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FOX Computers Hacked, info Leaking

NL- These hackers also took over several fox twitter accounts and this stuff appeared as if it was tweeted from Fox-

fox15tv-Fox News 15 has decided to rape its own face. A sad day for our 25 viewers. @LulzSec

 FOXUPTV -Hello faggots, shitty Fox TV here! Let’s all get following @LulzSec right now to see our asses get torn a new one! #FuckFox #LulzSec           Foxuptv replies-We apologize for recent messages made on this Twitter. The account was compromised, but in FOX UP hands again.

Database for Fox Employees Hacked, then Leaked
By Chris O’Shea on May 10, 2011 12:45 PM from

Last night an Internet hacking group called Lulz Security hacked a database containing Fox Broadcasting employees’ passwords and emails, then leaked them online via its Twitter account. Lulz also took over a Fox affiliate’s Twitter, and began tweeting items like the one pictured here.

According to Gawker, this is only the beginning for Lulz:

Lulz Security appears to have hacked and stolen a lot of information from, and they’re releasing it slowly for maximum effect… They’re going to keep leaking every Monday, they say. And considering how these sorts of breaches often snowball as hackers jump from one database to the next, there could be some interesting stuff coming out.

If you work for Fox, it might be time to change your password from “1234567″ to something a little more complicated.

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