat claims that he tracked the IP adreess and then he states..”Do you live in North Hollywood”

    In that same thread Redogaot itdentifies himeself as John Quinlin and says he is an employee of “adulttalenmanagers” and gives th phone number to that agency.

    So which is it cocksucker,,,,were you lying in that post about your identity and your ability to track IP’s, or was it true and you are guilty of acactly what i said you did.

    Its right there for everybody to see, and dont bother having it deleted….I have screen caps of every page.

  21. Which reminds me, he asked me very recently on Twitter if my real name is Amy. And long time ago, he also used to ask me if the letter of the city I live in starts with the letter C.

  22. Yes I remember Morning from XPT. Redgoat thought I was Morning though Morning knows more about the industry than I ever could. I still don’t know why he thought I was Morning. 😯 That was the time when every new person on XPT was accused of being me.

  23. It’s called “Net”

    That thread was one that I had forgotten about.
    It was all a con. I looked up ATM as an inside joke about Shy Love. She was the reason I ended up on XPT.

    John Sinlinlin (spelled correctly) is a nickname that “Fletch ” gave himself in the 80’s movie bearing the same name. There is no such email address and the phone number I pulled right from their website.
    I was lying in that post. I do not track IP’s from XPT. Once again, I cannot. And, for all of your research on me, you neglected to list one thing:
    I did not become a mod until July 3rd of 2009. You can look that up.
    Thus, I was not given the “secret handshake” and had mod things explained to me until after the Fourth Of July weekend. Then, later in the year, September 19th of 2009, Willie D made this post:

    A few explanations:

    1. I’ve been a mod for over 4 years. Plenty of time.
    2. I firmly believe in giving other people a chance to shine. Right now, I would prefer redgoat to take over my spot in the SL. He has already melted down one whore. His next target should be Drew from ADT.

    Can you screencap that for me?

    So, no tracking of mornings IP. Maybe someone traced it and told me the location, but 1, I had no access, and 2, it ONLY SHOWS SIX DIGITS.

    PS–I would never censor a post after being called out on it. I have pulled some of my own posts after they appeared to be a bad idea, and posts cannot be deleted unless by the mod in that forum.
    And, after a certain amount of time they are there forever unless Jeff or Tony delete them.

  24. Someone sent me the “contact info” that was listed in the “blog” info. (From PSB/Alexa)
    This is public info that was titled, “Contact List”
    Happily for you and for me, this is my last comment here on this subject. Kudos to joe whoever, for his research.
    Since I was not a mod at that time, is your next conspiracy theory going to be that I “asked someone else to do it”?
    And if that’s your question, please remember this: It’s always a lot more fun to let one think that you know more than you do.

  25. Look I’m not a big Darrah fan either […], but like you, she’s intitled to her opinion.

    But dude, setting up phonie acounts, under other peoples names [???], REALLY?

    You are an adult right [???], so why would you do some of the things you’ve been accused of?

    WOW! We’re all human, shit, I’m no one to talk, but trying to get someone or anyone banned from twitter?

    Sure, some of the things that Darrah does aren’t right, she should of thought about some of the things she wrote before she wrote them.

    But does it make you or any person better by getting back at anyone in such a brutal way?

    What does that really say about you, me or anyone whom acts that way?

    When I walk away from a stupid co-worker, rather than beating their faces in, I save my job and my sanity.

    You moderate XPT [???], those guys are cool – how could they allow you, to use your moderator privilages to attack people on the net?

    If you don’t like Darrah – stop reading her site! And if it really makes you happy keep talking mad shit about her – if you’d like? Which make NO sense.

    Sorry, I had to stop my rant to eat a radish, but Mr. Red Goat, fake sites – um, Darrah has a point, it is a little bit stalkerish: don’t you think?

    I’m confused, did Darrah personally, cost you money – in lost work “or” wages?

    And if she didn’t, it seems to me, that you might be a lot crazy, to constantly be going after anyone this much […] something Darrah claims you have been doing to her.

    Who knows [???], maybe Mr. Red Goat, theres more under the wire that you’re not telling us?

    Maybe [???], you’re Darrah’s jilted lover – whom feels betrayed over lossing the best lover you’ve ever had?

    Now that statement is complete and utter B.S. and these types of statements can and do destroy lives.

    Lets try being adults, and stop harassing people threw the internet because it – sucks!

  26. Oh, and thanks for the link, you make no sense [???], you attack me, say my site, writting and intellegence is lower than Darrahs. But then you add a link to my storry from XPT? Thanks […],I quess?

  27. jeremiahsteele says:

    Once again, I’m calling you out Roy Garcia, to meet me at adultcon this weekend, outside the front entrance. Let me know what time you can make it.

    You can blame yourself and BDD (yourself) for pushing me to this point. I promise you, however, I will be unarmed.

    Now, even if Roy Garcia wasn’t BDD, and I was hypothetically mistaken (which I’m not), I still got beef with Roy which needs to be settled.

    Roy Garcia and BDD have both insisted they are not the same person. But if they are the same person, would you expect him to ever admit it? So his denials should put doubt in no one’s mind.

    Roy Garcia has proven himself a liar and abuser. I used to think he was a good guy and back then I would’ve gone to bat for him if anyone had something bad to say. He used to book me for a lot of B/G magazine shoots for Hustler and he always commended me for ALWAYS doing having done a job well done and WITHOUT ANY DRAMA. I was always appreciative of the good paying work he got me, which was always booked in advance, and I always made sure to be on my best behavior and represent not only myself, but him well.

    Then one day, while hanging out at his home office, I noticed he was typing with two index fingers and told him if he needs help I can type 50wpm. He got visibly upset about it and after that HE NEVER BOOKED ME FOR A SHOOT AGAIN!

    LIE #1: After coming on LIB and insisting he is not BDD and that he has no problems with me, I reminded him of a repetitive BDD-like rant he once wrote under his own name about the top 10 reasons why Belladonna was crying during the Diane Sawyer ABC interview. Roy repeated over and over in capital letters that it was because she worked with me (in an anabolic gangbang).

    I once called him up and asked him why he said that and he said he had to go and hung up.

    LIE#2: While on LIB, To defend the lie I caught him on that he doesn’t have any problem with me, he made another lie claiming that I was bothering Belladona on the set, which is why he wrote that rant.

