FSC Calls Meeting Friday…

from http://fscblogger.wordpress.com/

Free Speech Coalition is calling for industry members to meet this Friday, April 29, to discuss current developments with workplace safety protocols and performer STD testing. These meetings will review the current status of workplace safety and performer testing, as well as what is on the horizon for adult film productions.

There will be three separate meetings for producers, agents and performers. The meeting schedule is as follows:

Producers 10am-12pm
Agents 1pm – 2:30pm
Performers 3pm – 5pm
The meetings will all be held at the Skirball Center, 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90049, in the Haas Room.

These meetings are for industry members only, so you must RSVP to attend. FSC encourages all producers, agents and performers to attend. If you would like to RSVP or would like more information, please contact joanne@freespeechcoalition.com.

33 thoughts on “FSC Calls Meeting Friday…

  1. Two hours per group doesn’t seem like alot of time. Maybe this 1st meeting is to set up future meetings?

  2. I wonder what Mitch thinks about the FSC holding talent meetings about std testing? The blind misleading the ininformed. Only in porn.

  3. Larry Horse says:

    So the Earl could show up for all three and the trannyfucker for two, Chrissy could book a quick scene for the time in between. That agent meeting could be something too, maybe someone could call out Derek and the other agents booking their girls with crossovers and the booking of crossovers in general…if anyone shows up. We should start up a fund to get Donkey there, plane ticket or bus ticket, same thing with Joe Brandi. $20 to the first whomever calls Derrick Burts a liar about privates…if he shows up. Maybe someone will ask about Canada, Cyprus and Panama, big pirates going after small pirates not to mention Florida where the men are gay and the women cant do anything about it.

  4. No matter what gets decided and gets done someone is going to have to pay for it. The problem is no one wants to do anything that will require them reaching in their pockets.

    It all goes back to what I have been saying all along… the performers need a union/organization that will look out for their best interests and help them to manage their money (retirement investments), STD testing, mental health referals for those that are having problems and need some sort of help/intervention, and basically seeing that the talent does not get ripped off and put in danger.

    Producers that freely use crossover talent are putting the girls in danger by upping the chance they will end up HIV+. The big production companies don’t want any kind of organization looking out for the talent as it would mean the companies would have to be honest and the porn companies don’t want that. No more telling the girl she has a boy/girl scene only for her to find out when she gets there it’s a boy/boy/boy/boy/girl scene including anal and DPs.

    They love to get fresh girls off the bus from Texas, Ohio, or Oregon and chew them up til the talent’s body or mental health falls apart, then cast them aside and get another fresh girl off the bus to replace them. Just like what happened to Amee Donovan.

  5. Larry Horse says:

    Only way to lessen the risk of crossovers is to get their names and pics of some of things they do to the meat beating public, though a fair amount think that a lot of the guys are gay cause of a myth that they can hold out longer. Though Chrissy and Seth Dickens were scene killers long before I knew they sucked cock and pounded men’s assholes for money. I’d rather watch a meth upped Dave Hardman any day than those guys.

  6. Every time a girl gets hurt or sick there are fundraisers because the performer didn’t have any money or insurance. The fact that Nina Hartley has been making porn for so long and is flat broke shows that the girls need someone looking out for them so that when they can no longer perform (or get too old) they can still pay their bills.

  7. freepornstarpix says:

    Nina had to support her ex-husband and ex-wife for most of her career until she moved down to LA in the mid 90s. It was Nina paying the bulk of the bills, her ex-husband never brought it enough income and it was stressful on her. That is why she is struggling now. She finally has a good guy taking care of her in Ernest.

  8. So much so wrong here.

    First, why the seperate meetings for talent and agents? Arent agents supposed to represent the best interest of the performers? Why the need to seperate these two groups?

    How does FSC claim to represent producers and talent? If a performer says she wants a condom used in a scene, and the producer says no, whose side does the FSC take? A clear conflict of interest.

    How many here actually think that the agents represent the best interest of the performers?

    How many think the FSC represents the best interest of the performers?

    How many think producers represent the best interest of performers?

    How many think nobody give a crap about performers and this ALL about making sure that PERFORMERS continue to pay ALL the costs, including AIMs legal bills to protect producers and agents?

    If FSC represents the best interest of performers why arent they helping AIM?

    How many think that sll the above mentioned entities represent nodoby but themselves?

    What a joke, seperate meetings for these seperate groups, WHY? Only in porn.

