Interviews with Ariella Ferrerra & Tatum Wright & Jenna’s New Song + More

Ariella Ferrerra Interview- Exclusive “What’s there not to like about Threesomes?”



Tatum Wright- Exclusive Interview “…having 5 women on an oversized bed”



Aiden Starr- “Fisting is number one above all others” -Exclusive Interview



Jenna Jameson’s New Single is Electrifying! Exclusive Interview & Song Video



Warner Bros INCEPTION- Movie Review- Scores 10 out of 10!

53 thoughts on “Interviews with Ariella Ferrerra & Tatum Wright & Jenna’s New Song + More

  1. The Colonel says:

    I loved Inception, although I’ll give it an 8 out of 10. It’s a well done movie in terms of the script writing, directing, performances, cinematography, score, etc. However, I had two problems with the movie:

    1. The main concept of breaking into somebody’s dream, and then dreams on top of dreams within the dreams is very implausible, and cannot be taken seriously. This movie wants us to take it seriously, and it’s just not possible.

    2. The dream worlds in Inception look very neat and organized and are exactly like the real world, and there’s nothing chaotic and flamboyant, in other words, dreamy about them: Locations look like the real cities, people dress casual and most notably shoot at each other with guns. I can only imagine what a director like David Lynch, David Cronenberg or Terry Gilliam could have done with a story like this. Compare Inception to Twin Peaks, Naked Lunch or Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and you’ll catch my drift.

    In conclusion, Inception is an excellent movie, well worth watching, but it’s essentially a heist movie. In the 1990’s movie characters used to break into computer programs; The Matrix is the most recognizable example. In the 2000’s the scene of the events has switched from the computer program to one’s mind and dreams; Inception and popular TV series Lost are the best examples.

  2. The Colonel says:

    On another note, check out this interesting interview with Christopher Nolan, writer/director of Inception:

  3. Salt wasn’t bad either. All I can say about that one is “what a twist!”…

  4. The Colonel says:

    I haven’t seen Salt yet, and don’t know if I will. I wasn’t impressed by the trailer and reviews, it looks like Bourne on crack. Also, how can anybody accept Angelina Jolie as an action starlet? When I see her, I immediately think of babies, diapers, more babies and the picture of Brad Pitt’s hand around her ass on the cover of some random tabloid magazine. But I tell you, another good movie I saw lately is Predators. Man, I got a kick out of that one. Laurence Fishburne’s cameo is amazing, and then of course there’s a scene that’s one of the best one-on-one battle sequences in the entire Predator movies: The scene in which the Yakuza guy fights an alien with a Samurai sword. It’s absolutely ballsy and glorious.

  5. Hell yeah, Colonel! I wanted to see Predators too but I’ll see it another time. I went out with my mom because it was her birthday and she wanted to see Salt. It wasn’t half bad. The storyline is definitely not believable or even coherent but there’s some B+ acting from Jolie and Schreiber. And of course you’re right–much has been stolen from Bourne. Then again what can you expect, that trilogy is cinematic gold and everybody wants a piece.

  6. I was one of the few that didn’t enjoy Inception. Funny, I had problems with Dark Knight as well, and I appreciated Ben Mankiewicz (he had a short stint on At The Movies)for having the guts to state he didn’t believe Harvey Dent’s character would act like he did when he turned into Turn-Face.

    Anyway, back to Inception. It must have something to do with me and Christopher Nolan movies. I haven’t liked anything he’s done. Also, I’m not big into Leonardo DiCaprio either. Although he’s a big movie star I’ve only liked him in Titanic and that movie where he was locked in a prison for a long time. What the hell was the name of that? I compare DiCaprio to Tom Cruise, looks good, always in big movies, no range as an actor, seemingly playing the same character over and over again. I probably would have like The Aviator if I didn’t know the story already.

    This was a bad summer for movies. I’m looking forward to Wall Street 2 in Sep. I don’t like Oliver Stone as a person, I think he’s a crybaby pinko communist. But I love that he’s making a timely movie like Wall Street 2, bringing back Gordo and even Bud Fox! It better not fucking bomb!

  7. The Colonel says:

    Right on, Origen.

    Bourne trilogy is indeed cinematic gold. This trilogy was based on three novels written by Robert Ludlum who passed away in 2001. Eric Van Lustbader took over the responsibilities of writing Bourne novels in 2004, and since then he has written 5 best selling Bourne novels. So there’s enough material to supply the future movies, there’s a high demand for a new Bourne movie, and god knows Matt Damon needs a hit badly. They better get their ass to work and make that happen.