    Now if that was true, or even a story he had heard, you’d think that after I called him asking him why he wrote that that he would’ve explained to and chastised me for what he heard instead of just
    saying “I’ve gotta go”, hanging up, and never calling me back, despite my attempts to reach him. Again, this is a guy who spoke very well of me TO me prior to the office incident, and who booked me regularly.

    I still remember that shoot very well. I have never bothered Belladonna on that set or anywhere else. I invite Belladonna to state for the record here whether I’ve ever bothered her on the set, otherwise if anyone would like to ask her if I’ve ever bothered her, feel free to communicate that here. Sorry to get you involved in this Bella but this is what Roy Garcia said, and it’s a serious charge.

    Roy used to be an agent. Over the years, several girls have accused him of sending box covers (or threaTening to do so) of their work to their
    parents in retaliation for them leaving him. Now, I’m open minded to conspiracy theories, but this one doesn’t make sense that they’re all making this up about him.

    As for BDD’s lies: He has said a lot of fucked up things about me, but he’s also said that I’m the only one who “thinks” he’s BDD. This is a lie. Someone on LIB said BDD was Roy before I even knew or suspected it. Then someone who has worked for him told me it was him. Then I was told by someone who did an IP tracking search on BDD that it matches the area Roy lives in. BDD has admitted he’s hispanic and lives in San Diego, as Roy does.

  28. redgoar,
    You fucking little cocksucking faggot. Of course youre not going to continue posting in this thread. You got called on your little bullshit and now you dont want to play anymore. Youre a typical little internet warrior who wouldnt have the balls to follow through on any of the threats you’ve made.

    I think I will go to XPT now and bump that thread back up and link this thread to it.

    P.S. The lady who ownes the agency that you claimed to work for is very pissed off

    So, how does it feel to get called out and proven to be a pussy little bitch lying cocksucking faggot. And those are the words your mother used to describe you. Her name is Josephine.

  29. I was just informed that roy’s mother is no longer alive. I dont know if this is true or not. If it is perhaps we can dig up her rotting corpse and use it in the next JM Bukake video.

    Either way, she must be very proud of her little boy.

  30. Jeremy,
    Excellent article. And look at this perfect example provided ot us by redbitch. I call him on his bullshit little lies, nail him redhanded in his little lies, and now he says I’m not posting here anymore. Just like a little middle school girl who gets caught gossiping about her friends.

    Redbitch, and others like him(they are all little faggots) can dish it out but they just cant take it(unless they are taking it up the ass that is)

    No need to call him out Jeremiah, it would be a cold day in hell before a little keyboard warrior, faggot cocksucker like redbitch would ever have the balls ot confornt someone face to face. I know this, you know this, Darrah knows this, everybody whe has read this thread knows this. All of the above goes double for the Colon.

  31. The Colonel says:

    Ah yes, what did I miss? Little G.I. Joe on a rampage again. So what caused this latest meltdown, G? Is it because:

    A. You skipped your medication.

    B. Your relatives did not return your calls and did not come to visit you in your retirement home this weekend.

    C. You missed my fist up your old, ugly, wrinkled ass.

    D. All of the above.

    Admit it, G, you’re just a dime a dozen piece of shit. You can come up with multiple user names, browse porn message boards all day long while pissing and shitting yourself in your wheelchair, keep hitting keyboard buttons like the desperate, frantic, sick monkey that you are and type your pathetic rants in broken English. Doesn’t change a damn thing, G, in the end you’re just an obsessed, fucking loser; and your ass is mine and will be mine until the day you die.

    Here is your favorite line again, G:

    Fuck you, you fucking idiot loser. Suck my dick.

  32. The Colonel says:

    Go ahead, G, run wild and continue your rampage; don’t you fucking stop. I ain’t got a crystall ball, but I clearly see a heart attack in your near future. I hope when that happens I’ll be notified so I can come to piss and shit on your grave. Promises, promises, G.

  33. WOW! I’m tired, last night a 25 year old guy recieved 44 lap dances from me in a row. So excuse the non-scholar writing, it gets worse the more exausted I am. And trust me, lately I’ve been exhuasted.

    I try to come out with, good, original writing. The Obama story about the health care bill was hard, but I did it, and have a job, and a lover, and help my dad almost everyday with my grandma.

    So excuse me, to the english Nazis in the world!

    You know the funny thing is, a lot of people whom post on some of the porn sites and porn forums, generally are the ones who are allways calling others stupid?

    These people cant even read what was said, without nit picking the spelling. They wont give the spelling challenged a chance.

    Its funny to me that red nuts – said Im the one who’s stupid [???], please, he’s the type of guy whom assumes anyone whose a woman, but cant spell, has to be an idiot.

    Two people in my college logic class, recieved A’s in that class, and I’m one of them, with a 3.7 grade point average, when I left college.

    The reason I droped out with only two classes to finish, was because I have math anziety, and would panic before test’s. But as far as being dumb, I have the grades – so shove it!

    Coming from a guy, who gives Darrah power, and makes her feel like a super star by acting like shes important enough to talk about, and stalk […], but Im stupid, lazy yes, stupid no!

    I’m disapointed in the Col. because he lowered himself by creating cuts, and just had to get into the action, but that shit was funny thanks.

  34. The Colonel says:

    You’re welcome, sweetheart. I know you love me, Sophia, I love you too.

    Back to Little G. I. Joe, looks like the lights are out at G’s retirement home in Tujunga, CA. Poor, miserable, fucking buffoon. I’ll leave a message for G to read tomorrow morning and respond :

    G, you are a sack of shit, and you will always be a sack of shit until the day you die on your wheelchair, most likely from a heart attack during reading porn news and gossip. Now shove one hand up your ass and start typing your retarded rants with the other hand. Entertain us, G, be a good monkey.

  35. joe know —
    Welcome to the world of the internet warrior.
    Seems like you do a pretty good job of throwing jabs behind that keyboard as you claim I do.
    Except that your research is wrong.

    I explained what I had to explain.Every point that you made.
    What about the non-access to the stuff when I was not a mod??
    I think that is a smoking gun.

    That is and has been your whole point. How do you explain it?
    You saying that I would not have the balls to say the same things face to face to one as I’m saying here.
    I’m in NJ….You seem to know and I would be glad to meet you face-to-face.
    Except that I have no handicapped entrances.

  36. WOW!! You guys are really a bunch of fags arguing about adult message boards… Do you guys to anything else besides be lame ad fight about stupid shit that doesn’t matter??

