Mad Men’s Jon Hamm Slams Porn Stars

According to, Mad Men’s Jon Hamm slams porn stars in the October issue of Details Magazine.  "If you just want to be famous. . . that’s not that much different than porn. ‘I’m a movie star!’ Well, no, you’re not," he says. "You’re a porn star, and that’s completely different. And you know, hey, mazel tov – porn probably built half the houses out here, but you’re selling your dignity in a way that I feel I’m not. And once you sell it, it’s gone. You ain’t getting it back."

67 thoughts on “Mad Men’s Jon Hamm Slams Porn Stars

  1. jeremiahsteele says:

    Jon Hamm. That’s a great name for a movie star, especially talking about fame seekers and attention whores in salacious Hollywood. Has he eaten his Hamm sandwich today?

    Meanwhile, he’s talking to “Details” magazine, which has as much social value as a porn magazine, so this reeks of hypocrisy. Is this the “dignity” he’s talking about? Details, FHM, Stuff, Maxim, Razor, Zoom, etc. is the kind of garbage which is part of the reason this country is caught in mid-flush going down the toilet. We need to start examining the “details” of what’s really wrong with this society (and not from Corporate News Network) and do something about it instead of reading this kind of worthless crap.

    It’s as difficult to find quality publications that inform you on the most important things as it is to find quality food. But Hollywood itself is just like
    these magazines. We’re constantly overdosed with meaningless “entertainment”. Comparitively we have very few independent news options in order to get a clear view of what the fuck is going on.

    Hamm probably has Montana Fisburne in mind, along with all the “reality” t.v. 15 minutes of fame stars. Porn has such a ‘star’ quality precisely because of shallow publications like Details that Mr. Hamm Sandwich is talking to. Catering to the lowest common denominator has become the overall purpose of both media and art, not to help bring society to a higher and more enlightened level. Hamm is complaining about whores to one of the major pimps of American journalism.

    Hamm stars in “The Town”. To me, the title along with the “yet again, another bank robbery” action flick is the exact same lowest common denominator attention grabbing (for no other intention than attention’s sake) manure that has been piled on top of humanity- they’ve run out of ideas, so they keep rehashing the same old ones. Why don’t the big studios do a motion picture about the banks, themselves who are the biggest money laundering, war profiteering and fictitious wealth owning gangsters, of all?

    And showing skin is often how a lot of celebs got in, especially their earlier days of sHOw business.

  2. Jon Hamm is fucking spot-on!

  3. The Colonel says:

    Jon Hamm thinks pornographers have no dignity, I think Jon Hamm is a B grade small time attention whore, although I have to admit I like his work, especially in AMC’s Mad Men. That’s fine, everybody is entitled to his/her opinion. My opinion about Jon Hamm does not stop me from watching Mad Men and his new movie The Town, and I’m sure Jon Hamm’s opinion about pornographers does not stop him from choking his chicken to some good old fashion smut, either. So let him talk and comment his ass off.

  4. jeremiahsteele says:

    Correct Colonel.

    Essentially, they like to lecture and point the index finger of one hand while jerking their cock with the other. If the spotlight was posed on them during their weak moments they’d certainly STFU, wouldn’t they?

    Jerking off is always dignified, isn’t it?

  5. jeremiahsteele says:

    Also, Hamm should have his eggs done over easy by a couple of porn stars for his next birthday bash, but only after he checks his dignity at the door.

  6. What a douche bag, as if you don’t think Hollywood is exploiting you, think again!

  7. Of course Hollywood exploits people Ruby. And by the same token I would imagine that you agree that porn expoits people also.

    But heres the difference,,,Hamm makes more money doing one single episode of Mad Men than most porn performers make in a year.

    ANd Jerry,if Mazim,FHM, ect. are part of the reason that this conty is in mid-flush, as you put it, then certainly porn is part of that flushing process, wouldnt you agree.

    I’ve always found it quite amusing that porners will tell us how much mainstream Hollywood is so expoitive, and contributing to the decay of this country, but ALWAYS fail to mention that their own industry is part of that decay.

    I agree with alot of what is said here, I just wanted to make sure that the porn industry was included in this description of the decay of our society.

    And Hamm makes residuals off of everything he does.

    What a douche bag,,as if porn isnt exploiting you!!

  8. jeremiahsteele says:

    Shut up Dingleberry Joe, you lying moron. Porn stars do not go around saying mainstream is exploitative, so what’s with your “I’ve always found it amusing” line?

    The point Ruby and I are making is that Hamm is a hypocrite.

    If porn is part of the decay of western civilization it’s a symptom and not a cause. A cause would include so-called “higher” art forms catering to the lowest common denominator, putting out re-hashes of the same old themes, instead of examing the possible true causes- such as conspiracies of “greed is good” wall street, collusions with corrupted government and media, and the like…

  9. There you go aga in Jerry…..”IF” porn is part of the decay of western civilization…..”
    Why do you use the word “IF” Jerry?

