Who is Glenn Beck? And who Really Cares?

NL-The bad thing about this kind of boycott is the massive amount of publicity the guy gets. People who are not on that political bent will now watch his show just to see if he is the cretin everyone says he is. Glenn Beck is now a familiar name because of this Ad withdrawl campaign. Before this he was only known to the right wing followers who agreed with him.

from http://www.mediabistro.com/tvnewser/

57 Companies Keeping their Ads off Glenn Beck
By Chris Ariens on Sep 02, 2009 05:10 PM

Oh his show today Glenn Beck continued to look into Van Jones, the White House special adviser for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation who four years ago co-founded the group ColorofChange.org.

That group just announced another 11 companies have pledged not to run ads on Beck’s Fox News program.

ColorofChange.org says Capital One, Mercedes-Benz, Discover, Dannon, and HSBC are among those who’ve pledged to keep their ads off Beck’s show. This brings to 57 the number of companies committed to not advertise on Beck’s show. Fox News maintains any ads that would have run during Beck have been moved to other shows, so no revenue has been lost.

The ad boycott movement began earlier this summer after Beck’s appearance on Fox & Friends during which he said he thought Pres. Obama was a "racist" who "has a deep-seated hatred for white people."

73 thoughts on “Who is Glenn Beck? And who Really Cares?

  1. Harvey Dent says:

    Shock jock and rising star. He now is poised to become what Father Cougling was in the FDR years, Rush Limbaugh in the Clinton years, the lighting rod of right wing radio, the boicot lends him more credibility and ratings.

    Rupert Murdock who knows well about shock tactics will most likey stand by him.

  2. sammyglick says:

    Oh…I’m shaking in my Socialist shoes!

    Fox News and Beck are just preaching to the choir. Yes, their ratings are growing, but when you look closer into what types of audiences they’re attracting, they are doing nothing more than solidifying the people who would be listening to their Right-Wing rhetorical ravings to begin with.

    Which is to say, they are no persuading anyone over to their side of the political debate. They are just giving those who like what they’re hearing even more of it. Beck will be a footnote in history once the economy changes (as it always does) and the debate switches to something more ‘human’ like Immigration. Good luck Fox & Beck when you go after ‘Mexicans’ as if they’re the Devil incarnate (as that will be the day, when you’ll finally be exposed for the nutty hate-mongers that you truly are).

    Oh and I really can’t wait until the Midterm elections. As once again, the GOP will be left wondering ‘why’ no one is listening to their dire predictions of nationwide Doom & Gloom anymore.

  3. Larry Horse says:

    If you watch the show its not hard to tell the man is insane, he believes this stuff. Limbaugh is a comedian, just out to make money. The odd thing about Beck and all this socialism talk began after Obama was elected, and most of the demands Beck makes should’ve been made before Obama took office, like we were “freer” when Bush and Cheney were in office. Beck gets my blood boiling, almost as much as the Earl and of course the Trannyfucker.

  4. yeah, Beck is pretty bad… and sammy, Geraldo is a registered Republican

  5. Harvey Dent says:

    “Limbaugh is a comedian, just out to make money.”

    Dead On. I do not watch Fox but I do not thing they really what to get Obama out of office, Rupert Murdoch is a businesman, his business is always better when the Reeps are out of office and they has to look at Fox among the wilderness.

    “like we were “freer” when Bush and Cheney were in office.”

    Well, not too different yet. I thing like the Coronel, or Chomski, the US is a one party government, the business party, Reeps and Dems are two factions. The Patriot act has not been abolished.
    And while the economy will temporary turn around and drug addicts often feel better when they get a new fix, the real problem still there, this time on steroids.
    An out of control monetary policy.

    Despite the good vives coming from the US, Europe and the FMI, gold is now near the 1000 dolar mark and going up.
    Always have said that this crisis was not about averting a New Depression, was about avoiding a new Germany 1923.
    The danger is still there.

  6. Harvey Dent says:

    In the meantime, political debate in the XXI century:

    “And in the naked light I saw
    Ten thousand people, maybe more
    People talking without speaking
    People hearing without listening.”

    “And the sign said, “the words of the prophet are written on the subway wall, and tenement hall; whispering the sound of silence.”

  7. Personally I like Glen Beck’s show. He brings up some really valid points sometimes. Of course he goes over the top with some stuff but he’s on fucking television for Christ’s sake.
    I am a rarity in this business in that I lean more right than left. I don’t care for Hannity or Limbaugh but I do agree with a lot of the right side when it comes to certain things. I don’t agree with abortion being anyone other than the mothers decision, I agree with legalizing marijuana even though I don’t use it, and I agree that George Bush sucked as President and should be in jail.

    But I DON’T think illegals should get driver’s license’s, they’re fucking ILLEGAL! I don’t think that Government should be in my life in things like controlling my thermostat in my house or taxing the shit out of me for all these programs they are creating. Government should be tiny not huge as it is most certainly getting. in the words of a great President, Ronal Reagan, “Government is not the answer, it is the problem!”
    People like Bill Maher make jokes about Fox news and Glen Beck but Fox beats CNN and MSNBS combined in every show from 5pm until 11 every night. Fox has a right side viewpoint where the others have a far left and maybe a moderate at most from time to time. CNN and most newspapers refused to publish the John Edwards scandal at first…do you realize how fucked up it is when a presidential candidate is caught in a hotel with a woman at 2am while his wife is dying of breast cancer and newspapers refuse to report it? that is as one sided as it gets.

    Carry on Glen Beck. he presents a pretty sensible point of view many times and he has had as many liberals on his show as he has conservatives (including his CNN shows before he came to Fox) His interview with DL Hugley was great as was his show with Libertarian Penn Jellett

    What don’t you like about him? is it his politics or his humor or just his show? Obviously someone is liking it as he is #1 in cable tv for his time slot.
    Peace out! 🙂
    Mariah Milano

  8. sammy once again you make an asinine comment like this one
    “Which is to say, they are no persuading anyone over to their side of the political debate. ”

    have you seen Obama’s approval rating? it was at 42% by Zogby and 46% by NBC polls on Tuesday. Obviously you don’t know what the fuck you are saying.