  37. The Colonel says:

    Forget it, Red Goat, this asswipe Joe Know used to spam LIB message board under the user name The General. After getting ass fucked and being put on moderation for constant trolling, The General AKA Little G created an alt ID and became Joe Know to continue the same erratic, pathetic, stupid rants in broken English. This disabled, retired senior citizen is a severely delusional loner who has a a twisted love/hate relationship and a sickening obsession with pornography. Sitting on a wheelchair at a retirement home in Tujunga, CA, Little G. I. Joe browses and trolls porn message boards until getting grinded to shit and being put on moderation and getting banned; then creates new user names and comes back for more contempt, more humiliation and more ridicule; and will repeat this vicious cycle ’til death. That’s Little G. I. Joe’s meaningless, worthless existence in a nutshell.

  38. joe truth says:

    ih8u I agree. It is amusing to read this thread. The real funny thing is none of these people have anything to do with the real adult industry. Such as distribution,marketing or anything that really makes a difference. I do know Jeremy he worked for me years ago. So I know he is legit. I must also add that he was an asset to the shoot. But these other people. WOW! They are funny. By the way Roy Garcia did work from me as well. Nothing remarkable to say good, bad or other wise regarding my interaction with him. As far as the Colonel well I know he is legit as well and I like his writing.

  39. jeremiahsteele says:

    Thanks Joe. It’s nice to hear nice things for a change. Wish I knew I knew who you are or what scene you’re talking about. I assume it was B.V. (b4 viagra).

    Boy has this thread of mine set alot of people off!
    I must’ve done my job well.


  40. Roy Garcia says:

    Some friend called today and told me about this thread. Looks like Germy Steal can’t let go of the illusion that I’m BDD. I’m not BDD, that’s the fact and I don’t give a shit what Germy Steal thinks, nobody gives a shit about this midget loser. Let him jerk himself off to sleep and makes whatever stupid fantasy he likes in his deranged mind. If he has a beef with me, he knows where to find me. I can even send some bus ticket for him since he’s broke, piss poor and living in a rat hole apartment. Fuck him.

  41. You know, I tolerate a lot of SHIT from cocky PORN PEOPLE, whom think that they’re f*cking royalty? WTF? So now, because 0u812 says that you have to be in the KNOW “or” working in porn since you turned 18 “and” had better be turning grey, before anyone will give a shit about anything you have to say? I say f*ck that! Ya, some of the talk is rediculous, but they should have the right to talk about whatever they want, as long as its not illegal.

    Hearing anyone say, your nobody because your not a distributing, director/producer, is f*cking offensive!

    What [???] Cindy, the guys whom run xpt or or Derrah, jeremy, powder or me, whom all run porn news and gossip sites, are NOT IN THE KNOWN? Because either we’re behind the scenes and don’t have retirement funds and equity in the XXX industry somewhere?

    Supper lame!

    When porn started, it was started by young guys, who could not make it as [real] directors in Hollywood, and now theres a porn elitist group, minus any of the benifits?

    The mans stupid – right? When porn starts paying ALL of the talent what they’re really WORTH “and”stops attempting to rip all the talent off, with no future checks from any of the movies made […], the XXX industry should be glad they get away with treating the talent and grips on the sets the way they do. These self rightous, hot aired, windbags, should be greatful and just say thanks that women and men whom spend hours sometimes, spend any time writing about their ungrateful asses, lets not forget the photographers and those people whom edit porn fans comments.

    It’s beyound a closed mind, not to want to invite and include normal people into the closed, closeted world of porn. We want people to like the XXX industry and not asume things, and thats why everybody should be allowed to make comments and become writers if they want to.

    Please stop insulting the people whom are working hard so you dont have too. As for the assholes whom think they’re so fucking famouse, I dump shit bags like that, they totally piss me off!

  42. jeremiahsteele says:


    Same BDD language, Roy.

    You should try being just a little bit more creative:
    “Germy”, “midget”, “loser”, “bus ticket”, “rat hole apt”. It’s amazing how much you and BDD think alike and use the same words to toss out the same insults. The only difference: you changed Steel to Steal.

    At least you’re smart enough to type from another computer than you usually use.

    And you imply that you don’t read this site, too much, and have friends, while talking as you always do.

    Thanks again, though, for all the jobs you got this “midget” back around the turn of the century. Maybe it’s because this midget has a bigger dick than you, BDD, AND did a good job for you over and over again.

    Why don’t you get Belladonna to testify on your behalf, you piece of shit, that I was harrassing her on the set, as you claimed. I doubt she will, since that never happened.

    Logically, she knows you’re lying, as much as I do. And she’s well loved in the business and has lots and lots of friends, so I’m sure they’ll all know you’re a lying piece of shit, as well.

    You started this, long ago, for no fucking reason. You really thought I was trying to put you down for offering you assistance typing? (As you can see I don’t mind writing/typing. I tend to do it a lot). Is that logical when you were getting me work? No. But you’re not a logical person. You’ve got a lot of problems, more than any midget or homeless person can ever have. You better pray there’s no fucking God (of course, if that’s true, who would you be praying to?).

    Exactly when would you say that you lost your mind and became a complete sociopath, Roy? Of course, you do it surreptitiously, not out in the open.

    I fucking warned you, asshole. People kill others over the kind of shit you have pulled repeatedly, but you keep on pulling it. You think hurting and attacking people over and over is fucking funny; as funny as mailing box covers to pornstars’ parents.

    Wankus enjoyed the picture of your cock that you mailed him, btw. Maybe it’s time you fucking grow up before you end up dead. Noname Jane said you were a child, then, too.

    You keep abusing people who have never done anything to you, and girls who are not obligated to be represented by you for life, and it will catch up to you.

  43. Larry Horse says:

    Roy and BDD cannot be the same person. I would assume that if they were Cindi or the Colonel would tell Steele cause of the tone of the language. We know Sophia is multiple people, but this shouldnt be a surprise. Steele, dont be surprised if BDD is someone you’ve worked with or for in the past.

  44. jeremiahsteele says:

    Look, Larry you just idolize BDD too much. This jackass is like Zorro or Robin behind a mask. Your thinking is clouded because you think he’s the Messiah, however. That’s your problem.

    Look, Larry, I got super-duper skills. My late granddaddy was some kind of police chief, or something. And I’m Sherlock Holmes, hommie!

  45. Roy Garcia says:

    You’re not Sherlock Holmes, you’re Germy Steal and you’re so stupid it’s not even funny. If you’re sure I’m BDD and I’m fucking with you, then why don’t you come visit me so we settle this once and for all? Look asshole, I don’t like you, but that doesn’t mean I would sign up on a forum with an alt ID just to fuck with you, because I don’t care about you, you don’t even cross my mind. Get a life Germy Steal, you midget loser.

