Another GOP Candidate Enters the Race


Texas Congressman Ron Paul says he’ll seek Republican nomination, his third presidential bid.

He ran as a Libertarian in 1988 and sought the GOP nomination in 2008.

21 thoughts on “Another GOP Candidate Enters the Race

  1. jeremysteele11 says:

    This is the first Republican I respect since Abraham Lincoln.

  2. Who is this guy? Hardly no one knows him and he makes no waves. He needs to step up his game if he plans on running for President. Trump may be an asshole but like him/hate him everyone knows who he is.

  3. jeremysteele11 says:

    He’s a guy the corporate media would prefer to marginalize, Karma, just like they did with Kucinich. That’s why you haven’t heard of him. When you watch the news, you know about the latest mishaps, murders, car chases and all that important big-picture stuff…

  4. jeremysteele11 says:

    And don’t you mean “enters the race”, Cindi? NL- u guys have me so overworked & over tired… SEND MONEY!

  5. chitownie says:

    Quite probably one of 3 people in all of congress that are honest (Kucinich and him in the House, Sanders in the Senate).

    Of course, sticking to one’s principles and ideals regardless of political contributions is not a formula to becoming POTUS and makes one an easy target of the Fox corporate media.

    As a side note, if you don’t know who he is then you’re part of the problem, not part of the solution.

  6. We don’t need someone who is more to the left than the President Obama in the White House. He is just fine.

  7. i agree with some of Ron pauls positions, big time, CAN NOT include sanders anywhere where sane people are concerned, kucinich right there with sanders , looney tunes

  8. All three of those guys are bad news for the country. Too ideological and radical–all of them.

  9. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    Barack “DINO(Democrat In Name Only)-saur” Obama sucks! I would rather have Sanders, a socialist like George Orwell, or Kucinich as US president.

    Maybe Republican Ron Paul would be better than Obama. Although he’s a rightist for whatever reason.

  10. jeremysteele11 says:

    Bernie Sanders and Kucinich are real patriotic Americans, Travis, Not Bushie, Not Obama Bin Lying, Not Sarah “If I only had a brain” Palin…

  11. chitownie says:

    Palin is fucking completley DOA…the only idiots that she MIGHT sway are morons that don’t know their ass from their heads.

  12. jeremysteele11 says:

    Sarah brings new depths and levels to dumbdom-

    “They are also building schools for the Afghan children so that there is hope and opportunity in our neighboring country of Afghanistan.”
    (fundraiser in San Francisco 10/5/08)

    “Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, out national leaders, are sending them out on a task that is from God. That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God’s plan.” 6/8/2009, Alaska

  13. i would rather have Palin than either of those two looneys at least she’s not a GD lawyer and just how many times has bama said something stupid ? if thats gonna be your IQ test. Hell i’d even vote for Trump before either of those guys, at least it wouldn’t be boring. Seriously though i am liking Allan West more and more.

  14. jeremysteele11 says:

    I can dress up and train a monkey to do a better job as President compared to Palin, Travis… Dubya Bush is actually almost smart compared to Palin… and that’s hella scary! If Trump becomes President he’s gonna change the name of the White House to Trump House! The only Republican worth voting for is Ron Paul. The rest are RepubliCONS!

  15. jeremy put down the left-wing kool-aid and step away. the left has already got their trained monkey in the white house, hows that working out ?
    Politics was supposed to be about serving ones country, ya know REGULAR people, go to washington do your best and then go home back to the real world. career politicians are most of whats wrong with this country

  16. jeremysteele11 says:

    Wigga please… one day you will awaken Travis (it may not be in this dimension) and see that both the left and right are and have been controlled by the same puppet-masters. There’s nothing like talking to zombies who think they’re aware of things.

  17. Career politicians are lower then whale shit. Each and every one of them. When someone wants to run for election to a major position in the US (President, Senate, Congress) they need loads and loads of money. Any politician thats honest and has scruples just hasn’t been in office long enough.

    The average little guy working his ass off and barely staying out of bankruptcy cannot afford to make huge donations to a political party. Special interest lobbyists and organizations donate huge ammounts of money to those pimps in Washington (I mean congressmen and senators) to help them get elected or reelected.

    Who do you think that pimp is going to be looking out for once they get into office? The lobbyist (or business they represent) that donated tens of thousands of $$$ to their campaign or the poor peons that have nothing? Doesn’t matter if you vote Liberal or conservative, republican or democrat.

    No matter who we vote for they are NOT looking out for the average person’s best interest. They are looking out for the folks that donated to them. Thats why the things that everyone wants to see fixed never get fixed. Virtually everyone I know doesn’t want us overseas as the world’s policeman. Yet year after year we are in one shithole or another “policing” the area and our poor kids die for it. You don’t see any senator or congressman’s kids over in Iraq (or Afghanistan) dieing. Only poor latinos, african americans, and white trash kids from trailer parks. No matter if you vote to the left or the right you are still fucked.

    Its like drinking a glass of cyanide or putting a .45 to your head and pulling the trigger. In the end you get fucked over either way.

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