    If they try and force this fake health care reform down our throats you will see massive changes in the seating in the House next mid terms. Did you know that they snuck into the Cash for Clunkers contract that the $3500 or $4500 you get will be taxed as income??? You surely know that 80% of the dealerships have yet to get a dime of their reimbursements but were guaranteed to get them within 10 days of the sale? People are pissed! Then last week they come out and say, oh sorry we messed up the deficit predictions by oh, one or two TRILLION dollars!!!!!!!!
    Ronald Reagan didn’t spend a trillion dollars in all 8 years he was president and this guy is going to spend 10 Trillion in 8 years?????? who is going to pay for that? You and me and anyone else who makes more than $40k a year.
    Keep drinking that kool aid sammy you ignorant fucking moron. 🙂 have a nice day! 🙂

    Mariah Milano

  9. You can look at them as illegal aliens, or you can look at them as undocumented economic refugees who are human beings, most of which are just going to what was part of their ancestral homeland anyway. Did you know in the 20-40’s in the southwest the government deported thousands and thousands of Mexicans, a large number of them whose families had been residing there since people inhabited those areas?

    I just want to throw in that Kyra Philips on CNN is fine as hell and I’d love to give her some of my CNN, cock, nuts and nut

  10. Beck is also a college dropout, though I guess around here he would be praised for attempting

  11. sammyglick says:

    To be fair, even Beck freely admits that if people listen to his every word, they need to get their head examined (as he has no problem admitting his past alcoholism and that he was once a rodeo clown). Likewise, when Bush was in office and Beck was on CNN’s Headline News Channel, he made many of the same points he makes now (abet in a lower decibel and to fewer viewers). I believe back then he would often accuse the Bush Administration of the usual failings of government (Katrina was probably high on the list after the war on terrorism and I dare say, Beck was probably railing against parts of the Patriot Act that he felt were somehow intrusive and/or stupid).

    So he is consistent in his view that government as a whole is ‘evil’ — which is idiotic on so many levels (as pundits like him, would only be happy if tomorrow the US Federal government ended so-called wasteful ‘entitlements’ such as Social Security, Medicare/Medicare, Food Stamps, Welfare, Unemployment Benefits, et cetera — along with letting the states decide most anything they wanted to from abortion to vehicle MPG standards to education policy, obscenity laws et cetera).

    Oh and lets not forget that Beck and his like-minded friends would also want to see taxes lowered significantly…for the wealthy (as they believe that’s the ONLY way to spur investment and economic growth…via letting the RICH keep most all of their money to then spend on creating businesses and buying luxury goods). The Middle Class would continue to be squeezed, as we’re expected to simply ‘work harder’ to become part of the ‘wealthy class’ in America. They’d also probably want the poor and impoverished to start paying some taxes…arguing that they need to at pay for ‘some’ of the ‘safety net’ they enjoy (even if the GOP wants to eliminate those very same safety nets).

    Let’s not forget how much the GOP and the Right complain about government, but have no problem with that ‘government funded/taxpayer supported’ military. Who cares if the government is spending billions on weapons systems that are outdated? Who cares if the government is spending UNFUNDED billions on wars (one of which we had no business starting)? Who cares if the government is spending billions on our troops being stationed in such ‘chaotic hotspots’ such as Germany, Japan, Italy, and England.

    As for Ms. Milano’s political views, the Republican Party and the Right wouldn’t exactly embrace you with open arms. In their eyes you’re nothing more than a RINO — and a ‘perverted’ one at that.

    What does the news coverage of John Edwards’ failings fit into any of this? He wasn’t a candidate for the Presidency when the allegations finally surfaced, and it was the tabloids (National Enquirer) that actually broke the story. Yes he was screwing around on his wife in the middle of the campaign, but he managed to hide all of this from even his closet advisors (who once they did realize what was up, elected to not say anything…unless he was going to actually be the party’s nominee).

    As for Fox News’ ratings, one shouldn’t take what that channel says as gospel (unless you’re a Dittohead and then…well, there is no help for you). Yes, Fox’s ratings have grown over their rivals — but what isn’t reported, or widely understood, is that part of that includes what is called LOT (“Length of Time” a viewer is tuned in). So CNN or MSNBC reach more unique viewers during the day, whereas people who are watching Fox, tend to simply leave the channel on all day long. In this way, they are similar to how AM Talkradio works; they too enjoy high ratings, the programing skews to the political right. Compared to other radio stations or talk formats they enjoy high ratings, but the pool of listeners is overall smaller (more devoted, but smaller).

    Plus their median-viewer age is the oldest (64). MSNBC it is 59 and CNN is 62. Fox News also has a higher percentage of self-identified ‘conservatives’ viewers compared to their rivals. A Pew Research Center survey found that two-thirds of the audience for Bill O’Reilly’s and Sean Hannity’s shows are…you guessed it, self-identified Conservatives. What does that mean exactly? Well, if you’re the CEO of Fox News (Roger Ailes), you’ve done an amazing job of attracting the kinds of loyal viewers who steadfastly agree with your political viewpoints…but that’s about it.

    Thusly, Fox’s audience/demographics mainly consist of older conservative voters who have little problem watching the channel all day long. Naturally, as the country becomes older — Fox has tapped into a steady stream of people to try and attract to their channel (minus having to change their format by making it more politically diverse).

    Cable TV itself is dominated by niche audiences — Fox News has one of the most profitable (but I’d be curious to see how non-news channels such as TLC, MTV, History, Discovery, A & E, TNT, Lifetime, ABC Family et cetera stack up ratings wise). Anyhow, so far in 2009, Fox has close to 2.2 million viewers in primetime (the three hours between 8 and 11PM). CNN gets a little under a million (983,000) and MSNBC is 845,000 (which is actually an increase of 20% from 2008).

    The O’Reilly Factor is Fox News’ most popular show (but Beck is gaining fast…so Bill better watch his back lol). His average ratings are about 3 million a night (but if you add in his two re-airs, it hits about 5 million). Now for all of the talk about how much Fox News is a force in American politics, and McCain received close to 60 million votes…O’Reilly and Fox should theoretically have MUCH higher viewership. Yet they don’t.

    Plus, you can’t forget about the fact that while Fox News repeatedly puts down the three main broadcast news anchors, combined their nightly newscasts get about 20 million viewers. Yes, that’s TWENTY MILLION…which is what, about four times as many people consistently watching them than Fox.

    Oh and Ms. Miliano might want to actually read a poll (instead of just citing the headlines). First of all, Polls are nothing more than a snapshot of the electorate at any given moment. Second, polls create their data from different parts of the electorate; sometimes it’s likely voters, sometimes it’s all voters, other times it’s by party identification and if they voted in pervious elections. If anything, in today’s hyper political landscape that has dozens of polls everyday being generated, one should probably look at an average of polls to get a clearer picture of what is going on.

    Yet even historically, Obama is doing as good as other presidents. To wit, Gallup (one of the nation’s oldest pollsters) cites that Reagan had 60% approval in March of 1981 (when he first came into office). After he was almost assassinated, his approval rose to 68%. By the end of the year, his approval has sunk to 49%. By the end of 1982, he was at 41%….and as 1983 started, he was at 35% job approval.

