Obama’s Speech- Uplifting? or Upsetting?

NL-What did you think of Obama’s State of the Union Speech?

… "A symbol of the American dream – alongside Vice President Joe Biden, "a working class kid from Scranton" and Speaker of the House John Boehner, "who began by sweeping the floors of his father’s Cincinnati bar" – someone of modest means who would go on to "do big things," Obama said.

"We may have different opinions, but we believe in the same promise that says this is a place where you can make it if you try. We may have different backgrounds, but we believe in the same dream that says this is a country where anything’s possible. No matter who you are. No matter where you come from. That dream is why I can stand here before you tonight," …

57 thoughts on “Obama’s Speech- Uplifting? or Upsetting?

  1. Here is the problem…

    Vast amounts of money are wasted trying to get folks elected. The guys running for election say just about anything to curry favor with the public to get their votes. In reality they are never going to come thru on campain promises because you did not donate tens of thousands or millions to their canpaign. When a PAC (Political Action Committee Special Interest Group) donates vast sums of money they expect something in return.

    Once the politician used you to get elected they pretty much go along the party line doctrine and don’t care about you until reelection time. Republicans have always been the party of the wealthy and well to do and their dogma reflects that. Democrats have always been known as the working class party and so most of their programs have been geared towards social and economic change.

    When a party gets into power the other party does everything they can to fight the other party. Even if a republican senator thinks a bill that was drafted by a democrat is a good idea he will fight it and vote against it because the dude is from the other party. Same thing happens when the republicans are in power. The democrats try and block the republicans plans as well because the bill was sponsored by a republican.

    We need to get to a point where folks quit thinking along party lines and think for themselves and vote that way. Too much effort is spent in keeping the same people in power and fighting against the other party and not enough working to make things better for all americans. Make our politicians use Medicare and very quickly they would come up with a better national health care program for ALL americans. Make some of the senators and congressman’s children join the service and fight in Iraq, Afghanistan and other areas and they won’t be so quick to send the poor peoples children to war.

    Its a national embarrassment to supposedly be the greatest nation on earth while we have so many homeless, disabled, and poor and at the same time spend vast amounts of $$$ in wars all around the world.

  2. Reader Email/Twitter says:

    I am one of those disappointed liberals, so I think that he did not go far enough in this speech towards fundamental reform. Chris

  3. BLAH BLAH BLAH, this guy is an absolute embarassment.
    politics should not be a career !
    TERM LIMITS hafta be considered, and not just run for a different position, serve whatever term is decided , over however many elected offices and then GO HOME.

  4. He’s a good president and I thought his speech was great and it had a very good message.

  5. Increased unemployment rates from 7.6 to 9.6 percent, highest national debt in the history of the U.S. numbering in the trillions,no forseeable “solve all” to the wars and occupations both in Iraq and Afghanistan, corporations and banks recieve massive capital to recover from their own self-induced failure as well as impaired Federal response and reaction to illegal immigration and drug trafficing great job Mr. President you may now return to your cabinent annd discuss what color you want to make next years foodstamps Im thinking a nice pink tone would be nice……

  6. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    Did he finally annouce that he switched to a right-wing political party like the Republican, Conservative, Tea, Nazi, etc?

  7. One thing bahamute… it was Bush that got us into the war, Bush that got the deficit way out of control, and all the other things you mentioned except the banks.

    He foolishly thought if they bailed out the banks and car makers they would take the bailout money and use it for the good of the country. Instead they (virtually all republicans) used it to fill their pockets as much as they could carry away.

  8. jeremysteele11 says:

    I missed it, but I’m sure it sounded nice, but so what? Aside from phone bills and phone sex bills, talk is cheap. And if I wanted to get off on someone’s talk I’d dial a 1-900 number. As Michael Moore has pointed out, big corporations have two political parties working for them. Everyone else has NO political party working for them. Remember folks… Uncle Barrack/Barrie THANKED George Bush for doing a great job after taking office! Pathetic.

  9. What would you do if you were president Jeremy? Or anyone here for that matter? Oh, I forgot – you’d actually have to live your life differently and do a lot of work you’re not willing to put the effort into doing before even being CONSIDERED as a candidate first.

    So easy to talk smack about people who you will never have a chance to be on an equal playing field with EVER in your life.

    I’ve been guilty of doing that in the past, but not now – turn over a new leaf fuckers.