  8. The Colonel says:

    Leonardo DiCaprio locked away in a prison for a long time. My friend, I believe you’re talking about The Man in the Iron Mask.

    I like Leonardo DiCaprio, although I agree there’s a similarity between the roles he chooses. Still, he’s an actor with a sense of commitment, decency and integrity, something that can never be said about an actor like for instance Nicholas Cage who has turned himself into a whore in one *cash my paycheck, dammit* role after another in absolutely crappy, worthless movies.

  9. Larry Horse says:

    DiCaprio is a great actor, he saved that crap ass spy movie he was in with Crowe. Crowe of course had to save that crapass political movie(State of Play?) he was in with Ben Affleck and Helen Mirren(she was awful in it) though Jason Bateman was good as a hustler. Bateman was the only shining light in that steaming pile of crap “Smoking Aces”, I was rooting for them all to kill Jeremy Piven and then kill themselves, what was with the shooting through the windows of the hotel to kill a target they couldnt see? I think Nolan is never gonna make a movie better than “Momento”, where was Guy Pearce’s Oscar, but the same could be said for Ralph Fiennes in “Constant Gardener”, or to go wayback, Miranda Richardson in “Damage”, painfully brillant. As for Oliver Stone, this is your brain on drugs.

  10. Reader Email says:

    JUSTIN LONG Wow.. LOL .. I just wonder how the BLACK DJ felt having to spin a chicks song that dogged black men out her entire career and refused to work with them based on the color of their skin.. Pretty funny she’s sittin there making hip-hop now trying to make money off all nationalities including blacks.. Didn’t think much of the song, but then again I don’t care for most hip-hop..
    Having many friends in the music industry with platinum albums to their credit and having been around it for quite some time, I’m sure it’s her name and asset’s that will make the song a hit more then her voice. I would have to disagree with Jennafan though.. From the seat where most Stars sit, many of us see nothing but the fact that Jenna was handed shit for the most part on a silver platter.. As far as a role model ? LOLOL ..
    OK if you say so, but maybe you should had been at AVN these last years to see all 98lbs of her dripping wet, and lookinng like a drug addict .. Don’t quite know how that’s a role model for young girls .. Nor do I understand how a chick who is assaulted by her man and then staying with him constitutes being a good role model for young ladies either
    Hay but it’s just my opinion and by no means am I some authority on Jenna Jameson .. I just know what I see from being in the same industry, and hearing the things I do from people who are close to her, Know her, and are actually friends with her. I would dare say though that young girls should probably use someone else besides a porn star to look up to as a role model.
    I am a porn star and I even tell my fans that when they have told me they look up to me. The fact is WE fuck for a living, and if that’s really the role models you want your kids to look up to and you have kids then, you should first have your head checked, and then CPS should pay a visit to your house..
    For god sake get real.. Hillary Clinton is a roll model, tiger woods wife is a role model, Condaliza Rice is a role model, Oprah is a roll model, Jenna Jameson is a chick who used her naked body to make a name for herself.. Not saying there is anything wrong with that per say, but to say she is a grandios roll model and young girls should look up to her is plain crazy.
    That’s my two cents

    NL- Justin- Your comment belongs here on LIB. LadieZnight is porn positive only.

  11. The Colonel says:

    I liked Memento, but my most favorite Christopher Nolan movie is The Dark Knight. It’s The God Father Part II of comic book movies: Utilized by a superb story and powerful performances, most notably the late Heath Ledger as The Joker, visually spectacular and morally compiling. Now that the raise is too high, let’s just hope the next installment won’t turn into The God Father Part III of comic book movies.

    As for Oliver Stone, the man has some skills, but he’s an idiot and hasn’t made anything decent in years. W was a piece of cinematic crap which tanked at the box office. South of the Border, his latest documentary about the criminal scum Latin American dictators did not even get a wide theatrical release, because nobody wants to see it. This buffoon made a trip to Venezuela, Hugo Fucking Chavez took him on a tour and treated him with beer and pussy and he came back, convinced that Chavez is a hero who is fighting against the evil imperialist west. I wonder what Mr. Stone would say if he could travel in Venezuela freely and meet with many people and families of freedom fighters and journalists whose dear ones are being tortured and executed by Hugo Chavez and Co. every day. I don’t defend America and its policies by any means, but let’s be fair and accept the fact that Chavez is as much a scum as George W. Bush or any other western politician, if not worse. All politicians are scum, no matter where they come from.

