Gia Jordan’s My Space Post Cracks Me Up!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

NL- I love Gia Jordan, and her sarcastic sense of humor. If there was ever a girl that could kick keyboard warriors’ asses, GJ would be it! And she does it quite well as a moderator on

Who I’d Like NOT to Meet:
Category: Friends
1)  Guy$ who b tAlkin 2 me like dis.

2)  If you’re trying to pimp your band, no one has heard of you for a reason and you probably suck anyway.  Get all grass roots on someone else.  

3)  No, I don’t want to model for your t-shirt company for free. I wear real, actual clothes. Not t-shirts.  At least American Apparel pays while they molest you.

4)  And please, no glittery gifs in my comments section. Words are for grown ups. Sparkly roses are for white trash losers, and you’re going to give me river blindness.

8 thoughts on “Gia Jordan’s My Space Post Cracks Me Up!

  1. One of the most clever people in the industry

  2. jeremiahsteele says:

    What’s worst is getting myspace friend requests from bands dat talk like dis with their attached message telling you, “yo, i’m da new shit on da block, check it n by my tunz b4 it all b sold owt!”.

  3. Pornodudestud says:

    oooohhhhh she looks like she can rip a cock off a guys with that look!!! Easy Gia!!!

  4. thetruthhurts says:

    Well the same goes for “porn chicks” never heard of you either, so you must suck too!? Oh wait you do! I thought you had to be attractive to be a “pornstar”!?
    So she never heard of a band so they suck? Thats a great attitude, maybe she knows nothing about music?
    But I know about porn, she has a face thats far from good… And i never heard of her.

  5. sammyglick says:

    So Truthhurts — I guess a chick with a face like Gia Jordan’s should of skipped porn, and instead joined a shitty band that endlessly promotes itself on social networking sites. hahahah

    You’d think she’d just do what the rest of do and just ignore these clowns.

  6. jeremiahsteele says:

    If a band is good they don’t have to randomly solicit strangers. Others will discover them through their own fans. These bands might as well name themselves “SPAM”!

    People who have to endlessly promote themselves are losers!

    BTW, Hey everyone check out the porn party pics at POONTALK!


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