  46. I once suggested that JM Productions should make a movie based on the lunatics at XPT. I now say a movie should be made on the cast of characters from LIB instead. 🙂

  47. Dear Roy;

    Most, but not all male performer’s are dellusional, mental, nightmares.

    Case in point, the last entertainer I saw, told me to let him post, mine & Jerys fight on (I believe it was?), he said that if he hadn’t, Jeremy would. So it was in my best interests, to do to him, what he would probabably do to me. But, I had to primise never to mention his name to Jeremy, because he didn’t want any beef with him? Knowing that I’d be the one taking heat from Jery for the next 2 years over it.

    Why would he put me in harms way like that? Because he’s a drama king!

    Oh, this story gets better, so he found out, that I was seeing one of his friends.

    So me and his friend, get in a fight, he then sides with his friend, calls me and tells me not to provoke him, because hes crazy, says all guys like him are crazy. But then sides with him? What kind of friend or person does that?

    OK, so this past Christmas, I caught him in an act so horrifying, that I dropped a class, which I was about to drink out of, and broke it into a million peaces.

    Did he ever appologize for it? All I got, was a series of excuses, oh, and a sorry, that he haden’t given me the heads up on what he was going to do.

    So after, I told him no more, because he went and told Jeremy I’m crazy, knowing how much shit he had started and done. He told Jery that I had texted him over 50 times? My phone has limited texting capabilities, but I never texted that asshole 50 times!

    So I threatened to oust his little bad habbit to the world, so he threatened me with; “I have investor’s whom will kill you if they intercepted your text messages on my phone!”

    So I told him, and this is true, that my son who’s 18, 6 ft 1 and mean, would with a few of his friends, pay him a visit. He then pussys out and says: “does he know where I live?”

    So after that, I gave this magot, one more chance [???], because I still thought he was nice? But, I just did not like him anymore, especially after he made a fool out of himself, on a shoot we worked on together.

  48. Story continued.

    I finally called him, and said I dont allow any man to treat me like a permanent booty call/socor mom, and he then tells me: “I’ve given you a lot of chances [???], move on!”

    He told, prior to our shoot together, my female agent had friend requested him on myspace, and then I’m working with him? And she’s paying him 50 dollars extra to drive me. So right after, I told him off, my agent stopped calling me?

    I tried to tell his friend, whom I still see, not to trust this guy, he’s an insecure, jelouse, hater, who said so much shit about Jeremy, and him, that I said don’t trust that guy. Oh, and he thinks Christian XXX is out to get him too?

    So what kind of treatment, did I get for attempting to warn him about a back stabber? He yelled at me, saying, that he was his friend and bros before ho’s, didn’t want to hear about it, and yelled at me for 4 hours. Because I had mentioned another guys name in his house? Even though I hate this guy, and told him I hate his guts, and didn’t want to see him, get f*cked out of work, like I had.

    So, I’m at the gym and the back stabber goes to the same gym as I do, I shun his ass, despretly trying to ignore him, which bothered him. So I get dressed, and am headed for the door, and quess who’s standing there? He is, and has to give me a hug, and smiles?

    Afted being yelled at for 3 hours by the giy I’m still friends with, I split, rather then taking anymore of his B.S., he follows me, says calm down.

    He said the reason he was so mad […], he compared it to some chick whom hit on him that he couldn’t wait too f*ck [???], how is that the samething? I don’t want to f*ck that dude, kill him maybe, f*ck him, no way! So we made up, I had to make him breakfeast, clean his house [???], to make up for a fight he started? And cleaned his house and did his laundry [???], so it would be clean for a booty call, that he was going to have that night?

    But thats the type of assholes, you will be dealling with, if you befriend a male porn star, so don’t feel so bad Roy.

  49. jeremiahsteele says:

    You sure liked me Roy and booked me all the time until I offered you assistance typing, MORON.

    I think skankfuk has summed it up well (see below).

    Regarding Misty Mounds post: I have no idea what I just read. Any one have any clues?

    BDD recently said “Germy Steel” is the only one who “believes” BDD = RG. Why would he say that when we have from the LIB archives:

    “BigDickDaddy = Roy Garcia?”
    1.skankfuk Says:

    Definitely. I notice his vitriol getting weaker as this is revealed.

    Roy Garcia = Peter Romero …look him up…he shoots or did shoot for Playboy’s sites …he drops Playboy’s name a lot and has a rep for refusing to pay talent that perform for him. He used to be talent years ago as Peter Romero. He owns …he used to be a playgirl model but now he’s fat. He ran an agency (sort of) called Sex Symbols Talent Management ( – which now links to San Diego real estate) and is a great recruiter of female talent; He brought Bree Olson & Cody Lane into the business among many other top talent….but he’s a hot head who has burned more bridges than he’s built and failed at more than a few ventures and he has fallen so far out of the community (he lives in San Diego?) that it’s believable that the angry, cynical voice of BigDickDaddy is in fact the dishonorable Roy Garcia aka Peter Romero.

    wankuslive Says:

    It would certainly explain his relentless Wankus hate. I’ve mocked his used car salesman/best buy producer approach for years. And, he is always talking about his dick…in fact, in a bizarre communication by email when I first met the man, he sent me pics of his dick and raved about how he gets newbies to “audition”. You go Roy! Got a lot to say but can’t use your own name to say it. Very sad.

  50. joe truth says:

    WOW!!! The loons are active on this one. First of all the rants are amusing. I don’t know what this is about?? this is some hysterical stuff here I cut and pasted for you to ponder. Here are some quotes I will comment on.

    “Hearing anyone say, your nobody because your not a distributing, director/producer, is f*cking offensive!”

    1. I have not seen anyone or myself use the vernacular regarding other people as a “NO BODY”. If I personally thought that I would state it.

    2. This is a business and a job. If your products and or service do not make money then it is irrelevant. Again the industry is not a good friends club or a high school click. This is how people feed families and put kids through school.

    3. With out products, distribution and sales there would not be anything for you to gossip about. We do not invest our money in a business and create a company for some parasitic nut job to pretend they are part of that.

    “What [???] Cindy, the guys whom run xpt or or Derrah, jeremy, powder or me, whom all run porn news and gossip sites, are NOT IN THE KNOWN? Because either we’re behind the scenes and don’t have retirement funds and equity in the XXX industry somewhere?”