  12. Yep, Stone is a commy pinko. Making that movie JFK was a crime, people believe that stupid shit. I saw him on Bill Maher about a month ago, man is he fucking obsessed with conspiracy stuff against the U.S. or what? Stone was shaking with Parkinson’s like symptoms and biting his nails like a fruitcake. Maher actually distanced himself from Stone, that’s how bad it was.

    All this really sucks because Platoon is absolutely my favorite movie of all time, it’s a masterpiece. Charlie Sheen was fantastic in Platoon and he still got beat in the acting department by Willem Defoe and Tom Beringer. Just a riveting, flawless movie from the movie’s opening scene all the way to Taylor’s last spoken word on the heli flight out.

    Still, I’m an 80’s guy so I’m rooting for Stone to pull it off one more time with Wall Street 2. The odds are it will suck ass, especially with Shia LaBoof and Carey Mulligan. Only Gordo Gecko and Bud Fox can save this movie.

  13. Larry Horse says:

    Sure Hugo didnt treat him so some white stuff while he was there, more of that comes via Venezuela than even Colombia cause Hugo doesnt do business with the DEA, though there are DEA agents in Venezuela. Chavez is really just a cheap imitation Fidel Castro and probably Hugo will have to go to Cuba and hide in a few years. Where are the old Nazis now that you need them in South America.

  14. jeremiahsteele says:

    Stone(d) did make some good points through the JFK movie, pornster, such as the “magic bullet” nonsense and the point of “Who has the ability to stand down the President’s security?”

    Stone has been going down hill since “The Doors” movie, and he’s been a total sell out since that 9/11 movie, which had no examination of the viable theories, based on the overwhelming evidence from every angle. Instead he just promotes the most absurd conspiracy theory of 9/11 which is the official Gov’t approved one.

    Just because “coup d’état” is a French word doesn’t mean it can’t and doesn’t happen here. The JFK Conspiracy FACT should be in Conspiracy 101 Class for all Denialists.

    Btw, Maher is a piece of shit. He told the 9/11 Truthers to STFU about Bldg 7 which is smoking gun #1.

  15. The Colonel says:

    Stone(d), that was a good one, Jeremy.

    If some good points were made in JFK, it’s because the movie was based on Jim Marrs’ book Crossfire, one of the best investigative books ever written about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I also agree that The Doors was the beginning of Oliver Stone’s downward spiral as a human and as a filmmaker. He made a movie about Jim Morrison, one of the most brilliant poets and musicians of the 20th century, and made him look like a bratty, spoiled junkie. Every movie he has made ever since has been one disaster and commercial failure after the other. I wonder how come he’s still making movies; who finances his crap even though the audiences keep on rejecting him wholeheartedly? Amazing.

    As for Bill Maher, he’s an asshole, but some of his stuff is good. I especially like it when he makes fun of Muslims.

  16. Bill Maher is an asshole but his show is pretty damn good. I record his show and watch the monologue and then skip to the “new rules” ending, which is really must see T.V. And yes that skit he did about Muslims is a classic. Is that on Youtube? God that was clever and funny!

    Kind of the same for Leno and Letterman. I record both and only watch the monologue/Top Ten all the way up to the first interview (unless the interviewee is somebody I want to see. I don’t watch Ferguson, Kimmel, or that other show at all, sorry.

  17. jeremiahsteele says:

    You can blame Oliver Stone for me coming to L.A. I was a movie extra in that Doors movie. That was my first job in L.A. (if you don’t count Long Beach as L.A.) while still in College. That lead me to the acting thing which lead me to porno which lead me to typing here, now. You see it’s all Ollie’s fault.

    I absolutely agree about the movie. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: That movie revealed more about Oliver Stone than Jim Morrison, projecting all this non stop hardcore drugs activity. What made Jim crazy was an enzyme deficiency, he’d drink and drink and no effect, not drunk at all, but then WHAM, it would all kick in and that’s where his crazy behavior came in. For the most part he avoided the hardcore recreational stuff, until perhaps the very end (an accidental heroin o.d.?) Although Jim was often a jackass the movie never explored him from the intellectual level he was more often at. If Oliver Stone is a bottle of Coke (well he snorted a bunch, as well) you can say he fizzled out a while ago and got flat. I don’t know why he had to flat out make shit up in Jim’s case. The truth was so much more interesting. He also never explored the controversy and urban legend mystery about his death. Fuckin’ Lame!

  18. I don’t know why but I never saw The Doors movie, I guess it’s because I read the book “No One Gets Out of Here Alive” which was written by The Doors manager so I’m assuming it’s definitive. A fantastic read and I think it mostly explains everything. What I don’t know is whether or not Oliver Stone’s movie was based on this book. If so, it’s amazing that he screwed it up.

