Scumbag Weiner Asked to Step Down-UPDATE

UPDATE- Now he’s going to "treatment"  They have treatment for sexting addiction? lol  Or is it treatment for chronic lying & how NOT to get caught?

NL- Now there are rumors of his inappropriate conduct with a teenager AND that his wife is pregnant. I wanted to call all these stories "scumbag reports" but there are so many: Schwartznegger, Weiner, Edwards… that I would have to give them numbers, Scumbag #1, Scumbag #2, so I figured I might as well use their names. BTW, i hope his dick is better looking than his face. This is one ugly dude.

from The head of the Democratic National Committee is calling for the resignation of U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner, who has been under fire after admitting to inappropriate communications with women online.

 "It is with great disappointment that I call on Representative Anthony Weiner to resign," DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said in a statement Saturday. "The behavior he has exhibited is indefensible and Representative Weiner’s continued service in Congress is untenable.

 "This sordid affair has become an unacceptable distraction for Representative Weiner, his family, his constituents and the House — and for the good of all, he should step aside and address those things that should be most important — his and his family’s well-being."

 And House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chair Steve Israel have told Weiner he should resign, a Democratic source with k nowledge of the conversations told CNN. Both released statements also demanding his resignation Saturday.

11 thoughts on “Scumbag Weiner Asked to Step Down-UPDATE

  1. He shouldn’t step down – but if he does it may work out in the end because it would shine more light on Breitbart and his lackies like Stack.

  2. Of course he has to go.

  3. All career politicians are douchebags, the ones that aren’t just haven’t been caught in a scandal yet.

  4. jeremysteele11 says:

    I wonder: When Weiner goes through airport security does he ask them to touch his junk?

  5. jeremysteele11 says:

    Cindi says “i hope his dick is better looking than his face. This is one ugly dude”.

    Favorite pick up lines, Mr. Weiner uses:

    A. My name’s Weiner. Wanna see my hot dog?
    B. My name is Weiner but they say I’ve got a nice, big, tasty sausage!
    C. Weiner’s my name, and I’m representing all weiners in L.A. Wanna see my little representative?
    D. I come from a long line of Weiners that stand firm and aren’t afraid to speak on behalf of the people for what they really want… and baby, I want you!

  6. Weiner committed NO “inappropriate conduct with a teenager”; that’s Faux News horseshit. In fact, the only crime he’s committed is a 2257 violation, and the government takes the position that 2257 applies only to “commercial works,” despite the plain language of the statute. So Weiner has committed no cognizable crime, and should hold his ground — and has no need of “rehab” — the left-wing equivalent of conservatives going on Pat Robertson’s show, “confessing” their “sins” and being absolved by God’s Rep on Earth.

  7. it aint whether he commited a crime or not, he comprimised himself and then lied about it. Plus its incredibly stupid, everything electronic leaves a trail. Anybody this dumb should not have a security clearance.

  8. I think he should step down on the grounds of stupidity alone. Before judgement is passed, please know that I despise pretty much every politician and what they stand for. That being said, I’ve always seen liberals and dems as the lesser of two evils.

    Laws don’t mean shit here. This guy held what should be considered a pretty prominent job in the field of civil service. There’s a certain code of conduct that comes with the luxury of his salary, benefits, and prestige. I know that people are only human and are going to give in to the temptations of humanity every now and then, but when your supposed to be an important decision maker in the law-making process of a big, important country, you’re pre-disposed to behave a certain way. You’re supposed to do all the neat stuff that us regular-joe perverts do in secrecy. Once you’ve been outed to the public as the human that you are, there’s no looking back to the public or your colleagues. He should step down for sure.

  9. From Yahoo News:

    In their ongoing quest for laughs at the expense of everyone else, hacker group Lulz Security has hit a new type of target: Porn. The group announced on Friday that it had infiltrated 56 porn sites, stolen and posted administrative emails and published an additional 26,000 emails and passwords from users of “Hi! We like porn (sometimes), so these are email/password combinations [sic] from which we plundered for the lulz,” the group wrote in a release on their website, which also contained all the stolen email addresses and passwords. The user data posted by LulzSec cannot be used to access the porn website accounts. Instead, it simply exposes the users as watchers of porn. The group specifically pointed out users with government and military email addresses who had signed up for the porn site. But hacking porn sites wasn’t all LulzSec did in the past 24 hours. In a seemingly uncharacteristic move (as if we could say what the character of LulzSec is in the first place, which we cannot), the group alerted the British National Health Service to its network’s password vulnerabilities, and took down Muslim terrorist website (Admittedly, the latter appears to have been carried out as a jab against rival hacker “Th3 J35t3r,” who took down the same site on June 5.) These cyber shenanigans follow LulzSec attacks on, Sony, Nintendo, FBI affiliate Infragard Atlanta, and data security company Unveillance, among others. Since the attack on on May 30, which involved posting a fake story about deceased rapper Tupac Shakur living in New Zealand, LulzSec’s following on Twitter —where the majority of its statements and communications are published —has exploded to more 120,000. The group has even managed to gain a following amongst members of the “white hat” cyber security industry —the people supposed to be fighting against LulzSec and their ilk —simply because they’ve so successfully made clear that most digitally stored data is woefully exposed. “LulzSec is running around pummeling some of the world’s most powerful organizations into the ground… for laughs! For lulz! For shits and giggles!” writes security expert Patrick Gray on “Surely that tells you what you need to know about computer security: there isn’t any.” So, who’s next on LulzSec’s list of unlucky entities? Who knows! But we’d wager that Sony’s on there somewhere.

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