    In your post you falt out say that Maxim,FHM, etc…”is part of the reason this country is caught in mid flush” but when you talk about porn you say “IF porn is part of the decay…”

    Why cant you , as a porn perfromer, just say that “Porn IS part of the decay,” without using the “IF” word? And you call this guy Hamm a hypocrite?

    Yes Jerry, I understand how hard it is to admit that you are a participant in something that is part of the decay of western civilization, but for gods sake man, at least have the balls to admit it instead of using the “IF” word, as IF that somehow leaves any doubt that porn is at least as equal to Maxim or FHM in contributing to the decay.

    So if Maxim and FHM are “part of the reason this country is caught in midflush( I like your ANALogy), then cant you just say that porn is part of that reason without using the IF word, or would you rather not admit that you are part of that decay?

    The “IF” word,,,,last refuge of a scoundrel.

  10. Jerry,
    You made the staement “IF porn is part of the decay of wester civilization…”

    So I ask your OPINION,,,,”Is it part of the decay, or is it not part of the decay,,,be it a symptom, or a cause.

    My opinion is YES it is part of the decay?
    Whats your opinion?

  11. “catering to the lowest common denominator”

    Certainly your were talking about porn werent you?

    “putting out rehashes of the same old themes”

    Certainly you were talking about porn werent you?

    Are you trying to insinuate that porn is a symptom of the corrupt government, greedy wallstreet, media conspiracy?

    You just reminded me,,,,there is a Looney Toones festival this week in Santa Monica, Bugs,Marvin the Martian,Yosemite Sam, etc,,,,,perhaps they were all part of the conspiracy too.

  12. Mainstream film AND erotica are not monoliths, joe. Being a participant in either doesn’t mean you adhere to a specific ideology…

    But then again, you always insinuate that adult films are inherently exploitative….

  13. Yes Origen,
    I do think the porn indsutry is inherently exploitive,,,no IFs ands or buts about it.

    I also think Nike exploits workers over seas, and large farms expoloit migrant workers.

    All I am trying to point out here is the hypocrisy of pointing fingers at virtually every aspect of media, government, and greedy wall street tycoons, but convieniently forgetting to point the finger at your very own exploitive industry, and not having the guts to admit that your own chosen profession exploits you in the same manner that others are expoloited. Like I said,,,its difficult to admit to yourself, and IF thats a problem for you(Jerry) then I;m sorry, but thats YOUR problem.

    Jerry points his fingers at alot of society, but doesnt have the balls topoint the finger at himself.

  14. jeremiahsteele says:

    Dingleberry Joe, how you do linger…

    Pornography, by definition has little (at best) to no artistic value and is purely for purposes of sexual excitement. Porn should not be blamed for the ills of humanity because it never had any obligation to uplift humanity, though perhaps it should, especially considering the publications Hamm is talking to and the movies he’s involved with.

    Details Magazine and “The Town: Yet another bank robber movie” are hardly different than pornography. Action movies whether in the form of sex or violence, are escapist vehicles of titillation for detached communities. What’s the “dignity” of the depiction of robbery, holding and shooting a gun, causing death and destruction, versus the visual depiction of sexuality?

    And Joe, you idiot, I wish you would stop jumping to conclusions. How many times have I proven you wrong yet this fact “always” (as you like to always say) slips your unbalanced mind. I am not expoitative. Porn certainly exploits the fact that sex is used to sell EVERYTHING, the celebrity status that porn has virtually reached, the bad economy which has turned more women into whores out of necessity, etc. But porn is not to blame. If porn is a problem it’s a symptom, like I said.

    And don’t tell me about balls, yet again, you lying coward. I’m one of the few in this industry that speaks my mind, even though it may be at times to my detriment, so STFU dummy!

  15. How is two people fucking on film exploitative? Keep in mind the contextual definition of the verb exploit:

    ***to use selfishly for one’s own ends (

    Porn performers don’t come out ahead? A simple majority of them make as much as attorneys….

    Calculating the risk and consequences of STDs is very subjective, BTW….

  16. jeremiahsteele says:

    “Almost all of our relationships begin and most of them continue as forms of mutual exploitation, a mental or physical barter, to be terminated when one or both parties run out of goods.” – W.H Auden

    I think Capitalism, by definition, and anything under it, is generally exploitative. Look at America now, thanks to international free markets.

    Exploit by definition can also mean to promote, or in noun form a heroic or noble deed.

    I’d say both mainstream and porn are exploitative, which was Ruby’s point to Hamm’s point which spoke of how one industry is “dignified” compared to another.

    Regarding wages, some have done very well, others haven’t, as you know there’s no union, no healthcare insurance, no residuals, but there’s always the fact out there that you are or were a “porn star”.