    Wait, maybe I didn’t see the movie because the book is so real, so good, so definitive I simply didn’t need anymore explanation of The Doors or Jim Morrison.

    By the way, if I recall from said book Jim Morrison was mostly an asshole.

  19. Oh, it’s “No One Here Gets Out Alive”.

    Jim Morrison, his girlfriend Pam AND THE AUTHOR OF THE FUCKING BOOK all DIED from Heroin Overdoses!!!!!

  20. The Colonel says:

    Oliver Stone has a nasty habit of making docudramas based on his own deranged imagination instead of historical facts and reality. Let’s take a look at JFK for instance: The movie is adapted from the book Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy by investigative journalist Jim Marrs. Stone tells the story through the eyes of former New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison (played by Kevin Costner) who believes the assassination of John F. Kennedy was a conspiracy conducted by people within the U.S government, Mafia, Cuban militia forces, etc. The movie portrays Garrison as a heroic figure who takes the conspirators to the court, exposes them and at the end of the movie delivers a heroic, ballsy speech. In reality Garrison was an ordinary government employee who never took any case as far as the movie implies, and he did not deliver any speech, either. These are the kind of errors the corporate media is looking for to pick and claim all investigative researches are bullshit conspiracy theories with no viable merits.

    In his two hour special about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Peter Jennings concluded that the president of The United States of America was shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, a paranoid lone gun man who acted on his own, and there were no conspiracies of any kind involved. One specific thing that he targeted was the movie JFK, and he specifically talked about how Jim Garrison never took any case that far and did not deliver any speech. Oliver Stone provides the perfect ammunition for the likes of Peter Jennings. This man is a fucking moron who should be deported to one of his favorite third world shit holes to live off the charity of some dictator scum like Hugo Chavez.

  21. I know this is getting old hat but I’ve got to say it: Oliver Stone’s paranoia, drug use, and anti-Americanism destroyed what could have been an outstanding career. He’s lucky he’s even got a chance to have a modicum of mainstream left in him with the new Wall Street movie.

    This motherfucker wants to make a movie about My Lai, I believe he’s the last fucking person in the world who should make that movie. My Lai was a atrocity but it should be told honestly and in proper context.

    Personal note to Oliver Stone: I do not have a love/hate relationship with you. It’s a HATE/HATE relationship as you’re a fucking lying piece of shit. That being said just go out and make a decent movie for the first time in 20+ years. ASSHOLE!

  22. jeremiahsteele says:

    Peter Jennings attended the Bilderberg group. So that should explain everything. His job was to whore out false versions of history.

    “No one here gets out alive” is my least favorite biography on Morrison. It has as much substance as a Britney Spears song, written by two fawning worshippers. It would be better to read: “Break On Through”, “Light My Fire”, “The Doors: Illustrated History”, “Jim Morrison: An Hour For Magic”, “Feast Of Friends”, “Riders On The Storm” or “The Doors: Artistic Vision”

  23. The Colonel says:

    True, Peter Jennings was a Bilderberg lackey and his job was to conceal and cover up the facts, deceit, deflect, lie and brain wash the masses; but he could never achieve his objectives without the help and services provided by fools like Ollie *Pinko* Stone.

  24. jeremiahsteele says:

    I think Ollie’s got a hole in his head bigger than the gap between his teeth. He should’ve just quit after Wall Street, Platoon and Scarface. His portrayal of Ron Kovic’s parents was off in “Born on the 4th of July”, although it was a decent movie.

    Peter Jennings was like Michael Chertoff’s cousin Benjamin, who was “senior researcher” of the Popular Mechanics hitpiece “Debunking 9/11 Lies” anti- 9/11 truth piece. Orwell’s nightmare is a reality. The Ministry of Truth keeps churning…

  25. jeremiahsteele says:

    Frank Lisciandro, close friend of Jim Morrison, in one paragraph of his journal “An Hour For Magic”, dispells the myth that Stone(d) put out for two hours:

    “I never saw the brunette again, and wonder if Jim did. He never even mentioned her by name, being very discreet about the women he knew. I can’t recall hearing him talk about any of his lady friends in macho terms. He was a genuine Southern gentleman and believed that gallantry, charm and a dash of manners were the ingredients to win a woman’s heart.”

  26. The Colonel says:

    That’s right, my friend, they keep it in the family. Speaking of 9/11, watch this 10 minutes video in which Jim Marrs tears up the official 9/11 bullshit conspiracy theory:

    Nobody does it better than Jim Marrs.

