Trump For President?

NL-Should Trump run? Would he win?  Would he go after porn? Should we re-elect Obama for a second term? Is there someone else you think should run? Who do YOU want to be our next president?


Positive polls don’t surprise Trump
By: CNN’s Kevin Liptak


 – Donald Trump hasn’t announced a run for president yet, but the businessman-turned-television host isn’t surprised by some positive new poll numbers.
Trump explained on his YouTube channel Wednesday that a potential matchup showing him virtually tied with President Barack Obama came as no shock.

"There’s been a lot of talk about a poll that came out last night," Trump said in the video. "The fact is I’m not campaigning, and I’ll make a decision sometime in June. But I’m not that surprised."
Trump was referring to a Newsweek/Daily Beast poll that released yesterday. In the hypothetical matchup, Obama beat Trump by only two percentage points, 43 to 41. In the video, Trump incorrectly refers to the poll as sponsored by CNN.
"The poll came out, and we’re in a virtual tie and I haven’t campaigned," Trump said. "I’m not really, despite that, that surprised, because it’s a message of common sense. We can have a great country again, the problem is we don’t have the right leadership. We don’t have the right leaders. We don’t have people that have any semblance of negotiation."
Trump said in his video that running for president would be a reflection of his patriotism.
"I love this country," he said. "This country is doing very poorly. We’re like a whipping post for the world. I love this country,and I want to make it great again."
When responding to a viewer question about the union protests in Wisconsin, Trump tried to appeal to both sides.
"I’ve had great relationships with the unions over the years," he said. "But at the same time I fully understand the governor of Wisconsin, what he’s trying to do. He’s trying to fix a very, very serious problem."

38 thoughts on “Trump For President?

  1. jeremysteele11 says:

    Yeah, that’ll be a big win for us just like Trump Casino and Trump airlines! He’ll run this corporation nation into the ground, as he is “no stranger to overdue debt” which will lead to another big bailout. Then he’ll sell the U.S. to the Chinese.

  2. Reader Email/Twitter says:

    In answer to these specific questions, yes Trump should run. No, he would not win. He would not go after porn, he is sort of a libertarian. Yes, we should reelect Obama. I would like to see someone run to the left of Obama, like Kucinich. The next president should be Obama, of course.

  3. jeremysteele11 says:

    Kucinich should be President. That’s why he won’t be.

  4. Larry Horse says:

    Why do we give a shit about this guy? Warren Buffet is worth 40X more and has done infinitely more for charity.

  5. jeremysteele11 says:

    Warren Buffet was also warned about 9/11. He has friends up high and so much money, philanthropy is a necessity to get rid of excess money the way fruit corporations get rid of excess crops. Yeah, I’d prefer Warren but that would scare the hell out me, still more preferable than the “you’re fired” Don. If you vote for Trump, you’re a Chump!

  6. jeremysteele11 says:

    The only way I’d ever look forward to Trump being President would be if he’s on his way out of office, so we can all say “You’re Fired!”

  7. chitownie says:

    This gadfly would never win the nomination. He just has way too much personal baggage.

    My ideal theoretical political staff: Denis Kucinich (Pres), Bernie Sanders (VP), Ron Paul (Sec. of State), Alan Grayson (Speaker of the House), Russ Feingold (Sen. Majority Leader).

  8. other than Ron Paul , have you lost your mind ? you guys just keep showing your true colors.

  9. chitownie says:

    “You guys just keep showing your true colors.”

    You are truly a dumbfuck, Travis.

    I’ve never made any secret of being a secular progressive isolationist. Your statement shows that you have either no clue what people are into or, perhaps, you just like hearing the sound of your fat fingers tapping the keyboard as you listen to your heroes Beck/Limbaugh/Palin talk about family values and morality while you peruse a porn site.

    Go back to watching NASCAR and eating chips.

  10. you forgot your only true color that counts = pinko ya america hating commie asshole.
    I happen to believe that the gov has no business in anyones bedroom.Like a good conservative. but i’m probably more of a liberterian on social issues. I’d sooner have anyone of them than anyone of you , lesser of 2 evils , ya know whut i mean ?

  11. chitownie says:

    I have no idea what you’re talking about because the English language has punctuation and grammar rules. What you’ve attempted to write is entirely illegible.

