Charlie, you are NOT the father, I don’t think…

TEXT MSG from Kacey to Charlie- Charlie, Im so sorry how things turned out, i want u to know something before it hits the press… im pregnant and i dont believe it’s yours, but im going to Oregon to take care of the situation…


from TMZ

TMZ obtained the text message Kacey sent Charlie yesterday afternoon. After dropping the bomb — which must’ve floored Charlie — Kacey continued, "I don’t believe it’s yours, but I’m going to Oregon to take care of the situation."

As for why Kacey thinks Charlie is in the clear … he used protection, but Kacey says both of them were so out of it she’s not sure if it did the trick.

According to our sources, Kacey plans to terminate the pregnancy in the next few days.

We’re told Kacey never heard back from Charlie. He probably hasn’t picked up his jaw off the ground yet.


Kacey says she is now receiving death threats from anti-abortionists.

(NL- if they want to kill her because she wants to kill it, but she didn’t have an abortion yet, arent they saying that if they want to kill her and she is pregnant that they will kill the baby also which makes them anti-abortionist baby killers? I’m confused…)

37 thoughts on “Charlie, you are NOT the father, I don’t think…

  1. chichiladouche says:

    Before she came out and said she was pregnant, she told Howard Stern that she already had 3 abortions. I guess this is #4

  2. Larry Horse says:

    Anti-Abortion people have no common sense about the issue, many priests advocate violence against doctors brave enough to provide abortions. If I was the Pope I’d excommunicate those guys, of course they excommunicated a 11-12 year old girl and her mother cause she got an abortion, the girl would have died having the baby because her hips werent wide enough and also she was raped by her father, he wasnt thrown out by the church though. Funny thing will be that the Church will come to peace with abortion long before those bible beating hypocrites.

  3. This girl is seriously working her 15 minutes of fame for all its worth. Next year no one will even remember who she is.

  4. jeremysteele11 says:

    “You are not the father… I think… I hope not (lie)” Geez…

    Darth Vader is the Father… He seduced her to cum to the dark side.

    Death threats from anti-abortionists. Isn’t that a bit hypocritical? Yeah, great idea. Bring the kid into the world and in a few years he’ll be on Discovery Channel’s “Who’s my Daddy?”

  5. jeremysteele11 says:

    Did you catch Charlie’s latest interview saying smoking crack is ok as long as you can “manage” it. Great message, folks! It reminds me of that old potato chips commercial where you can’t eat just one, or the variant pringles meaning which can be applied to sex and/or porn addiction: “Once you pop, you just can’t stop!”

  6. RickMadrid says:

    Does Carlos really some CRACK?? COME ON!!!

  7. Can you just imagine how proud her parents and family are of her now?

    Family friend…
    “Hi there, long time no see, how are your kids doing?

    Kacey’s mom…
    ‘Havent you heard, our daughter Kacey is a successful prostitute porn star. She just fucked Charlie Sheen and she is planning her fourth abortion for some time next week..We’re really hoping she wins the Best Anal award next year at AVN, she has really been working hard on that. Her drug habit is totally out of control and she drinks like a fish. We are so proud. She just sent us some cum covered pictures from her last movie. We only hope that one day she keeps one of her trick babies so we can have a grandaughter prostitute too. She is a parents dream come true. Her new movie Stretch My Ass will be out next week, we are so excited. And she is thinking of getting her GED, the only problem is she cant spell GED.”

    Family friend…
    “And to think my kids are wasting their time in college. Youre so lucky to have such a fucking slut for a daughter. You must be so proud.

    Kaceys mom,,,
    Yes we are. Do you know where I can get some .45 caliber hollow point bullets? I want to make sure I die happy.”

  8. jeremysteele11 says:

    Don’t be a disrespectful jackass, Joe. Oh yeah, I know you can’t help it.

    Take it easy, Kacey. Don’t care what people think, just take care of yourself… take the low road, smell the flowers.