  27. jeremiahsteele says:

    Hey Colonel what happened to the Jim Marrs 9/11 link you just put up? It’s gone!

  28. The Colonel says:

    I deleted that link, Jeremy, because the audio in the clip had a poor quality. I found a clip with better sound quality; here it is:

    9/11 Truth by Jim Marrs:

    A must see. Nobody does it better than Jim Marrs.

  29. jeremiahsteele says:

    I like a couple of Davids even more than Jim: David Ray Griffen’s speeches on 9/11 are always good. Also, here’s former MI6 David Shayler on 9/11:

    Regarding Ollie Stoned, the first part of his speech, comparing Hitler to Frankenstein’s monster and the American and British Financiers (he was alluding to) as Dr. Frankenstein is accurate.

    It’s also accurate that the Germans killed many more Russians than Jews.

    There’s also truth to Jews controlling the media. The largest media conglomerate is Walt Disney Company, whose chairman and CEO, Michael Eisner is Jewish. Supposedly 6 Jews control about 96% of the media. Including:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner

    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios

    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc

    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric

    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited.

    What does this all mean? It means anytime you criticize any one who’s Jewish you’re an anti-semite.

    Israel has been the #1 reciprient of U.S.
    foreign aid from 1976 to 2004; Aid to Israel has been surpassed by aid to Iraq, following the 2003 invasion.

  30. The Colonel says:

    Jews have large investments in the media as well as other branches of society, but nobody has ever stopped Ollie Stone from making shitty movies. If his movies continue to tank at the box office and don’t get wide theatrical releases (i.e. South of the Border) that’s because they’re terrible and nobody wants to see them. There’s no conspiracy to stop Ollie Stone, he’s not worthy of conspiring against. He’s just a fool who snorted too much coke and read too many lefty pinko communist books.

  31. jeremiahsteele says:

    I think Ollie should make “The Bagel Conspiracy”. A group of zealous Zionists start a franchise of bagel and lox shops next to every Starbucks and then give away free copies of “B’nai Brith”. It some how leads to WWWIII.

    I haven’t heard “pinko commie” repeated so many times since the “All In The Family” Rerun Marathon.

  32. The Colonel says:

    Pinko commie, better dead than red.


  33. Larry Horse says:

    Bilderberg and Trilateral always seem like some 20th Century version of the Elders of Zion for folks to falsely fear, like the Masons. I think the Cheney-Bush Energy Commission meetings, of which no notes exist yet, is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion for real. Of course Glenn Beck is close to inventing his version of the Elders featuring Barack Obama as the head Elder. Cocaine destroyed Oliver Stone’s brain, what a waste. You watch JFK and Nixon and with some of the cutting and angles and shades you see someone who has the touch of a filmmaker like Abel Gance, then you see Natural Born Killers and realise he’s just Ed Wood with a budget. I bet Tommy Lee Jones was the only “straight” person on that set, straight as in someone without a substance problem…Stone, Sizemore, Woody Harrelson, Juliette Lewis, Rodney and Robert Downey Jr….though Woody and Rodney just loved their grass.

  34. jeremiahsteele says:

    Cheney has attended the Bilderberg meetings, as well as Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Alan Greenspan and many other government people. The Bilderbergers and Trilaterals ARE The Illuminati, or perhaps better to say: ill-luminati, because they are all sick. Of course, to themselves, they are simply just being very logical.

    While Natural Born Killers is entertaining to watch (especially the director’s cut), it’s extremely warped and promotes the very thing it’s supposed to condemn. Proof is found in the copycat killings the movie spawned, afterwards.

  35. Larry Horse says:

    Jenna’s song didnt sound good, she was using that auto tune thing too, how good of a friend is she with Lindsay’s ex Samantha Ronson, maybe there is a lesbian cabal in the making.

  36. The Colonel says:

    Bilderberg is where The Elite meet annually to synchronize their plans and forward their global government agenda. While that sounds viable in theory, in practice it hasn’t worked and perhaps never will, because there’s too much conflict of interest within them and so much things happen around the world that they have no control over, from the population growth to peak oil, rise of radical Muslim extremists in The Middle East, etc. In short, we’re in a world of shit, and we’re in this together.

    Back to bashing Ollie Stone, Natural Born Killers is the biggest piece of cinematic shit of the 90’s, a movie that plays like an amateur MTV video and is as chaotic as the fucked up mind of its drug fiend director, a movie that has no entertainment and/or redeeming value and no reason to exist. If anything, Natural Born Killers is a proper sequel to Reefer Madness, ladies and gentleman, this is what drugs do to your brain.