  17. jeremiahsteele says:

    While my last comment awaits approval for some mysterious reason, the bottom line, getting back to the original Hamm ‘n cheese topic:

    All cinema is voyeurism and all actors are prostitutes who generally will do any film, portaying any character for a fee and to satisfy their limelight cravings.

    Anyone who sells you something that is not quite what it really is is a HO!

    Hollywood actors like Hamm sell us on how guns are fun, how killin’ is thrillin’, how such and such a product or director they just worked for is so amazing and brilliant (regardless of whether or not their movie sucks), and how they really care about people with AIDS so much (though they just attend fundraisers for politically correct reasons), that it’s really great to meet you, etc…. ad nauseum.

    They’re whores, Hollywood whores. Like I said, check your dignity at the door, because actors, like porn stars, are in the business of fantasy.

    Interestingly, I read that during the birth of Cinema actors were essentially viewed as prostitutes, and it looks like that view was correct.

  18. “A simple majorityof themmake as much as attorneys.”

    What a load of crap.

    First, the VAST MAJORITY of ‘porn stars’ work for less than a year in the industry. And a very small percentage work for more than two years.

    Yes, there are some that make alot of money, but they are very small percentage,,VERY small.

    Attorneys usually have careers that last many years,,,,many of them working a lifetime as attorneys.

    And these days any performer is lucky to get three scenes a week.

    Just ask our resident porn mope Jerry,,,how many scenes have youdone in the last 6 months,,,,,,

    Jerry, youve been in the industry ten years,,do you make as much as a lawyer,,do youmake as much as an attorney?

    Jerry, do you agree with origen that the majority of performers make more than attorneys?

    Jerry, are you getting enough work these days to satisfy your limelight cravings?

    Whats the going rate thes days,,,about 5oo to 600 for girls doing b/g,,,,,and even less for the male prop.

    ps, There is nothing subjective about loss of fertility due to numerous exposures to stds,,,,and just wait until the current study, being done by Masters and Johnson about the cervical cancer rates of sex workers in the United States.

  19. Whats your problem joe? Why do you come here to fuck around with us? Go do something else that gives you self-esteem…

  20. Go look up the stats on IAFD to see if the “vast majority” of porn stars don’t last more than a year.

    $500-$600 per day is still a good income for a profession that requires limited education.

    Not all porn is the same joe. Valley Gonzo doesn’t dictate the standard for erotica across the world. Some porn entrepreneurs has become very profitable while being safe and monogamous. (ie Wifey’s World or Heather Brooke)

  21. jeremiahsteele says:

    I’m not in the least siding with Dingleberry Joe, Origin, but porn doesn’t requre ANY education. Some of us might have graduated high school or college, but none of us read the releases we sign anyway.

    Also, “erotica” is not how I’d label porn, in general. “Erotica” assumes there’s erotic love or some actual give and take (of mind, tease, conversation, the chase, situational situations) in an exchange which stimulates and cultivates eroticism on camera. I’d just stick to calling porn “porn”.

  22. jeremiahsteele says:

    Ruby mentioned the word “exploit” and said both mainstream and adult do that. Dingleberry Joe, as usual is caught up with his obsessions, but of course adult is exploitative. In fact, one of the better companies I’ve worked for, The Playboy Channel had a contract I happened to have perused through, and two bits caught my attention: that I am hereby giving consent to be “exploited”… “throughout the universe”. I found the latter particularly amusing. It’s good to shoot for the stars, I guess, but I didn’t know they’d figure on selling their content out there, as well.

    Steve Hirsh once bragged to the L.A. Times Magazine how he sells the same image 35 times. I guess you can call “exploiting” maximizing profits off one’s initial investment.

  23. Jerry, are you one of those ‘majority’ of porn stars that Origen says make more money than an attorney?

    Jerry, based on your years in the industry, what would you say is the average shelf life an average porn ‘star?’ Females, and males.

    And regarding ‘obsession’ I havent posted here for a little while,,,,,while I see that you have not missed a single day in,,,,how long now?

  24. jeremiahsteele says:

    I make more money than some attorneys. I also make more money than some SAG actors, but most of them are unemployed. The actual medium average for a lawyer from my research is more or less around $80,000 per year.

    It’s hard to say what the average shelf life for a porn star is, although I’ve read that for females it is one year. Personally, I’m not so sure, but what do I know? If you count every one who’s ever fucked on camera for money for some internet or movie company, I’d say it’s somewhere between 2-6 months.
    Maybe a year or more for guys. It’s hard to say. I can’t even find any kind of close to comprehensive list of all the movies I’ve been in. A lot of companies, especially back in the day, wouldn’t have me in the credits, or mispell my name. Myths are that I was Jeremy Irons, who was a completely different person. I was also “Jerent Steele” in Barely Legal #1. If you look at your keyboard you’ll notice that the letter “t” is right next to the letter “y” and that the letter “n” is right next to the letter “m”. They can’t even get basic shit right as for as who’s in what so that question you asked Joe is hard to answer.