  9. Jeremiah,
    Please give me one single reason to show respect for Kacey. Twittering about how many abortions you have had, and twittering that you’re currently pregnant but are going to ‘take care of it.”
    Do you know the meaning of the word respect. You are supposed to EARN respect. Her actions are nothing short of despicable, and so are mine, but I will freely admit that. The only apology I would consider giving would be to her family, but they are never going to read this.

  10. No, Jeremy. Joe’s right. Kacey’s a fucking bitch.

    I hope she doesn’t kill herself but she needs to stop doing despicable shit and check her narrow ass into rehab.

  11. jeremysteele11 says:

    Kacey certainly can be and has been criticized Joe but the insults you threw out could apply to any porn star, and since you’ve repeatedly showed your complete lack of respect for us legal sex workers this is no surprise.

  12. Jeremiah says “The insults you threw out could apply to any porn star…” You are correct. My little post could be said about the vast majority of porn stars, incuding you. Thaks for pointing that out. Its nice that we finally agree about something.

    And again, what is it that porn performers do that couldy qualify as EARNING respect from others?

    And despite the obvious mental problems, and drug problems, the porn industry still has open arms for her, and those just like her.

  13. jeremysteele11 says:

    Q: “And again, what is it that porn performers do that couldy qualify as EARNING respect from others?”

    A: It keeps the likes of you indoors. It could also have the likes of you beginning and ending your earthly existence inside a kleenex, as it rightfully should, instead of gestating in some poor woman’s womb.

    We’re providing a service called “safe-sex”, and with that in mind, I suggest you celebrate by having sex with yourself.

  14. I don’t know Joe, they definitely earn my respect when I’m trying to figure out how to get jizz stains off of my ceiling……………..

  15. Thankds Stool,
    you could not comeup with one single thing porn performers do to EARN respect soyou make your little “jerry Stool” comments that we have all come to know and love.

    I can see it now,,,,”Look at that guy Jeremiah Steele, he can whack one off while taking a shit. Man, I sure respect that guy!!”

    You got nothing Jerry, not one single thing,.

    And again, thanks for agreeing with my post above. You may be beginning tosee that we’re not laughing with you, we’re laughing at you.

    People dont watch porn becuase they have respect for the perforers, they watch becuase they have disdain for you, and get off on what these lowest members of society will do in order to please the rest. To pornographyviewers you are less than human, you are nothing but props for their enjoyment. It makes the viewer feel better that someone else is willing to degrade themselves for their enjoyment, so in that way you do provide a service, but not one that earns respect. Nobody respects porn performers, they loathe them. That is what the appeal is, a beuatiful woman who will do anything to please, even degrade themselves in ways that would be unimaginable to the average person.

    Do youeven know the meaning of the sord respect, and how could it possibly apply to porn performers?

  16. Joe, how the fuck do YOU know what goes through a pornviewer’s mind?

  17. charlie is like my idol man. drugs, hos, tons of money. i want his life. cept im way younger- 22.

  18. jeremysteele11 says:

    Jody Don’t Know says:

    “Nobody respects porn performers, they loathe them.”

    Actually, some people love or even worship porn stars. Many have some level of love/hate. Jack Nicholson used to say we’re the real stars, doing what movie stars seek to do (without cameras rolling on them) after they’re done entertaining the masses. Jamie Foxx had heard of me when I told him my name (before I confirmed to him that I was in porn) and he said he enjoyed my work. You’re just an anonymous loser coward with behavioral and emotional issues.

    The amount of respect you get depends on the amount of respect you give, and what you do for a living is irrelevant.

  19. I dont know, i have had a porn crush or two. Why else would pornstars have followers on the social sites, facebook twitter, etc.
    I believe that fucking around and getting pregnant, then aborting it is JUST WRONG.
    perhaps after the 3rd abortion she (whoever) should be sterilized

  20. jeremysteele11 says:

    I agree with the sterilization stance, Travis. Let’s have a drink. We agree!

    If I were Commander-in-thief, I mean chief, I would propose considerable monetary compensation for all who voluntarily submit to being sterilized- assured housing and basic provisions, at least. I don’t believe in forced sterlization, btw. This is where I would differ with some of the eugenicists.