    Of course, they probably don’t teach standard English in your neck of the woods. Go back to your trailer home with the confederate flag being used as a curtain in the “living” room and watch the Jerry Springer marathon followed by some NASCAR and a big bag of generic potato chips.

    “You loves you some NASCAR, don’t y’all?”

  12. yep , dont watch religously but i follow who wins . I really want Mark Martin to finally win a championship.
    now, i said your true color is PINKO .
    I said that i was more liberterian on social issues.
    I said that i would rather have anyone of them rather than anyone of your ilk.
    I also said a good conservative does not care what goes on in peoples bedrooms.
    Perhaps i should attempt to write in snob-ese, maybe you could understand that.
    btw, pull that stick out of your ass and you’ll probably feel better

  13. chitownie says:

    You are the poster boy for why we need better scools.

    You are either a libertarian, or your not. You can’t be somewhat pregnant. Just because it’s considered “cool” to be a libertarian nowadays, complete dolts like you are all jumping on the bandwagon-a bunch of trend humping phoneies that don’t know their head from their asshole.

    You have ZERO idea of what even the basic tenents of libertarianism are, and even less of an idea as to how to structure a simple paragraph.

    You are the poster boy for your heroes Beck/Palin/Limbaugh: fat, uneducated and easily misled.

    Go back to your confederate flag-curtained trailer park,NASCAR and potoato chips

  14. Quote: # chitownie Says:

    I have no idea what you’re talking about because the English language has punctuation and grammar rules. What you’ve attempted to write is entirely illegible.

    Quote: # chitownie Says:

    You are the poster boy for why we need better scools.

    You are either a libertarian, or your not.

    ============Wow. Just wow.===========

  15. pot calling kettle , pot calling kettle .
    like you’re not the poster CHILD for left wing , america hating , elite snobs.
    only you left wing assholes deal in absolutes , i can be partly liberterian if i believe they have some good points and ideals. I believe a mix of conservative and libertarian values is what this country needs.
    Since i think its rude to correct someones grammar , we’ll just not comment on yours.
    btw , i see you’re still having trouble removing that stick. Good luck with that

  16. jeremysteele11 says:

    Hey Travis, what d’ya think about Dubya addressing his constituents as “The haves, and the have mores”?

  17. chitownie says:

    His constituents are the shitheads and the more shit headed.

  18. Bush is gone.let it go. bama coulda changed any of his policies , but didn’t.
    wheres all that oil ? hmmm

  19. oh yea , must just kill your soul that there are so many more shitheads(your word), in this country than
    your ilk. ya arrogant, uptight , stick-up-his-ass SNOB. have a nice day now ya hear.

  20. jeremysteele11 says:

    I agree Travis, in that Obama gave an “a-ok” for the bad guys to keep on keepin’ on without worry about accountability/criminal charges, etc. Now Dubya is on Oprah (sickening) peddling his book and Rumsfeld is on P. Morgan. How about asking some good questions, hosts? Nope. Holy Shit! By the time we come to terms with the implications of this from what I see it’ll be too late. I still hold on to Obama’s “hope” but it’s like some kind of bad drug trip mixed in with trauma-induced faulty vision where the “hope” within your mind’s eye keeps fading in and out of “nope” and you wonder if you’re hallucinating like Charlie Sheen…

  21. chitownie says:

    You should love BO, Travis…He’s basically a carbon copy of Bush.

    More war, more bailouts, more tax cuts for billionairs, less money for schools, more redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the filthy rich, more inequities in our trade policy, and more voodoo trickle down bullshit economics.

  22. but he was supposed to be the savior ?
    Once and for all Bush was not a conservative but i TRULY believe that he was a better choice than either Gore or Kerry.
    Whoever does what is needed to turn this country around had better be a believer because he will have no shot at re-election.

  23. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    The only reason GeorgeW beat Gore was because of the Electoral College’s electoral vote, not because of the people’s popular vote.

    To paraphrase a BBC journalist’s comment about the 2000 “election” of GeorgeW: This is a stupid way to elect any political office.

    How many campaign promises did Obama break already? And how many more will he break?

  24. I like how people who don’t have a clue about how or why the “electoral college” exists like to impugn it.

    If you think the popular vote is a good idea and you don’t live in CA FL TX or NY then you are a fucking moron.

