This Movie is Unthinkable


I like movies that make you think. That maybe even have a moral, but not a clear one. One that you have to decide for yourself. Unthinkable is one of those rare movies, that is unpredictable.

Torture is not something that Americans do to their enemies. People we take prisoner are treated fairly. They have rights! At least that is what I believed until I saw this movie. After Unthinkable, I can understand how minds are changed, why waterboarding is used, that our foes can become our victims.

There is so much to this movie. It will keep you on the edge of your seat. Each new bit of the character of the players leaves you a bit more confused. The director did an excellent job of getting you from A to B and you can easily see how you would get to C.

I don’t like the ending, but I can’t tell you what it is, because it would be too much of a spoiler.

Unthinkable is SO worth watching. And you let me know what you think of torture afterward. I thought I was against it. Actually the director of the film is against it, that is why he changed the ending….. there are several different versions of THE END out there.

You can read more here, or buy it on amazon if you want to . It is certainly worth the twenty bucks. HERE

I don’t think torture is unthinkable anymore…..

6 thoughts on “This Movie is Unthinkable

  1. I liked it as well. Jackson put on the role of his career there.

  2. I liked this movie for showing lessons on deception or things not always being what they seem, with horrific results. Very realistic, 2 thumbs up & a pinky toe:)

  3. JustDaveXxx says:

    Very good movie and it does really make you think.

    At the end of the day, we need to do what gets results. I know it sux, but i pay taxes so that my government can find the best people for the job of “terrorist information abstraction.”

    Im all for hiring Jack Bauer for the job.

  4. jeremysteele11 says:

    clever to have the word ‘think’ in red between ‘un’ and ‘able’- the title suggests you need to think about the ‘unthinkable’.. but we’re socially taught to not think too much, anyway…

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