    1. What is your news about?
    Answer: People that make and produce products.
    It seems you want to be the news with the he said she said lame childish garbage that makes no one any $$$ what so ever.
    Please get over your self and try not to get angry.
    Just try to be better people. We all can work on that

  51. Roy Garcia says:


    Thank you for the story. Looks like Germy Steal had caused you so much hassle and pain, too. This man is a delusional lunatic, and has a long reputation in abusing and stalking female performers. It’s in your best interest to ignore and avoid him. I would have loved if he had balls and bus money to come visit me and spew his bullshit in my face so I could teach him a fucking lesson. But knowing Germy Steal, I know that will never happen.

  52. Larry Horse says:

    BDD isnt my Messiah Steele. I dont have a Messiah. I do enjoy when you and him go at it, its like when the Colonel digs in with many folks. The Colonel has wiped the floor with many a jerkoff. I dont beleive BDD and Roy are the same person. I also dont believe that Steele is the person Roy described above, in fact I dont remember BDD saying Steele stalked anybody.

  53. jeremiahsteele says:

    Understand Larry, he’s making shit up now to deflect attention off himself.

    Aw, isn’t this cute. BDD+SM = BFF.

    Keep making up more shit, Roy. First you say I was harrassing Belladonna on the set of her anabolic gangbang. Now you say I have “a long reputation in abusing and stalking female performers”. Your credibility is as strong as the credibility of your new BFF.

    Sophia/Misty is the same person who recently said racist shit about Lee Bang and called Sophie Dee a “peace” of shit, and labeled them the most hated couple in porn. But I’m glad you two are buddies now!

    It seems your mental illness Sophia is getting worse every day. Your writing is incomprehensible and you don’t even know who Roy is, yet you instantaneously side with him. However, Roy liked your writing. Maybe he can explain to the rest of us what you just said. You should also do a p.o.v. with him. You might as well meet him in this world and get acquainted before you meet him again in Hell.

    I’ve been civil with you lately, Sophia, despite all the evil shit you’ve pulled (and anything I’ve ever said on the net is after you attacked me -in more ways than one-, forcing me to address it publically). I can see your post is mostly addressing someone else (It must be your ex bf Ryan), not me.

    Sophia “Misty” Mounds wrote:

    “Case in point, the last entertainer I saw, told me to let him post, mine & Jerys fight on (I believe it was?), he said that if he hadn’t, Jeremy would. So it was in my best interests, to do to him, what he would probabably do to me. But, I had to primise never to mention his name to Jeremy, because he didn’t want any beef with him? Knowing that I’d be the one taking heat from Jery for the next 2 years over it.”

    I have no idea what you just wrote or what you’re talking about. Do you really think anyone does?

    Why do you keep doing this to yourself, Sophia? You make yourself look bad to everyone except Roy Garcia who’s in desperate need of a friend. Three different people have told me you have text them 100 times per day.

    I’m telling this to you for your own Good, Sophia. You’re getting crazier all the time, not better. Seek help. Your English and comprehension skills are getting worse all the time, showing that you are getting more and more out of touch with reality, as you have been. You’ve written a lot of stupid shit and lies but I can not accuse you of lying here because what you wrote isn’t even comprehensible.

  54. The reason I didn’t mention his name, “or” the other performers names Jeremy, is because both these people have made threat’s to do me serious harm.

    I was not ripping on you, other wise, I would have said you had done something. I was stating a fact, that a lot of male performers like you, get so psst off over nothing?

    And you proved my point, by assuming that that post was aimed at ripping you apart [???], which was something it was not doing! You know who I’m talking about, and it’s not Ryan.

    Thank you Roy, assumptions are the mother of every f*ck up, I have been accused of shit, that I have never done, by people whom [act]like Jeremy.

    That is not [insane] which is a word that many, many, many, male performers, love accusing people of being. They’re generally the ones with the problems. The really crazy people, are the people who keep accusing everyone else of how unstable everyone else is!

    As for the post about Lee Bang and his wife, that was a bunch of made up B.S, to prove just how silly people are “and” they believed it, it was not a true story, and it only proves how unintelligent, racist and full of shit some people are – to have believed any of it! And how much certain individuals love stupid gossip, and assume that I was telling the truth,(because all of this negative shit, that people [like Jeremy], have been putting out there about me for years, has made people believe that I’m some-kind of Anti-Christ, crazy bitch, which I’m not! And I’m really sick of it!)- without asking, or checking out the facts.

    I was not siding with Roy, Jeremy, I am saying that many, many, performers have anger problems, and are ready to burn their friends, all over a bunch of B.S.

    Real adult’s after a while let things go!

    Lot’s of people have done, and said very bad things about me, if I had beef like you have beef with Roy, with everyone, whom has ever done something bad to me, I’d be 100% crazy by now, or in prison for the rest of my life.

    Learning how to let things go, is better than constantly trying to get even with someone for the rest of your life.

    I just tend to leave people alone, and never talk to them again if I hate them. If someone has done something to you, never speak to them again, they only have power if you give them that power.

  55. I wanted to read this Jeremy, but your usual knack for being totally succinct made me stop. I do however commend you for writing and of course the anonymous ass clowns here and everyone else know who they are.

  56. jeremiahsteele says:

    Sophia, why did you capitalize “or” in paragraph 1 and “and” in paragraph 6?

    Stop ending non questions with a question mark!

    No, I don’t know who you’re talking about.

    Reread what you wrote. It’s not just a matter of who. I have no idea WHAT the fuck you are talking about. Don’t expect anyone else to, either. If you want to mention people without names, say “Man A”, “Man B”, etc.

    No, I don’t get pissed off over nothing, but I wont get into whatever you’re referring to that you call “nothing”. Just remember, you started it, not me.

    What inclined you to make friends with Roy? You made that piece of shit think you were siding with him. Just realize, if he was your agent and you decided to leave him for another agent, your dad would be looking at copies of your milf movies right now.

    Well, re: Lee and Sophie, I guess you’ve proven that the rest of us, unlike you, of course, are all “unintelligent, racist and full of shit” because you fooled all of us.

    Al, thanks. I know I’ve ragged on you for your articles sometimes so I guess I can expect such a response.

  57. Um, you’re right, I should have used the words guy 1, or guy 2: “I don’t know why I didn’t do it, maybe it has something to do with being affraid of the retaliation, that might come my way, because of writing that post.

