HIV+ stars Where do I go from here?

I know the names of the girls. I believe the story is true. But at this time I have no proof.  If it is true, I want to protect others from inadvertently passing on HIV or being exposed to HIV.

I cannot though, release medical information about people without their permission.

Is this cause for alarm? I think it is. I will be contacting a few of our industry’s experts for help with this information.

My first calls for help will go out to Tricia Devereaux and Sharon Mitchell.

7 thoughts on “HIV+ stars Where do I go from here?

  1. Donny Long aka Donkey Bong will get AIDS as fast as anyone else considering all the crystal meth he shoots up.


    DONNY LONG aka Mr. Shitbag from Florida is an IV drug user with a huge habit which is why he lives in his fucked up studio.

    He told Jim Camp that he needs to be high to shoot midgets and the other fucked up things he needs to do to make rent.

    Donny Long should ask Christian if he can stay at his place for a new days so he can get a good nights sleep and a decent meal because even though Christian bitches and moans like a old woman on her period this guy likes to eat and take pictures of his food which is a bit weird.


    I hope the companies that didn’t listen to me and hired 3cx go to jail and lose everything they own. A inside source tells me that not only there are 3 women that got HIV but in brazil but that there is some interesting stuff that went on that has to do with trannies out their that came to USA and faggots like c3x. This inside source also tells me that on of the trannies involved worked with Christianx here in the states very recently with no condom bareback. God help the dumb whores that worked with him and didn’t listen to me. I am praying that this doesn’t get nasty out here in the USA because this time we might all lose our businesses. All I can hope for at this point is that the shit stay in Brazil and not make it here and everyone learn a lesson from this. I hope to god all of his work is put to a halt immediately or many more people will be liable after this warning I have put out. Noone should hire him for at lest 2 months so take my advice or pay this price.
    Ps. This is going to all the news sites so take it or leave it.

  3. Larry Horse says:

    As much as I dislike Christian, I think he’s clean on this one. Look to the usual suspects who go to Brazil(and Southeast Asia) and gladly play Russian Roulette. Donny, I hate to say it, but you have a better chance to get the “bug” than Christian, if your drug habit is true.

  4. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    NLF, how about consulting the real Luke Ford?

  5. Donney, if this story turns out to be bullshit will you tell us who your “inside source: is?

  6. Moody Blue says:

    The possibility of this being bullshit pales in comparison to the possible consequences of it being true. With the recent history of this kind of thing, chances are it IS the case, and if it is Darrah’s desire to keep it from spreading gets her the Admirable Writer Of The Year Award from me. It is nice to see that there are still some people in this business, such as Darrah, Ms. Devereaux and Dr. Mitchell that are more concerned with the health and the future of the talent than they are in making money. Money IS important, but life and health are far more so. As a pornographer, I am NOT willing to profit from something that will kill the people producing the profit, or anyone else for that matter.

    Why in the fuck are people shooting in Brazil anyway? The expense might be less, but the risks are greater and getting worse.

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