    They improved to about 50% in time for his re-election — but this wasn’t because of the economy getting better, but foreign events (Grenada and Lebanon). In 1986, Reagan reached his highest approval at 68%, only to have it slide down to 47% as the Iran-Contra affair played out in the news. He left office at 63%.

  12. hey AL do you live in a heavily Mexican populated area? I grew up in one right in Chatsworth and I can tell you that wherever there are Mexicans there are bigtime gang issues, high crime and low property values. that’s not a racist statement, it’s a fact. they make up over 70% of the prison population in California. the average Mexican family has 5.3 people yet earn under $30k a year.
    the state of California showed that in 2008 the “undocumented workers” put in a total of 18.7 billion dollars into the workforce, but cost the state nearly double in social services. They get their paychecks and western union at least half back to Mexico so that money never gets into our economy.

    I am all for them being legalized if they do it properly. They work their asses off and God Bless them for that. However if you leave a shit hole to make a better life don’t make your new place in America as big a shit hole as you left. Hispanic kids graduate less than 50% so they aren’t pushing education either.

    I know, I’m Sicilian and my ancestors came to this country and were treated the same but they were never accused of living in squalor and believe it or not everyone from Sicily is in the mafia.

    I can’t say I don’t feel sympathy for the illegals but when I look at the big picture with the gangs and the crimes and the way their neighborhoods are and the amount of money they cost the system with handouts I don’t think they should be handed free status and excused for committing a felony. You and I wouldn’t get that free pass if we committed a felony why should they? Because they come from a poor place? So if I was poor and stole a car and food should I get to walk away with some food stamps and welfare and health care? Fuck no.
    In Cali they get Medical which is 100% free medical and dental with no deductables. They get food stamps without having to have a ss # and the same goes for welfare.

  13. “via letting the RICH keep most all of their money to then spend on creating businesses and buying luxury goods).”

    well the rich pay luxury taxes on those luxury items Sammy. The top 5% of the wealth pay over 85% of the taxes.
    If you want to never climb out of the middle class then fine, vote for those who want to redistribute wealth to those who don’t earn it from those who do. But again, only if you never plan to climb over that $150k a year mark.
    I’m all for a fair tax of 28% with no deductions and EVERYONE pays it even if you make under $40k. If we did it that way we could have public health care and afford it. (Yes, I’m in favor of tax payer funded health care) we could end a lot of the corruption in our government which is fucking evil. Glen Beck is right, government is evil. look at how they operate. Look at how corrupt they are. How much hypocrisy there is on both sides.
    George Bush signed the bankruptcy reform act but the thing they didnt tell the public was it was written by his biggest campain contributor and the largest issuer of credit cards in the US MBNA bank! That is criminal.
    Obama refuses to answer any questions regarding his czar appointees and his so called promise for a transparent government is now nothing more than an unkept campaign promise. He refuses to answer anything regarding the scumbags he is surrounded by and the shitty politics of Chicago yet no one seems to notice or care on any other channel???

    Reagan had shitty numbers because he took over for the worst president in our history. His economic policies were hitting full stride in 1981 and 82 and you need to remember the highest tax bracket under Carter was 72% for the highest earners! once they lowered taxes and gave incentive to invest in the markets so people could actually keep some of their money the economy turned around. More people went from middle class to wealthy in those 8 years than any other time in history. that Sammy is a fact not a headline.
    My good friend Buzz Aziani told me over the weekend that suppression is good for the adult business. I never thought of it that way before but it’s true.

    I am in no way a RINO. I am a moderate who leans to the right. I dont’ agree with everything on either side, i just agree with more that the right says, as do most Americans.

  14. Yeah I live in Denver and I happen to Mexican myself… First off, the most dangerous places in the U.S. have large black populations and some have almost non existent Latino poulations… I’m talking Detroit, Newark, Camden, Chicago, St Louis, Atlanta etc…

    Their numbers in prison in California if they are what you say they are only reflect that Latinos are the majority ethnic group in California, and factored with their socio economic circumstances seems about right. The poor of any ethnicity will always be the largest group incarcerated because their fucking poor ,have no education and play in a system which disproportionally convicts minorities at a higher rate than whites.

    A large number of “illegals” were brought here by their parents when they were minors and raised in the U.S. They identify as Americans. What crime did they commit?

    That figure about costing the state through social services is bullshit. I have never seen any figure which rises above negligible, and California is just in the red.

    You kidding me about Italians not living in squalor? Do some research on the living conditions of downtown Manhattan in the early 20th century. The Italians lived in piece of shit tenements, filled to brim. Not every Italian is in the mafia, but they mafia is an Italian organization which pioneered organized crime. The number of people killed in the mafia wars of the 70’s and 80’s is astonishing. Talk about contributing to the economy, you think wiseguys pay taxes?

  15. jeremiahsteele says:

    Mariah, you wrote:

    “The top 5% of the wealth pay over 85% of the taxes.”

    According to scumbag addict Rush Limbaugh’s site, the data from the top 5% of wage earners pay 54.36% taxes. The top 50% of wage earners pay 96.54%

    But none of this takes into account the corporations that are tax exempt… pay nothing, nada, zilch, zero.

  16. In the 50’s all those who made over todays equivalent of 1 million dollars were taxed at 90%. Kennedy lowered it to 70% but closed all the loopholes to getting out of it. This stayed in placed until Regan changed the tax structure.

    If you make 40K and are taxed 30%, you have 28K for yourself. If you make 150K and are taxed 30% you still have over 100K. A flat tax has never been instituted because it is simply not fair. If one makes substantially over the threshold needed to live a good life, they are in the position to contribute more to the well being of the U.S. people. It’s not income redistribution, it’s teamwork. A whole is only as strong as its weakest links.

  17. jeremiahsteele says:

    Also, Mariah, the worst president in history by far was George W. Bush… no one comes close.

    … and you’re missing the big picture, both dems and repubs are whores of corporations, carter was controlled by cfr nazi zbiginiew brezinski, the last president who tried to free us from our own nazi clutches got his head blown up like a pinata

  18. The country is inherently partisan. No one cares about the individual, it’s all about ideologies. People say Obama is dividing people, then they say no Bush actually started it, then it’s like no Clinton started it. The truth in my opinion is that Reagan really started partisan contempt. Plenty of republicans voted for Kennedy and plenty of democrats voted for Nixon. People were more interested in the individual then as opposed to just sticking with your team. How else can you explain certain republicans love of Sarah Palin?

  19. i myself like some fox news. i don’t like o’reilly he’s a jack off. i used to watch greta, don’t care for hannity. in the afternoon my set is on msnbc,like it is now. at night i like campbell brown,nancy grace. yes, fox is right wing and i tend to be a democrat. people are giving obama shit, but it would’nt matter if mccain were in anyway right now. i like how mariah keeps up with the economy and news. but i’m sure there is other performers who do as well.