  9. They will ‘review the current status of workplace safety.” LOL Sure will be a short meeting.

    @Michael W. Do you suppose the FSC commisioned an independent review of workplace safety to present at this meeting? LOL

  10. To MIKE SOUTH,
    I agree with what you just put up on your site.


    Dont let these other groups get together first and decide what THEY are going to do regarding YOUR testing and YOUR safety, and how to make sure that all the money comes out of YOUR pockets.

    Kudos to you on this one Mike.

    Actually, Perormers should have their own meeting and make sure that NONE of the above groups, agents, producers, and the FSC are there. Performers need to tell them what is going to happen, not the other way around. Producers heatlh is not at risk. Agents health and safety is not as risk. Fsc’s health and safety is not at risk. The ONLY thing these entities have at risk is their WALLETS, and that is the only thing they want to protect.

  11. I would really like to see the FSC turn performers away from a meeting where ‘health and safety’ in the industry is being discussed. Only in porn.

  12. pornshooter33 says:

    No one cares about performers as FSC showed in how long it took them to react to PWL. Which I guess is going to happen when one of your board members is an attorney for AIM. Whose interest will they be really protecting.
    The whole aim testing is very flawed 30 days is waaay too long and I agree producers should pay. They want the talent to go bareback they should pay the freight.

  13. Michael Whiteacre says:

    @pornshooter33 – You assume that a public response = first action.

  14. Michael,
    As I have pinted out before, you seem to be an expert on the motives of anti porn groups, I was wondering if you might comment on any motives behind the need to seperarate talent, from agents, and talent from producers in these meetings.

    Woudlnt you think that input from talent would be a GOOD thing for agents and producers when discussing
    health and safety in porn.

    FSC and agents discussng the health issue.
    FSC and producers discussing health and safety.
    FSC and performers discussing health and safety.

    But no discussion between performers and prodcers, or performers and agents.

    Why not agents and performers having a discussion with producers?

    I say its all about making sure that performers keep paying the tab.

    Whats your “opinion” on this Michael? (NOW HERE COMES SOME MAJOR LEAGUE DODGEBALL)

  15. Michael Whiteacre says:

    The reason for separate meetings? Maybe it’s a small room? Maybe the speakers/presenters who wish to address certain specific aspects of the issue are only available at certain times? I really have no idea.

    There is nothing which prevents producers and agents and talent from talking with each other at any other time. This is a series of presentations by FSC, as I understand it. I really don’t know. I won’t be there. I’m neither a hardcore porn producer nor talent nor an agent.

  16. RickMadrid says:

    The Condoms are coming, The condoms are coming!! and they’re goes the industry……Elsewhere. Maybe Miami where you have more underpaid, YES females down there and the Diseases will become for frequent. You can pay off a right-winger repulicain to shoot in Miami and they do it all the time.

  17. jeremysteele11 says:

    Mandatory condoms is a dumb con. Mankind has been having sex for a long time without ’em. And the HPV/cervical cancer link refuses to acknowledge that cervical cancer correlates with the sale of Gardasil, just as psycho-nut gun murders have been rising in correlation with the pushing of psychotropic drugs.

  18. Michael Whiteacre says:

    I stopped reading Joe Know’s oh-so-authoritative 2007 WebMD article halfway through the first sentence: “HPV, the virus that causes cervical cancer …” Sounds too much like “HIV, the virus that causes AIDS” for my liking.

    I’ll leave the territory of HIV/AIDS to Jeremy, but I will add that anyone who has seen the excellent documentary “House of Numbers” knows what a crock the “conventional wisdom” of mainstream science is, and why.

  19. jeremysteele11 says:

    Bravo, Mr. Whiteacre!

  20. jeremysteele11 says:

    And what’s profoundly and disturbingly sad, Michael, is that so many will make judgements about a documentary without ever having even watched it. It’s also profoundly and disturbingly sad that not enough will take the time to examine a documentary such as this, despite the extreme relevance and self-interest such a doc presents all of us. It’s like sending a girl who takes doctor prescribed psych medicine the link to a documentary showing how the drugs she takes cause more problems than they solve (and how they deem an “illness” and “disorder” every mood and emotion these days), but she’s only interested in reading and endlessly gabbing about the latest sensationalistic stories… and never stopping to check it out… ever!!!! A sad, sad world…

  21. Michael Whiteacre says:

    It’s worse than sad — we are being numbed to and distracted from criminal behavior on a global scale. Genocidal behavior — through fear and hysteria, and all for the sake of money and ego. James Chin’s description of how the WHO went from being a scientific / medical / advocacy organization to strictly an advocacy organization tells the tale. They divested themselves of the scientific research units but KEPT the AIDS NUMBERS (actually the ESTIMATES) unit. Why? Because who gets the $ is determined by who can “show” the highest numbers of “victims of AIDS.”

