Who’s Kate Kennedy? And why does she think she’s worth 50 bucks a Twitter follow?

When random porn girls over inflate their value;

Kate Kennedy

I can think of 1000 things I’d rather spend 50 dollars on. I’d like to meet the looser that actually gives her the cash 🙂

8 thoughts on “Who’s Kate Kennedy? And why does she think she’s worth 50 bucks a Twitter follow?

  1. For a couple hundred more you can get her for a full hour :/

  2. Drugstore Don says:

    I was just on her twitter? Her pr is meth head women beater Michael Whiteacre How great is that!?!

  3. Whiteacre’s PO says:

    I miss Whiteacre getting beat up by girls, then punching them and blogging about it . Good times

  4. Whiteacre’s Tombstone says:

    He used to post here ad nauseam. His rhetoric was all over the place. It was fun watching him crash and burn, over, and over again. He’s find a good home over at Souths site. Absolutely nothing credible and so one-sided it doesn’t take a “rocket scientist” to figure out who’s who over there. Ari’s shict is easy to spot. Which blogger will post his obit, when he overdoses.

    Here lies Ari Bass, never met a women he didn’t want to beat

    Smoked so much dope, he lost all his teeth

  5. Whiteacre always reminded me of a guy who eats cum out of his wife’s pussy.

  6. ^^^^^ LOL ^^^^^^^

    Him and Germey Steele has some epic battles. Talk about a dysfunctional cast of characters, Monica Foster, Whiteacre, Rick Madrid, Mike South, Steele, Roy Garcia. That’s like a who’s who of drugs and shame

    It was a great way to pass the time

  7. Is Whiteacre on twitter? The whiteacre account is suspended. I can just imagine the drug-foolery going on

  8. Lol imagine being Whiteacre under quarantine, he’s probably resorted to beating his meth-dealer.

    And Jermey is probably making one of his conspiracy YouTube videos, the coronavirus was created by the anti-gun lobby to slow the sale of guns

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