  20. sammyglick says:

    For once I agree with AL — the idea of a Flat Tax sustaining our nation is the stuff of fantasyland. In fact, lets look at tax policy for a second.

    The left-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities agrees with Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman in regards to the actual pricetag of the Bush tax cuts. Their 2009 report on them states:

    “The 2001 and 2003 tax cuts added about $1.7 trillion to deficits between 2001 and 2008. Because they (were) financed by borrowing — which increases the national debt — this figure includes the extra interest costs resulting from that additional debt. This figure also includes the cost of ‘patching’ the Alternative Minimum Tax to keep the tax from hitting millions of upper-middle-class households, a problem the tax cuts helped cause. Over the next decade (2009-2018), making the tax cuts permanent would cost $4.4 trillion, assuming that the tax cuts remain deficit-financed.”

    Now one might feel that they’re biased — yet when you ask the conservative leaning Heritage Institute about the Bush tax cuts, they get similar results.

    They cite that Krugman’s $1.8 trillion number only considers the government’s lost revenue, and doesn’t factor in economic activity lower taxes are poised to generate. Their date estimates a stimulative effect from Bush’s tax cuts that might reduce about 25 percent off what Krugman came up with. Still, the Heritage Institute feels that Krugman is in the right range when it comes to uncollected revenues.

    I’d also like to remind Ms. Milano that IMMIGRANTS founded and developed this great nation. To now say in 2009 ‘new immigration’ is somehow wrong or needs to be stopped, is quite un-American. For again I have to agree with Al; Italian, Irish, Polish and other Europeans who came to New York at the turn of the last century were not exactly stepping off the boat and onto Park Avenue. They were exploited, many lived in sub-human conditions, and life was far from what even immigrants today face.

    The thing I find truly disturbing about Beck and others of his ilk, is that they operate from some weird stance in which ‘racism’ and all other ‘isms’ seemingly existed thousands of years ago…as opposed to as recently as 1964 when the Voting Rights Act was signed into law. It’s as if because blacks and women can now vote and legally own property, gays are not being beaten up and forced to live in the shadows and that many of the groups cited have members who have achieved success (Oprah, Denzel, Hillary, Rep. Frank, Rosie O’Donnell, et cetera) that all is 110% good with the world…no need to for any more pesky laws or efforts to eliminated discrimination because we’re all equal now right…we all recognize this right? Especially since the generations that lived through Jim Crow, Separate but Equal Education, Whites Only Water Fountains et al have become so much more enlightened by all of the new laws and ethnic leaders now on the national stage. Heck I don’t even know why people were so upset by Sonia Sotomayer’s ‘wise latina’ remark, because again, if you’re Fox News or Glen Beck, we’ve somehow moved past all of this racial stuff and we’re now all equal brothers and sisters…oh what’s that you say? That’s right, on the one hand they say we’re all past of this stuff…only to then turn around and use that type of stuff to attract viewers and hype their news and generally, get people riled up to score a few political points for the GOP.

    Sure the Constitution didn’t initially allow Blacks to vote, women to vote, both were treated like property — we’ve moved beyond that right?! The way Beck and his buddies see it, the only reason American voted Obama president is either 1) White Guilt 2) Racism Doesn’t Exist Anymore 3) see one and two. Yet now that we have elected him President, the public was 1) Duped 2) Too Stupid to Know Any Better 3) see one and two.

    Mind you, if McCain had won, Beck and Fox News wouldn’t dare question the intelligence of the voters or their motivations for voting for a Republican.

    As for all of Beck’s talk about ‘czars’ — again, he’s not much of a student of history (or anything else for that matter). Czars aka high-level government officials who direct/coordinate Federal operations on a given subject (and often between different departments) have been around since FDR. Every single president since FDR has had czars in their administration. Some are confirmed by Congress, but many are simply appointed by the president (or a cabinet official).

    Granted, it was only a handful until George W. Bush…but they still had them. In fact, Bush had 36 Czar Posts — over the course of his 8 years, he made 46 appointments. Obama has actually lowered the number of posts to 32, and to date has made 34 appointments.

    As John Adams said, “facts are stubborn things”.

    BTW Ms. Milano — you also managed to prove my initial point about Obama’s poll numbers. “Reagan had shitty numbers because he took over for the worst president in our history.”

    Well, many would say the same of Obama following in Bush’s footsteps…even you perhaps? “I agree that George Bush sucked as President and should be in jail.”

    Wow — jail for the 43rd President?! Quite harsh there I dare say…yet it also must mean he really screwed up America and left his successor with a lot to deal with. Thus, by YOUR logic, Obama’s numbers are not so great because he took over from a guy who by YOUR assessment, should be in jail. Likewise, I don’t know where you get the idea that Reagan’s economic policies were “hitting full stride in 1981 and 82”. As Reagan, who wasn’t President until Jan. 1981, had a recession to deal with up until 1983…unemployment peaked at 10.8% percent in December 1982. So you might want to get your facts in order…as the stock market crashed before he left office (Oct. 1987) and during the eight years he was in office, the Federal Debt went from $700 billion to $3 trillion.

    As John Adams said, “facts are stubborn things”.

  21. Harvey Dent says:

    ” and during the eight years he was in office, the Federal Debt went from $700 billion to $3 trillion.”

    Well, Bush and Obama has now dwarfed that, but when Reagan did it is was “Vodoo Economics”, when Obama did it it was “saving the world”.
    The future is very bleak in the long term.

    “For once I agree with AL — the idea of a Flat Tax sustaining our nation is the stuff of fantasyland.”

    Maybe Americans are a different breed of people but Flat Taxes are working very well abroad. Of course that require a balanced budget, something US Presidents with the exception of Clinton do not seem to gasp.

    “A flat tax has never been instituted because it is simply not fair. If one makes substantially over the threshold needed to live a good life, they are in the position to contribute more to the well being of the U.S. people. It’s not income redistribution, it’s teamwork. A whole is only as strong as its weakest links.”

    Al, life is not fair, unless you are a Continental Christian not a US evangelical, there is no moral duty to contribute to the welfare of others not carrying your genes. The worries about equalty and helping the poor of the secular left are, as Nietzche noted, more that a 100 years ago, remains of Christian thought in western secular culture culture.

    Income redistribution is not teamwork, is goverment sanctioned robbery enfoced by kidnapping=jail as the gov says.
    Teamwork to be teamwork shall be voluntary and free of cohertion.

    The problem with a flat tax in the US is that politicians, lawyers, economist and accoutant will lose a lot of leverage.