  25. jeremysteele11 says:

    Wrong Luke,

    You know I’ve mentioned this many times. Why don’t you at least just one of the many times I’m mentioned simply follow and examine the leads I provided instead of acting so authoritarian??????????

    The reason Dubya beat Gore is

    a. Election fraud (do a youtube search on BBC Greg Palast Bush Fraud)

    b. Gore’s lawyers horrible job in court.

    c. The 5 Conservative Supreme Court Justices who stopped the recount because doing so would cause “irreperable harm” to Bush. As Vincent Bugliosi said in his book “The Betrayal of America”, these 5 Judges should be in prison for treason.

    Imagine how on fire TravisW would have been if 5 Liberal Judges rendered the same exact verdict to Gore based on the same exact reasoning?

    Electoral voting is not the issue, only a red herring.

  26. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    Mike South,

    I know why the Electoral College and its electoral vote exists and I disagree with it. And I wouldn’t recommend any country fucking adopt it.

    Jeremy Steele,

    Check the official final tally of the 2000 election. Gore finished with the most popular votes, but unfortunatly Bush finished with the most electoral votes, that’s how Bush became president. Any political office should only be determined by popular vote.

    Not everything is a conspiracy!

  27. Wow, Jeremy. You’re getting fuckin’ intellectual…

    Nice breakdown of Bush v Gore.

  28. Mike, I’m afraid your analysis is a little screwed up when it comes to the EC. People want a popular vote system because it increases the chances of lesser known candidates. It has nothing to do with state populations. Does EVERYBODY in a single state vote the same way?

  29. jeremysteele11 says:

    Gee Whiz Luke,

    I already know Bush officially won by electoral vote and that Gore had more of the popular. I don’t have a problem with the electoral college and if Bush had legimitely won by electoral vote I would not have a problem with that. But, he didn’t (do a youtube search like I said on “BBC Palast Bush Fraud”). As before, you continue to ignore the points I’ve made and/or links provided. It WAS a conspiracy. Diebold publically promised Bush the election (I’m not making this up). About 60,000 alleged felons (non-felons) were erroneously scrubbed from the ballots in Jeb Bush’ Florida, most of them were black and Democrat in a race count which differed only by a few hundred. Then the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 unsigned decision, voted against a recount while Florida was in the process of doing it because doing so would do “irreperable harm” to Bush.

    Thanks for the props, Origen, but I am only re-stating Vincent Bugliosi’s point in “The Betrayal of America”. In regards to this issue, no one can explain it any better than he has.

  30. Honest Abe says:

    Trump – just another archtypical Republicant bigot who hates everyone and everything except Money.

    He hates Gays yet the producer of the Miss California Pageant is openly Gay, and his daughter Ivanka supports gay marriage. Interesting.

  31. jeremysteele11 says:

    legitimately, whoops

  32. Trump actually says alot of wise things about being a man & business etiquette. I read his books, its general stuff but the way he says it makes it valuable.

  33. jeremysteele11 says:

    This reminds me Origen of this asshole who later died of AIDS, named Peter McWilliams. He wrote this best-selling book called “Life 101”. It was written in large print, half the book had a single quotation on each page, from the Dali Llama to Madonna, the rest had extreme generalisms. The irony is, I originally contacted this guy years before I got into porn when he had an LA Weekly ad looking for “tasteful nude” models. I sent him a polaroid a girl took of me lying naked on my couch and my first call from him was at 11:30PM on a Friday night and he sounded like he was masturbating. He started asking me some personal questions like my sexual orientation, then telling me why men are more beautiful than women and I hung up. Then he called me back saying he’s a best-selling author, I said bullshit, and to prove it he mailed to my p.o. box his stupid Life 101 and a horribly shitty photo book, which was mostly all stupid looking headshots of people and an occasional naked guy. It was definitely one of the worst photo books I’d ever seen. They guy kept calling me and I warned him if he calls me again that I’d show up to some “Spiritual” Whole Life Expo Fair he was showcasing while holding a big sign saying he’s a “F—–” sexually harrassing people, and he finally left me alone. Years later I read he died of AIDS. So my point is, having a book of wizdumbs don’t mean shit. Right after I got him to leave me alone I saw him on some show and interestingly he had a quote about “guilt”.

  34. Damn, don’t fuck with Steele… (*writes reminder note on sticky and places it on computer desk)

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