    I think that when it comes to lawyers and prostitutes, both usually make a good wage per hour and both should have a public defender/provider available for those who can’t afford one.

  25. The President says:

    Hey origen, good point. So is fucking and sucking undignified, or is it only undignified if it’s filmed for others to see? At what point exactly is the dignity line erased? And what is this all based on? I’m sure there is a good answer somewhere, but nobody ever seems to include that part when they refer to who supposedly has dignity and who does not when it comes to sex. That part would actually require some balls. Maybe Hamm can get back to everyone on this when he finds his.

  26. Larry Horse says:

    Hamm might regret a statement like that if he ends up on Dancing With the Stars ten years from mow. He’s a good actor but he’s also in a smart and well written show. Kudos to Matthew Weiner for being a forward thinker unlike his old boss David Chase. Weiner also realizes that he cant take hiatuses like Chase. These new shows that pop up on TNT, FX & AMC are indictments of how afraid the Networks are of talking chances.

  27. jeremiahsteele says:

    Hamm might now have to worry about potential hook-ups with hidden cameras catching him as their p.o.v. bitch doing the nasty nookie- nook, then selling it off to Vivid. Make sure it’s two girls. Then, it can be called a “Hamm Sandwich”… I think just for contrast’s sake, make it with two black girls.

  28. The Colonel says:

    Hamm Sandwich, good one, Jeremy; and you’re right, Larry, Jon Hamm is a good actor, but the main reason for Mad Men’s success is because it’s a well written, well executed show.

    By the way, I just watched The Town, and it’s a good, solid crime drama, better than I expected, and Jon Hamm delivers a strong performance as an arrogant FBI prick. Perhaps the reason he’s good at playing pricks in the movies and TV series is because he’s a real life prick. Anyway, The Town is a fascinating thriller, one of the best movies of 2010, and well worth your time and money.

    See The Town, Uncle Colonel says.

  29. jeremiahsteele says:

    Thx Colonel.

    If Hamm is a real prick in real life perhaps he should do a reality t.v. thing. Oh, yeah. That would be beneath him. But if he changes his mind he should lose his dignity and definitely try that Hamm sandwich, then maybe afterwards he won’t be such a prick, anymore.

  30. Larry Horse says:

    Steele and Lucky have been together for one year, congrats. Steele is less Germy Steal than ever, works more, dresses better, writes better and doesnt have to rely on the $75 Bukkake. His jokes still suck. Didnt Hamm spend some time on porn sets many years ago doing some PA work, thought he mentioned that in an interview.

  31. haha, yeah he did Larry. Polly Vernon of The Guardian wrote an article about it last week.

  32. jeremiahsteele says:

    Thanks Larry, but there was no Germy Steal. I did play the role of a jackass rather well for a while for a documentary but it turns out the jackass was the producer who couldn’t get it finished. As Jim Powers and Johnny have already acknowledged I had nothing to do with any missing video camera or bukkake cash, plus I have my AIM test so I’m doubly clean. I even keep my AIM test clean. Last time you said my jokes suck Lucky said she laughed, so oh well. Colonel liked my Hamm sandwich. You’re a tough crowd, Larry. What kind of jokes do you like, sexist ones?

    Q: Why did the woman cross the road?
    A: I don’t know either, she’s supposed to be in the kitchen.

    Q: Why don’t women wear watches?
    A: There’s a clock on the stove.

    Ok, didn’t like that one? How about some offensive animal jokes…

    Q: How do u make a cat woof?
    A: Pour petrol on it and light it. Woof!

    Q: How do u make a dog meow?
    A: Put it through a ban saw. Meow!

    How about historical jokes?…

    Q: Why do some say Joan of Ark and Saddam Hussein would’ve made good lovers?
    A: Joan was smoking hot and Saddam was well-hung.

    How about some Polish jokes?…

    (NL- How about not, lol)

    Oh well, Larry. I tried….

  33. So the guy was a jizz wiper, no wonder he’s bitter!!!

  34. chichiladouche says:

    This is old news, he worked on a skinemax/softcore set years ago before hardcore stars started popping in the softcore stuff. The actors/actresses back then changed their name from movie to movie to throw off IMDB for a while. At the time, most of them were still trying to make it in mainstream industry.

  35. I love how mainstream actors throw their shit at porn after they start working regularly, but what about all the actors and actresses who suck a dick to get a part? is that not selling your soul as well? Since Hollywood is run by gay men these days I would say there are a lot of soul-less young actors out there. They say Michael J Fox sucked more dick than Heather Locklear before he was cast on Family Ties.

