LIB is a Google PageRank 6 & That’s a Really Good Thing!

Search engines work hard to try and determine which websites are the best and by the best I mean most relevant because that is what matters to Google most, or really to any search engine.   When you Google something they hope that the first few results that come up for it are the most relevant to what you were searching for.  To ensure that is the case they have developed a complicated and top secret algorithm, part of which is called PageRank or PR.

PageRank they tell us is is basically like a bunch of votes.  The more people who vote for your site, the better your site is and again by better it is about relevancy to them, so the more votes you have the more relevant you become in the subject matter that Google has already secretly deemed you an authority on.  The sites Google considers most important have the highest page rank.  New sites without anyone  linking to them are PR 0 (zero) sites.  The more you build up links you can go all the way to the top and be a PR10, but that’s not likely.  Google is a PR10 site, Amazon is a PR9, Alexa is a PR8. is a rather popular site, wouldn’t you say?  I mean it was hot enough to sell for like $9 million not to long ago.  Well when it comes to authority, Google only gives it a PR3, so a link from their site would hold less weight than a link from which is a PR6.  And that in essence becomes the value of PageRank.

But keep in mind one vote isn’t equal to the next vote.  Two sites can have an equal number of votes and one is still better than the other.  Why?  Because of PageRank.  If a PageRank 5 (or PR5) site links to a site that “vote” is far more important to Google than if a site that is PR2 links to a site.  That vote counts, but not as much as the vote from the PR5 site.

PageRank is a complicated system that simply says in the eyes of Google you are an authority on your relevant subject matter.

What people say is don’t worry about PageRank and instead worry about what builds pagerank and that is getting people to link to your site.  The more people that link to your site, the more important your site becomes to search engines but you can always keep in mind, quality links matter and that is where PageRank really comes into play.  I would love a link to my site from a PR6 site.  People can say pagerank doesn’t matter all they want, but trust me, I’ll take that PR6 link any day.  That one link is very valuable in terms of SEO.



I was curious to see what some other adult news sites ranked some I looked them up- PR 5  PR 5 PR 4  PR 4 PR 5 PR 4  PR 4 PR 4

16 thoughts on “LIB is a Google PageRank 6 & That’s a Really Good Thing!

  1. jeremysteele11 says:

    Glad to read it, Cindi. I was told that site I used to bust my ass taking tons of pictures and writing for (while being perpetually abused by the editor for his sadistic pleasure, beyond any human’s capacity to tolerate) had at least 30,000 hits a day at one point, until the jack-asshole running it removed all my contributions after I complained publically about him here on LIB, causing the readership to nosedive in spite of all the hard efforts and time spent.

    He claimed that abusing me was “good entertainment” and that people loved it, despite how many people asked me what was wrong with the guy acknowledging the abuses as self-evidently very personal.

    He told me numerous times not to write for you, Cindi, that you’re not my friend and that I was a fool to do so as you were just “using” me. But I consider you a friend Cindi. You have always been nice and respectful to me, you have never been abusive and you respect my right of free-speech and expression (unlike other hypocrites). I only desire to express how I feel and what I think. I am very grateful Cindi to be allowed that on your site which gets a huge volume of traffic. Thankyou again and always.

    NL- love u too jeremy xo

  2. This is what happens when people who don’t understand SEO find meaning in something that is meaningless. Yes a PR6 is good…I have been a PR 6 in the past and will be again prolly and you will prolly drop…it changes a lot.

    But whats relevant is your serp and yers (nor mine) are worth a fuck

    In any relevant search if you arent on page one you aint shit and avn is pretty much top dog, along with

    so I wouldnt crow about something like this….its kinda like winning a mud wrestling match with a pig….nobody really won anything and the pig doesnt care either.

    Now do something productive with that page rank and get yerself on page one for relevant searches….Oh andf you have to search from a proxy because google tailors searches to your browsing habits

  3. People do say pagerank is stupid, pagerank is nothing but those people are wrong. There is actually some huge value in pagerank. Sure it doesn’t guarantee you’ll be #1 in Google for whatever search term you want but if you do your actual research on PR then you’ll find out why a site like LIB being a PR6 kinda is cool.

    Sure anyone can work it and pay for links from PR9 sites and get them up to a PR6 or even higher but you know what? LIB did it on their own without even knowing they were doing it. That is really what makes what she has done impressive. is a PR3. It’s been a PR3 for years. I don’t know what site you mean you have had a PR6 but it wasn’t, at least not for the past few years. Maybe it is another site you mean. But whatever. I’m happy for LIB. I think it’s great they were able to get up there in rank without even trying. They did what Google wants us all to do and that is get there naturally by producing good content. VERY VERY VERY few people do that.

