Thor, A Review- Sorta

by @Porn_Valley

A sort of review. I just saw "Thor" today. How would I have made it a MUCH better script? Simple… Spoiler alert!!! I’m going to talk about that God-awful story.

So Thor is in Asgard with his brother Loki and, as you know, Odin is his father. Thor is a spoiled testosterone laden brat who thinks he can have what he wants and wants to ascend the throne. He believes it’s better to make preemptive war against another race because of a small skirmish (Sorta like when George Bush and the Republicans attacked Iraq when a small religious group, who had nothing to do with them, attacked the US). His father tells him that it’s better to avoid war at all costs (something that Obama hasn’t really learned yet).

So Thor goes to that other world and causes a shitload of trouble including killing this giant beast by turning himself into a bullet and blowing the beast’s brains out.

When he gets back, his dad is understandably pissed… He tells Thor that he’s banished until he learns his lesson. Odin takes his hammer, sends Thor to earth and whispers to the hammer that it can not be wielded unless it is by someone who is worthy – Which, of course, leaves out Thor unless he learns his lesson.

Okay, so I’m skipping a lot of side stories with Loki and Thor’s buddies who help cuz that doesn’t really matter.

So Thor lands on earth and immediately treats the people he meets like subjects and acts like an asshole. He finds his hammer and finds he can’t pick it up and that he is only human.

This is where it gets stupid (I know, right?)

Thor decides to help this girl get her journal. He makes a couple of breakfasts after getting drunk with boilermakers. Then the town gets attacked by this giant robot that is controlled by his "brother" Loki. He tells the robot, "Hey, you’re harshing my buzz, stop hurting these people, take me instead," (I’m paraphrasing). So the robot smacks him and he dies (cuz he’s only human now). Suddenly, the hammer – sitting in the dirt 50 miles away, wakes up and somehow thinks, "hmmm, I think he learned his lesson" and flies over to him and wakes him from the dead to make him Thor again.

Thor destroys the robot and goes to Asgard with his buddies to fix things between him, his father and that other really cold planet.

Okay, I kinda left out a lot but you get the idea. The problem is, how is it that he can go out drinking, make a couple breakfasts, then offer himself to save a few people and then supposedly have that say he learned about why it’s important to not make war? Plus half that time he was falling in lust with a hot chick so he was too preoccupied to learn any real lessons. That doesn’t make sense. He spent two Odindamned days down there – that’s not enough time!

But I’m not just going to criticize. I want to give constructive criticism. I actually write scripts and this is how I would fix it.

Everything was fine until Thor landed on earth. Odin should have sent him there for at least a century where he could become a doctor (like in the comic book) and witness war and death and destruction and poverty until he realized just how lucky he was. Then, he’s in the 21st century and the hammer is discovered and he’s a scientist subcontracting for SHIELD or he learns about or comes across the hammer in some way or the same way. Something longer than two days. That would have taken about 5 minutes of film time and made the story INFINITELY better.

That’s my opinion. You may have loved it. I thought there was a huge gaping hole in character development.

8 thoughts on “Thor, A Review- Sorta

  1. I haven’t been to the theater since The Phantom Menace, and can you blame me?

  2. @Fartz

    Yes… ‘Inception’ was awesome in the theater!

  3. I will admit, I avoid theaters because of the lack of a pause function (to take a leak, smoke a pinch hit, ask Ms. Fartz just what the hell is going on, etc.) I enjoyed Inception, but more out of the non-stop suspense, than the actual plot.

    Go to Youtube and look up the theatrical trailer for a movie coming out called “Submarine”, it’s an indie, so you’ll have to see it at a selected theater, but regardless, it looks awesome.

    There’s another one called Gentlemen Broncos (I think) buy the Napolean Dynamite director guy that looks amazing.

    Also, check out an amazing, sweet little French movie called “Love Me If You Dare” (The trailer alone is enough to make ya’ teary-eyed).

    The last flick I caught was the original un-edited version of Martyrs, and I was quite dissapointed.

  4. My only thing with Indies is sometimes they are so hit and miss…

  5. That they are, but at least most of them are coming from a real, heart-felt love of Cinema, and not a group of old cigar-smokers using marketing demographics as a means to guage what we want to see.

    Turning on your radio, TV, or mainstream movie, just kind of goes to show you what the mindset of the majority of people is. I’ve seen plenty of indies that sucked the big one, but I’ve seen plenty more that made me really appreciate the work that went into it.

  6. I like those old cigar smokers and hope to become one someday!

    One thing that gets me with some indies is smugness of some of the film-maker’s, actors/actresses (Christina Ricci, anyone?), etc…

    But I do agree, sometimes you find that diamond in the rough in the indie scene…

  7. The reviewer left out the fact that those enemies on that cool planet are all pure evil like the nazis were. They would overrun and kill all in asgard (as well as the humans living on Midgard/Earth and not think anything about it).

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