Got Work?

Got Work?

OP/ED by Cindi Loftus

The economy is in the shitter. People consider themselves lucky to have a job and be able to make their mortgage payments these days. The United States has lost it’s excellent credit rating. Obama is failing at fixing this nation.

Once considered the greatest country in the world, that is a thing of the past. For the first time in history, our children will have a WORSE quality of life than we do.  Illegal immigrants are leaving the U.S. to go back to their home countries for chrissakes !

People are hurting. Suicides are up. Morale is down. What do we do to fix this? Where do we go from here? How do we turn this downward spiral around?

Republicans say give us less government and more religion. Democrats lean toward more socialistic ideas.

Paying for massive and long-term unemployment is one big part of the many things currently wrong here. Close to one out of ten of us is unemployed, and I will venture a guess that at LEAST two more out of ten of us is UNDER-employed.

I know I am over simplifying here, but the one thing  that can start to fix this economy,  is to create more jobs. The government has to go back and take a look at FDR’s  WPA program. It wasn’t perfect, but jobs will get money flowing and help people get back on their feet. Citizens of the US have to feel confidence in themselves and their government, in their ability to take care of themselves and their family, to be able to work and pay their way. Although there is much more to it, JOBS is the start of the fix.

I don’t have the all the answers. I don’t even have a few of them. I’d like to hear from those who have an opinion and are more knowledge than I on this issue.

15 thoughts on “Got Work?

  1. While I disagree with your assessment of the Republicans as wanting more religion, I will not persue that line. The wanting to startup WPA programs would start to solve a crumbling infrastructure problem we have but the cost would be even worse deficits unless there is a drastic cut in entitlements. Not to devolve this into a political discussion (not arguement because while I vote Republican, I call myself conservative…yes porn people…a conservative that LOVES and SUPPORTS PORN!…political arguements cannot be resolved) but I would rather use the prison system as a work-fare program to rebuild the infrastructure but the tax code needs to be scrapped in favor of a flat tax, eliminate capitol gains taxes to encourage investment and reduce business taxes. We have a lack of worker problem not a lack of revenue problem. Get the US back to work in the civilian sector and the revenue will resume to the treasury. Just my 2 cents

  2. Companies that keep their corporate offices in the USA and all their manufacturing in some other country should NOT be allowed to say they are MADE IN AMERICA and not have to pay any tarrifs for import goods.

    We need to bring the manufacturing jobs back to America and put people to work.

  3. the government does not create jobs. its the corperations and “rich people” that obama hates that create them.

    if we go socialistic we will be the next russia. we will have jobs from the government that pay $15 per day and will have to wait in line for the government to give us a loaf of bread. bad idea.

    the government needs to stay out of business owners faces and allow them to make a profit for jobs to happen. i’m not religious either but i’d put up with it if i could make good money again.

    i went from making $10,000 a month to $100 a week almost overnight. obama & friends need to go.

  4. “…unless there is a drastic cut in entitlements.”

    Social Security is an “entitlement” because we’re entitled to get our money back. There will be consequences to stealing people’s retirement. Go ahead, try stealing my money and see what happens.

  5. jeremysteele11 says:

    You tell ’em Charlie! It doesn’t matter to the gov’t that the pentagoons at the Pentagon can’t find $2.3 trillion. They’re not held accountable while we can’t get what’s due to us? Time to burn the house down!

  6. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    If Wall Street & Washington keep helping only the rich, you may see a Russian Revolution.

  7. jeremysteele11 says:

    They will and so we may. You know what’s going on in Britain right now, right?

  8. Houstondon says:

    Charlie: “Social Security is an “entitlement” because we’re entitled to get our money back. There will be consequences to stealing people’s retirement. Go ahead, try stealing my money and see what happens.”

    Sorry Charlie, SS and other programs pay out more than they take in. That is the biggest part of the problem and those that advocate spending our way out of this mess as Cindi does above lack the understanding of how to resolve the problem. There are scores of solutions that will contribute but partisan politics limit who will agree with one another, our military perhaps the biggest “workfare” program of them all.

    Tie any government benefits to true need and scale back all programs that reinforce laziness or stupidity. Tie all congress pensions and health care benefits to that of the average employee, making sure that key factors are used to rate performance. That’s a start…

  9. Jerkuliscious says:

    I think of the SS dynamic as a shylock situation. If the government attempts to get around repaying their debt to us, they are going to have to come to grips with the idea of having their knees broken.

    How do you break their knees? We foreclose on the government. Stock sell offs and bank runs would make it hard for the people that bought our government to keep up with the mortgage payments. In the ensuing chaos the true loonies, and those that don’t have jobs to go to, will riot in the streets, and be wiped out during martial law. Kinda like culling the herd. Only thing that worries me is the possibility of religious kooks coming to power, like in the aftermath of every Middle East uprising.

    In conclusion, it is going to get worse before it gets better, so the faster we hit bottom, the faster we make a come back. Pull your money out of the market, and buy all the canned food, ammo and solar panels you can find. Gotta have the solar panels to keep the beer cold and the porn on.

  10. A couple of things to consider:

    Social Security had a huge surplus in anticipation of when the baby boomers (kids born right after WW2) would be reaching retirement age about… NOW. Previous administrations borrowed money from Social Security promising to repay it and never did. I think I read that Reagan was the first president to skim some of the Social Security funds for whatever it was he needed it for and since then some presidents borrowed a few billion here and there and now that the baby boomers are all retiring and looking for Social Security it has created a huge bubble.

    Another factor of the issue is that Social Security has always been a ponzi scheme. You enter the work force in 1960 and pay a small amount into the social security fund each week out of your paycheck. Gasoline costs .45 a gallon, bread is 3 loaves for $1, cigarettes are .50 a pack, etc… Over the next 50 years inflation and costs climb at a alarming rate and now in 2011 you are 65 years old and want to retire. The amount you get from Social Security per month far exceeds what you contributed per month for all those years. At the same time modern medicine and our undertstanding of human anatomy has increased our life spam greatly. Each generation of people lives alot longer then the previous (for most of us). Alcohol and tobacco consumption is a fraction of what it was 50 years ago and other things that contributed to a shorter life span like asbestos and other toxins in the work place have also been reduced as well as diseases. This too puts a huge burden on social security as well.

    Another factor is that each generation of the workforce is supposed to help pay the way for the previous generation in anticipation that when they retire the next generation will do the same. Problem is we have become a nation of people working part time in the service industry because all our manufacturing jobs that paid a good salary and had benefits have been outsourced to other countries. We have alot of folks out of work and the ones that are working are doing so at multiple part time jobs like McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts, Home Depot, etc…

    There are no easy answers to the issue but if our leaders don’t start working together its only gonna lead to a meltdown of our country.

  11. Christian W. says:

    Yeah it’s pretty obvious you have no clue as to what the f**k you’re talking about Cindi

    Shut up and spread em

  12. Is that what you say everytime you commit rape, or was that line specialized for Cindi?

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