    The question marks are saying [why?] would that be, or like it’s unbelievable, and my hyphines are part of my creative writting, to emphisize certain words, or sentences.

    I’m not an english major [???], are you an English teacher?

    My turn, since you have bothered a few people “and” talked smack about them over and over – on Internet forums, [?why?] did you write about being bullied on those forums?

    Why do you continuously play the victim all the time Jeremy? Is there any real value in acting like a victim? The oh, whoa is me, is getting a little old, you never act like that in private – so, is begging for sympathy from strangers, really working out for you Jeremy?

    You’ve been nice lately [???], you still continueosly call me stupid “and” insane — but you’re being nice?

    So whats not nice [???], re-posting long and borring rants, about our ancient hystory?

    From a posters opinion on this board, said, “no one knows who I am, so why would anyone care about me?”

    I’m not making low cuts, I’m not calling you names [???], like you call me — “whats the point, who really benifits [???], when [we] act like idiots Jeremy?”

    Do you like people laughing “and” making fun of you behind your back, because of what you post, on forums like these?

    If anybody should talk about Internet bulies [???], it should not be either of us, because in the past we have been quilty of doing this very thing to each other.

    At every available turn, you put me down “and” try to belittle me to the world. Your intitled to your opinion, and opinions are just that, opinions! I’m not fat, stupid, ugly, racist, a stalker, or any of the things that some of the people who post on this forum said I am. You are NO ONE to judge me, or anyone else! Yes, you’re intitled to say what ever your insensitive mind can and will say.

  58. jesus, this wasn’t the thread to read with a headache.

  59. Maybe, you should think about some of the things that could happen to you in the future, from those bad decisions, and so should I.

    I believe you love, and need drama, hate, and anykind of violence in your life, because of the bad treatment that you continously suffer from, threw the hands of the porn industry.

    You’re not the only male performer who is angry, generally acting out violently against anybody, means that you and others whom act that way, have unresolved anger and issues, with some of the things that they feel they have been put threw.

    So really, when you attack Roy or me, it gives you the personal power you’re lacking in your everyday life […], does that make sense?

    It actually comes from being insecure about yourself, so to make yourself feel better, you put down people you believe have wronged you.

    Plus, I really believe, that you really get off on making other people miserable, and you really don’t care about the consequences of your actions, or what really happens to anyon

  60. Meant anyone, so JEREMY STEEL =Internet bully. You’re not mine, because I could really care less about your endless string of lame cuts, or put downs. So go ahead, and write up a storm of cuts, because you’ll be ignored! Only low class people act like that, and I refuse to act that way.

  61. Roy Garcia says:

    Germy Steal,

    You’re the piece of shit, one of the biggest pieces of shit I’ve ever met. Let me say this again: you are a delusional lunatic with a long reputation of abusing, harassing and stalking female performers. You harassed Belladonna on a gang bang scene at the time I was representing her. Anybody who has any doubt about this, can contact Belladonna and ask her what happened on that scene. After she complained to me about how you harassed her and tried to ‘make out’ with her in the middle of shooting the scene, I decided to react and cut you off. That’s why I stopped booking you, because unlike you I’m not looking for drama. I want to do business and have no time for such stupid crap. You can sit in your rat hole apartment in your underwear and spew bullshit all day long, but that’s not going to change the fact. I don’t even remember you seeing me while I was typing and asking to type for me. Maybe it happened, maybe it didn’t, but even if it did it had nothing to do with anything.

    You were kicked out of another set for harassing Stephanie Swift, and you went to jail for assaulting and beating Sophia Mounds. You were also being accused of breaking into JM Productions office and stealing a video camera. These are a few common facts about you, so go ahead and blame all that on Roy Garcia or BDD or the U.S government, you fucking sociopath. You better stand up, clean your act and take responsibility for your fuck-ups, but I doubt you ever do that, because if you do then you have to act like a man and you’re too pussy to act like a man.

    Last but not least, over the years my relationship with my clients and the girls I represented had its ups and downs like any other producer or agent, some people like me and some don’t, you can’t please everybody. But I never threatened anybody to send her box covers to her family, that’s some bullshit that you either made up in your deranged mind or heard from another dirt bag lunatic like yourself. Name one person who I made such threats against and prove I did that. Talk is cheap, Germy Steal. Cut the crap, get real and go think about your future.

  62. jeremiahsteele says:

    Liar. I’m gonna try to kiss Belladonna during a 12 guy anabolic gangbang? Please, anyone, go ask Belladonna, or Bella if you’re reading this please confirm or deny this. Or if anyone asks Belladonna please confirm or deny this. You’re really putting yourself out on a limb, on this one, Scumbag.

    I don’t know if you’ve ever been on an anabolic set, but they’re all business, shooting with cranes, etc. Even if I had the inclination to kiss a girl who’s had 12 cocks in her mouth, I’d hardly have the opportunity.

    You know you’re lying, you piece of shit. I always did good scenes for you, and no drama.

    Wankus said you send pictures of your cock and brag about how you make girls do “auditions”, and you gotta make up this lie that I tried to kiss Belladonna (big deal, anyways, if it did happen, which it didn’t) during a gangbang? Stupid Cunt.

    So why did you never bring this up when I asked you over the phone what that top 10 reasons Belladonna cried, BDD-like repetitive rant was about? You talked real soft over the phone like a faggot (no offense to gays out there reading this, this is personal) and then said you gotta go. Fucking piece of shit!

    Regarding Stephanie Swift, I WAS BOOKED TO DO A BOY/GIRL SCENE WITH HER. Got it? Is that clear??
    My crime? Lightly, playfully tweaking her nipple while she was changing. This is a girl I’ve also gone to the movies with years ago and thought I was on friendly terms with. The only problem was the production assistant told me that she was HIGH ON CRYSTAL METH, AND she went bonkers on me in front of Amber “the vulture” Lynn and Bill “the mouth” Margold. I wanted to scream at Stephanie to “LAY OFF THE FUCKING DOPE”, but I didn’t want to disrupt the set anymore than she already had, so I quietly left.

    Regarding JM Productions camera. That was a joke started by bukkakke wrangler Rocker, then perpetuated by the original Luke Ford on XPT. NOW PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION TO WHAT I’M SAYING, ASSHOLE.
    JIM POWERS AND JOHNNY THRUST AND TONY MALICE ALL SAID THEY DON’T ACCUSE ME OF IT, AND THAT THEY HAVE NO IDEA WHO STOLE IT. IN CASE YOU HAVE ANY DOUBTS GO AND ASK THEM!!!!!!!!!!!! I also have a witness regarding my wearabouts at the time they lost the video camera. I’ve since have been booked by Johnny Thrust and ran into Jim Powers in Vegas who has happy to see me there.

