Kimber James Gone from LA Direct?

I don’t know for sure. I just know that I can’t find her anywhere on their site, not under the alphabetized list. Not under male, or female. And I thought there was a T/S category there for a minute, but there isn’t anymore. So Kimber, or LA Direct, or anyone else in the know have a confirmation? I’s also know WHY she isn’t there anymore. I heard her rate was 3k a scene. Maybe that had something to do with it?

26 thoughts on “Kimber James Gone from LA Direct?

  1. elglorioso says:


    who cares ???

  2. The Colonel says:

    I believe I know WHY: Kimber James refused to fuck Derek’s ass in private and that pissed him off.

  3. misskellyshore says:

    No Director in TS Porn is going to pay that Vaniity gets paid 2500 so starting at 3000 just for a solo scene isn’t plausible lol Not to mention there about ten or more directors and companies that shoot TS porn. I don’t see the point of having an agency when you can contact all of them yourself.

  4. Coronel, you might be right sir, that is one of the reasons PW often end up leaving that agency.
    It seems that Pimwich is above sexual haressment laws in California. As in a medieval earldom, the nobiliy gets first night priviledges.

  5. elglorioso says:

    @ misskellyshore

    because LA is a escort agency too…. 🙂

  6. The Colonel says:

    Yes Rics, it’s a shame, a god damn shame that scum like Derek Hay put themselves above the law and take advantage of a corrupt, weak system; but his time will come. He’s been pissing off many people for a long time, and eventually he’s gonna pay for his deeds, one way or the other.

  7. Transsexuals are an abomination in God’s eyes and they should not be allowed to post on this board

  8. MissBiatch2U says:

    Watcher- If your “God” made T/Ss then how can they be so terrible? Just a quick shot of reality- All baby’s brains start out as females until a shot of male hormones transforms some into boys. It is very likely that T/S male to female (which most are) have brains that stayed female, while their body changed to male, basically a slight brain malfunction, while more dramatic, not really that different from someone born with ADD, which is just a brain that is wired differently. But why am I explaining something logical to you. You are the same one who just said that a convicted violent criminal is an okay guy. In this room Watcher, you are the one with the problem and the sick head, not the T/Ss.

  9. Sinners Delight says:

    Do you think God watches T/S porn with Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny?

  10. God created all the sexual varience in humans, sweetie. All of it!!!

  11. Trans are disgusting abominations. They smell bad. They look bad. They talk bad. Look at how ridiculous trans are. They talk like Joe the Plumber and then say look at me I’m a woman. You sound like truckers. You look worse. It is interesting that Donny Long, a hero to many, is now accepting trans on his site. He must like trans in his fairy ass too just like Christian he was jealous of.

  12. If there were trans snuff films, the 3000 might be worth it… Paid in full after the scene.

  13. Too much gay porn talk. Also for any of you who have f ked a tranny then u have had gay sex and should start to identify yourself as such.

  14. MissBiatch: This actually explains why men have nipples.

  15. misskellyshore says:

    lol I certainly don’t talk like Joe The Plumber nor do I smell bad. I’ve heard of a thing called a bath and I’ve heard of various lotions and parfumes. You are stereo typing, must of been a bad experience with a tranny escort? NO?? Lets hear the real reson behind your hate….However sometimes the men and women on sets nerd to figure this out before they come to work lol but thats not on topic.

    You can hear my voice

  16. “like Derek Hay put themselves above the law and take advantage of a corrupt, weak system; but his time will come.”
    Yes Coronel, the system is weak, so weak that Trannyfucker openly braggs in his blog about arranging “dates” between Pimpwich whores and LAPD personnel. That is how the Earl has gotten away with so much so far. With “testing” girls in his office or dorm. With telling girls that have been arrested escorting to recant or else.
    But as the Irish tell to the English (how fitting!) his time will come.

  17. the general says:

    How many YEARS now has the FBI been investigating Derek? LOL

  18. I do not think the FBI has been investigatin the Earl for too much time. That was the duty of local law enforcement after all. I have information that the activities for the Earl are known to So Cal law enfocement for at least ten years. But they has done nothing, Is often the talent who pays.
    So I guess that is the reason the Feds have to step in. I think they are not just after the Earl but after his business partners too.
    Who are they?
    Can someone tell me how a half fag english hustler came for nothing and became the most powerfull porn “talent agent” and hight end pimp in So Cal without having friends in high places?
    I guess that I have to read who off the record, on the QT and very hush hush.

  19. The Colonel says:

    (added) “In my opinion” Derek Hay is a part of an international web of prostitution, money laundry, etc. Running an adult agency is only a cover for his illegal activities. He has many connections and clients within both state and federal authorities, and that’s how he’s been able to operate and avoid legal persecution. I’ve talked to some of girls he used to represent, and they’ve told me they’ve been sent to high profile clients including business men, law makers, senators, etc. for rates as high as $2000 for a session. Therefore I don’t think legal authorities can or want to do anything against him.

    However, he has made many personal enemies over the years. I won’t get into details on a public message board, but I know for a fact that some of them are planning to get even with him and take good care of him; and I have nothing against that. Whenever there’s a will, there’s a way, legally or otherwise.

  20. Colonel, You are spot on. Several of his current and past girls have told me the same story. I never asked them about it, but they told me how they were contacted by a federal agency and asked to help them gather and testify against a certain agent. Their stories are very detailed and consistent.

  21. The Colonel says:

    Yes PoonTalk, I’m not going to name any girls and involve them in this matter, but I’m sure industry people such as you know some, if not all of those girls.

    People talk a lot in this industry, and if you listen and know who to ask and where to look, you can find any information about anybody and anything.

  22. Larry Horse says:

    3K a scene? Do they get the Trannyfucker for free to fuck her/him? As for the Earl, wonder how much of that Demi Delia show is gonna end up on the so called cutting room floor? I would’ve figured by now Jack the rapist and Janine would be singing like birds about the Earl, Steve and Marci and so on. Bet it will take someone like Larry Flynt to bring down the Earl, not intentionally but when Larry exposes the next hooker addicted politician, or of course a dead body or two.

  23. max softcore says:

    Haha. Love the comments from Exodus. I get brow-beaten (and an email) for calling scum like Tony Everready a N*****, and a guy calling for the death of trannies is okey-dokey. The funny thing is, half the ‘respected’ posters on here agree with him….

  24. “If there were trans snuff films, the 3000 might be worth it… Paid in full after the scene.”

    Pretty clear to me that Exodus is joking. And that line above is funny.

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