John Dallas Trying to do Sex Scenes WITHOUT a Proper Test?

NL-Katarina Kat’s husband C Los writes me about a scary job offer, (And I’ve seen the e-mails to back up what he is saying)

John Dallas e-mails from Fresh Face Video. He offered Katarina Kat  2 shoots. He  asked for a break on her rate if he booked her twice in one day. She  told him  fine, that she was with LA Direct Models and would let them know so that they can set everything up. Anyway a bunch of emails went back and forth and something didn’t feel right.

First it turned out to be only one shoot but he wanted to only pay the discounted rate that was going to be per scene since he was booking 2 scenes in one day.

Before Katarina  drives 2 hours to  shoot, I want John Dallas to e-mail a copy of his AIM test and company information so that we can have it on file.

Dallas assures Katarina that everything is cool and emailed her the company info but no AIM test. He wrote that he was recently tested and had the "hard copy" but it wasn’t online yet. I told her it was kind of impossible to have a "hard copy" if the test hasn’t even posted.

So I advised her to have LA Direct check and little did Dallas know that we have a producer’s account with the testing facilities so I can go online and check myself. I went online and found nothing the day of the shoot and LA Direct called the testing facility and were told that he was never tested there.

After LA Direct contacted him to ask him what was up, I understand that he’s reply was "that he needed to re-schedule her anyways and he will pay the $100 rescheduling fee"

What kind of bullshit is that…imagine how many girls he’s gotten to shoot without a test (maybe none but its the principal)? Why would you go through so much trouble just to do something stupid like this? Maybe I am out of place sharing this but I am sure that there are a lot of male and female talents that do NOT appreciate this type of behavior and do not want to risk their health for a quick buck.

There are always risk involved in this industry but we work hard to make sure that we minimize those risk and we don’t really need some asshole fucking that up. Now I am just a peanut in this industry and do not claim to be more than that, but I do care about my health and the health of others. Shit like this is what makes the industry risky! If everyone in it got tested regulary and didn’t fuck around on their spare time (or at least were little more responsible with the partners they chose) the industry would probably be the safest place to get laid. HA! Laughing My cheap two cents!
C Los "the freakin’ monster"

7 thoughts on “John Dallas Trying to do Sex Scenes WITHOUT a Proper Test?

  1. I have seen his shit happen regularly. The sad part is that many girls WILL do the scene. Good for Kat and C Los for posting this.

  2. the general says:

    The sad fact is that if you think anybody in this industry cares about your health and well being, other than yourself, then you are mistaken. There are dozens, if not scores of people in this buisness who do this same thing regularly.

    EVERYBODY, who works in porn, especially in the “tight cirle” of the San FERN Valley, is at the risk level of the “RISKIEST” person in the cirle. To borrow an old saying,…..One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch. Just because you dont do certain acts or work with certain people, doesnt mean that your partner today didnt do those exact same things yesterday.

    There is no difference in risk level for any performers. You are all at the risk level of the highest risk individual in the pool, including the needle users, hookers, gay for pay guys, etc. etc.

    AIM will never tell you this. Neither will your agent or any producer.

    Like poontalk says, it happens regularly.

  3. the general says:

    According to L.A> county Health, ….AIM reported 976 positive std results(gonn/chlam ONLY) in a two year period. Seeing that AIM tested about 2000 individuals in that time, that is a rate of just about 50% of all performers will get gonn/chlam. This doesnt even include the people who got to West coast during the month in between their monthly AIM test when they get that itchy little feeling. But they go right on working with their “clean” AIM test.

    AIM says they test 1500 performers a month, but what you have to remember is that about 85 to 90% are the same people as last month. AIM is very good at twisting theri stas to suit their agenda.

  4. I think AIM is mostly looking after the whole industry once something happened. All their tests are not preventive in anyway. The best they can do is once they find out that certain actor(s) is/are infected with STD, then they may be able to help minimize the problem by tracking their work records and notify whoever potentially also get infected, i.e whoever needs medical attention immediately. I suppose AIM is still doing a fairly good job in this aspect. As for individual worker, no one can guarantee safe sex environment, unless condom is used in every scene, which is the exact opposite to what we see today.

    I agree with the General that people who works in this business are having a higher chance in contacting STD. According to an UCSF report (Grudzen and Kerndt, 2007), between 2000 and 2001, 7.7% of female talents and 5.5% male talents diagnosed with Chlamydia, and 2% of all porn talents have/had Gonorrhea, which are more than double the normal family clinic result with 4.0% and 0.7% respectively.

  5. I bet half the times this happens he gets away with it. After the girl drives an hour to get there and she needs the money, she does the shoot. And John Dallas saying that he has a hard copy of his test when none could be found on line means it could be an old or fake copy. Sound similar to a hard copy Mark Wallas was showing around several years back?

    If other girls start coming forward with this same story, Mr Dallas should be boycotted. I’d like to know more about him, never heard of him before. Anyone?

  6. He’s the dude behind or so he claims. Other than that, I don’t really know much about him. According to a few people in the industry he’s “legit”.

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