  10. read the damn history , the nazi were NOT right wing !
    How long do you people think that you can blame every evil in the world on Bush ? just how many beatings is that dead horse gonna hafta take ? Bush is gone, been gone . Bush did some good things and some bad things, its time to move on. How many years hafta pass before bama hasta accept some responsibility for whats happening now ?
    bama could turn the economy around in a snap if he wanted too . eliminate the capital gains tax and slash the corporate tax rate, but he wont because the more people beholden to the government the more power washington has ( true for both parties )
    This summer when gasoline is over $4, what will be the excuse for not drilling for our own oil (and refining it here ) anywhere and everywhere ? thank you democrats.

  11. jeremysteele11 says:

    Holy Shit, Travis. What good things has Bush done? He’s gone? Not really. His policies are still in effect. And mentioning gas going up, you’re going to blame democrats? Both dems and repubs are in the corporations’ pockets, prices are articificially inflated just like they were during Bush.

    What would I do if I were President, Monica? First, I’d flee to Osama Bin Laden’s cave where no one can find me, then I’d dismantle all the alphabet agencies and the federal reserve, declare war on the media, the “free market” and a whole bunch of things, including feeding half the world’s starving population. I’d also advocate sterilization.

    Wake up, people. Do you think going back and forth between two corporate controlled political parties will ever improve things in any real way? Left and Right are both two arms of the same old monster and Obama is just the temporary new face.

  12. That last paragraph was well said Jeremy. In fact lets say it again in case folks didn’t read it…

    “Wake up, people. Do you think going back and forth between two corporate controlled political parties will ever improve things in any real way? Left and Right are both two arms of the same old monster and Obama is just the temporary new face.”

  13. True…..

    The Nazi Party or N.S.D.A.P was a National Socialist movement not to be classified or confused as either our western concept of Democratic “Left-Wing” or Republican “Right Wing”. The reason being the principles upon which the national socialist party was established called for nether bi-partisianship nor what we know as constitutional processes of legeslation and governance.
    The one party Nazi “fascist” state was villified as a great evil however abject povery and gross violations of German/Deutchland soveignty led to centralized authority in banking,propaganda, national printing presses and primitive media outlets. All leading to the cult the “Das Fuher”
    Now drop your books and compare the two states of affairs with our present situation do we really have a bi-partisian goverment and a true constitutional governance…..? Ummmm lets see The Patriot Act/ Enabling Act passed,the anti-American N.A.F.T.A was ratified, Top Tax-Tier appropriations are made etc. etc. soooo….. besides trivial social triggers ie abortion, gay rights etc etc both supposed parties have towed the same party line of protectionism and reservation of rights to the top tier….elitist for the last four decades. Constitutional Rights can be waived in the face of greed and our dear elected represntative prove that notion on a daily basis.

  14. jeremysteele11 says:

    Thx Karma. Those in control of everything figured out a long time all you have to do is control the media; that is, what it is they examine and report on and what they point and roll their cameras on. That’s why the huge and most important issues are ignored and never acted on, like rigged Presidential elections and those who had inside stock information on UA and AA before 9/11, etc, etc. We can boycott the media by cancelling subscriptions and boycotting all advertisers’ products playing during their commercial breaks.

    The corporate controlled media is superficial and deplorable; they are not allocated enough time and resources to go deep which is where we need to dig.

  15. Actually Travis you are the one that needs to gain a better understanding of political history. The Nazi party was to the extreme right wing of the political spectrum of that era. The Communists, the extreme left. The Nazis had an intense hatred for the Communist party. The word “Socialist” in the Nazi party name is sometimes misunderstood by the uneducated. When the party was established, the word was used in an attempt to garner support from the working class. In reality however, the Nazis were not in the least socialistic. They were far right wing. Their anti-intellectual pandering to the alleged superior traditional values of the Volk should be evidence enough of this.

  16. jeremysteele11 says:

    That’s right Blackhat. We should never allow ourselves to define something by its name. The “Patriot Act” was an act of treason against the people who had nothing to do with 9/11. “Conservatives” or Neo-Cons that advocate “pre-emptive strike (bombing other countries “suspected” of having defense weapons) are far from “conservative” as well as far from being “right” (They’re wrong in fact).

    That latest from CNN, aka “crap news network” aka “corporate news network” aka “controlled news network” had a puppet pundent calling Obama a socialist. Just fyi, public schooling, the postal system, social security and the like are ALL socialist. The notion of taking care of people that need it should not necesssarily be considered a bad thing. We need socialized medicine and we all have the right to health care (and the right to choose our therapy whether it be western or eastern) as well.


  18. jeremysteele11 says:

    pundit whoops, sorry

  19. jeremysteele11 says:

    Travis, I think you should change your name to Mud.