  22. no argument form me Bush should be in jail as well as remembered as a horrible president. I agree.

    However, Jimmy Carter in all terms was pretty fucking bad. At least under GW we had 5 years of great prosperity and and some good economic growth.

    But as far as Glen Beck goes he is far more entertaining than Keith Olberman and Rachel Maddow is ok, but a little too far left for me. I agree with Geln on too many issues and feel he has much more sensible positions than Hannity or Rush, he just goes a little nutts sometimes but don’t we all?

  23. jeremiahsteele says:

    “5 years of economic prosperity and some good economic growth”?

    WTF are you talking about Mariah? It was only good for Bush and his minority of rich buddies fucking over the nation and the rest of the world.

    When Bush took office in 2001, he inherited a budgetary surplus of $128 billion, or 1.3 percent of gross domestic product.

    According to a recent report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), ‘the [federal budget] deficit this year will total $1.2 trillion, or 8.3 percent of GDP.’ This seems about right for a banana republic.

  24. Harvey Dent says:

    Carter still is the worst one, Bush W comes second place. If the US has reelected Carter in 1980 probably there would has been a war in Europe in the mid 80s.
    Reagan saved the world!

    “According to a recent report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), ‘the [federal budget] deficit this year will total $1.2 trillion, or 8.3 percent of GDP.’ This seems about right for a banana republic.”

    Welcome to the world of keynesian economics, to the world of Krugman and Stigliz, or BTW, Obama.

    Clinton good thing was that he was in a way more conservative that the US conservative, spend what you produce. Bush tried to be Ronald Reagan, but this were not the 80s, the industrial base of the US has been eroding. So he created 5 years of artificial growth running deficits, a feat that Obama is aping (sorry!) on steroids, running even worse deficits to stimulate the economy. The problem is that in all those cases is like trying to save a junkie by giving him even more drugs. When the down came after the Bush high, Obama created more money out of thin air to give the depressed economy another high, it might work for a while, put so much money in the economy and things are going to happen. But those highs never last, just ask a junkie, so when the withdrawal comes it going to be spectacular, 2012 spectacular.

    Damm Cindy, stop putting political stuff in a porn board, it depresses me.
    Lets go back to DPs, the Trannyfucker, Tanner Mayes, Donny Long and the usual stuff.

  25. jeremiahsteele says:

    Rics are you and Mariah smoking from the same crack pipe? Carter won the nobel peace prize. The Bush W. Cabal stole two elections, ruined the economy, staged 9-11, legislated torture, revoked the bill of rights, concocted false documents in order to violate UN geneva conventions and bomb other countries, etc… the Bushes are buddies with the Bin Ladens.

    Reagoon saved the world? He was Bush Sr’s comatoast puppet, especially after Bush Sr. tried to have him assassinated (Herbert Walker had lunch with Hinkley’s brother on the day of the assassination attempt. Yeah, kookie, but true. Stranger than fiction. Part of the CIAs mind control patsy program which even Clinton admitted to and apologized for.

    The gov’t also has mind controlled sex slaves. It’s all verrry interesting, but don’t wait for the 11 o cock news to tell you… I mean clock newzzz….

  26. Clinton had the great fortune to be president during the internet boom which created a ton of money.
    Also when Clinton left office we were just going into a mild recession so obviously it wasnt too great of a job. He also had 6 of his 8 years with a republican House which helped keep his spending under control.

    A lot of people became wealthy under GW that weren’t wealthy prior. That is what it’s all about, creating the opportunity for people to rise up and gain wealth. I’m not saying things didnt get really fucked up at the end because they did but some of that had to do with the House being democrat the last 2 years, particularly Barney Frank and congress pushing bad loans to high risk people on the banks and going before the american people and congress stating that Freddie and Fannie were doing well just months before the meltdown.

    The repubs should have never given in to the bail outs but it was an election and to me McCain bew a lot when he did that whole “I’m shutting down my campagin til this is over” bullshit. he should have stood his ground and said no to the bailouts. that would have kept him in favor of a lot of people but he caved in. He had a horribly run campaign and Obama had one of the best in history. McCain is a class act with great integrity and should be respected and it was sad to see him beaten because of George Bush’s miserable failure and the people who handled his campaign and Sarah Pailin. Sad but it is how it is.

    Now we need to stop spending so much money. Anyone who thinks throwing money at a problem is the answer when you don’t have it is insane. that’s like taking out cash advances on your cc to pay your bills at 22% interest. INSANE! 🙂

    Hey talking politics is frustrating but it also is a good debate because it’s based on passionate opinions and I am very impressed by Sammy and Harvey’s knowledge of all these issues. Very good gentlemen! 🙂 I really liked Sammy’s posts. Very well written and very well said.

  27. jeremiahsteele says:

    “McCain is a class act with great integrity”. Yeah, that’s why he picked Palin as a V.P.?

  28. very poor campaign management. I think if you look at her record as someone who took on the system as Governor prior to the selection she was a good partner for him but it is their job to do more background and find more things out about people. She sold the previous governors jet on ebay, thats awesome. She took on corupt people in her own party, that is McCain’s style all the way. but thats all surface and they made a hasty decision.

    I have read that Romney turned down the offer and threw McCain for a loop and he scrambled to do something last minute. He should have chosen Charlie Crist of FL. The guy is worth less than $500k and is very center on many issues. he is level headed and very well liked. I was sorry he wasnt chosen to run with him.

  29. jeremiahsteele says:

    I think I want to throw up…


    yeah, a class ACT, with the emphasis on “act”

    Palin’s a nut and so is McCain, insane in the membrane, shell shocked from war, another neo-con pawn, but why I am talking to you? it’s absolutely 100% pointless

  30. jeremiahsteele says:

    http ://politicalhumor . about .com /od/sarahpalin/ig/Sarah-Palin-Pictures/Insane-Failin- . -gT6 . htm

  31. Harvey Dent says:

    “Carter won the nobel peace prize.”

    Do did Arafat, Rigoberta Menchu, Kissinger, Adolfo Perez Esquivel, and lots of useless people.

    The fun thing is that Nobel Prices on Economics, Literature and of course Peace are often managed by the well into the left Scandinavian academia. And they reflect their bias.

    For example, take a look at the Literature Nobel Prices, all the Spanish and Portuguese language winners are well know communists (I mean real card carrying ones) or fellow travelers with the exception of Octavio Paz that was given the price to save face and retain some credibility. Mario Vargas LLosa and Jose Luis Borges were passed out.
    Same in Economics, with the possible exception of Friedman, Hayek and Vernon Smith, most of the price winners are big gov proponents.