    The ESTIMATED number of AIDS victims doubled in 1993 when the definition was changed. That reminds me of a trick question my professor asked in law school: “What is the single most significant determinant of the rate of criminality in a society?” Most people offered actors like economics, etc… The correct answer: WHAT THE LAW IS! With the stroke of a pen you can make criminals out of large segments of the populace.

    Why on earth would anyone put their faith in big pharma, knowing what we now know? The same goes for big latex and AHF.

  22. jeremysteele11 says:

    There is an agenda which has grown, which is to create and worsen problems, simply, if for no other reason, because of the enormous profits these problems make certain professionals. When 3rd world countries follow and obey the U.N. W.H.O. standards, every time without exception those countries fare far, far worse than before their intervention and guidance. A lot like to believe it’s incompetence, but as I used the analogy when I was the top guy in my sales/surveys department, quality control couldn’t touch me for my rougue, slam-dunk tactics because the top director of the company protected my valuable ass. Money buys the ads, controls the science, news and the whores who push laws which effectively create the opposite reality of what they’re supposed to. The fundamental Hegelian/Machiavellian/Luciferian pardigm is control through chaos and creating problems so you can offer their $olution, which of course only creates more problems, and for them, more money and power. Don’t get me started!!…

  23. Michael Whiteacre says:

    I see an analogy to 2257Safe/2257Snap and PWL coming on.

    A crisis was created. Who benefitted? Who was harmed? Whose credibility/trustworthiness was damaged? Who then applauded, and whose interest did that serve?

  24. Actually the webmd article is from the John Hopkins University study. But Michael pobably know more than they do too.

    He must have not like that part of ‘multiple EXPOSURES raising the risk of throat cancer far beyond that of even chronic smokers.

    Funny how Micheal has a very, very selective choice of things to respond to, and how he can so accurately speculate about so many motives of so many groups, except the porn indsutry. He has no bounds of speculating about the motives of ANY anti porn group or activist, but will NEVER even suggest that anyone in porn MIGHT have bad intentions or motives. You fool no one, you preach to the choir, and Shelley is not in the penitentary yet,now is she Michael? Didn’t you say(oops write) that was where you were going to send her?

    But I guess stats like this wouldnt make testing for HPV that important for porn workers now would it Michael. NO testing=no stats=no track record=no problem, right Mike?

  25. Why would anyone put their faith in big pharma? Ask youself that same question when the paramedic on the scene of your traffic accident pulls out that IV bag and inserts a needle. Lets see how fast you tell him or her to STOP what they are doing. LOL

    Lets see how fast you tell him or her to stop when its your child. Lets see how fast Jeremy tells the paramedics, using those evil big pharma drugs on Lucky, when its her in that accident. Big talk on a porn chatboard will soon be forgotten when its YOUR life, or your loved ones life on the line.

    ANd when was the last time either of you took an asprin, or a cough drop?

  26. jeremysteele11 says:

    I’m not talking about paramedics, aspirin or cough drops, Joe Donno

  27. pornshooter33 says:

    @Michael Whiteacre: A friend of mine who is on the list wrote the FSC in March before the press focused on it and he got crickets back. I got a feeling the only reason the FSC got involved now is to protect AIM and to control where the focus goes.
    The whole thing truly sickens me.

  28. Michael Whiteacre says:

    @pornshooter33 – WAY BACK in March? LOL As a recovering attorney, I can assure you it takes time to build a case — and the revelations have been coming in steadily for months. In my view this is primarily a criminal matter, and secondarily a civil case.

    It takes a little time, and FSC is a small organization. You have to remember that there’s a lot of things blowing up at one time — which of course must be nothing but coincidence…

    To think otherwise would be to assume that Lee Harvey, err, I mane Donny Long isn’t acting alone — and you know he must be a lone angry nut…

  29. Well I was banned from the FSC meeting this morning after I was initially approved to attend due to the untrue statement that I “threatened attendies” – something which was based off of threads on PWL and “Darrah Ford”‘s twitter.

    Isn’t this discrimination? Speaks volumes.

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