  20. Fuck that. Primus is talented , no doubt, but not for me. I am as entitled to my point of view as the next person, mine just so happens to be correct. LOL I didn’t expect to be popular on a porn blog from the lefty coast but wow you guys are out there. Condecend much ? not singling anyone out in particular but its no wonder why the left is seen as pseudo-intelectuals and eliteist, you guys might get your point across better without talking down to people, if you want an actual fact based discussion that is.

  21. oh btw , if you believe the nazi party was right wing, then you just dont understand the right at all.

  22. jeremysteele11 says:

    neo-cons & neo-nazis r far right travis

  23. jeremy, you may be the smartest guy in the room but that doesn’t make you right (correct) all the time, i get the feeling that you think a little to much but you certainly aren’t alone in that.

  24. jeremysteele11 says:

    thanks travis- do you think i think too much? let me think about this… meanwhile it takes two wings to fly and due to the corporate-politics the u.s. has been flown into the ground!

    i suppose you argue hitler was left because he advocated complete gun control, government control and “socialism”

  25. jeremysteele11 says:

    I responded to you Travis, but it went “poof”! I understand the right doesn’t want to be associated with Hitler, so will point out the label of “national socialism workers party” as being suggestively leftist.

    Regardless, you need two wings to fly and both corporate controlled left and right wings have flown the U.S. into the ground.

  26. jeremysteele11 says:

    wow two of my responses to travis have now gone poof! i give up!

  27. Travis, the Far right, extreme right, hard right, radical right, and ultra-right are all terms used to discuss the qualitative or quantitative position a group or person occupies within right-wing politics. The terms are often used to imply that someone is an extremist. They are also sometimes used by different scholars in somewhat conflicting ways, but the fundamental core of far right politics usually involves supremacism — a belief that superiority and inferiority is an innate reality between individuals and groups — and a complete rejection of the concept of social equality as an ideal. Far right politics often support segregation; the separation of groups deemed to be superior from groups deemed to be inferior. Far right politics also commonly include authoritarianism, nativism, racism and xenophobia.
    The ideologies usually associated with the far right include fascism, Nazism and other ultra-nationalist, religiously extreme or reactionary ideologies. Perhaps you are the one that doesn’t understand the right.

  28. I understand that this country is swinging back to the right despite everything the “intellectuals” can do to stop it. The right that i believe in and the right that you believe, are 2 entirely different animals. My right believes in self dicipline, self reliance, fiscal responsibility, and smaller less intrusive goverment(i haven’t seen much of this from the republicans but i’m hoping ) all that BS you love to throw around has nothing to do with it and no place in it.

  29. jeremysteele11 says:

    You said recently Travis W that W Bush did some good things as President. Could you please name any? I’m very curious to know what the hell you’re talking about.

  30. ok Jeremy, just off the top of my head heres a few good things.
    passed a huge tax cut.
    did NOT sign that Kyoto insanity
    signed an executive order banning federal eminent domain seizures
    protected the ocean with largest marine preserve in history
    no child left behind (its not perfect but far too many morons were graduating)
    tripled AIDS money to africa
    banned partial birth abortion
    freed millions from tyranny
    now feel free to pick apart as many of these as you can because liberals are so tolerant and understanding that they can at least give credit where credit is due

  31. jeremysteele11 says:

    Holy Christ, Travis! Whew…. Let me deal with the last thing first…

    8. “Freed millions tyranny”:

    Your view of Bush reminds me of a quote by Voltaire: “All murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.”

    Iraq has not been liberated. They’ve been all but destroyed; destablized and raped. The war of aggression of course was sold as “liberation” and people like you have actually bought this lie in spite of manufactured WMD reports and other exposed lies.

    Bush Sr.’s cabal was responsible for 200,000 deaths in the “Gulf War” which was in actuality, a one-sided attack. Also years of genocidal sanctions against the people he bombed left 1.5 million dead- 2/3rds of those Iraqi children.

    Then George Bush’s Iraq War. At least another million deaths. Some estimates as high as two million. Around four million internally and externally displaced. Mass unemployment and poverty. A near-total absence of essential services – fresh drinking water, sanitation, electricity, medical care, education, security and for many enough food. Emergency needs remain unmet. It’s an overall humanitarian disaster of epic proportions unreported in the mainstream. “Shock and awe” pre-emptive strike bombings, in violation of Geneva convention international law, opened up “Free trade”, which has further raped the people for the benefit of a few, which include Bush and Cheney, themselves.

    Iraq was a modernized, first world nation prior to Bush Sr. bombing them. By the time Bush Jr. was done with what daddy started they were a 3rd world nation.

    A memo leaked from inside the British Government clearly indicates a decision to go to war followed by the “fixing” of information so U.S. can go to war on Iraq. Bush made lots of money through ties to oil and Cheney made lots of money with Halliburton.