  37. Larry Horse says:

    Stone made Nixon in between Natural Born Killers and U Turn, doesnt add up. Paranoia aside I enjoyed Nixon, probably cause of the casting and portraying Hoover as he was, a world class closeted fag in bed with the mafia. He did put together a great cast: Hopkins, Joan Allen, Bob Hoskins, Ed Harris, JT Walsh(him and Richard Jordan died way too young), James Woods…, Kevin Dunn, and so on and Larry Hagman, from comic book Texas Oil Baron to a real one. U Turn, he had Billy Bob and Nick Nolte there, marijuana for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

  38. jeremiahsteele says:

    I disagree Colonel. There may be in-fighting to some degree but overall, they are the reason we live in a prison planet. Secret “Bilderberg” meetings at 5 star hotels have directly lead to the Federal Reserve (Rothschild guided privatized, central banking, which is when they really took over), for 100 + years they’ve pursued one world gov’t, they are the controllers and see themselves as the saviors of mankind. Population control is their #1 issue. In polite and civil terms wars are started for power, control and global agenda and many other nefarious and profitable enterprises. They choose Presidents who typically meet there before they are “elected”. Top members of industry, government, and media are members of the club and you ain’t!

  39. The Colonel says:

    Let me make a few points to clear the issue, my friend:

    Jeremy Steele: They (The Elite) may be in-fighting to some degree but overall, they are the reason we live in a prison planet.
    The Colonel: There’s no maybe about it, they are in fighting to many degrees, there are major conflicts of interests going on and many unpredictable events that quickly spiral out of control and turn into serious threats to their establishment, for instance the rise of opposition in third world countries from Venezuela to Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, etc, countries which their natural resources and stability are essential to The Elite’s survival. They are confused, desperate and disorganized and don’t have too many options.

    Jeremy Steele: For 100 + years they’ve pursued one world government, they are the controllers.
    The Colonel: True, but they never got too far with their agenda, did they? Look at The European Union to see at example of complete, utter failure of a singular government.

    Jeremy Steele: Population control is their #1 issue.
    The Colonel: Again it’s true, but what they have done and what can they do about it? A small war here and there or a little epidemic like the swine flu won’t work. They need to orchestrate a catastrophe on a global scale in order to reduce the population to a number they can control; and creating such catastrophe can and will have severe, uncontrollable and unpredictable consequences. So realistically, The Elite, despite their power and wealth are trapped in the same purgatory as the rest of humanity. If we think of humanity as a sinking ship, they too are in the ship. They’re sitting in the first class section, but when the ship goes down, they too will drown with it.

  40. jeremiahsteele says:

    I hear what you’re saying but there’s many ways to look at “failure”, Colonel:

    1. Failure for the many can mean success for the few.
    That can even include the Elite. Within the Elite there are a few more powerful than the rest. And
    if Bilderberg lead to the creation of the “Federal” Reserve, it’s what caused our country to be sold out as Lincoln and others warned, a failure of our freedom and democracy and, instead, power in to the hands of a few. Also the orchestrated Depressions following the creation of The Fed have put money and power into the hands of a few. This is one example of a “failure” being a success.

    2. The maxim of “order out of chaos” requires chaos before order. Before one can create the ideal they seek they need a problem first and then a solution.
    9/11 provided the P.N.A.C’s need for a “New Pearl Harbor” and subsequent global domination. So there have been essential successes regardless of the many failures, or alleged “failures”.

    3. Looking at the big picture, the ultimate success to them IS failure, at least for most of us. Overall, things have been getting worse and worse and isn’t that by design? This country is becoming more and more 3rd world; The Haves and The Haven’ts.
    It’s a constant battle amongst these elitist scum for supremacy, they need us slaves, but they’d prefer to have a lot less of us to deal with, they’re doing what they can, they’re succeeding and failing at the same time.

    4. Failures are just the inbetweens of successes. The bottom line is they’ve been steering the ship, not us. Anytime anyone really tries to effect a radical change they disappear.

    The Elite will survive, no matter what. That’s their game plan, worse case scenario. Fuck the women and children first. It’s the Elite first and last and the rest of us can go fuck ourselves.

