Can I help you collect? Upcoming stories for the 2011- Affiliate Programs!

I am working on some stories that you can help me with…


AFFILIATE PROGRAMS- I read a story on and it gave me this story idea. Who is paying and who is not? Good Experiences? Bad Ones? Who owes you money and how much? I am an affiliate so I have first hand info, but I would like to hear about your experiences also. Perhaps if there are enough of us complaining we can get paid or at least save other people from getting ripped off. Also there are good guys out there. I know I have one company that has always paid me and close to on time. Even gave me a Halloween present.



AGENTS & PUBLICISTS-: "The Good Ones, The Bad Ones" is also a story I’m compiling info and doing research on. Please send me your opinons and stories about what happened to you. The last few girls I’ve interviewed have had great things to say about their agents. And there are a number of really GREAT publicists out there. I don’t want you to get the idea I am doing this story to trash people, I want to shed light on the good & the bad.


You can stay anon when you email, just say u don’t want your name mentioned. But of course I would rather you let me use your name.

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