    The only WMD in Iraq are the ones we dropped. Then even after soldiers there were dying from fallout from depleted uranium the U.S. gov’t still would not acknowledge it.

    “Bring em on” said Bush. Easy for him to say, of course. Then he laughed about it later at a fancy dinner gathering… “Nope. No WMDs under here”. He lied and millions died. Thanks Dubya. But, don’t worry- cement headed right wingers still love ya.

    i haven’t either but i have many many friends and relatives who are in the military . They know the real score. Do you even know anyone in the military ? you know personally , not some BULLSHIT you read . My God man ! is there any left wing kook therory that you don’t believe in ? How terrible it must be to live in your head.

  33. not to get side tracked but come on there are 7 points for you to tear down.

  34. jeremysteele11 says:

    So every statistic you read or hear that you don’t want to believe is bullshit, huh, Travis? The Washington Post reported a record number of soldier suicides, the highest level since such data has ever been recorded. I’ve done a lot of research. I suppose you say the Washington Post is also a left wing kook theorist publication, as well.

    How dare you celebrate a man who instigated torture, suspension of habeaus corpus and other rights because of 9/11, which the people had nothing to do with?

    Conspiracy THEORY??? THEORY????????????????? WHY… DON’T… YOU… LOOK… UP… PROJECT FOR A NEW AMERICAN CENTURY! No theories. The existence of this plan written in 2000 is a fact. It stated that we needed to expand empire but can not without a “catalyzing event, like a new pearl harbor”. There’s motive, right there. No theory. Fact!

  35. jeremysteele11 says:

    Project for a New American Century (PNAC) Document Section V of Rebuilding America’s Defenses, entitled “Creating Tomorrow’s Dominant Force”, includes the sentence: “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor”.

    Now, Travis, add the above with Norman Mineta’s testimony of Cheney’s Pentagon standdown order to the Bush appointed 9/11 (“no blame”) Commission, and the fact that no photos exist proving a plane hit despite it being the most guarded and video camera covered place on Earth…

  36. A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.
    George S. Patton

  37. jeremysteele11 says:

    And Judah Friedlander is The World’s Best Ping Pong Player, but what the hell does this have to do with anything, Travis Dubya?

  38. Iraq wasnt perfect but it is WAR. deal wit it.
    Watch what people are cynical about, and one can often discover what they lack.
    George S. Patton
    and my other points ?
    just cant get off the Iraq thing.

  39. jeremysteele11 says:

    What skewed logic devoid of factual curiosity you express, Travis. Yeah Patton’s quote is brilliant, just like “We had to destroy the village in order to save it”… Anyone who offers violent solutions needs to step up to the front line or shut their hypocritical mouths up… or send their sons if they’re too old for combat. Did you not hear the gov’t doesn’t acknowledge Gulf War Syndrome as existing comment? If you don’t care what we do to foreigners in their own country think and/or research about that one. Fighting and dying for corporations and armies which don’t even acknowledge the illnesses these wars for profit cause their own soldiers.

  40. Get correct views of life, and learn to see the world in its true light. It will enable you to live pleasantly, to do good, and, when summoned away, to leave without regret.
    Robert E. Lee

  41. I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.
    Douglas MacArthur

  42. I admit it , you win , every evil in the world that has ever been , is Americas fault. We are a terrible evil hateful place that has never done anything good instead of being the greatest country in the history of mankind and the last best hope for freedom and liberty.

  43. jeremysteele11 says:

    “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” – Abraham Lincoln

    “I do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.” – Abraham Lincoln

    “Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.” – Abraham Lincoln

    “Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose – and you allow him to make war at pleasure.” – Abraham Lincoln

    “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” – Abraham Lincoln

    “Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable – a most sacred right – a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world.” – Abraham Lincoln

    “These capitalists generally act harmoniously and in concert, to fleece the people.” – Abraham Lincoln

    “As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy.” – Abraham Lincoln

    “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” – Abraham Lincoln

    “Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.” – Abraham Lincoln

    “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln

    “Common looking people are the best in the world: that is the reason the Lord makes so many of them.”
    – Abraham Lincoln

    “Whatever you are, be a good one.” – Abraham Lincoln

  44. i have a hard time believing that Lincoln would agree with you if said that the sky is blue . HE loved his country , he loved his country so much that he started the most terrible war in american history just to preserve it.

