The Porn Connection Game©- George Clooney

I’ve actually always wanted to play this game with you all. Writing that post on Costner reminded me. So I’m curious to see if you want to play along. I’ll name something, and you have to bring it to porn in six steps or less. If you’ve ever played Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, it’s the same thing except we will start off with something/one mainstream and you need to end up with something/one in  porn. The more crazy and odd the connections are the better, but they need to be generally known so people can follow your track. I’ll do one for you as an example-

 The Porn Connection Game©-George Clooney 

1. George Clooney is the nephew of famous singer Rosemary Clooney 

2. Rosemary’s biggest hit "Come On-a My House" was written by Ross Bagdasarian.

3. Ross Bagdasarian also wrote "The Chipmunk Song" that was the begining of the Alvin and the    Chipmunks franchise.

4. In the two Chipmunk movies (2007 & 2009) The Alvin character was voiced By (mainstream actor, lol) Justin Long

 5. Justin Long was in Zack & Miri Make a Porno with Ex PORN actresses Katie Morgan AND         Traci Lords

See? That was easy enough, right?  Your turn-







Pick one, find the porn connection and put it in comments…
I’ll post some of them here if people are interested.


The Porn Connection Game © 2010 Cindi Loftus

7 thoughts on “The Porn Connection Game©- George Clooney

  1. The Colonel says:

    Here you go:

    1. Betty White: In April, a new Pink’s hot dog stand at Universal City Walk named a wiener after the 88 year old actress. The Betty White Naked Hot Dog has no toppings on it. Furthermore, in several interviews White had admitted she loves watching online porn.

    2. Michelle Obama: In January, some privacy advocate groups stirred controversy over the use of naked body scanners at the airports when they asked for a published photo of Michelle Obama using the machine. They argued if Obama doesn’t think that these machines are invasive, then he should have no problem allowing images of his wife being scanned by the machines to be released to the press.

    3. Tom Cruise: Gay porn star Chad Slater, who goes by the stage name Kyle Bradford, recently told a French magazine he had a gay love affair with Tom Cruise that resulted in the breakup of Cruise’s marriage to Nicole Kidman. Cruise has issued a $100 million defamation suit against Slater.

    4. Jerry Falwell: In 2005 F.B.I. officials raided fundamentalist Baptist minister Jerry Falwell’s Virginia home based on receiving an anonymous tip indicating that Falwell had been making porn movies and posting them on various websites under the pseudonym Dick Dangling. Falwell’s attorneys are making allegations that Larry Flynt was the mastermind behind the scandal in an attempt to frame Falwell. When asked to comment, Flynt said: If I knew Jerry was making films, I would have given him a job.

    5. Jose Canseco: Professional poker player Heidi Northcott has been dating baseball player Jose Canseco in the past. Recently, she and her new boyfriend UFC fighter Chuck Liddell were caught totally naked while working out in a gym. Their nude photos were posted on several gossip and porn web sites.

    I love this stuff.

    NL- Great job Colonel xoxo

  2. The Colonel says:

    Thank you Cindi, keep up the good work.


  3. Reader Email says:

    1. Betty White had a re-occuring role on Match Game along with Richard Dawson.

    Richard Dawson starred in Hogan’s Heros with Bob Crane.

    Bob Crane was the subject of the movie AutoFocus which showed him as a sex addict and swinger who video taped hundreds of girls he had sex with.

    In 1975 Bob Crane was also a judge to find The Playboy Bunny of the Year.

  4. Tom Cruise was in the movie Losin’ It with Jackie Earle Haley….Jackie Earle Haley was in the remake of Nightmare on Elm Street….Johnny Depp was in the original Nightmare on Elm St. Johnny Depp was in Crybaby with Traci Lords.

  5. Jose Canseco was on The Surreal Life with Sandra Denton aka Pepa who was on HBO’s OZ with Evan Seinfeld who was married to Tera Patrick…


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