Porn, the reason for Pedophile Priests

NL- This SO pisses me off. So now the reason that priests abuse children is because of pornography they view?  It couldn’t possibly be because they are pedophile perverts, could it?

Mexico bishop says porn, tv to blame for priest abuse

By Miguel Angel Gutierrez and Cyntia Barrera Diaz of

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – A prominent Roman Catholic bishop in Mexico blamed eroticism on television and Internet pornography for child abuse by priests, in the latest incendiary comments on sex scandals in the church.

"With so much invasion of eroticism, sometimes it’s not easy to stay celibate or to respect children," Bishop Felipe Arizmendi said during an annual meeting of Mexican bishops near Mexico City on Thursday.

"If on television and on the Internet and in so many media outlets there is pornography, it is very difficult to stay pure and chaste," said Arizmendi, an influential bishop from the colonial town of San Cristobal de las Casas in southern Mexico.

"Obviously when there is generalized sexual freedom it’s more likely there could be cases of pedophilia," he added.

The bishop was in charge of the formation of priests for two decades in Mexico but said that loose morals in society had made it difficult to keep seminarians committed to the faith.

The timing of his comments comes as Pope Benedict turned 83 on Friday and the Catholic hierarchy has been rattled by revelations of sexual abuse scandals in parishes around the world.

It also follows several controversial comments made by Catholic clergy, including on Monday when the Vatican’s secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, said priest pedophilia was linked to homosexuality not celibacy.

"Many psychologists and psychiatrists have shown that there is no link between celibacy and pedophilia, but many others have shown, I have recently been told, that there is a relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia," he told a news conference in Santiago, Chile.

Mexico is home to the world’s second-largest Roman Catholic population after Brazil and the country has been rocked by its own share of allegations against Catholic leaders.

Last year, the pope ordered an inquiry into the powerful Legionaries of Christ order whose Mexican founder, Marcial Maciel, was discovered to be a sexual molester of young boys. Maciel, who died in 2008, also was known to have fathered at least one child.

The Vatican was hit by another embarrassing revelation this week when a website posted a letter by a senior cardinal heartily congratulating a French bishop in 2001 for not denouncing a self-confessed abusive priest to the police.

17 thoughts on “Porn, the reason for Pedophile Priests

  1. This one makes me angry, it´s always the same: “Oh it´s the society.” But face it: YOU`RE THE SOCIETY.
    So deal with it.
    I think one of the main problems is the celibacy. We all know that humans need sex.
    So it´s completely insane to think someone can live without sex.
    So when you can´t get any (or you´re not allowed to) what do you do? Most of us masturbate. But as a catholic priest you´re not allowed to do this neither.
    So they search for someone who can´t defend, which are mostly the children, because nobody believes them.
    What really pisses me off is that the pope, says nothing at all.
    He excuses, tell we don´t have to. And does nothing against it.
    I´m not saying catholicism is bad, but it could use some new paint.
    So let priests have sex and marry and you´ll see that there will be less pedophilia in the church.

  2. jeremiahsteele says:

    So priests weren’t raping boys before porn came along?

    How clever, representatives of God are blaming any one/thing but themselves.

    Porn causes masturbation, not rape.

    Priesthood and it’s repression of our biology is a cause of pedophilia. Look at the case history. Also condemnation of homosexuality causes closet gay men of strong religious upbringing to become priests, with devastating consequences. It seems as if Priesthood is just a front for pedophiles.

    All those donations that struggling families give while faithfully attending church seeking salvation goes to pay off the victims. What kind of incentative is this for priests to stop? Worse case scenario, the church will buy the priests Earthly salvation with the peoples’s money. This means Catholicism causes rape of young boys.

    Those who claim to be representatives of God should be more severely punished than the average person convicted of the same. That would make it stop, instead of allowing the Vatican to pay off megamillions to keep the Priests out of the slammer, and just keep it business as usual.

