Roasting Charlie Sheen

NL- Comedy Central is planning a roast of Charlie Sheen. It will be shown on September 19th. Roasting Charlie Sheen sounds like the easiest job on the planet. You start with a BIG roaring fire and a spit… Oh, just thinking out loud, sorry. A COMEDY roast. Ok. I’d love to pick that panel- Kacey Jordan, Bree Olson, Capri Anderson, let’s add Gloria Allred, what’s that obnoxious bitch on Court TV’s name?, oh yeah Nancy Grace. Wait that list would actually roast him and eat him, maybe they better hire some male comedians instead. Charlie says “You could say I’ve been providing kindling for this Roast for a while, It’s time to light it up. It’s going to be epic.” Yeah, right, what a loser…

5 thoughts on “Roasting Charlie Sheen

  1. jeremysteele11 says:

    The Charlie Sheen School of Winning:
    a. Lose top paying t.v. job.
    b. Lose porno Goddesses.
    c. Sell multi-million dollar mansion.
    d. No problem. Plenty of drugs still left on table.
    e. Play The Doors “The End” while quoting Marlon Brando’s Kurtz: “You have the right to kill me but not to judge me!”.
    f. Start national tour. Wear baseball Jersey with your name on it of each city you’re visiting. Refunds are not an option.

  2. Usually those roasts are stacked with has beens and never was’s. Just add Patten Ozwald, Larry the Cableguy and maybe the heavyset female comediene thats into big black cocks (she is pretty funny as well as raunchy) and you are all set.

  3. The roasts are worth it for Gilbet Gottfried alone.

    That being said,I’m just tired of the whole concept of a roast being blown out of proportion. The original concept of a roast was comedians insulting each other out of love. The motto was “We only roast our own” and “We only roast the ones we love”. So technically, traditional Friar’s Club Roasts are supposed to be confined to comedians only. Now it’s just a shitfest free-for-all on whoever’s the easiest target. I highly doubt that Jeff Ross and the like hang out and truly “love” people like Flava-Flav and William Shatner. I’d rather see a comedian get roasted because you know there’s a real sense of love and comraderie behind all of the insults. Nowadays it just seems like they’re picking on people.

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