    Or what about gay actors living a lie to maintain their leading man value like Tom Cruise for example. It’s no secret he’s taken it in the jaw for years. He lived with David Geffen for Christ’s sake during the making of Risky Business. Everyone in Hollywood knows he’s gay, John Travolta likes the boys as do several other A list actors yet they live a complete lie for their fame. And by the way, John Hamm looks more like a gay porn actor than most gay porn actors. 🙂

  36. Larry Horse says:

    Not sure about Hamm and his “gay porn actor” look, after going through the Ryan Driller pics as gay for pay, that aint Hamm, maybe if he shaved his head he would.

  37. chichiladouche says:

    Mariah neither Michael J. Fox or Heather Locklear had to fuck their way to success. Locklear had the great fortune of making the cover of a widely circulated UCLA clothing catalog which got her in commercials shortly after starting college. Farrah Fawcett was discovered in a similar way when she was listed in a national magazine as one of the nation’s most beautiful co-ed’s at UT.

    Michael J. Fox was a TV actor in Canada for a number of years before Family Ties. He got Family Ties because Matthew Broderick had to turn the part down because of his commitments to a Neil Simon play and movie.

    As far as looking like a gay porn performer. I don’t think so. Too handsome. Ryan Driller looks like a typical gay guy you see at in West Hollywood.

  38. you think he’s TOO handsome???? look at that photo! he looks like he’s been on a 4 day meth binge! I happen to have a good friend who was an entertainment attorney at CAA for 15 years, the largest talent agency in Hollywood and my father has owned a set construction company since 1982. I get my information from very good sources. Plus, just because you were on a college magazine or successful in Canada means NOTHING! Think of the tens of thousands of young girls and guys with looks and talent as much or more than the ones you see on screen today. Don’t be persuaded by People magazine! 🙂

  39. Mariah,
    Looks and talent only get you so far. Its the hard work, and dedication to your craft that seperates the succesful from the wannabes.

    But porn is different. If you have the ablility to show up on set, on time, you can work in this industry. No talent or skill required. If youre better looking than average you will be more successful, it has nothing to do with any talent or skill.

    To be a believable actor takes dedication, time, effort, guts,maybe even some acting lessons, and most important, the ability to accept rejection.

    Mariah, trying to bring these successful people down to your level says alot more about you than it does about them. They started at the bottom and worked their way up,,,you started at the bottom and stayed there.

  40. chichiladouche says:

    Uh Mariah, honey your “sources” were probably people who tried to fuck their way to the top and failed miserably. Heather Locklear continues to get work because she is one of the nicest, most professional people in the business. In case you don’t know, the UCLA college gear catalog at that time went out to thousands of people, including the agents that discovered her. Considering she got her first commercial right after she started UCLA and got Dynasty and T.J. Hooker less then two years after that your story that she had to suck dick to get where she is at is laughable.

    Ditto Fox, who was booking commercials (McDonalds) when he came to LA and actually did struggle before getting Family Ties. To quote Sharon Stone, “you can fuck your way to the middle but not the top”

  41. The President says:

    ——But porn is different. If you have the ablility to show up on set, on time, you can work in this industry. No talent or skill required. If youre better looking than average you will be more successful, it has nothing to do with any talent or skill.

    So you think blowing Ron Jeremy and making it look like heaven on earth requires no talent? I’m not buying it. Anyone else?

  42. President,
    Doing those things with Ron Jeremy requires nothing more than zero self esteem….
    Come to think of it, the lack of self esteem could be one ohter prerequisite for a succesful porn career.

    There is one major reason that porn actors/actesses are not successfulin mainstream roles,,,,,,they lack the talent. It is as simple as that. No big conspiracy here.

    Lack of talent is also the reason that tens of thousands of other wannabes never make it in Hollywood,,,,,but the vast majority have more self esteem, and more self respect, than to turn to porn.

  43. The President says:

    So what you are saying is that there are no talented people with low self esteem?

  44. Joe, when you used to come on here to talk about STDs, you really had a point. Now you are just being an asshole.

    What the hell do you know about being a successful Hollywood actor? Are you one? What do you know about being a porn performer? Did you suck some dick? Are you even close to someone that does? So basically, you just like slamming people based on your own generalizations.

    Well, your generalizations are wrong. Most successful porn stars are very talented–they tend to be great actors, entrepreneurs and erotic dancers. Porn is a different kind of acting than comedy or drama, but you need to have a certain amount of physical and mental skill to perform the camera positions required. Performers are also expected to provide improvisational erotic dialog. Some performers are even professionals outside the Industry like Nina Hartley who is a registered nurse and Shy Love who is a CPA.

    I’m not going to lie, a lot girls in porn have low self esteem–and that is sad. Performers need mental and emotional support and porn producers need to be mindful and/or accommodate of their possible instability. Some scene for some girls make them feel like shit–and that is awful…and performers on drugs should not be allowed.