    Regarding your new BFF, Sophia Mounds, well if you’ve paid any amount of attention to her, you should clearly see she’s not all there. I have the editor of poontalk as my witness. He has stated several times that he heard her screaming she’ll make up things about me to the cops for, what I assume was “killing” her cat (that she took to the pound, unbenownst to me). The editor of poontalk has also stated that he overheard her screaming at me, that she’s going to kill me, although Sophia has claimed she was calm that night and that I was out of control. Keep in mind, that Mr. Poontalk has been just as abusive with me on that site and elsewhere as you, Roy, but he has still backed me up on this.
    Sophia admits she was drunk that night (in fact she drank two entire bottles of $5.00 wine) , but illogically insists that I was out of control. Several people have said she texts them constantly, over and over and has made stuff up about them, as well. Sophia has a persecution complex. She has called Holly Randall, who never met her, a “backstaper” as she spells it. She also called Sophie Dee, who she never met a “peace” of shit (as a joke, she says). I never touched Sophia Mounds. This is one of the reasons why the case was a D.A. reject and I never even went to see a judge before I was released. So FUCK YOU! Go look it up if you like, bitch!

    Any other bullshit you can pull out your asshole in the 14 years I’ve been in the biz??

    Why don’t we settle this man to man? You coming to LA this weekend or not?

  63. jeremiahsteele says:

    Good Sophia. Ignore me. I was only trying to offer constructive criticism. I’ll ignore you as well. I look forward to Cindi approving the post I just sent which mysteriously went to “moderator approval”.

  64. Roy Garcia says:

    I don’t have to go back and forth with a delusional stalking thief, I don’t need this shit. If Germy Steal wants to settle things man to man, he knows where to find me, I’m even willing to pay for his bus ticket so he doesn’t have to spend his reverse bukkake paycheck for which he got pissed at by 20+ whores. I’ll be happy to teach him some manners. He can man up or he can stay at his rat infested apartment in his underwear and continue his rants until his face turns blue. Fuck Germy Steal and to hell with his thread.

  65. jeremiahsteele says:

    The Defense rests. That’s fine.

    Btw, that reverse boo-kakah thing was a last minute, replacement thing, so I, thank god, had no time to think about it, which helped. I’m not passing judgement on people who do this, how could I, anyway, since I’ve been involved myself? I was orginally there off camera as part of the documentary project due to be released after the world ends (as you correctly predicted, I think, Roy. I have to at least give you credit on that one) of life in bukakke land (and beyond), and then of course, fate had decided that I was meant to be a part of it, and so it was a good thing because fans of this shit say Volume 3 is the best all time, along with Ryan Knox in it and Mickey G. Judge for yourself. I’ll just take everyone else’s word for it, though.

    It’s also the place where Sophia Mounds met the love of her life, Ryan. Well, for a while, it was like that, I guess.

    Good nite.

  66. Larry Horse says:

    I do have to say one thing, where is BDD in all of this, strange. Steele, I may have to apologize to you on this one, probably not, but it is possible.

  67. jeremiahsteele says:

    Thx Larry.

    Btw, just in case anyone’s confused when I wrote “stupid cunt” I was referring to roy, of course, not Belladonna!!

  68. The Colonel says:

    Conspiracy, I was thinking about it too, Jeremy.

    It’s too early to tell, but even if it was a coincidence, still how and where it happened resembles a conspiracy. We’ll find out once details become available. Most conspiracies are conducted in such a sloppy way they leave too many clues behind and raise too many questions.

  69. The Colonel says:

    Speaking of conspiracies, I don’t know if you guys saw Edge of Darkness starring Mel Gibson which came out in January. It’s one of the best conspiracy movies I’ve seen in a long time. Be sure to check it out if you haven’t: Great story, powerful performances and solid directing. Grade A all the way.

  70. Pornodudestud says:

    Yo…Jeremy bitch!! I like that picture of that asian whore behind you with the strap on going up your punk LA ass!!! just the way it’s going to be! Hey BDD got the camera ready? ANAL time and Jeremy its going to be a gay one just like you all like it in Hollywood.

  71. My starbucks ice is melting. All the cuts, I never loved Ryan! It was you Jeremy, you were the love of my life, so when you told me I’d never be your girlfriend, because I wasn’t what you considered to be [?hot?] enough, I became really angry.

    I cleaned your apartment, gave you great sex, and still was not good enough for you [???], well who the f*ck are you anyway? Nobody to me now, no, in-fact you’re less than nobody, because I think about you are actually something less than a nobody to me.

    You have moved, way past, a fixable insult with me. All of this was because you needed to feel beter then somebody? That makes sense!

    I’m not mad at all men “or” porn performers because of you, I’ve been rejected by stupid, nobody, loser’s before – who cares? I don’t!

    It’s actually funny to me, that no one has called you out, and no one has knocked you out?

    But keep trying, and one day your B.S will catch up with you. Look what happened to Damian Micheal’s, if you keep treating people the way that you do, one day, someone biger, meaner “and” stronger will kick your ass, or may wind up accidently killing you? He wasn’t supper man and niether are you.

    Ya, you’ve said some pretty damming, f’d up things about me, why you felt the need to drag someone threw the dirt, after a horrible split – is beyound ridiculous! And supper imature, lame, and a huge waist of time, both your time and mine.

    I’m not mad, but you remind me of the lead character in Rain Man, your smart in a few ways, but retarted about everything else! You are more than 80% responsible, for everything thats happened between us.

    I do not have a persecution complex, or any other kind of complex that a loser like you, keeps trying to label me with. Jeremy, you should become a judge on the supreme court, because you’re so good at judging others.

  72. My granny needs help, so let me make this quick, you’ve created your own personal version of hell.

    And continueously keep draging the people close to you down, with all your hate, violence, and anger.

    You’re a sad little man, and I feel nothing but pitty for you! Get the help, that you need and deserve.

    When you cut me down, most sane people, know you’re a f*cking idiot, liar,and assh*le.

    No one judges me, baised on anything you have said, they just assume, you’re the one thing, that you keep trying to convince people that I am, [insane!]