  3. Celibacy is possible but it’s not easy. You have to be completely dedicated to it mentally. You don’t “need” sex. No human has ever died because they didn’t have sex, but again, celibacy is not an easy way of life.

    There has been an unfortunate, and disgusting increase in the sexualization of children in the media over the years although I fail to see how this relates to the creation of a psychological disorder in an individual when it’s generally regarded that several factors, over time, contribute to an individual becoming a pedophile.

  4. I agree, but sex s a part of the human nature.
    If you force the celibacy as a must to get a job, than you can´t say you´re completely dedicated to it.
    You simply have to, because you won´t to get that job.
    When you see these pedophile priests you definitely can´t say they were dedicated to it at all.
    So I think, the influences from outside are pretty unimportant to these.
    In my opinion it was always a part of the way church dealt with human drives.
    As a priest always has to be a role model without any mistakes, he is not allowed to give into them.

  5. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    This Christian clergyman probably agrees with the Islamic cleric who recently said that scantily clad women cause earthquakes.

  6. President4Life says:

    I think that there is some kind of secret ritual that involves having sex with little boys that is the reason for all of the pedophilia.

    If it was just that these priests are gay, then why don’t they all just fuck each other? Or if it’s just about repression of sexual urges, they could jack off and not have anybody know about it or find some repressed nun to have it out with.

    No, there is something specifically about little boys, which is why you mostly hear about little boys. In some cultures, it is believed that if you have sex with a young child, they can heal you of whatever disease or ailment you have.

    I’d bet money on this or something similar to this being the cause.

  7. jeremiahsteele says:

    I’d agree, I think it’s a secret society thing. I’ve also heard Hollywood is run by the velvet mafia.

  8. I do blame celibacy but not becasue it causes repression, that is BS, is like blaming heterosexual child molestation by fathers or stepfathers on their wives.

    I do think celibacy does atract a disproporsionate numbers of homosexuals and homosexual pedophiles (not the same) to the Catholic Church priesthood. Gary Wills have a nice book on the subject.
    If fact most studies show the CC to have less pedophiles than secular institution but their cover ups did allow then to do disproporcionate damage despite their numbers.
    I do blame a velvet mafia. That generation (1960s) of homosexuals somehow though that homosexual pedophiles were prosecuted too and bishops were protecting their homo peers despite the big difference they seemed to like boys and not adult men.
    And for a while some homosexuals did thought child sex was a right, remember when NAMBLA used to go to Gay Pride Parades before gays got smart and kicked them out?
    I bet that happened to the CC velvet mafia.

  9. In fact, in 1962 somehow a member of that velvet mafia did put in Catholic Church regulations that were approved during Vatican Council II a norm that practically mandated covers ups for those cases.

  10. I believe some people are born inherently bad and it’s in their wiring; pedophiles being a prime example. That wiring can’t be undone or rehabilitated, it’s locked in no matter where/how it’s treated (or not, in the case of the Catholic church). The cases of Nathaniel Bar Jonah and Kevin Kinder speak volumes per that theory; the latter with an interesting twist. Kinder’s victim wound up in a jail cell with him 13 years after the rape/beating suffered at age 10 and beat the crap out of Kinder. It’s time for a few priests to be met behind the wood shed for similar reckonings.

  11. Actually there is the point were Christianity and Rosseau type of secular humanism (much in vogue in the 1960s) did huge damage to the Catholic Church and children.

    Christians belive that sins can be cured and conquered, they refuse to think that some people are just born bad and will never be cured, life in prision or extermination are the best ways to deal with those kinds of people.
    Rosseau type of secula humanism is even worse, they assume than people are born good but “society” makes them bad (but society is made of people who somehow are supposed to be born good) because an original sin, that is private property in socialism, patriarchy in feminism or getting away of nature in enviromentalism. So people can be cured of the ill “society” put into them.

