Vivid- Wants to Shoot Hot Russian Spy.

NL- Anna Chapman probably couldn’t get a work visa anytime soon, but you could always go to Russia to shoot her! Does she get a million?

12 thoughts on “Vivid- Wants to Shoot Hot Russian Spy.

  1. BigDickDaddy says:

    Steve Hirsch is riding on other peoples publicity. Again.

    Its weekly occurrence at Vivid.

    They scan CNN and to see which female they can make outlandish offers to. It doesnt cost them a cent and they stay in the news for a few days until everyone forgets about them.

    Hey Steve! Get a job buddy!

  2. Steve is out in front once again. I didn’t see anyone else move on this woman of intrigue. Hell Yeah, I’d like to see this movie too.

  3. RickMadrid says:

    bdd…watch out for the babe. ive been booked for in florida and steve and the vivid gang try to come after here!! she’s like naaahhhh, I’m working with you as the “male talent” and none of those “crapeaters” over there at LA direct and other Pimp agencies in GayLAY….Girls are getting scared now and saying fuck that low -ball money!! The Money and the shoot were going to do is great!! Bahammas dude!

  4. BigDickDaddy says:


    You might want to go visit

    They have some interesting things to say about you and your buddies.


  5. BigDickDaddy says:

    Justin, glad to see that you are amused easily.

    Instead of bitching and moaning why dont you do like Lexington Steele and start your own company.

    T.T. Boy went from talent to owner, Peter North went from talent to owner. Jake Steed went from talent to owner. Lex went from talent to owner.

    Instead of laughing at simple things on this website you could be online promoting your own line and starting your own venture.

    Thats how real players do things. If you dont like the game, say FUCK YOU and start your own game. PERIOD.

  6. HAy BDD,

    wow you gathered all that from me making an educated guess huh?

    How do you know I don’t do those things already? Maybe I hav no interest in owning a porn production company? ever think of that? Ever think just maybe I have more dreams and aspirations in life then to babysit talent directors and deal with porn? I’m just saying..

    See everyone wants to say.. “you need to own your own company” but no one wants to even amuse the idea that maybe I have not interest one in doing so.

    Straight from the horses mouth ” i will eventually shoot my own stuff” I wont do it in LA or the US for that matter… it will be almost entirely web based, and it wont have anyone in it that is even remotely even related to the porn industry. It will be condom only and I have a monopoly on that talent that in fact is not talent.

    I’m gonna do it. I’m setting myself up as we speak to be able to accomplish it, but it’ll get done when I’m ready and not a minute before or after. I cant believe I’m agreeing with her but Mariah Milano was dead on with her take on the state of the industry and the people in it. I try to never say all, but it’s damn close.

    Who ever said I was a player? What is a player? hmmmm by definition a player is someone who decieves at all cost to win. I’m not interested in winning so badly that I will sell my soul for it, and if that makes me a loser then so be it. I’m secure with me, and thank God I have a lot more going for me then just porn. Always have and always will. Porn for me now is amusement. I have suffered the worst of the financial quandary shall we say from transitioning from porn back into, shall we say normal life?

    Even though my life is never normal and never has been. Thanks for the idea though. While I respect in one way or another all the great performers and men you have mentioned, I have no interest in “being” like any of them. I made a fatal mistake in life and that was to let porn become “my life”. I should had never let that happen and kept porn as a means of fun period. I won’t ever make that mistake again though. You can bet your ass on that one.

    I still bet Steve puts her with a white male talent if he gets to shoot her.. LOL.. I also guarantee that will be a scene not shot in the US LOL ..

  7. BigDickDaddy says:

    Porn is like a drug. You cant hang out with the homies in the crack house if you are trying to go clean. If you are out of porn then you stop getting your kicks on and other porn site. As I have always said, do what ever you like but do it 100%. That means if you are out of porn. The best of luck to you but dont troll porn sites.

    You are not ready to give it up and we both know it. Steve Hirsch is gonna to shoot her with a white guy or purple guy. He is simply trying to capitalize on her fame and thats it. He will do anything to get free promotion. Just like the porn bozos at do karokae on Tuesday nights. Its sad really.

    On a third note I love how Powder gives free advice:

    This is the same bozo that was bitching about not getting any work a while back.

    What does this guy do besides act like a fanboy for this website that no one reads?

  8. Listen to BDD, brah. As long as you’re performing in porn, you should be the one calling the shots. You got the dick to be successful on your own–it just takes connections and a little investment. At least be a director….

    Not enough brothers are stepping in porn, and that’s why you get screwed over all the time.

  9. LOL is that an order BDD .. i mean shit i know my dad aint never been around but I’m pretty positive that you ain’t him.

    I made a simple ass comment and I STILL bet money he does shoot her with a white male talent if he gets to shoot her.. that’s the white way at Vivid .. this is no fucking big secret..

    Have you not read my post ??? Did you not read the post of mine you were commenting on???

    “I AM GOING TO SHOOT MY OWN STUFF” when i’m damn good and ready.. are you going to bully me now and tell me I’m NOT allowed to post here ?? are you gonna tell me because I haven’t shot in 3 months that I am no longer Allowed ??? LOL .. come on man find something better to do then trying to rag on me and tell me how it is…

    Who are you? you know who I am !! What do you do? whats your job? how long you been laying pipe in the industry? Fuck my medical bills from the last 12 years gives me the fuckin right to post on any fuckin porn blog site I damn well choose.. Slayin 3 chicks a day 7 days a week and dealin with holier than thou white cats in the industry who believe that their shit don’t stink because they are white has earned me the right…

    Your silly with your wording bruh, as if you rule something.. Like you think you’re gonna egg me into something with your weak ass ultimatemum .. Come on.. I rode the bus to school but it wasn’t a short bus..

    LOL the fact is is that my fans read this page and my fans encourage me to speak up about shit on this page that people write and my fans read this page to see what my opinion is.. Now if you think that I would let your opinion stand in the way of that, then you’re sorely mistaken..

    I recognize the power that my words have.. I’m not a Ron Jeremy, or even a Derrick Pierce, I’m just a po dunk justin long .. a dude with a big dog, likes to camp, hunt and fish and owns to many guns.. So what you worried about, what are any of you worried about??? if I’m so insignificant to the world and industry then why you all want to even waist the energy typing at me???

    PS I was NOT bitchin and moaning I was in fact laughing when I wrote that statement, but since you went there, why should I have to open a company? why should any black person have to open their own company to get the same quality work and pay that white performers do? There’s you bullshit double standard..

    I don’t see ANY top white male performers having to open a company just to create quality work because they get the shaft from people like Steve Hirsch.. I don’t hate on the white males performers, I hate on people like you that pawn that shit back off to the black performers..

    shut up and except it is all you all yelling.. fuck that i say.. don’t waste your fuckin energy on me, expend it making the damn change i say.. You people are funny to me !! Like you think I’m so weak minded that the big picture is gonna be obscure to me, because you give me instructions on how to build my own water fountain.. Fuck that.. I dont sit in the back of buses unless I choose to do so, not by mandate.

    You all got lots to learn

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