


Tay Stevens and Lizz Tayler let me know that they are up for awards on, so are lots of our other friends. I’m surprised that there isn’t more publicity going on around the contest. This is a huge international endeavor and winning in this contest is quite an achievement. Freeones just did their cut down to 15 women per category and many of our LIB friends are in the running, like Mariah Milano,  Vicky Vette & Nina Mercedez. So go sign in and vote for your favorites.

4 thoughts on “ Contest

  1. thanks Cindi…the issue with this contest is that it is has very little to do with Freeones or a girls input or contributions to at all.

    I am doing well in this contest being currently in the #7 spot for the Miss Freeones, #4 for best Cam Girl and #3 for Best Official Website and #5 for Best Official Star Checked Member (OSCM)

    However, I’m NOT a camgirl and don’t belong in that category…same goes for all the other porn stars listed there.

    I just want to place in the top 10. I put a ton of effort into my sites and run them all myself without a webmaster or company backing me as does Vicky Vette and Nina Mercedez.

    The contest is well-intended and a great opportunity for little known girls to break out and get some fans and attention but it’s basically another popularity contest to see who can get more Twitter followers to vote etc.

    But hey, 🙂 there’s a 4 minute video giving a reason to vote for me 🙂

  2. Larry Horse says:

    I’m voting for you Mariah, if anyone wants to vote and isnt a free ones member sign up, you get a full vote, anonymous voters only get a 1/4th a vote. Memebership is free and I dont think they solicit you for any bullshit. Guys, Mariah isnt one of the “usual suspects”(Vicky Vette…who’s awesome, Nina Mercedez…awesome too). So all you fanbois out there, put down World of Warcraft and help a hot broad win some heavy cash without sending $20 to someone like Cytherea to get her cookie tightened up.

  3. winners are announced

    thanks for the votes everyone! I won Best Official Site which is a great honor since I have been so dedicated and I know that I am not nearly deserving in any other category. 🙂

    Thanks so much and happy New Year!!!

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