It’s more than just a mess, it’s Severe Social Anxiety Disorder

Do I really want to tell you this? No, I certainly don’t. But I am at the point where if I don’t tell you, my readers, and you my friends, who I will see at the convention, you are going to think I am a fruit cake.

For more than the last four years of my life, I’ve actually had a medical diagnosis for my craziness. It is severe social anxiety disorder.

I’ve had a long history of surviving tough circumstances. The typical icky childhood, serperated parents, low self esteem, and much more.

I have been taking Effexor XR for four years, and it takes the edge off. Keeps me from having anxiety attacks on a regular basis.

But going to a convention is out of my confort zone. WAY OUT…  I have trouble going to the mall. So although I have a lot more to explain to you all, at least I have let the cat out ot the bag. At least I have told you what I need too about being , just a little bit crazy…

6 thoughts on “It’s more than just a mess, it’s Severe Social Anxiety Disorder

  1. I feel your pain luke i suffer from the same type of anxieties..

  2. Asia Carrera was in the same boat…and she did all she did…

  3. The Colonel says:

    Cindi, I’m deeply sorry about your mother, the loss of a parent is a great pain, regardless of how young or old you are. Pain may never heal, but it will get easier.

    As for your condition, you don’t need to explain yourself. The important thing is you’re aware of your problem and are working to better and improve yourself. Also, I suggest you do some research in alternate medicine and spirituality. Yoga is another alternative that can and will effectively reduce anxiety. Chemical and pharmaceutical drugs such as Effexor XR are helpful, but have too many negative side effects.

  4. Colonel, are you kidding? This from a man who takes Viagra so he can “perform” on camera!
    You try yoga first and tell me how well it works for you.
    And whos masters is bigger?? Bring it!

  5. The Colonel says:

    Excume me Kay if I don’t see why I can’t practice Yoga if I take Viagra, how did you make that connection? My dick and my spirit are two different entities, two beasts that I should feed one at a time. The important thing is I don’t take Viagra during Yoga practice, and don’t practice Yoga in a fuck movie. I know where to draw the line, I’m a man of style and principles.

  6. I’ve always had anxiety and got worse as an adult. Took lots of medications and combinations of different medications and it got worse. Now I don’t take any medications at all. Can’t you tell?? I also haven’t slept in years which adds to the insanity in my head.

    But many people feel like you and it’s normal. So don’t feel weird talking about it.

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