Brian Surewood Update

Brian Barnes, p/k/a Brian Surewood, is languishing in the murdering gangbanger section of the LA County Jail. He gets to shower once every two weeks, and sees sunlight one hour per week. The D.A. is going after a murder charge on Brian, saying that road rage is a "premeditated violent act" that led to a death. Therefore, it is murder, not manslaughter.

Brian is broke. The victim’s family has filed a $60M civil suit against him, but likely will never see a penny. There are also chasing anyone else remotely related to the incident. Rumor has it, they will be filing a civil suit against Vince Vouyer and Vouyer Media, as Surewood was leaving Vince’s set when the incident occured.

If anyone would like to write Brian, he can be reached at:

Brian Barnes – Booking 1013087
PO Box 86164
Terminal Annex
Los Angeles, CA 90086-0164

15 thoughts on “Brian Surewood Update

  1. “He gets to shower once every two weeks”
    Is that an improvement?

  2. Brian is not in the “murdering gangbanger” section of LA county. He is in protective custody. Specially he is in the “KA” section which stands for “keep away” which means keep away from the general population. He is physically safe but he is in the lowest of the low when it comes to respect in jail. Only the yellow shirts(mental cases or 5150s) and yellow pants(homosexuals) rank lower. Most KA inmates are rats/snitches or drop outs(guys leaving their gang) or sex crime offenders. If he was not a keep away he would housed in Wayside which is next to Magic Mountain. Only guys already sentenced, or special status inmates stay in Twin Towers. In Wayside they dont have single man or double cells. Everyone is in 100 and 200 man open bays which makes violence a daily reality.

    Like alot of people in porn he is broke but he still killed someone. There is only so much sympathy I can have. If he would injured or killed someone I know?

    The family wont be able to win any more against Vouyer Media because he is an indepedent contractor and not a real time employee.

    His only possessions are stacks of porn films which are worth about 3 cents each brand new.

    He has had a good life. He fucked alot of women so he will have plenty of memories to spank off to in prison. Without a top notch lawyer he will most certainly goto prison and for a long time. Being a keep away wont help because when he “catches the chain” to prison he will be placed in a different area of the bus and the guys he rides with will tell the guys on the yard he was a keep away back in LA county. Its not a good way to start a 25 year bid.

    In LA county the whites are severely out numbered and take orders from the southern hispanics. Once he goes to the pen and hits a mainline yard the peckerwoods will take him in. Hopefully Brian has watched the movie American Me so he knows the deal.

    Maybe people should write to the family of those he killed?

  3. Who did he kill and how? But why go after the company? Did they give him drugs or alcohol before he left?

  4. jeremysteele says:

    I feel bad for all the victims in this tragedy. Brian is a victim of himself, a good guy who got reckless at the wrong place and time. The highways are a deadly place (46,000 deaths or so per year) and we’ve all been on one side or another of road rage. And unlike LittleDickDaddy (bitter ex-agent control freak who lost all control) Brian never intended to hurt anyone.

  5. Big Daddy is Dead on. Even with a high powered spokespiece, he’s in a bad way.

  6. five_hole says:

    Long time lurker, first time poster. I’m compelled to respond to Jeremy’s asinine comment that “Brian never intended to hurt anyone.” He intended to be reckless and his reckless actions killed somebody. And he’s a victim? What world do you live in? Haven’t you heard of the old saying “Sticks and stones (or an speeding automobile) may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” You may hate the guy, but don’t compare a killer to a cyber bully.

  7. elglorioso says:

    Jeremy Steal you are BDD little bitch

    eat a dick please

  8. jeremysteele says:

    Hey elgloryhole. Go suck a big cockaroach.

  9. Mr. Schmeckel says:

    This is a plea really for you fuck wads to send brian a letter drop him a note and you douches turn it into this? Please……

  10. jeremysteele says:

    I agree with Mr. Schmeckel. We should all drop Brian a note of encouragement and $10.00 or whatever we can contribute. I think all the companies he’s worked for should pitch something in for all his service. It doesn’t condone what he’s done. He’s paying for it, either way.

  11. joe truth says:

    Brian’s situation is sad. For all involved. This was a terrible accident.
    Especially for the families that lost their loved ones. I have hired Brian on several projects. He was always an asset. But that is not an excuse for his recklessness. To prosecute him for murdered is wrong. Our legal system is out of control. But we already know that. The whole thing is just fucked up.

  12. RickMadrid says:

    Oh well at least the southsiders and the Peckerheads will be enjoying this one!! A former Pornstar in the Joint!! Maybe SuziesHouse or better SLO on the Beach for 35 cents an hour!! I don’t think he’ll get more than 3-5 years?? if that depends on his former crimnal record and WHO’s representing him…… He shouldn’t have left the scene…?? oh well!!

  13. Moody Blue says:

    “This is a plea really for you fuck wads to send brian a letter drop him a note and you douches turn it into this? Please……”

    Mr. Schmeckel is correct. Could we please get some class, even in THIS business (I realize I am asking a lot). Nothing says you can’t drop the man a note and let him know he is at least being thought of….yeeesh…

  14. runninwiththedevil says:

    The bottom line is, at Brains age you dont drive around stoned, and if you are high you dont lose your mind and chase someone with your car.

    The reality is, Brain is not that attractive and yet was getting paid to fuck some attractive women that would otherwise not give him the time of day.

    Let me repeat that, a guy looking like Brain was PAID to smoke bowls and fuck hot young girls. How do you fuck that up??
    Brain will be asking himself the rest of his life that if he gets a long sentence.
    Its a sad story, but Brain has no one to blame for this but himself. He should have blessed his lucky stars, but he lost touch with reality and fucked it all up.


  15. RickMadrid says:

    Like I said he’ll probably luck out and get Mens colony beach cleaning detail and make 35 cents an hour cleaning the beaches of San luis Obispo county and state beaches and SMOKIN’ Still!!!

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