Donald Trump- Why He Won’t Run

Donald Trump’s statement-

"This decision does not come easily or without regret; especially when my potential candidacy continues to be validated by ranking at the top of the Republican contenders in polls across the country,” he added. “I maintain the strong conviction that if I were to run, I would be able to win the primary and ultimately, the general election. I have spent the past several months unofficially campaigning and recognize that running for public office cannot be done half heartedly. Ultimately, however, business is my greatest passion and I am not ready to leave the private sector."

NL- Am I the only one, who after reading this, has the words SHIT HEAD, come to mind?

11 thoughts on “Donald Trump- Why He Won’t Run

  1. docqualizer says:

    Ummm…yeah. The only thing he wants to tout is himself. The man MIGHT be a financial wizard or something, but he has no couth, patience, or charm. The Yiddish word schmuck comes to mind.

  2. jeremysteele11 says:

    This country is literally a corporation anyway and the “leaders” work for who’s paying them, so it would’ve made no difference. Why did he even pretend to run? Did he think he was ever going to leave the corporate sector? This is and has been just self-promo. He should’ve had Mary Carey as his running mate.

  3. Larry Horse says:

    Trump is Professor Harold Hill, what he did over the birth certificate and this playing with the running for office should keep himself from being taken seriously ever again. Besides, The Apprentice is probably making him $50 to $100 mil a year in real money, unlike that funny money that is his so called “fortune”.

  4. Michael Whiteacre says:

    @Larry – The Music Man reference is brilliant — a con man is all Trump is (unless you also include the fact that he was also author of what is probably the single worst book on business in history).

  5. artwilliams says:

    Trump had a TV to promote. That’s the only reason he said that he was running.

  6. jeremysteele11 says:

    Why do we have to see the same fuckin’ frumpy face of his twice on one page, within a couple of days?

  7. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    Donald Chump is a publicity whore & this was all along a publicity stunt.

    I suggest replacing the Chump’s ugly mug with either a possible example of an American licence plate:

    Top line: United States of America

    Middle line: ABC 123

    Bottom line: The Corporation Nation


    a poster warning of the world’s ending on May 21. Interesting date eh?

  8. jeremysteele11 says:

    I think the name “Chump” should be reserved for Arnuld “May the Schwartz Be In You, Especcciallllyyy, If it’s Mein, hah-haughe!” Scwharzenegger.

    Trump’s like Lady GaGa, seeking attention for attention’s sake, not because they have anything to say once they’ve caught your attention.

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