Sometimes I’m Surprised by Who’s Fucking Who off camera…

Angela Aspen on XXX Jersey Shore Set

Part of a blog from her myspace. Here’s where you can read the whole thing

Lexington Steele and Angela Aspen:

I filmed with my off camera lover Lexington Steele bout 2 weeks ago. We had been fuckin around since October so it was time to do it for real on camera. He is honestly a Legend. An untouchable Legend. I had no idea I was fuckin with the best and everything else is down hill from there. I did not know he owned a company when we started fuckin and neither one of us brought it up till a week later after I googled who I was fuckin. Freaked me out. Think that why he liked me is because I was not kissin his ass for a scene but just wanted raw animal fucking, 2 bottles of Merlot and some X. Our chemistry is undeniable, as you will see on film. Now for the girls- guys cover your ears- he is a total gentleman. He opens the doors, foots the bill, and spoils. He is all about conversation. Most nights, we can fuck for 4 hours, talk for four hours and then fuck some more. He is very nurturing. For example, there was a tragedy in my family this week and he was there 100%. I did not want him to see me so weak but he was all over it. Awww

NL- Angela you have excellent taste in men. I have had a crush on Lex for years, especially  for the "gentlemanly" reasons you mentioned.

15 thoughts on “Sometimes I’m Surprised by Who’s Fucking Who off camera…

  1. MonicaFoster says:

    Lex and Angela together is a HOT pairing. Knowing now that they’re off screen lovers as well totally ads to my wanting to check out this scene when it’s released.

  2. “For example, there was a tragedy in my family this week and he was there 100%. I did not want him to see me so weak but he was all over it. Awww”

    She must have members of her family who are missionaries in Haiti. Lex is ok. A very nice, smart, and handsome big-dicked man. Unfortunately he’s just like Angela in that he claims to be a Christian–a Baptist, moreover–but nobody’s perfect.

    BTW, Cindi, where’s YOUR little blurb about the Haitian disaster? You live in Ft. Lauderdale after all…

  3. I like that Angela Aspen chic despite her huge fake breast, she is a PW, a escort, a coalburner and a Baptist preacher daughter. My kind of girl.

    She and Lex are a good pairing.

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  5. I don’t like her. She probably puts her family through complete hell–and its not about doing porn, its about her attitude. I don’t like people who call themselves Christians acting in the most selfish ways. Sex I can understand but liquor and drugs (ecstasy)? God will not be fucking mocked.

    Anyway, I don’t know her and she seems nice. I dunno.

  6. Its like, how can I respect you as a person when you’re so tied up in compulsions (especially substance related)?

    How can you love when you’re so tied up in compulsions?

    I hope they really care for each other and are not just fucking around.

  7. You will find surprising how many girls do define themselves as Christians (Protestant, Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Baptist) or Jews in private while being involved into prostitution and pornography.

    Aspen, and some other girls mistake is to make her religious afiliation public, making it a mockery in but religious spectics and religious observants (including her family).

    Addictive behaviors and mentall illnesses aren not going to be stopped by religious beliefs magically no matter the “just accept Jesus in your heart and you will be perfect” crowd says.

  8. Addictive behaviors and mentall illnesses aren not going to be stopped by religious beliefs magically no matter the “just accept Jesus in your heart and you will be perfect” crowd says.

    I totally agree and I didn’t say you can’t be a prostitute or druggie and a person of faith. But you gotta try and respect what you believe in. You gotta have morality to make yourself strong. It doesn’t mean that you’re perfect or 100% committed. You just gotta try. Even if you’re an atheist–even if you’re an egoist. Its part of knowing who you are.

  9. MonicaFoster says:

    Angela might know more of who she really is than many of you are giving her credit for.

  10. Probably…

    I just go what she posts in her blogs–and her using X, knowing her background, doesn’t give me a positive view.

    But again, I don’t know her and she seems nice. I dunno.

  11. “I totally agree and I didn’t say you can’t be a prostitute or druggie and a person of faith. But you gotta try and respect what you believe in. You gotta have morality to make yourself strong.”

    That is the trouble and that is the reason why most prostitutes or porn whores who consider themselves religious are wise enough to keep the beliefs for themselves.
    A well known porn chick that consider herself Baptist (she comes from a south westarn red state that is well known as a Baptist stronghold) but unlike Aspen is wise enough to keep her beliefs private, told me why she does that for a living since that conflicts her beliefs, her answer was something like “becasue we are broken women”.
    A well know porn chick that was raised Catholic, still goes to church to pray, but she does not take communion because she knows she is living in sin, like the first she kept her beliefs to herself, of course she does porn and escort because she is hooked on heroin. And she took to heroin after a family tragedy she blames on herself. And she has been in and out of rehab for years. Sometimes she thinks of suicide but that will be a bigger sin so she kepts living.

    Some times with those women you will never know why they really do what they do.

  12. Like I said, you can be a prostitute or a druggie and believe devoutly in God. Hell, the first convert to Judaism was a prostitute. Human beings are complex and are not all goody two-shoes.

    The chicks that you know that are in such pain need an intervention, Harvey.

    I working on an article for LIB on the benefits of naltrexone treatment using the Sinclair method. Its highly effective in treating alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse, as well as behavioral compulsions such as sex addiction or gambling addiction.

  13. They have Origen, they have been in and out of rehab and endured several intervention even before they got to do porn.

    Opiates are a bitch to kick out.

  14. sammyglick says:

    Harvey said it best with” huge fake breast, she is a PW, a escort, a coalburner and a Baptist preacher daughter”

    I’d add famewhoring idiot, but that might be giving her too much credit. Heck, you wonder if Lex had meet her off-set at a party, or stumbled across her escort ad and figured she was a good candidate for a little sport fucking…

  15. Pornodudestud says:

    Lexington? does that Magic Power coffee really work?? I heard that its like 2 viagras and a shot of Mocca???

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