  32. Harvey Dent says:

    And do not get me started on Carter, Palast, Oliver Stone and the other Thugo Chavez boot lickers. I know well what they did.

  33. jeremiahsteele says:

    you’re right about the peace prize thing… shouldn’t have mentioned it… i wouldn’t put kissinger in the useless category though, he’s an evil war criminal too, that’s why he was originally appointed by bush to head the 911 commission because he’s well practiced in coverups and bullshitting… and every american solider on earth who has sacrificed his life should know kissinger’s very words secretly caught on tape, that soliders are “dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy”

  34. I can’t watch Rachel Maddow, she looks like Kevin Arnold when he hit puberty on the Wonder Years.

    Rics, I don’t equate trying to see that my fellow brothers and sisters live at a modernly defined reasonable level as being religious. I’m a secular person. The U.S. is too focused on the individual. It’s perfectly normal in countries all over the world for guys to never even leave home. The government just needs to be more efficient. If programs worked ideally, it contributes to the overall health of the economy. The more educated people there are, the greater the competition and the better ideas will come out.

  35. Harvey Dent says:

    “I don’t equate trying to see that my fellow brothers and sisters live at a modernly defined reasonable level as being religious.”

    The problem is that it is. The left is religous in their own way. Nietzche, Albert Camus, Jean Francois Revel, Horacio Vazquez Real, even leftie Berthrand Russell noted that.

    In Also sprach Zarathustra. Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen Nietche wrote this.


    Somewhere there are still peoples and herds, but not with us, my
    brethren: here there are states.

    A state? What is that? Well! open now your ears unto me, for now will I
    say unto you my word concerning the death of peoples.

    A state, is called the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly lieth
    it also; and this lie creepeth from its mouth: “I, the state, am the

    It is a lie! Creators were they who created peoples, and hung a faith
    and a love over them: thus they served life.

    Destroyers, are they who lay snares for many, and call it the state:
    they hang a sword and a hundred cravings over them.”

    “”On earth there is nothing greater than I: it is I who am the regulating
    finger of God”–thus roareth the monster. And not only the long-eared
    and short-sighted fall upon their knees!

    Ah! even in your ears, ye great souls, it whispereth its gloomy lies!
    Ah! it findeth out the rich hearts which willingly lavish themselves!

    Yea, it findeth you out too, ye conquerors of the old God! Weary ye
    became of the conflict, and now your weariness serveth the new idol!

    Heroes and honourable ones, it would fain set up around it, the new
    idol! Gladly it basketh in the sunshine of good consciences,–the cold

    I add,of course they do, State power baskes in the sunshine of good doers!

    “The state, I call it, where all are poison-drinkers, the good and the
    bad: the state, where all lose themselves, the good and the bad: the
    state, where the slow suicide of all–is called “life.”

    Just see these superfluous ones! They steal the works of the inventors
    and the treasures of the wise. Culture, they call their theft–and
    everything becometh sickness and trouble unto them!”

    I add. No wonder the US left discurse makers call stealing, teamwork and the people who opposed in town hall then Nihilists!

    This is called politics.

    “Just see these superfluous ones! Wealth they acquire and become poorer
    thereby. Power they seek for, and above all, the lever of power, much
    money–these impotent ones!

    See them clamber, these nimble apes! They clamber over one another, and
    thus scuffle into the mud and the abyss.”

    And this is the price:

    “Towards the throne they all strive: it is their madness–as if happiness
    sat on the throne! Ofttimes sitteth filth on the throne.–and ofttimes
    also the throne on filth.”

    “There, where the state ceaseth–there only commenceth the man who is not
    superfluous: there commenceth the song of the necessary ones, the single
    and irreplaceable melody.”

    Nietzche also said that Man is the animal that says no. The ones that in town halls defute the latest expansion of the cold monster lead by the latter days Ozzymandias, are not nihilists, they are the last men.

  36. helping people just happens to be a tenet of most religions, its not exclusive to them

  37. you can say McCain isn’t a class act or that he’s acting but I saw his town hall a few weeks ago where people were attacking Obama and corrected them and stood up for Obama saying he had the best and most sincere intentions and he was booed and he took it rather than going along with those fanatics. To me that’s a class act. His speech after he lost the election last year was pretty humble as well. You can say what you want but there isn’t a politician out there who has more principles and gone against his own party for the good of the Country rather than party than McCain.

    Call it an act but I think that’s just bitter left wing attitude that is coming out of you. Even most of the left acknowledge his integrity and consider him an exceptional Senator and human being.

  38. jeremiahsteele says:

    Virtually all politicians are actors. One actor became President, another one is currently California’s Governator, seeking the Presidency. Ko-ink-a-dink? I’m not bitter. Obama won, although Kucinich would’ve been infinitely better than Obama. Loser concession speeches are always humble and usually the best speeches defeated candidates make. The only thing missing was violin music. Just remember, you’re a porn star and presidents are Pawn Stars! It’s part of a (sewer) system, same ol’ shit behind the scenes, same ol’ war mongers like Kissinger and Brezinski lingering around pulling the strings… yawn, talking to myself again…

  39. Arnold can’t be President he wasn’t born in the US. I’m sure he would like to see the law changed but he needs to do a better job in California if he thinks that’s even a long shot. It ain’t gonna happen.

    At least you credited me with being a Porn Star! 🙂 Kucinich??????? the one who said he saw a UFO???? I’m no fan of Obama and his big government ideals but all we need is someone who says he saw a UFO to be President. Thats worse that Romney and the Moromon’s believing in magic underwear! lol Seriously! Kucinich??? Please!!!!!!!!!

  40. jeremiahsteele says:

    Quite fucking Brilliant Mariah. You’re stating that because Kucinich claimed he saw a UFO that that defines across the board all his qualifications as President?

    I guess you are not aware that Republican Ronald Reagan was the first President of the United States to talk about he possibility of an alien invasion from outer space, and he has done so not once or twice but in three speeches.

    Bill Holden, who also served as loadmaster for Air Force One, traveled with John F. Kennedy to Europe in the summer of 1963. He said a UFO conference in Bonn, Germany, prompted a discussion of the
    subject aboard the President’s plane one morning.

    Holden said he turned to Kennedy and asked, “What do you think about UFOs, Mr. President?” He said Kennedy became quite serious and thought for a moment before replying, “I’d like to tell the
    public about the alien situation, but my hands are tied.”

    Here’s a New York Times article link you should check out: “CIA Admits government lied about UFO sightings”.

    http : //www . nytimes . com/1997/08/03/us/cia-admits-government-lied-about-ufo-sightings . html

    Have you ever heard of Roswell? There is so much fucking evidence of aliens it is ridiculous, but you have to do the research. Do you really think we’re alone in the Universe, Mariah? Are all those stars out there just night lights? Are we the only semi-intelligent life form in the universe?


