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Sometimes I’m Surprised by Who’s Fucking Who off camera…

Angela Aspen on XXX Jersey Shore Set

Part of a blog from her myspace. Here’s where you can read the whole thing

Lexington Steele and Angela Aspen:

I filmed with my off camera lover Lexington Steele bout 2 weeks ago. We had been fuckin around since October so it was time to do it for real on camera. He is honestly a Legend. An untouchable Legend. I had no idea I was fuckin with the best and everything else is down hill from there. I did not know he owned a company when we started fuckin and neither one of us brought it up till a week later after I googled who I was fuckin. Freaked me out. Think that why he liked me is because I was not kissin his ass for a scene but just wanted raw animal fucking, 2 bottles of Merlot and some X. Our chemistry is undeniable, as you will see on film. Now for the girls- guys cover your ears- he is a total gentleman. He opens the doors, foots the bill, and spoils. He is all about conversation. Most nights, we can fuck for 4 hours, talk for four hours and then fuck some more. He is very nurturing. For example, there was a tragedy in my family this week and he was there 100%. I did not want him to see me so weak but he was all over it. Awww

NL- Angela you have excellent taste in men. I have had a crush on Lex for years, especially  for the "gentlemanly" reasons you mentioned.

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