    But being a porn star automatically equals low self esteem? I don’t think so. What is your logic for believing certain sex acts demonstrate a person has low self-esteem? Disregard for STDs is unfortunate, but not indicative of low self esteem as it may be part of an individual’s utility calculus (ie “I can treat HPV/herpes symptoms to the degree that I am not significantly affected by the virus”.

    Kelly Stafford was porn’s first “raunchy girl” and that chick has a ton of self-esteem. She’s bossy as hell and now happily married with child.

  45. jeremiahsteele says:

    Shut up Joe, you idiot. You have no respect for other people, you have no idea how much respect others may have for themselves. It’s called “self-esteem” and it’s up to them selves to determine, not you, Dr. Know. Many A list celebs have talked about their self-esteem issues. Dignity is not determined by what you do for a living but an inner worth that no outside degradation can ever touch. It’s just dawning on you, Origin, that Joe’s an asshole? It’s all a matter of perception. Some say porn stars make the world a more beautiful place. I think it’s more dignified than killing or lying which some others do for a living (commercial actors, politicians, soldiers fighting for “liberation”/$).

  46. Like I’ve said before,,,,the one thing porners hate more than anything is when someone tells the truth about what they do.

    And you reaction Jerry, as predictable as it is, only reenforces my opinion.

    And exactly who are these people who say porn stars(lol i love the term porn “STAR”) make the world a more beautiful< you Jerry?

    RESPECT is something you EARN, not demand. What have you ever done that earns you the right ti demand respect?

    Yes how very DIGNIFIED those porn actresses are, with those cocks up their asses, and that gonnoreah dripping from their throats.

    And then Jerry talks about the MANY "A" list celebs with self-esteem issues,,,,,so I guess it would be fair to say that many "P" list celebs(porners), have self esteem issues.

    LOL I like that one…."P" list celebrities.

    I love how Jerry always shows this kind of disdain for "Mainstream" "Commercial" actors, like in his above post…Jerry thinks porn is more dignified that commercial actors,politicians and soldiers.

    Give it up Jerry. You know full well that you would trade places with Hamm in a New York second if you had the chance, and so would the vast majority of "P" list celebrities.

    This Mariah chick, a "P" list celeb comes here and says how.."they say M.J. Fox sucked dick…." Fuck you and the horse you rode in on……The jealousy of "P" list celebrities of anybody who is successful in the industry that they DREAM of being part of is hilarious. And they're even more vicious of anybody who sarted in porn, or the gutter, and make it out, leaving the like of Mariah and Jerry in their dust.

    So Jerry, exactly how does one become dignified, while sticking their cock up and infested pussy, and standing in a room with 50 other bukake boys,,,,YES very dignified indeed.

  47. jeremiahsteele says:

    My reaction predictable? You haven’t been able to predict shit, Joe, thou who doeth not know. Hey Ass-wipe, Respect is something you are born with and someone who tries to take it away should at least have the balls to attempt it without having to hide behind a computer.

    Keep babbling on, you loser…

  48. The President says:

    I would still like a direct answer. Is there no such thing as someone with talent and no self esteem? In mainstream acting or an other field? I’m assuming you consider yourself to have self esteem, so could you blow Ron Jeremy and make it look like a heavenly eruption beyond words for us to watch? No talent as such you say?

  49. Joe, if porn is so undignified how come so many Hollywood actors/actresses willingly associate with the adult industry and release their own sex tapes.

    You seem to think the ONLY reason why a person would perform in porn is because they have low self-esteem and possess “no talent”. If that is true, why do insist on bullying people in an abrasive way? You seem to know porn performers are mentally fragile–but all you seem to do is insult them. What does that say about your character?

    I used to think that you supported performers’ welfare but I don’t think you do. Which brings me back to my original question: What the fuck are you doing here?

  50. I’m not trying to bring anyone down lol the fucker ran his mouth to the media shitting on porn stars so he opened himself up to it.

    My friend I was referring to was a fucking attorney at CAA for years. My father owned one of the largest set construction companies in Hollywood for 20 years. He has been on thousands of movie sets. Have you? WTF is your problem? So you think because someone catches the eye of an agent that it’s automatic? Agents don’t cast people douche bag, casting agents do. there is tremendous power in casting and I never said anyone slept their way to the top, but I guarantee you that MANY have slept there way into a foot in the door. Heather Locklear is a very nice person. I have met her on many occasions. She and Richie used to breed dogs and I still have her cell # in my phone. I never said she isn’t nice or talented or that she sleeps her way into roles now, but from what I have heard from far more reliable sources than you she did way back when.
    Some of the lowest self-esteem people out there are in mainstream. ever talked to some of them? ever notice the amount of plastic surgery? extreme weight loss? wake up you fucking kool aid drinker.