    The efects of both idelogies is that people that should not deserve our pitty and shall be exterminated did get out pitty. Many pedophile priest were indeed sent to shrinks in the 1960s and 1970s to be pronounced “cured”. As if you can cure a pedophile sociopath.
    And sociopaths being sociopaths,search for places were they can manipulate and victimize people, the clergy was and ideal place. Now that society is becoming more secular they will go into teaching instead.

  12. Larry Horse says:

    The Church has had only one true reformer this century, Angelo Roncalli, Pope John XXIII. He tried to bring the church into the 20th Century. There are still collars and Catholics pissed at him for that. The worst of all the Popes was Pius XII, the Papal Hero of this Pope and John Paul II. Pius was anti-Communist so that apparently wipes away all his shortcomings…like the Holocaust, letting Nazis flee to South America, letting the Nazis and the Russians destroy the Polish and Lithuanian Churches, defacto recognition of Croatia and so on. Of course the Nuns at my high school buried a bunch of stuff too, keep your eyes on the Penguins too,they’re as bad as the collars.

  13. jeremiahsteele says:

    Corrupt institutions demand lies be sold and bought but we ought not.

    Speaking of lies and Mexico, I just watched a horrible film called “El Topo”. While it’s visuals are brilliant, interesting and worth watching, it’s one of the worst films I’ve seen. The back of the box cover and the wikipedia review state that this movie’s fans include David Lynch, Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, Bob Dylan, Marilyn Monroe, Peter Gabriel and John Lennon.*

    That’s pretty amazing, especially considering the movie was released in 1970 and Marilyn died in 1962!!!

    * Wikipedia does admit in parenthesis that “citation is needed” to offer proof of these claims.

    I was considering writing an article on the subject of lies being the foundation of the world in which we live, but I’m not sure how I would relate it to porn.

    In this world we live in Confusion reigns, and Truth can not withstand the campaigns.

    To prove my point, think of the worst movie you’ve ever seen, then go look it up on and read the reviews. Chances are it has a shitload, if not a majority of 5 (out of 5) stars.

    For me the worst movie I’ve ever seen is called “Elephant”, inspired by the Columbine shootings, but so idiotic, tasteless, insensitive, unrealistic, unenlightened, dull (in spite of the subject matter) and badly done it’s about as evil as the school shootings, themselves. Even the title of the movie makes no sense. Yet I’ve read the reviews on amazon and the majority of reviewers give it 5 stars.

    If there is still hope for humanity I’ve yet to see it.

  14. President4Life says:

    I don’t believe that child molesters are inherently “evil”, in the sense that they are created, not born child molesters. Research shows that something like 80% of child molesters were molested themselves at an early age, which shows the true basis of their sickness. It’s when you sexualize children that they are stunted in their emotional growth and then act out against other children, even once they grow up.

    Its’ too easy to just say, “he was born evil”, because that implies that there’s nothing we could do to stop child molestation. There is, and it’s stopping these monsters before they are created. The Catholic Church should’ve purged itself years ago, and they chose not to.

    The Pope should be in jail.

  15. Saying one was born evil isn’t to excuse or impart inability to stop molestation, rather it’s a commentary of what we’re up against in these instances.

    Convicted sex offenders have ridiculously high recidivism rates; the repeat rate of those not yet caught is unfathomable. (One can only wonder if the church keeps secret tallies.)

    That such selfish, abhorent, seemingly compulsory behavior rarely responds to treatment (beyond castration) leads me to believe that they’re wired in a way that simply can’t be undone/reversed.

    Sadly, sociopathic bad seeds who will operate against the rules regardless of consequences do exist.

  16. President4Life says:

    Yeah, we agree that they can’t be reformed. They should be underneath the jails. No argument there, but we know that they are created. it’s a disease like AIDS or something that spreads from host to host. We have to quarantine these monsters, so that the next generation isn’t contaminated.

    That’s why I say the pope should be in jail. He’s allowed the disease to spread and even enabled it.

    They actually have a sex offender island somewhere, I saw. That would actually be the best solution to me.

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