Tara Akinlose-FPSP- Her Court Case Outcome

So Tara files a court case against people, than doesn’t show up for the hearing. So after all her threats, her name calling, her calling law enforcement agencies to "report" people, her twitter wars, her FBI reports etc… She doesn’t show up to the small claims court case SHE FILED. Please remember this when dealing with this lowlife person, or better yet, don’t deal with her at all.

Remember last year when Tara threatened porn stars Cinnamon Love & Kitten? Sent porn to Kitten’s mainstream job? Put pictures of Cinnamon’s kids on a porn site with their real names?

Remember how Tara posted on PornWikiLeaks.com? Defended Donny Long?

And now don’t forget how she is reporting and suing everyone around and doesn’t show up to her own case. it was dismissed.

After she doesn’t show up she posts this on her twitter

camgirlcenter web guru (this is what she calls herself)    "a group of ‘adults’ behaving stupidly just got punked.. wait till they see the charges they will face for extortion.. lol, lol, lol.."

So Tara is using the court system to "punk" people. I don’t think the justice department will be very happy about that.

8 thoughts on “Tara Akinlose-FPSP- Her Court Case Outcome

  1. docqualizer says:

    Maybe someone should punk HER – with a real summons…LOL

  2. Jerkuliscious says:

    Screen cap of that twitter post will probably be great in the suit against Fat Tara.

  3. Michael Whiteacre says:

    @docqualizer – Does anyone really think I’m done with this scumbag who looks like a doberman turd with noodle hair?

    Hey, Tara, why don’t you tell everyone about the attorney in Pasadena who represents three clients that have been defamed by you.

    They have a Judgment against you as well as a permanent restraining order.

    Stupid, hungry hippo.

  4. Michael Whiteacre says:

    I’m actually concerned about Tara’s mental condition. I think it’s time to have her 5150’d.

    Here are her most recent tweaks, umm, I mean tweets:

    the police have been called.. Sen Tompkins in is front of my house..

    Well @mrwhiteacre and @adultwikimedia are harassing me at my house. These fuckers are actually on my doorstep. Grow up,

    @mrwhiteacre your friends at the FBI will not like these tweets..nor will they like hearing about the stalker you brought to my house

    Bear in mind, Sean flew home to Texas early this morning, and I just finished dinner here in Los Angeles.

    I told her to take pictures of us on her doorstep for the cops.

    Tara: put down the pizza, put down the pipe, and get some help.

  5. jeremysteele11 says:

    Someone should do a reality show where Tara Akinlose, Casey Anthony, Sophia, Monica and Roy Garcia all live in a house. Roy tries to get them all to audition for his website and Casey goes Lorena Bobbit on his noodle LIVE!

  6. Mel, please refrain from ruining every thread. There is one LIB thread dedicated to your personal issues. Please post there.

  7. Michael Whiteacre says:

    It can now be revealed who was at Tara’s door the other night – a process server. The walls are closing in on the Akinloser.

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