  41. The Colonel says:

    I don’t disagree with the essence of your argument, Jeremy, The Elite have been fucking humanity over since the dawn of time, and will continue to do so until the end of time. However, I disagree on the amount of power and control they have over global matters and the ultimate result of their actions. Despite what they desperately want and contrary to urban legends created by conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones and David Icke, I don’t believe they have absolute control over everything; and I don’t think they can ever establish a successful one world government, no matter what they do, no matter how hard they try and no matter how much they conspire and stir shit up. At the end of the day, they’re just a bunch of evil, greedy scumbags and every single one of them prefers his/her personal profit and priorities over the profit and priorities of the cabal; and there are so many things going on in the world that they can’t control. They couldn’t stop Hugo Chavez from gaining power in Venezuela and spreading his anti-imperialist message throughout Latin America, they couldn’t stop North Korea from achieving nuclear weapons, they can’t stop radical Muslim extremists, and these are only a few examples of their failure. They have all the money in the world, but in the end, they nothing but broken gods and naked emperors.

    Don’t believe the hype.

  42. jeremiahsteele says:

    Dodger commercial, time for my retort (lol):

    I agree that they’re not all powerful, just powerful enough. The essential mechanism is still in place; corporate gov’t, corporate laws, corporate media and corporate industry (of course) all incestuously related, which simply means that profit and power means all and people and their utopian ideals, in comparison, mean asolutely nothing. As you know, if a President or Princess tries to mess up the status quo, they don’t need to think twice about snuffing them out.

    They are mortal gods, and one day they just may meet their God when all their earthly achievements they once had in this dimension won’t exist in the next, and then their souls’ worth won’t be worth a turd. Of course, they are initiates to a stranger than fiction satanic ritual, via Bohemian Grove, which literally worships an owl (predator which sees in the dark/ ie: illuminated) and which addresses humanity as “fools” as it recites it’s “Cremation of Care” sermon. That was some good shit Alex Jones caught on video.

    Regardless of the sucesses and failures of their agenda, they have overall continued to successful keep us dumbed down, (pre-)occupied, ignorant, sick, in fear, powerless and fighting with each other.

    Tesla introduced us to free energy, but free means and freedom are not what they want for us. We don’t need to work 8 hours per day but that’s the number of hours they want us occupied working, 5 days per week. That way, most of us don’t have time to dig and discover what the fuck is really going on.


    How could someone like Jerry, who knows so much more than the rest of us sheep about how the world is ‘actully’ run, and has all this knowledge from, as he said, his “sources” accomplish absolutely nothing inlife except to be a has been porn mope. Wouldnt you think that someone whith such knowldge of these worldly conspiracies would firgure out a way to not be a victim.

    Of course Jerry has to beleive that everybody is a looser to justify his own failure,,,,and he says so himself,,,,,”Looking at the big picture, the ultimate success to them IS failure, at least for most of us.”
    What a load of shit,,,,,,if youre a failure Jerry, its YOUR fault,,,,NOBODY conspired to make you a failure, you did that all by yourself.

    , Jerry, “THEY”, whoever they are, have succeeded in keeping us dumbed down”…..No Jerry, you have done that yourself.

    Dont worry Jerry, I know youre not stupid, and I know youre just saying this stuff to make a good debate. We all know that you really cant be that stupid to believe this crap,,,,,maybe you missed your calling,,,instead of being a failed porn mope, you could have been a failed comedian.

    Now go ahead and make up some more stories about what a looser I am, seeing as how you knwo about as much about me as you do about brain surgery,,,but good conspairacy idiots NEVER let the truth get in the way of a good story.

    “The truth is never a conspriracy”

  44. jeremiahsteele says:


    Generally (not personally) speaking, we are bred to fail. That’s the way of the system. We are lied to and fed junk food and junk food for thought, insanely expensive poison symptomatic “therapies” that cause more problems than they solve, we are given drugs for normal mood swings, we are taught to compete with other, we are not taught ethics in school, the sewer system has gotten dirtier and dirtier, corporations always peddle style over substance (ie: Britney & GaGa).

    Everything IS a conspiracy. It takes at least two to tango and it only takes two to make a conspiracy, whether or not people know the big picture and who the ultimate profiteers are. People go along to get along. Anyone who works for someone else is conspiring, whether they’re on the bottom or top levels.

    Why are you even talking to me, asshole? You’ve already proven yourself an idiot and a liar. You probably believe Oswald shot that magic bullet from far away and behind JFK which blew out the back of his head and hit him and others in other places. Why? Because that’s what they told you is the truth.

    (gee, Cindi, what word put me on mod control this time?)

  45. Jerry, your bitterness towards the “ELITE’ is truely frightneing. Your jealousy of anyone successful has turned you into a bitter little man.

    Instead of using the word “ELITE” why dont you use the word successful.