  51. jeremiahsteele says:

    Mr. President,

    Our esteemed Alexander Hamilton once said “I hate congress- I hate the army- I hate the world- I hate myself”. Joe Idiot is not going to answer your point because your point can not be answered with him admitting he’s an idiot.

    Is there really a gay mafia with a velvet casting couch? Are all the A list male actors in Hollywood straight? Uh huh. Well, Joe Sixpack in the heartland is much less likely to take his wife and kids to a big budget flick if he knows the lead is a homo. It seems gays in the music industry aren’t as concerned about keeping in closets.

  52. jeremiahsteele says:

    “You seem to know porn performers are mentally fragile–but all you seem to do is insult them. What does that say about your character?”

    Excellent point, Origin. Reminds me of a progressively abusive business relationship I was in for years, where I was constantly told I was stupid and crazy while constantly being fucked with.

    I just discovered a bunch of cool fetish pictures I took a year ago at Club Hell which were never posted on poontalk at pornstarforrent . com. Interesting, I had no idea someone has been using photos I took for poontalk to advertise “their” “production services”. The photos which have the “poontalk” label on them are claimed to have been shot for “clients”. It’s amazing this asshole has repeatedly skewed or made shit up about me for entertainment purposes and called me a liar while doing shit like this. Very sad.

  53. Origen,

    ” SO many Hollywood actors,,,,,releasing their own sex tape”

    REALLY,,,,so MANY.

    Pars, Kardashian, Screeech, Mini Me, Kendra,and a handful of others.

    Oh yeah, Origen SO SO SO Many mainstream actors releasing sex tapes.

    ANd President, YES there are people with low self esteem in EVERY walk of life,,,,and that includes porn.

    Mariah,,,you stated >>”THEY say that M.F. Fox MUST have sucked dick”,,,,,NO sweethart,,YOU are the one who said it here,,not ‘they”, I know you were just repeating gossip. I wonder what your freind Heather,,,wow you have her cell phone number, would say about you talking about her sucking cock to get ahead…..funny thing,,,you’ve sucked alot more cock than she could ever dream of and you still just a
    “P” lister.

    And mariah, “Ever notice the amount of plastic surgery and exreme weight loss IN THE PORN INDUSTRY? If this is a sign of low self esteem as YOU seem to indicate,,,then you must agree that there is ALOT of low self-esteem in porn. Looks like YOU, Mariah, are the on who has had a few glasses of the “P” list kool-aide…Youpoint your fingers at maisntream actors as having no self-esteem, but fail to look at your own industry without your ‘porn colored glasses.’

    Life on the “P” list, alot of denial, and a whole lot of finger pointing at others to deflect the attention from how those same realities exist in your own industry.

    And hey, who are we to argue with your SOURCES that Healther was tricking to get ahead.

    I am not denying that low self-esteem isn’t everywhere,,,,,, but why is it so hard for you porners to admit that it is rampant in your own industry, but you have no problem telling us its everyhwere else.

    Origen, I dont ‘bully’ people,,I tell the truth. Like all of porn,,,the truth is the most difficult thing to deal with…Call it tough love

    Jerry,,, respect is not something youre born with,,,its something that you GIVE to those who deserve it.

    How many THOUSANDS of “A” list celebs get stds while doing their jobs,,,,and then have to pay the costs themselves….How many “A” list celebs have to pay for their own std tests before they can get a job

  54. Fine Joe you tell the truth. The truth is you are a loser with no qualifications to be on this board. You don’t like porn nor are you linked to the adult industry in any way. You are just a scumbag who obsesses about sex workers.

    You want to talk about respect? You’ve earned none on here so why don’t you just GTFO you annoying prick?

  55. jeremiahsteele says:

    You are obviously stupid and have emotional problems, Joe. What’s with the repeated commas in your rants all the time? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,???????????

    To quote Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Men are respectable only as the respect”. You’ve been continuously disrespecting sex workers because you don’t like what they do. You don’t have to like what they do but they are still human beings worthy of respect, unless you accuse someone of having done something against you personally.

    And it’s impossible for your block head to understand that different people have different points of view and what they see as true for them may not be true for someone else. Some of us truly enjoy our work, are loved by fans and don’t have hang-ups because we don’t let scumbag cowards like you affect us. Some people are swingers (which is hard for many monogamous minded people to understand), some people like being tied up, whipped, etc. You can’t make blanket psychological analogies about people because you will become inevitably lost… as you are.

    Everyone deserves to be treated with respect unless they do something to you personally first. Try to get that in your fucking thick head.

    It’s ancient wisdom which you still have not caught up to yet. Treat others as you would want them to treat you.