    Good for her!

  4. Keli you really should stick to making graphs.

    You dont understand the first thing about SEO or SERPS or how this site got to PR6 or how long it will last.

    The real person who got this to PR6 would have been luke ford but the point is the page rank is irrelevant when you arent on the first page on a related google search. AVN dominates that. Lukeford comes in second.

    Now go graph some porn popularity thing as you see it and leave SEO to people who understand it.

  5. I have to agree with Mike. PR6 sounds cool but it doesn’t really “mean” anything. Its not an important SEO metric.

  6. Fuck Poontalk, Jeremy. I totally forgot about that site anyway.

  7. I just browsed that site to refresh my memory and I literally laughed out loud. What a joke. A 10 year old could do better. Literally.

  8. that wilsonweb bit is spot on and its already happened.

    I can go to google right now and search on “bukkake” when I do will come up number 1

    Oh but were that true for everyone.

    If I go to a proxy server and search for the term I probably wont even be on page one.

    google has been doing this for a while now, they know your browsing and surfing habits and will tailor the results to what google thinks you will want. This makes page rank way less relevant. There was a time when page rank had more relevance in googles algorithm but that time is long gone.

    google has long been collecting data via google sitemaps and google analytics for this very purpose and anyone who has an android phone can see that google is setting itself up to be the worlds largest clearinghouse on all forms of search data. From google sky to googlemaps, to google earth to the really scary google goggles.

  9. Sorry Mike, but the smartest dude in porn doesn’t use punctuation?

  10. jeremysteele11 says:

    origen Says:

    “Fuck Poontalk, Jeremy. I totally forgot about that site anyway…

    I just browsed that site to refresh my memory and I literally laughed out loud. What a joke. A 10 year old could do better. Literally.”

    Its truly a tragedy beyond what I can describe at the moment. Last time I took a picture of Belladonna, she told me she was told about that site from other porners. Even Lexington Steele had left comments. At its apex it was the most hilarious adult news site on the net, all original. We parodied Christian’s food photos, and I had no problem being the butt of jokes, but it got completely malicious, abusive and out of control for no fuckin’ reason except that the editor has severe issues. That was never the agreement for me to be constantly abused and his bitch. He’d break his word regarding the original deal, change the rules and then say I’m too fuckin’ stupid to understand that the rules “needed” to be changed. That was his insult-filled excuse for breaking his word. You should’ve seen all the photos that didn’t go up. it was not easy getting all those photos, either, resizing, labeling them all, etc. He didn’t want to risk the 2257 rules on sites even though Christian broke it all the time. I got some awesome photos which should be in a book! I was one of my high school year book photographers and the year book won a best yearbook of NY prize. What that asshole did to me was worse than everything Sophia Mounds said and done and every other piece of shit I’ve ever known put together throughout my entire lifetime!

  11. lol i never made that claim….and im a lazy typist

    maybe i should get dragonspeak or something….

  12. Let it go, Jeremy. Like a bad piece of pussy–just forget that you smelled it and move on…

    I love “Entourage”.

  13. Actually I have a slightly different theory as to why LIB has such a high rating – it’s all those pictures of those photos of porn stars that Wikipedia’s taken from this site. Google’s making note of where they’re coming from and folding that into it’s ranking formula, and since Wikipedia ranks as a 9… See this:

    NL- I think you are right on that one Tab 🙂

  14. jeremysteele11 says:

    I’m not letting it go. I’ve invested and been fucked with way too much. If that piece of shit crackhead thinks he can fuck with me, fuck around with mine and others investments for years and years and years and years while he continually takes on new stupid projects while never finishing any like the jackass that he is, I will eventually let EVERYTHING be known that he’s done, done to me and threatened me with, and I’m sure he won’t dig that. My intention is to get the doc out of his hands and get it finished through an outside party because he’s proven he’s one of those people (and we’ll all met them) that is just incapable of getting things done. All he’s done is undone everything we’ve worked on, including our friendship because he’s too stupid to realize how fucked-up and abusive he is. I’m sure he’s wigging out about my op/ed (as he wants to retain Jim Lane’s friendship) but what he’s too “incredibly dumb” to understand is he’s already made it beyond obvious and clear that he intends to make me look as fucked-up in the documentary for entertainment purposes as he possibly can, so why the fuck would Jim and associates not give him the releases he may need when he wants to see him trash me as much as anyone?

    He wanted to lick everyone’s ass and trash me. What a stupid ass! I’m the reason he had the chance to make it big, I introduced him to everyone!…

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