  45. jeremysteele11 says:

    I’m not sure what your first sentence means, Travis, but Lincoln didn’t start the war. The guys who attacked Fort Sumter did. But if you’d like to digress into the subject of the Civil War, by all means, please do. I’ve pondered the possibilities, as well regarding what steps Abe could’ve taken, otherwise. Interestingly, some of the what are considered to be the worst Presidents existed right before and after Lincoln. Historians overall agree that Lincoln was history’s best President, although I’m sure many southerners to this day would beg to differ.

  46. you quoted Lincoln and i mean that Lincoln would not agree with you on ANYTHING . Lincoln had as hard a job as any president in history.

  47. oh yea btw < you never answered any of my points or questions just , Bush blah blah , Iraq blah blah. This irrational hatred of Bush has clouded your judgement, i know you're a smart guy but you (yall) just cant get past it. If an asteroid was coming for us the left would say it was Bush's fault.

  48. jeremysteele11 says:

    I have no irrational hatred of Bush, Travis, but the U.S. is now a hated nation because of the Bush Cabal. He is by far the worst President ever in U.S. history. He clearly stole the elections of 2000 and 2004, as independent studies have shown. Diebold even publically promised the election to Bush, all black counties supposedly voted for Bush and there many instances of counties having more votes for Bush then people that lived there. Then there was Jeb Bush’s state of Florida which deliberately purged 10’s of 1000s of voters from the polls. Then there’s 9/11, which provided the “new pearl harbor” Neo-cons were looking for to justify conquoring other nations for their resources while their Enron, Worldcom and other buddies looted the nation and put us in the horrific economic status we’ve been in. Donald Rumsfeld announced on the day before 9/11/01 that the Pentagon doesn’t know what happened to 2.3 TRILLION dollars (and what’s the fuckin’ point Travis of saying Bush cut taxes in lieu of that??). It is no coincidence he announced this the day before. Also the Worldcom and Enron documents were housed in 47 story WTC building #7, which was clearly brought down by classic demolition (pre-laid explosives). Then right after 9/11 there was a pre-written document (how is it possible to write something of that size and complexity in only 45 days?) erroneously called “The Patriot Act” which suspended our constitutional rights-including secret spying w/o warrants, removal of habeus corpus, expanding executive powers, instigating torture against innocent people (they could not possibly have caused a military standdown or the destruction of 3 towers, etc.), wrecked the economy, “pre-eptive strike”, forging WMD documents to justify the unjustifiable. He lied numerous times (He said “We had no idea terrorist would use airplanes” when even the mainstream media showed the Pentagon preparing for airplane attacks and the numerous war game exercises going on during 9/11) and then laughed about it at a dinner (“Nope. No weapons under here”). There’s the disasterous “mismanagement” of Katrina, martial law and how many people right now still locked up in camps somewhere? And “No Child Left Behind”? It’s more like “No child’s behind left alone”. Forget about abolishing the Department of Education. Bush made the federal government a much more intrusive and costly part of local schools… I can go and on and on, but why bother since you just say “Oh that’s nonsense and poppycock!”?

    Bush is also the dumbest President in history and, aside from all the evils he’s been part of, the funniest because of his innumerable Archie Bunker like gaffs, one-liners and buffoonery.

  49. no Bush hatred ? did you read your last post ?
    Look you’re not gonna change my mind and i’m not gonna change yours.

  50. jeremysteele11 says:

    What about that “We don’t know where 2.3 trillion dollars went” comment by Rumsfeld, Travis? What do you think this country could be doing with an extra 2.3 trillion dollars? Guess how much money that would be if we divided it amongst the people equally?

  51. bama has already spent it.

  52. jeremysteele11 says:

    “Look you’re not gonna change my mind and i’m not gonna change yours.”

    There’s something we agree on.

    I will say that Dubya Bush is actually smarter than Sarah Palin, and that’s quite scary!

  53. Its too bad we all can’t be as smart as you.

  54. jeremysteele11 says:

    The metric of the Schwarzschild black hole is the unique spherically symmetric solution of the vacuum Einstein field equations… what?… I’m sorry, Travis, did you say something?

  55. Funny. Then you already know what the word arrogant means. Which is why the MAJORITY of this country doesn’t agree with you, even if by some miracle from God you did happen to be correct on an issue. Talking down to people make come natural to you but it does not reinforce your position.
    It is useless to debate point by point,because you believe what you believe and i believe the truth. LOL . couldn’t resist.

  56. jeremysteele11 says:

    I was just messing around, not talking down. The majority doesn’t agree with what? That the gov’t lied about 9/11? Actually the majority according to CNN believe the gov’t is not being “entirely honest” about it. I can go over point by point if you like.

    I understand some people say “I don’t like what he says on the internet”. But I would ask them “Have I ever said one thing that made sense to you”? Take what you resonate with and leave the rest behind.

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