Miami Heat Gets LeBron James


All is fair in love, war and sports, or at least that is the way LeBron saw it when he announced his decision last night to leave his home town team, The Cleveland Cavs and join the Miami Heat.

While LeBron was the shining star of the Cavs, he was looking for a team that could allow him to take his first NBA title. With the now triple threat of Dwayne Wade, Chris Bosh & Lebron James, Miami is the clear frontrunner for a championship. LeBron alluded to the fact that he loved Cleveland and it would always be close to his heart, but he wanted to win big and often over the next few years, and the Miami Heat was the team that would help him do it.

The Miami Heat’s season tickets were sold out by yesterday morning, in anticipation that LeBron would be joining of the team.

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