Stagliano Trial- Day 3- More Mess-ups by the Prosecution (yes!)


Those idiots on  the prosecution’s team still couldn’t get their capture of the trailer to Fetish Fanatic 5 to play. So the judge threw it out along with those charges. So two of the charges against Stagliano are automatically dropped.

The Prosecution called an FBI agent & a LA Vice Squad cop to the stand.

RichardAbowitz tweets "FBI agent and the prosecutor told different versions of their communication. The prosecution has impeached it’s witness! Wow"

According to Mark Kernes at AVN the prosecution will rest it’s case tomorrow morning.  OMG! All this heartache and strife for years on John & his family and his company and the whole porn world, for this? Your tax dollars hard at work…

9 thoughts on “Stagliano Trial- Day 3- More Mess-ups by the Prosecution (yes!)

  1. What does that means “the prosecution has impeached it’s witness!”?

    Does that mean they threw out their testimony?

  2. docqualizer says:

    Kelli – it means that the FBI agent said one thing happened and the prosecutor said something different. I don’t think they threw out the testimony, though.

    Cindi – realistically – do you think Stagliano has a chance to beat the charges? Sounds like the prosecution did a lot of “splatter theory” stuff to get the jury to believe them. Let’s hope Stagliano’s lawyer can knock one out of the park tomorrow.

  3. Honest Abe says:

    “Impeaching” a witness means you have shown that the witness may NOT be telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. You have damaged the witness’s “credibility.”

    There are many way to impeach a witness’s testimony, the most desirable and effective is to “prove” that the witness is lying. If you can prove that, then it follows that he may be lying about other things, or everything.

    Some categories of Impeachment are:

    Contradiction or Inconsistency: where the witness makes different statements.

    Character: When you can show the witness has a dishonest reputation.

    Competence: Is the Witness knowledgeable enough about the incident to be believable.

    Bias: Does the witness have an interest in the outcome of the trial to skew his testimony?

  4. Actually it looks rather interesting what the problem is… from the XBiz story at

    “Attorney for the defense, H. Louis Sirkin, asked Bradley when he last viewed the two videos. Bradley said he was told by prosecutor Satterfield that the “judge” wanted to have detailed descriptions of the scenes from the movie and therefore, despite having a detailed report he’d already written, re-watched the films “last Wednesday.”

    It was this comment that became an issue for the court.

    After a conference at the bench, outside the presence of the jury, Judge Leon told the court he was going to advise the jury he said no such thing to Satterfield, and that he needs to correct the impression that he was involved in the preparation of the case for the government.

    Satterfield, on the other hand, denied having said any such thing like that to Bradley.

    Stagliano attorneys asked the judge to order Satterfield to take the stand over Bradley’s testimony.

    Leon said it wouldn’t be the first time a witness misunderstood a communication from the prosecutors and that he wasn’t going to decide today whether the defense would have the right to call Satterfield to the stand.

    Leon said he would issue a ruling on the matter tomorrow.”

  5. RickMadrid says:

    remeber we live in a DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY and they are spending tax payers money on this? WTF??

  6. Rick,
    We do NOT live in a democratic country.
    We live a representitve REPUBLIC, based on the rule of law.

    It is these fundamental misunderstandings of how our government works that lead people to think that the government is all powerful.

    p.s. The constitiution is not rights granted to the people by the government,,,,it is the rights of the government granted by the people. As James Madison noted….”ALL rights listed inherently belong to citizens, and NOTHING in the constitution gave the COngress the power to take them away.”

    James Madison would be rolling over in his grave if he knew how many people to this day think we live in a DEMORCRATIC COUNTRY. Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, and Geore Washington would kill themselve if they werent already dead to see how many people do not even have an elementary school level of education when it comes to our government.

  7. Then of course we have that pesky thenth amendment……”The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the Sates, are reserved to the Sates respectively, or to the people”

    THIS IS WHY FEDERAL OBSCENTIY LAWS SHOULD BE UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Funny how so many people who beleive porn should be protected speech dont even know WHY it should be protected.

    Of cousre the problem with upholding the tenth amendment means that things like abortion, and marriage laws are reserved for the individual STATES. Funny how so many decry the federal government involving itself in speech laws, but welcome the federal government intruding on States rights to enforce their own laws. Hypocrisy at its ugliest.

  8. Joe its disingenuous to say that the US is not a democracy. The term democracy today means something entirely different than what Madison warned about in the the Federalist Papers.

    The Framers warned against the tyranny of the majority in what we would call a direct democracy. However, the term democracy today means that government is accountable to the people and EVERY CITIZEN has a right to participate in our political system. It was an idea that the Framers abhorred and didn’t become a reality until the rise of Andrew Jackson and the universal suffrage movement. That’s how we have the Democratic party….

    And technically the US is a Federal Constitutional Presidential Republic.

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