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Political Attack Ads on NPR?

NL- So basically this means our needy Public Radio & Television stations will get Gov’t funds to run political ads. What do you think of this? Obviously the "FreePress" org isn’t happy about it.

Dear Cindi,
Sesame Street, brought to you by Mitt Romney. Up next, Downton Abbey, but first, a word from Obama’s Super PAC.
We’re not kidding! A U.S. appeals court just struck down a ban on political ads on public broadcasting stations. That means your local PBS or NPR station could start running nasty attack ads right away.
The court said that permitting these sorts of ads would not threaten or undermine the educational nature of public broadcast stations.
But polluting public programming with misleading and negative ads is not in keeping with the original vision of noncommercial broadcasting. And it’s certainly not the solution to funding public media.
Many Americans turn to public TV or radio to escape the offensive political ads that have flooded commercial stations. Please join us and tell the leadership of PBS and NPR stations that they must reject political ads:

An overwhelming majority of Americans say public funding for public media is money well spent. PBS and NPR and their member stations should know that accepting political ads is not the solution to public broadcasting’s funding problems.
We need to invest in public media, not open it up to dirty Super PAC money.
Take action now and then forward this email to your friends.
Thanks, Candace, Josh, Craig, Tim and the rest of the Free Press team

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