  73. Lucky Starr says:

    Hey, Pornodudestud!! Don’t call me a whore, you fucking douchebag!!! What do you have against me and why?? I love how I’m innocently going about my life, and I’m being dragged into drama for no reason again. Leave me out of it!!! Any gripe you have with Jeremy is between you and him. Leave me the fuck alone!

  74. Pornodudestud says:

    Lucky…thats because he’s your MAN!!! and im going to book both of you for strap-on scene and have BDD use the camera and film it!! Jeremy love strap-ons!! come on Lucky You can use the $5,000 can’t you?? he says its not gay to have a girl do it to him!!! thats what they all say in LA……

  75. jeremiahsteele says:


    LIB is a haven for imbecilic mental cases. Also Porn “whore” legend Annie Sprinkle addresses us all as “whores”. Her “Why I love Whores” poster used to hang on the wall of AIM for all us “whores” to proudly look at and admire. Also, the original root of the word “whore” originally did not have a negative connotation. I’m sure pornodud is dying for a whore right now, but instead is writing on LIB.

    Pornodud is self-evidently a moron with limited mental capabilities, obsessed with always talking about homosexuality. He calls himself “dudestud”. That says it all. Not very bright. He once, for fun, claimed here that Jim South told him I can’t get wood. He’s just a merry, retarded prankster. I suspect he’s not even old enough to be on this site, just as I used to suspect of Darrah.

  76. Larry Horse says:

    Misty Sophia’s last two posts, wtf. Steele, I’m surprised she didnt kill you in your sleep. Lucky, you are one good looking woman. Colonel and Steele, I wouldnt be surprised that the Polish plane crash was not an accident. They were flying to honor the 70th Anniversey of the Katyn Massacre, which the Soviets denied for years. Putin(who’s dad may have been in the German created ROA,Russian Army of Liberation aka Vlasov Army) said he’s gonna lead the investigation. Great, have the ex KGB agent in charge. I’m surprised that the Russians havent found a way to weasel back into power in Krygyzistan. Problem is that those Central Asian Republics are primarily Muslim and will probably not go gently into that black night.

  77. jeremiahsteele says:

    Hey Colonel, you ever see Mel Gibson in “Conspiracy Theory”? Boy, was that fucking dumb. I turned it off after about 20 minutes. Whoa, what a bad script. They had to make Mel an idiot, rambling nonsensically, unable to even drive a cab. His character made nutty fringe theorists seem intellectual. Me thinks this dumb trash might have been a conspiracy to portray conspiracy theorists as nutty. Why would Mel do this? He’s getting paid millions, that’s why. Those millions could have been spent to feed starving script writers. This made Lethal Weapon 4 seem Oscar worthy.

  78. jeremiahsteele says:

    “waist of time”? what’s that, sophia? a belt made out of rolex watches? oh yeah, i forgot, i’m ignoring you, just as you earlier said you would do with me… i might as well argue with a baboon… truly a waste of time.

    i here ya larry, on all counts, thanks

  79. The Colonel says:

    That’s right, Larry, when the presidential plane carrying close to 100 including the Polish president along with many government officials goes down in Russian territory while they’re on their way to attend the 70th anniversary of a massacre which Russians have been denying all these years, I can’t buy the *tragic coincidence* story. There has to be more to it. I’m sure more clues will become available once details get published. Unfortunately though stories like this don’t get enough coverage in American corporate media. You turn on the news, and it’s all about Tiger Woods, Tiger Fucking Woods.

    And Jeremy, Conspiracy Theory was indeed an awful movie. Perhaps Mel Gibson knows that, too. That’s why he chose Edge of Darkness, a good conspiracy movie, for his return to acting after an 8 year hiatus and making torture porn religious/historical movies. I heard Lethal Weapon 5 is in works. I liked Lethal Weapon 1 & 2. Lethal Weapon 3 was not so good, and 4 was terrible. The only positive thing about Lethal Weapon 4 was Jet Li.

  80. Larry Horse says:

    At least this morning on CNN they had coverage of the plane crash, but were weak on talking about the Katyn angle. The Krygyzistan story? It would only be big news if the situation spread on to our base there. The BBC did have a reporter there and he talked to the hiding(and thieving) President. I imagine CNN has someone there, but only for their rest of the world coverage, which is some of their best reporting. In a perfect world CNN with their “hard” reporting would be miles ahead of Fox and MSNBC. One major paper, the Chicago Sun Times, said on its editorial page that its readers should watch CNN more than the other two to get better and less biased news. Where does Misty Sophia dance, it would be worth a little cash just to hear her ramble as she grinds her ample butt into your crotch. Steele, you ever creampie her? Maybe that’s what she meant by killing her cat.

  81. jeremiahsteele says:

    The big corporate stations never get to the bottom of an important story, they just report what official sources say, and move on to the next event. It’s not their job to look at or present the big picture, or perhaps it’s more accurate to say it’s their job to not look at the big picture.

    No, Larry, never creampied. I’m glad she’s admitted she was in love with me. I told her that was one of the reasons she attacked and said she’d “get” me for not loving her back. Never fuck a mental case, Larry. It’s not worth it. They may chase you around like you’re Jesus, or kill you like you’re Satan. And one day you may be Jesus, and the next, Satan.

  82. jeremiahsteele says:

    Hey Pornodud. I never said I like to take it in the ass with a strap-on, moron. I was once offered $1,000 to be in such a scene and I said NO WAY!

    Save that $5,000 and get some professional help.

  83. Lucky Starr says:

    Larry Horse, thank you for the compliment. That was very nice.

    Hey pornodud! You admit that you’re picking on me because Jeremy is my man. Just leave me out of it. You’re just trying to mock us.

  84. Larry Horse says:

    Mental Cases, dont remind me. You’re quite welcome Lucky, share with the readers where we can see some of your fine work. And has Steele creampied you yet?

  85. Lucky Starr says:

    Hello, Larry Horse. You can see my work on Cumfu, Mr. Chew’s Asian Beaver, Fucking Dungeon (if you like BDSM type stuff), and most recently my DVD of “Mamasans Knock You Out” was released by Vouyer Media. Jeremy has cream-pied me in our scene which should be released any day now on Hope you enjoy it!!

  86. Pornodudestud says:

    Lucky; the BIG question is have you ever creampied Geremy!! now that would sell on DVD for sure! I think i’ll give Mr. south a call and book you jeremy and fly you down here to South florida for that one. Remember what you wish for can be big$$$$. LOL

  87. jeremiahsteele says:

    Hey Dud, you retard, your joke/ question doesn’t make any sense.

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