Are We Watching the Start of WW III ?

NL-reports from coming out of the penthouse & various govt agencies show us, along with the Brits & French, wiping out Gadhafi (and innocent citizens?)

U.S., British ships fire 110 Tomahawk missiles on Libya, Pentagon says.

U.S. Tomahawk cruise missiles hit Tripoli, Misrata, Pentagon says.

U.S., British militaries join French in action against Gadhafi’s forces in

U.S. military launches missiles against Gadhafi’s forces in Libya, defense official says.

French planes fired on Libyan military vehicle Saturday evening, French Defense Ministry says.

25 thoughts on “Are We Watching the Start of WW III ?

  1. docqualizer says:

    Our friend “Daffy Duck” (aka Moamar Ghadaffi) thumbed his nose once too often at the rebels and the allies. The allies decided enough was enough and imposed the no-fly zone. Daffy decided to throw up a faux cease fire while continuing to pound at rebel positions. He has now learned that you do not fuck with the Allied forces. My bet us that he will either be on the run or dead within 72 hours.

  2. The title of this story was kinda misleading and over the top. Now if we were fighting with China then a statement like that about WW3 would be more appropriate.

  3. jeremysteele11 says:

    Let’s just have a WWIV first (with sticks and stones) so that way we can avoid a WWIII altogether!

  4. Personally, I’m looking forward to WWIII Turbo, WWIII Championship Edition, and Super WWIII Hyper Fighting. Wait. What are we talking about?

  5. Point is you can´t leave the lybian people alone. They have no chance.
    When some crazy dictator like Ghaddafi decides to kill his people, the U.N. have to do something about it.
    Everyone said: “We won´t take it.”
    If you say something like that you have take the consequence and interact.
    The problem won´t be Ghadafis troups.
    Did anyone remember the 80´s.
    I live in Berlin, so I remember what Ghadafi´s terrorists/spies/agents or what ever you call them did at the LaBelle.

  6. I agree whitey. The situation sucks but we can’t sit around an do nothing. There can’t be a delusional madman on Europe’s southern flank. Along with your countrymen, this guy has killed Americans and he would do so again if given the chance.

    How’s the porn scene in Berlin, BTW?

  7. Not World War III, but we are looking at Wrestlemania XXVII in exactly two weeks.

  8. Michael Whiteacre says:

    I agree 100%, whitey and origen. Whatever remaining standing America would have in the world regarding moral authority would be forfeit if we did not stop Ghaddafi before he does more harm to his own people, his own nation.

    Here is the perfect opportunity for the US to begin to redeem itself in the eyes of Muslims worldwide, and do what the Arab leaders have failed to do — support the man on the street in the Arab world and protect him from dictatorial oppression.

  9. Fuck yeah! Sticking up for the average Abdul on the street!

  10. Michael Whiteacre says:

    For a change, yes. And it’s not just the US — every other nation addicted to oil is complicit in the disgraces of the last century, and no one less than Winston Churchill. Are you familiar with his key role in all this (vis-a-vis Iran)?

  11. No, I’m not familiar. What did he do?

  12. Michael Whiteacre says:

    Back when the international oil rush began, Great Britain had purchased perpetual oil rights from Iran for next to nothing. It was the most one-sided deal since the Dutch bought Manhattan for beads and trinkets.

    But, after the true value of the oil became known to the leaders of Iran, they asked for a measly royalty. Churchill told them to fuck off. This became a major point of contention.

    Not long after WWII, Churchill tried to get President Truman to overthrow the democratic government of Iran. Truman was not about to get the US into another war, and did not go along. So Churchill waited. Once Ike got in office, Churchill played the Red card on him — “Hey, this leader in Iran is getting in bed with the Soviets.” Thats why the CIA went in during 1952-53 and caused the coup against Premier Mossadeq.

    That led to the problems with the later Shah, who nobody liked and was forced out by Islamic Fundamentalists.

    If not for Churchill — and Ike going along with him — we would have had a democratic Iran, and probably a democratic Iraq, for all these intervening decades. The world would look a lot different today

  13. Dude, are you Persian? That’s hella cool if you are….

  14. Michael Whiteacre says:

    I am not Persian, no.

  15. Sorry, its just that Iranians love to bring up instances where the West screwed them over…

  16. Michael Whiteacre says:

    Sure — and in this case, the larger point is that the West screwed itself over, in addition to the Persians/Iranians!

  17. I had a friend who used to work with a bunch of Persian dudes (it was a Persian-owned restaurant). They came across as very self-absorbed to me. They wore wayyy too much hair gel and cologne and had extremely negative attitudes toward women. They were sort of like a Sam’s Choice version of the Jersey Shore dudes. Not that these modern day 70’s lounge-lizards represented a whole people or anything, but it’s the impression I got because they’re the only Persians I’ve ever interacted with.

  18. Iranians have big egos but they know what it means to be a true friend.

  19. I think you have to make a difference between “Iranians” and “Persians”. I had a friend in elementary school who was Persina. She and her family had to leave the country in the mid 80´s. She and her family were some of the frindliest and warmest persons I´ve ever known.

  20. One other thing I have to say is that I´m ashamed of my country.
    There is this one chance to really help someone and we miss it.
    The Bundeswehr (German army) is in Afghanistan and offered help in Iraq some years ago and now, when the Lybians need (and want) our help, we sit there with Russia and China and say: “We don´t know if it´s right!”
    Sorry, not my definition of a good country.

  21. RickMadrid says:

    are you an Iranian? A big SNL question in the 80’s.

  22. Reminds me of the Cheech & Chong movie back in the 80s with Pee Wee Herman as a manager of a business and he called the cops on them for busting up his joint.

    Police didn’t seem to care til he said “I think they are Iranians” and all of a sudden every cop in town came running (including SWAT).

  23. Aint that the one where Pee-wee’s like, “You’re the guy from the HAMBURGER-train, right?’ One of the greatest moments in the history of cinema.

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