Flynt Tells Santorum to Butt Out

NL- Santorum will be very harmful to our health if he gets in. He is the worst of the possible candidates for the industry.


Porn industry to Rick Santorum: Butt out

Hustler magazine magnate Larry Flynt says there’s no evidence porn is harmful.
By James Eng,

The porn industry has an X-rated reaction to Rick Santorum’s vow to crack down on pornography if he’s elected president: Butt out.
Two giants in the industry contacted by scoff at the Republican presidential candidate’s claims that porn is causing “a pandemic of harm” in America and contributing to violence against women.

Nonsense, says Hustler publisher Larry Flynt.  Absolutely no proof, says Steven Hirsch, founder and co-chairman of Los Angeles-based Vivid Entertainment, one of the largest makers of erotic movies.

Flynt notes that a 1969 commission set up by President Lyndon Johnson spent millions of dollars studying the impact of porn and concluded there was no evidence such materials were harmful.

“You have guys like Santorum come along and they bring out the bogeyman every chance they get,” Flynt said. "You will be hard-pressed to find anyone that can point out to you a study that shows harm is caused to anyone exposed to porn materials."
“I find it ironic that Republicans (like Santorum) are out there wanting less government and government intruding into our lives, but when it comes to moral issues they want government to legislate morality," says Hirsch. "It doesn’t work. It will never work.”

Santorum, a former Pennsylvania senator who is trying to woo social conservatives, says on his presidential campaign website that if elected he will hire an attorney general who will “vigorously” enforce federal obscenity laws curtailing distribution of hardcore porn.
He also says that studies have shown porn causes brain changes in adults and children, and that every family should be concerned about its harmful effects.
Santorum says he would enforce US obscenity laws that Obama ignores.

The little-discussed position paper made the Internet rounds after The Daily Caller published a column this week calling attention to it.
Though Santorum rattles off a list of social harms that he says is caused by porn, he doesn’t specifically call for a ban on all porn in his website statement. Instead, he says, he’s most concerned about exposure to “hardcore” porn.

“While the Obama Department of Justice seems to favor pornographers over children and families, that will change under a Santorum Administration,” he writes.
Hirsch says a crackdown by the attorney general won’t work.
“We’ve seen that before. John Ashcroft was that guy. Edwin Meese was that guy. They can prosecute but ultimately it’s juries that decide what is and isn’t obscene,” Hirsch says. “Over last 20 years there have been very, very few obscenity convictions.”
Hirsch suggests making a deal with Santorum: “We will stay out of his church, and he

will stay out of our bedrooms."
Santorum says he backs the efforts of the War on Illegal Pornography coalition, which is lobbying Congress, 2012 political candidates and the government to crack down on what it describes as "the growing amount of hardcore pornography available in America."
Santorum isn’t the first presidential candidate to vow to target porn.

Former GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann went further than Santorum. She signed a pledge vowing to support a constitutional amendment to ban all pornography and same-sex marriage.

9 thoughts on “Flynt Tells Santorum to Butt Out

  1. jeremysteele11 says:

    Voting is a waste of time. The elections are and have been rigged. That’s why this stupid scum Sanitorium is a front runner. Don’t depend on the corporate media to lead you to freedom. They are the enemy.

  2. Sandy Bunz says:

    I really think that Jeremy Steele is right as a few elections back everybody was voting for Ross Perot, then he bowed out. The people do all they can to vote for the logical wiseman then the old guard
    multi-national bankers appoint their choosen guy,
    like the flavor of the month at 31 flavors. What people do not realise is this dramatic farse has been going on for a long time. The same bankers own the politicians, news medias, oil companies, insurance, casinos , weapons suppliers and religions.
    Basically if you have the power to print money, you choose what happens, who prospers and who does not.
    I think what is really funny is how the propaganda machine in Hollywood re-writes history to sway the young.

  3. jeremysteele11 says:

    Thanks Sandy. Charlie Brown should trust Lucy holding a football more than we should trust mainstream media. There’s ample evidence regarding the two elections the Bush cabal stole through diebold, etc. Vincent Bugliosi also wrote a book on how the 5 Chief Justices who refused a recount should be in prison. Mainstream doesn’t cover it. Instead we get Entertainment Tonight and the latest high speed chases, and other bullshit, guranteeing that the country goes down the tubes, crashing by design.

  4. Go watch V for Vendetta and you will shocked at how realistic it actually is. Especially when you consider how the US had alot to do with 9/11. That stunk to high heavens. In V for Vendetta “terrorists” killed 100,000 people one day with the plague. Turns out the govt. did it as a pretense so they could lay the smack down on terrorists and instead knuckled their people under their rule instead. Sounds almost familiar doesn’t it?

  5. As much shit as Jeremy catches in all other aspects of his personality, I’ve always agreed with his potical views outside of the 911 shit. All politicians are bought and sold, and the two-party sytstem is set up to keep conformity.

  6. Sandy Bunz says:

    Maybe if that loco Santorum gets elected the DVD market will start up again? Just think the personal
    computer industry may take a huge hit. After all what sells computers better than free porn. Child phychologists may take a hit. Fraud dating sites that are behind tube sites and stupid popups may take a hit. District attorneys prosecuting crimes will have less venom to use in trials. As it is now
    computer porn if a buzz word for prosecuters to mock a defendant. Maybe the 2257 regulations will applied
    to webmasters like they are to content producers. It is amazing how the likes of Santorum have no have no problem with drones and ‘smart bombs’ killing and maiming thousands , but a visual scene of sex is taboo. Not enough old fashioned blood money in porn, not like selling cluster bombs and flags for caskets.

  7. jeremysteele11 says:

    When are they gonna make “V for Vagina”? 1984-like synthetic terrorism and porn. Any politically cognizant explicit artistes out there?

  8. Don’t give Ryder any ideas for yet another awful parody.

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