My DMCA Complaint Answer-UpDATED

NL- I’m still deciding what to do with this situation. But I have sent back the below answer to my hosting company. I have removed all links from LIB to Tara’s site, now known as FPSP, since I took down the name. She will not be receiving that daily dose of traffic from here that she is used to. And I checked on the pictures she is stating I STOLE usage of. Funny thing is, I got her the press pass to Exxxotica to take pictures for LIB. So in actuality, I OWN those pictures, and she needs to remove them from HER SITE!  Also while I have been using these "STOLEN" images for more than 3 years, Tara has been posting comments here ( about 800 of them) never mentioning that I am using those images without her permission.  Isn’t that a bit odd?  Let me just say that I don’t  like being lied about, I don’t like people misusing the law  & legal avenues, and i’m not a good person to have as an enemy.  But you’ll see that for yourself Tara. And no, that’s not a threat, that’s a promise. I also, if you haven’t already noticed, have great friends who don’t like people messing with me…


1. The complaint is incorrect, as it states "The copyrighted work at issue is the text that appears on and
its related pages."  My site is called

2. I have written permission to use all photos from Tara Alkinlose. I have attached one of
her emails showing this permission.

3. Her claim that I am using these photos without her permission is false.

4. Her filing of this DMCA complaint is fraudulent.  (She is currently being sued by many people,
and (as it is a news site)  is reporting on it. She is filing this fradulent notice as a revenge tactic. )

5. I believe my posting these photos does not infringe anyone else’s rights. I understand that I am declaring the above under penalty of perjury, meaning that if I am not telling the truth I may be commiting a crime.
I live in the United States and I consent to the jurisdiction of the district court in whose district I reside.  I consent to be served by the person who gave notice to my Service Provider, or his agent.

Cindi Loftus

19 thoughts on “My DMCA Complaint Answer-UpDATED

  1. Michael Whiteacre says:

    You forgot to mention that she never made any previous request for you to remove them, as she (falsely) stated in her DMCA complaint.

  2. docqualizer says:

    Watch Tara FOLD like a poker player trying to bluff with a deuce high hand – LOL

  3. Michael Whiteacre says:

    Tara’s got some more court dates coming up. Let’s see if she skips those too.

    This time around, the penalty will be jail time.

  4. Sean Tompkins AKA TRPWL says:

    good answer….out of spite you should keep me up

  5. commonsense says:

    Cindy just because you gave her a pass to exxotica by no means legally those photos are yours. was she an employee of yours hired to take photos? then yes. Also cindy it is my opinion that you disclose to others peoples IP addresses when they are posting anomynously. I believe you have done this fattorosi the lawyer.

  6. Anthony Kennerson says:


    It doesn’t matter whether or not Cindi had employees take the pics. If Tara gave expressed approval to Cindi to post them, there should be NO DMCA issue.

    This is nothing more than an abusive power play by Tara to attempt to use the DMCA to steal the LiB domain from Cindi in revenge for her opposition to AHF, Shelley Lubben and the condom mandate. Considering her habit of suing everyone who disagrees with her at the drop of a hat, it’s hardly surprising that she would go after Cindi in the same way she’s gone after others.

    And what exactly does Mike “Pornlaw” Fattorosi have anything to do with this, anyway??


  7. AK-

    Commonsense has had a major hard-on for fattorosi for the last three months. Everybody here pretty much just ignores the tripe that spews out of his/her keyboard.

  8. Isn’t there some kind of serious penalty for knowingly filing a false DMCA report?

  9. Michael Whiteacre says:

    Tara doesn’t care about legal penalties — she’s already in breach of permanent restraining orders.

    She’s a classic loser, waste-of-life, hermit with 911 on speed dial. A nut-job.

  10. commonsense says:

    Cindy clearly stated that because she gave tara a pass she owns the photos. that is just ignorant on cindy’s part. i was statting about fattorosi because it is my belief cindy provided him with IP addresses, of commenters. she is not to be trusted in my opinion. I think cindy likes to be two face. Look she must have no career if all she does is this sight. i am sure her parents were very ashamed of her.

    NL- All you have ever posted on this site are misspelled half English comments always involving Fattorisi. Obviously you hate him for some reason. We all have our opinions, and you can have whatever one you want of me. BUT I have never given out any of my commenters IP addresses, not even Donny Long’s.

  11. commonsense says:

    this is what cindy states:
    . believes in Freedom of Speech, and as such allows all opinions to be represented and posted by their authors autonomously. Comments are NOT moderated on a regular basis. We strongly discourage the use of racial slurs, accusations of criminal activity and/or use of legal names for those that use stage names. We reserve the right to edit or delete any post for any reason or terminate anyone’s ability to post for any reason. After all, we do pay the bills around here.
    However she does not follow it by revealing peoples identities. she is a loser

  12. Tara needs mental and possibly substance abuse help. Nuff said.

  13. Michael Whiteacre says:

    @origen – She’ll have some very caring counselors in LA County Jail.

    How are you pal? I was just talking to Lexi Love today and I thought of you.

  14. How you doing Michael? I see you are riding high and savoring your spoils…

  15. Michael Whiteacre says:

    @origen – Never better. Some big news this week — please watch for it.

  16. Will you be posting it here, Whitacre? I don’t fuck with that twitter noise.

  17. Michael Whiteacre says:

    Oh, yes. LIB readers will get all the links, as well as some exclusive details.

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