    Also, “Never take a person’s dignity: it is worth everything to them, and nothing to you.” – Frank Baron. We should all be treated with respect but for those who haven’t been, you still can’t get to the core of a person’s worth based on either the job they have or the abuse they’ve suffered at the hands of others.

  56. OK Jerry,
    I guess I should respect Charles manson because he never did anything to me.

    Jerry, why is it so difficult for you to allow me to express my views.

    As far a s treating others like I would want to be treated,,,,IF I was living the life of denial that porn workers do I would want someone to set me striaght.

    Origen,,,exactly what are your “QUALIFICATOINS’ to be on this board?

    And leave it to Jerry, cant argue the point again so resort to going after the grammer and puctuation,,,,as predictable as the sun setting in the west,,,,what is this,,about the 30th time youve done that when you cant argue the subject with me?

    Origen,,,as if earning your respect means anything to me.

    I must be hitting a little close to home for the “P” listers here. Their vicious personal attacks speak more about them than it does abou me.

    Life on the “P” list.

  57. I’m here because I like porn and discussing issues in porn. Why the fuck are you are on here? All you do is insult.

  58. jeremiahsteele says:

    Charles Manson did something bad to all of us and to you, assuming you care about it. People say it officially brought the free loving 60s to it’s end. If you don’t care about what he did then he never did anything to you, as you say. But how do you compare him to porn stars?

  59. The President says:

    —–ANd President, YES there are people with low self esteem in EVERY walk of life,,,,and that includes porn.

    But according to you joe, apparently only in porn can talent and low self esteem never coincide. You aren’t very pursuasive. I think it’s obvious that making a lot of these acts in porn look so great requires talent, that’s why there are porn stars who are good at their jobs and there are those who are not. You don’t seem to be able to be honest about that, joe.

  60. jeremiahsteele says:

    To Joe, porn stars are shit but he’s a fucking fly.

  61. Wow Joe talk about not be factual. You win that prize. First of all, I have been one of the few voices from within the industry actually speaking out against certain things in the industry. Read up on some of my previous articles idiot. I have gotten shit from many girls because I brought up things that obviously offended them, which tells me they put themselves into the group I am referring to all on their own.

    Ok so I’m on the P list. I am happy in my life and at least have the balls to say what I think and feel rather than just letting the world roll me over.

    heather is not my friend, I simply said I have met her a few times and she is very nice but that doesn’t mean she didn’t suck some dick when she was 19 or 20 or whenever it was.

    There absolutely is insecurity and low self esteem in porn, who said there isn’t? I have ready every post in this thread and not one person said there isn’t. I simply pointed out that there is plenty of it in mainstream Hollywood as well which you seem to be pretty defensive about. Why aren’t you on the People blog if you’re such a suck ass for Hollywood instead of on a porn blog?

  62. jeremiahsteele says:

    Joe Know should blow Jon Hamm’s bologna.

    Hey Cindi, please approve my entertainment tonight – little rascals link, already. The similarities between them and porn stars is interesting. Or look it up on youtube, everyone, if you can’t wait, or in case you miss my old post not yet in…

    Also, stay tuned for Asian Model Palooza pics/write-up by Lucky and I.

  63. Larry Horse says:

    Back to Hamm, his character now has a plot line where he isnt really who he says he is. Someone slap Matthew Weiner upside the head and wake him up from this Chaseian plot line.

  64. chichiladouche says:

    Mariah some dialogue from Coal Miner’s Daughter:

    “Patsy Cline: People are wantin’ to know who you’ve been sleepin’ with to get on the Opry so quick.
    Loretta Lynn: Well, I never… who would say such a thing?
    Patsy Cline: All those girl singers who’ve been sleepin’ with everybody and *still* ain’t got on the Opry. ”

    Heather Locklear was on Dynasty when she was 19 years old Mariah, yeah she was blowing Aaron Spelling at her apartment on Glenrock when she was a UCLA co-ed. Most of these rumors about female actors always have a sexist undertone to them.

    Which reminds me, my mother grew up and went to school with a Oscar winning actress. She is a very nice woman and my mom told me that she was somewhat of a wallflower in school but involved in all of the artistic related clubs in school. Didn’t drink, smoke, or hang out with the “in crowd” at school. As soon as this woman became famous, wouldn’t you know it, people starting coming out of the woodwork claiming they had dated/fucked her, or were best friends with her. None of it was true, the truth was that her high school boyfriend was a geeky guy who went on to become a physician.

  65. look I like Heather Locklear but it’s a well known thing in Hollywood that she wasn’t shy about getting her first part. Just like it’s well known Tom Cruise is a flaming gay man in his private life. I don’t knock Heather for it, she’s a wealthy woman who’s had a great career. Good for her. I wish her the best.

    As far as Mr Hamm…I haven’t read anyone’s reply about his face in that photo. Does he or does he not look like a gay porn star on the 3rd day of a meth binge? Sure looks it to me.

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