  41. I don’t think we’re alone in the universe, that would be quite arrogant to think that way. However, Reagan didn’t say we would be attacked by aliens from outer space he spoke about being attacked by the Soviets from outer space and that’s why he was so gung ho on the Star Wars program.

    I don’t say that discussing the possibilities of such things happening are wrong because they aren’t. This has been around for centuries. However, when a very weird little man says he saw one I want to know more details and his description was more than vague. With all of our radar and all of the flight control towers than scan the skies constantly how is it that there is never proof of any of these things?

    There is a shitload of evidence that Bigfoot exists too, oh and the Loch Ness Monster! Fuck they had video and photos of it! How did that turn out? People swear they’ve seen God or Jesus has appeared in their toast. Do I believe they really think they saw it? Sure. Doesn’t mean it is what they really saw though.
    Kucinich is strange and no one would have taken our country serious with him at the wheel, and not because of seeing UFO’s.

  42. jeremiahsteele says:

    Here’s a clip of Reagan referring to the possibilities of an alien attack
    http :// www . youtube . com/watch?v=Ag44dRO8LEA

    Also, when anyone mentions seeing UFOs, it means they’ve seen a flying object they can’t identify. The gov’t has plenty of secret aircraft that can be mistaken for alien, and thus called “UFO”. Regardless, you should appreciate Kucinich’s honesty. Honesty is what we need in the White House.
    But true honesty is a weird thing, I guess.

    And what’s with the repeated “weird” comment, and shallow and ultra-cuntish insulting of Kucinich’s height? What’s specifically weird about him to you and why is weirdness and height more important to you than anything he’s ever said? What about addressing something substantial like his views?
    You sound like some kind of weird bitch.

    According to polls Kucinich was declared the winner of the first Democractic primary. Isn’t that weird?

    Perhaps he WAS taken too seriously by the corporate media and thus marginalized, in spite of public popularity from the onset, but that’s another issue that speaks of the politics of news coverage and it’s incestuous connection with government and big business.

  43. jeremiahsteele says:

    Ronald Reagan Sees a UFO

    by the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

    One night in 1974, from a Cessna Citation aircraft, one of America’s most famous citizens saw a UFO.

    There were four persons aboard the plane: pilot Bill Paynter, two security guards, and the governor of California, Ronald Reagan. As the airplane approached Bakersfield, California, the passengers called Paynter’s attention to a strange object to their rear. “It appeared to be several hundred yards away,” Paynter recalled. “It was a fairly steady light until it began to accelerate. Then it appeared to elongate. Then the light took off. It went up at a 45-degree angle-at a high rate of speed. Everyone on the plane was surprised. . . . The UFO went from a normal cruise speed to a fantastic speed instantly. If you give an airplane power, it will accelerate-but not like a hot rod, and that’s what this was like.”

    A week later Reagan recounted the sighting to Norman C. Miller, then Washington bureau chief for the Wall Street Journal. Reagan told Miller, “We followed it for several minutes. It was a bright white light. We followed it to Bakersfield, and all of a sudden to our utter amazement it went straight up into the heavens.” When Miller expressed some doubt, a “look of horror came over [Reagan]. It suddenly dawned on him . . . that he was talking to a reporter.” Immediately afterward, according to Miller, Reagan “clammed up.”

    Reagan has not discussed the incident publicly since.­

  44. Harvey Dent says:

    “My Daddy drives a UFO
    Drops me off and then he goes
    Leaves me on this mystery plane
    But he’ll be back for me again

    Oh, Oh yes he will

  45. Third Axis says:

    Jeremy, jimmy Carter made a similar public confession about his personal UFO sighting in Georgia, when he was a farmer and prior to the start of his political career. It’s interesting to note that the federal preparedness protocols have extensive sections devoted to potential alien contact. The government takes such an occurrence very seriously, as does the French government, which is the only international entity that has made a public statement regarding the issue.

    Scoff if you will, out there, but the truth is bigger than anything we can imagine.

  46. Mariah you kick ass. Not only are you hot, but you know your politics. So many models, pornstars, talent, etc. do not know politics or keep up on news. Are you serious about the Mormons and magic underwear?

  47. jeremiahsteele says:

    3rd Axis, regarding the UFO issue, it seems there have been several “weird” Presidents, Democrat and Republican. Mariah doesn’t know what she’s talking about, but that’s ok, Jane B says she kicks ass.

  48. The Colonel says:

    Jumbo knows what she’s talking about. She’s intelligent, man. in fact too intelligent she should have been working for the Central Intelligence Agency(CIA).

    Maybe it’s time for a career change, Jumbo. You could become the next Mata Hari if you try hard enough.

  49. sammyglick says:

    Kucinich, while possessing an interesting personal story (he was homeless for many years while growing up and when he became mayor of Cleveland at 31, the youngest person to date to be mayor of a major US city), he’s still a loose cannon.

    During the last presidential campaign, Kucinich advocated creating a ‘Department of Peace’ (to I suppose, blunt the power of the Pentagon and Defense Department). As much as I’m sure many would like to see something like that exist, the majority of human history has been centered around conflict. So such hippy-dippy thinking isn’t exactly needed when you have so much conflict going on across the globe.

  50. jeremiahsteele says:

    He’s a loose canon because he talks about a dep’t of peace instead of war? That’s brilliant analysis! Yes conflict makes certain people powerful and rich, peace doesn’t.

  51. The Colonel says:

    Thank you Jumbo, the love is mutual. You’re a beautiful blonde girl, and I’ve got this thing for blondes. We should party sometimes if you live around LA.

  52. jeremiahsteele says:

    prototypically, stereotypically blond

  53. I live in AZ The Colonel. I do however come to LA for work and fun. I also have a lot of hot blonde girlfriends that love to party. 🙂

  54. jeremiahsteele I would like to point out I am a natural blonde, unlike so many other women.

  55. jeremiahsteele says:

    Jane is this you with dyed hair?

  56. The Colonel says:

    That’s great, Jumbo. Send an email to Cindi and ask her to forward it to me so we keep in touch and make plans to party in one of your trips to LA.

  57. jeremiahsteele says:

    (i hate waiting)

    comment is awaiting moderation.

    Jane is this you with dyed hair?

    http :// www . youtube . com/watch?v=0KNFAXapnCA

    Yesterday at 11:15 p

  58. jeremiahsteele Two things. 1. I would never dye my hair dark. 2. I have done that before, I will not lie about it. I have also seen all kinds of men and women do that before as well. We can’t all be as perfect as you now can we?