  21. Jeremy, you’re not alone with the jacking off while shitting thing. I used to have to do this when I stayed at my grandmother’s house in the country for weeks at a time when I was like 11 years old. It was the only time I could manage. She had an issue of Redbook that had a full frontal detailed guide to giving a self breast examination in there. Knocked quite a few out to that spread. True story. Childhood rules!!!

  22. lol, “true story”… ur funny man…

  23. jeremysteele11 says:

    Thanks for sharing that with us, Fartz, but I don’t remember ever mentioning jacking while crapping.

  24. It’s interesting how the Kacey/Sheen news item coincides with the abortion clinic Fed Funding being pulled.

    On a happier note, CBS pulled Sheen’s how. He’s been banished to HBO (reportedly) where he will not last.

  25. Dammit. Now, I’m all alone. I was just being a retard, Jeremy. You seem to have a good sense of humor and I was just playing off of it.

  26. shoot me your twitter at some point Jeremy because I need to banter with you at some point. I was wondering if anyone else was going to pick up on that strange xxx pornfiles Sheen/Dykstra coincidence.

  27. Larry Horse says:

    Alex Jones is a cheap imitation Limbaugh/Beck wannabe, you dont call this guy up if you are a celebrity with a sitcom, Charlie needs an intervention, if only for millions of dollars he’s pissing away. Back to Alex, who the hell wants to talk to Lenny? Was Mitch Williams busy?

  28. Larry Horse says:

    Lenny doesnt like Mitch, geez. After hearing the three of these idiots on at the same time that there is not one shred of common sense between them. Lenny is a piece of shit, I hope all you escorts out there are aware of that. Whole thing is and was a circle jerk.

  29. jeremysteele11 says:

    Fartz: We’ll tolerate no senses of humor around here. j/k, of course. For the record, I never have jacked off while shitting. That was Jim Power’s imagination I was acting out in that performance which to some made me a hero, to others a loser. Blame me if I did a good job playing my role, but If you fail to have a sense of humor in this biz you are bound to look stupid, acting all serious and important, especially if you work for JM prods.

    Monica, I do not tweet or have an active twitter account so if you wish to converse with me please send Cindi an email and she can send you my email.

    Larry, Alex Jones is on the opposite pole of Bleck or Limblah. I admit that I’m disappointed with Alex’s lack of objectivity about Charlie’s behavior, since Sheen’s support of Alex and the 9/11 truth movement (which lead to a CNN poll which showed the vast majority of Americans believe the Gov’t is lying to us about the official story of 9/11) has been of historical value and a lot of value to infowars dot com. And what the fuck was Dykstra on that show for? In the past Jones has been a good source for info you don’t see in the corporate/politically controlled media, but he failed to do his homework on that scumbag. Regarding Charlie Sheen I think he was on dope when he was on the Alex Jones radio show saying he’s clean.

  30. Larry Horse says:

    Steele, you have to make a Not Jim Powers XXX Parody…though it would be a tragedy. Dino Bravo could play himself, you could shave your head and play Thrust, Lucky could play Keanni Lei and recreate when she almost sent Kylie Ireland to the hospital from an allergic reaction on a lesbian set.

  31. jeremysteele11 says:

    Ironically, once upon a time I thought I was in a parody of myself that Jim was a key contributor to… a long, long, long, long time ago… Tragically, someone just couldn’t get it done despite an over-abundance of classic moments. There was an ongoing series worth of various content available… truly a tragedy spread out expodentially in countless, endless ways…

  32. Larry Horse says:

    There should be a whole slew of new porn parodies about porn people, Like Not Ed Powers XXX, Not Vivid XXX, Not Paul Thomas XXX and so on, anyone want to do a Not Lubben XXX parody?

  33. Great idea Larry.
    They could do one about AIM. They could call it “AINT Healthcare.” They could have a dime store PHD doctor, and a board of directors that says that unprotected sex with prostitutes is actually safer than using condoms. And they can sell passwords to your results to anybody who produces porn but tell everyone else they are protecting patient privacy.

    Oh wait, we would have to make this a reality show, not a parody.

  34. jeremysteele11 says:

    I got good ideas but don’t wanna give ’em away…

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