    You use the term ‘elite scum’..who need ‘us slaves’……..Jealousy is an ugly thing Jerry, and I think now you are really beginning to show your true colors……Its not the government youre mad at, it is yourself that you despise becuase you never were able te be part of the ‘elite’ that you now call scum. I can see you now, sittin on the bus, looking at all those ‘elite’ people in their BMW’s, and Range Rovers, and blaming them for all of your failures.

    Actually, Sophia was a government agent that the ‘elite’ introduced into your life to keep you from exposing the truth about their plans for world domination.

    ANd as you said about the ‘elites’….they are succeding and failing at the same time,,,,while you just continue to fail.

    And please stop calling “us slaves”…If thats how you justify your own failure fine, but dont try to tell everyone else that we are slaves to the ‘elite’

    You’re just jealous of successful people, its really just that simple, and your own words spell it out very clearly. You are PATHETIC.

  46. jeremiahsteele says:

    (last comment currently under moderation)

    We spend billions bombing and killing innocent people and usurping their natural resources, Joey, and have no basic health care for Americans. Yes, I’m bitter at the elite (“successful” as you call them).

    We ARE slaves, collectively, that even includes the masters, who are also enslaved to their roles, as well. Like I said, Tesla introduced us to free energy and a lot of other things. The guy who invented the electric car was killed.

    I’m not jealous of anyone successful. The bible speaks of threading a camel through the eye of a needle. Perhaps I pity the fools. Life is short and Eternity is long. Besides that, you don’t know me, Joey. You don’t know who I know or who I’m related to, so go fuck yourself.

    You also call me little but I got a call to be a possible body double for someone very big!

  47. Since YOU mentioned the bible…….
    “It is easier for a loaded camelto go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to inheret the kingdom of God”

    In the ancieint walled cities of Sumaria, the gates to the city were called the ‘eye of the needle’. When travelers came to the gates(the eye) they would have to unload thier camels if they carried too much cargo. Usuall, the richer the person, the more cargo. But often times, the rich would not carry all of their belongings with them, they wuold just have money to buy new things, so often times the rich man would not have to unload his camel to get through the eye.
    The moral of the story is,,,,,YES, even rich people can inheret the kingdom of God,,,,being successful in worldly matters is NOT to be frowned upon.
    Theres also another little biblical phrase,,,’Reneder unto Ceaser that which is Ceasers” And the moral of this story is to follow mans law as well as God’s law

    And now, if I am not mistaken, you call the successful ‘fools’ in your last post. And envy is one of the seven deadly sin. You say you ‘pity’ them, when actually, you would give anything to be one of them.

    Now who is the fool,,,,somone who works hard, gets an education, and makes a decent life for himself and his family, or someone who is a washed up porn mope who blames the evil government conspiritors for all of his short comings, and tries to insinuate that everybody else is as miserable as he is?

    Perhaps YOU are the one who should be pitied.

  48. jeremiahsteele says:

    You ignore all my points, moron, about no health care but endless money to kill other people and steal their resources and oil. Do you think I envy these people?

    You know nothing of me, you scumbag. You insisted I would not go to the OSHA meeting and promised to introduce yourself if I did, you liar.

    You are utterly confused. I have been addressing the state of the nation, that we’ve deteriorated into a corporation nation without ethics. I’m not talking about me.

    You also repeatedly insult me because of my height. That makes you a piece of shit to anyone who is short, is friends, cares about or admires someone who is short.

    My stature or my personal situation, which you don’t know shit about, has nothing to do with my complaint about the issues The Colonel and I have been discussing.

    You are a coward who continues to attack others under the veil of anonymity. It’s possible that veil can be lifted and at that point, considering all the people you’ve insulted, you will be the one to be pitied.

  49. Jeremy is an elite, joe. He’s a well known and well respected pornographic actor. He hangs out with tons of girls and public figures YOU don’t have access to (no offense). Not many people in the world can do what he does. Perfect competition should mean that he gets an NFL player’s salary–but aw well, its porn.

  50. jeremiahsteele says:

    Thanks origin, I won’t disagree with you because it sounds too good. That’s right, I’m usually not into bragging but where ever I go people recognize me, ladies come and go out of my place like a nail salon, I get paid as much as Mariah Milano on a bad day, and why, in fact, while throwing out my trash just now a hot latina recognized me, said “Aren’t you Jeremy Steele?” and then, without the power of resistence, following a charismatic wink from me, came up to my place and performed a fine hummer before peeling off her tight ass jeans and letting me sample some. It’s a tough life, but someone’s gotta live it.

    To quote Donny, “Joe” is just jellious.

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