  59. jeremiahsteele says:

    u just said 1. you’d never do that. 2. you’ve done that

    i guess i’ve made my point

  60. jeremiahsteele Well your first question was referring to hair color. I said no I would never dye it dark. The second answer was about the video. I am assuming you would have figured that out since that is the order you had in your posting. Hair and then video. I guess you are not as bright as you like to think you are.

  61. jeremiahsteele says:

    Jane, you just said “your first question”. I only asked you one question. And your second point didn’t identify what “that” you were talking about or that the “that” in point two was different than that which was mentioned in point one.

  62. jeremiahsteele You are an idiot. Is that clear enough for you?

  63. jeremiahsteele says:

    No, not really, but coming from you I’ll take that as a compliment. You also called Sophia an idiot before you turned around in the very next post before anyone responded and said you were in love with her.



    In memory of a 9/11 victim I knew:

    “Lawrence Polatsch was a colorful character whose friends recall that he crashed the wedding of Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas. He was planning his own wedding at the time of his death.” reads a National Review article on victims of 9/11.

    I was looking at my 1986 Syosset High School yearbook, where Lawrence wrote to me “Jeremy, Your an awesome guy. I always liked you. We had a pissa in math. take care in college and good luck. Your pal, Lawrence”.

    I remember that math class in 10th grade we were both in with Mr. Lopresti. I was a bit of a jackass in that class and remember a few times when I made Lawrence laugh.

    R.I.P. Lawrence and all the victims of September 11th, 2001.

  64. Lostbutterfly says:

    I fiqured J would mention 9/11, the bigest tragedy in American history since Pearl Harbor. People jumping from the top of buldings to escape a 3000 degree inferno. Beyond tragic and my heart goes out to all the survivors and the family members of the fallen. NEVER AGAIN… Why is hair color even an issue? Thanks Jane B, you rock!

  65. sammyglick says:

    …can’t someone create a separate site for Steele and Butterfly to trade their lunacy with each other 24/7?

  66. Lostbutterfly says:

    I was just saying it’s sad “CRAZY”, I need my own blog to coment on 9-11? You Sir are an idiot. What’s a matter “jelouse” cus you can’t or don’t have the balls to use your real or stage name? Two words suck-dick, do I need my own blog to say that?

  67. The Colonel says:

    I don’t care about the 9/11 tragedy, or should I say conspiracy. I feel no affiction or sympathy for 9/11 victims, nor that I can ever accept any official justification of those incidents. That’s the way I feel, and if that makes me a cold, hard, unpatriotic bastard, so be it.

    However, September 11 is a remarkable day, because it’s Jeremy Steele’s birthday.


  68. jeremiahsteele says:

    We are all on the drug:

    Have you ever imbibed an evil, synthetic drug which following it’s strange high, bores an emptiness into your soul so profound that all, including words to describe it, is pointless?

    America imbibes that drug on a daily basis,
    in various ways, means and mediums; a drug that rots the mind, boring gaping holes into heads of rationality, piquing emotions beyond boundaries and slowly robbing us collectively from ourselves and each other, as we spiral out further and further away from all life within life, and life itself; where insensitivity and de-sensitivity breed as both the symptom and the protective armor worn to weather the ever increasing storms which ever-perpetuating insensitivity brews.

    The drug is a slow death, itself; a state of zombiedom dangling for it’s chamber monkeys, escapist fixations and perpetual masturbations as the mere means to move one through ever deadening and catatonic states, writhing in their death tolls.

    Forgive me, I just wrote this, inspired by the Colonel’s proclaimed insensitivities, which one could write a book about, perhaps. I guess I just can’t help myself, although I plan to soon call a halt to these pointless meanderings in the future.

    Anyways, I would never bring up conspiracies on the day of 9/11 itself. Even though I’m a “conspiracy theorist” as some may say, putting emphasis on who done it versus who got done in on the memorial anniversary of September 11th is simple wrong. That day should be left to simply mourn, learn and remember those who died.

    However, since it is now officially September 12th (unless you’re reading this in Hawaii, after just coming home from a late night surf) let me now correct Lost Butterfly from Hell, Jade’s incorrect assertion that there was a 3,000 degree inferno.

    There was no inferno. Watch the movie “The Towering Inferno” with O.J. Simpson. That was a towering inferno. The towers on 9/11 were mostly, following the initial impact explosions, billowing black smoke in one main section and on one side (black smoke is indicative of oxygen deprived fires not spreading due to fire retarding walls and furniture and the fact that most of the fuel was released upon the initial explosion).

    And while it would be required for there to be a temperature of 2,700 degrees to melt steel jet fuel can not reach those temperatures; even under ideal conditions it would be short by at least a 1000 degrees. Steel has never and simply does not naturally melt. Towers also do not blow up into dust from the top down as they did on 9/11.

    What coma-toast drug are we collectively on to buy the bullshit we’ve been sold? How have we become so indifferent to ascertaining, and following that ascertainment, acting so that the truth becomes known and those responsible be held accountable?

    What the fuck has happened to the American mind? Hello??? Is anyone home?

    We certainly have no lack of “entertainment” shows of every possible variety, perpetually spewing out episode after episode, but what of the most important episodes of life, of the non-fiction kind which present themselves? Why do we allow “official” sources to quickly decide for us the final verdict without examining and cross-examining them?

    How can those who say they care about the victims be genuine if they still haven’t examined the anomalies, the contradictions, the impossibilities which still stand as the official conspiracy theory of what happened (yes the official version of events that Osama and his suicidal friends did it is a conspiracy theory, too).

    I perceive the Colonel is saying in his Carlinesque tone that he doesn’t care because people all over the world are dying, in wars, of starvation, various diseases, etc, and will continue to do so.

    And again the drugs we intake, along with the hardening experience of the reality of what’s happened, can make us “cold”, as he puts it.

    Of course I don’t need to say the Colonel might care more if it was someone he knew and loved who perished that day. But more than the lives that perished that day, freedom perished (even as that was first decried that was the one thing the enemy could not take) and our rights have been stripped.

    And does this make sense? The official story is that the government fucked-up on a colossal level, across the board. They rewarded themselves for their fuck-up by giving the very agencies that “fucked-up” even more money (some incentive not to fuck up again) and then taking it out on the people who had nothing to do with it.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes, Colonel. I appreciate it.

  69. Lostbutterfly says:

    Right on! Everything is so fucked in goverment, it’s hard to know who and if there are any GOOD GUY’S in Amarican politics.

  70. Lostbutterfly says:

    Well maybe they’ll be a rainbow in America’s future, looks like Obama has to bring a tarrif against China to stop shiping in so many fucking tires, which is killing the tire industry here. So there might be a trade war between the United States and China. They suck anyway and have a really bad record with human rights.

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