Genital Herpes Anyone?

NL-If 16% of civilians have this disease. I wonder what percentage of industry people have it?And how many have admitted that they had it? I believe Belladonna went public with hers.

From Cnn, read the whole story here

(CNN) — As much as 16 percent of the U.S. population between the ages of 14 and 49 has genital herpes, according to a government study released Tuesday.

And sexually transmitted diseases of all varieties infect 19 million more Americans every year — a rate that costs the health care system some $16 billion annually, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) found. The study was released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as part of the the National STD Prevention Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.

The herpes simplex 2 virus — one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the United States — causes painful, recurring genital sores.

"This study serves as a stark reminder that herpes remains a common and serious health threat in the United States. Everyone should be aware of the symptoms, risk factors and steps that can be taken to prevent the spread of this lifelong and incurable infection," said Dr. Kevin Fenton, director of the CDC’s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD and TB Prevention.

25 thoughts on “Genital Herpes Anyone?

  1. And if you live in an area like LA or NY that could be as high as 20 you’d think, at least if changed it to just 18-40 year olds.

  2. sammyglick says:

    Well, there’s one Porn Valley ‘famewhore’ who isn’t telling her herpes status anytime soon…unless doing so leads to another role in a mainstream movie for her (despite having zero theatrical abilities beyond knowing which side of the camera and what kind of lighting best shows off her deep throating skills).

  3. If you know of a performer that has herpes and don’t tell, aren’t you just as guilty as she (or he?) is for not telling others potentially at risk?

  4. what I don’t get is, if herpes can’t be cured and everyone is having unprotected promiscuous sex with each other in porn and herpes can still be spread even when there is no outbreak, shouldn’t it be completely widespread in porn?

  5. sammyglick says:

    You just answered your own question Al.

  6. mortician says:

    I have yet to meet a porn actor who doesn’t have herpes. It’s so common it’s not even an issue. (Of course, they would never admit to it. The fans don’t need to know. It kinda kills the fantasy…)

    Genital warts are also very common. They can remove the actual warts so they are not visible but the virus (human papilloma virus) remains, and it’s incurable.

    You bet no porn actor would stop shooting just because they carry these viruses.

  7. jeremiahsteele says:

    Well if it’s completely widespread in porn, there’s no sense in trying to stop it now, I guess.

    I’ve read that about 60% of adults have genital herpes, about 80% have oral herpes (cold sores) and about 70% of sexually active population have HPV. “Having” must include people that have no visible sores, which means we all “have” the chicken pox, as well.

    Btw, why are viruses getting all the attention? What about bacteria, fungi, yeast, and protozoa?

    Herpes is transmitted from skin to skin contact. You can get herpes from fingering a woman. You can get herpes because your leg touched a leg. Because of this CONDOMS DO NOT PROTECT A PERSON FROM HERPES OR HPV.

    Rumor has it that Chris Brown blew up at Rihanna because she gave him an STD – herpes to be exact. Various blogs claim that Rihanna got herpes from a famous rapper and passed it on to her current boyfriend. Guess who the rapper was? I’ll give you a hint, starts with “J”, ends with “Z”

  8. that’s completely nasty… just another glamorous aspect of porn I guess

  9. jeremiahsteele says:

    I think of George Carlin’s comedic analogy: We never caught anything because we swam in raw sewage! Against our fortified immune systems those diseases didn’t stand a chance!

  10. I’d rather take my chances swimming in shit then banging a chick with herpes raw, and by the way I don’t plan to do either.

  11. Third Axis says:

    AL, you’re not paying attention. It doesn’t matter if you suit up for a shit swim, or a roll in the sheets. Chances are, greater than 50/50, that you WILL contract herpes. If you ever have sex, that is. A condom will only reduce that risk slightly. If you put your hand on a woman’s genital area (and that means anywhere in the general area) and then touch your dick (or anywhere in the general area), then you’re playin’ the lesion lotto, buddy. Oral sex? Spinning the wheel of misfortune big time. But hey, Big Pharma wants you to play, ’cause the Valtrex are like golden Skittles gushing out the end of the rainbow – ‘cept ya have to pay for ’em. And a “cure” for herpes will have to wait in line behind HIV/AIDS and cancer. So sorry.

  12. jeremiahsteele says:

    But the question is, Al,

    If there was a hot chick with herpes raw, naked, in a pool of shit, screaming that she was drowning, would you jump in and rescue her?

    I know this sort of thing doesn’t happen every day, but who knows? Maybe it’s a scat party.

  13. mortician I don’t have herpes and neither do a few of my friends in the business. I know this about myself because I get a full panel when I get tested. Yes it’s much more $$ but to me it’s very worth it. In Europe they are tested for everything including all the Hep’s A B & C as well as herpes and warts. At least that’s the panel that the talent I worked with in Spain had but he was from the UK and they get their tests every 12 days and it’s paid for by their health system I think.

    I was told by Sharon Mitchell that more than 70% of the adult industry has herpes. I know that Belladonna has it and has had it for years. At least that what it says on her Wiki page lol

    I have never even had chlamydia (knocking wood!) but I have heard of people canceling shoots because they had a herpes outbreak. I know it happened a few weeks ago in LA when I was there and my shoot was canceled because they didn’t want to rent the location for just one scene.

    Herpes is some scary shit to me. I am a freak about sores or anything out of the ordinary down there, but to have oozing red sores would fucking make me want to kill myself!

  14. I don’t buy that shit at all. If you fuck hos on a regular basis and do those things you have a 50-50 chance. I don’t fuck strangers on a regular basis, and if I give a woman head she can consider that the start of a monogamous relationship

  15. mortician says:

    The only reason SOME actors elect to not shoot when they have open herpes sores is because rubbing on these lesions HURTS like hell.

    They are not saying ‘no’ to a paycheck out of the goodness of their hearts or concern for their co-workers’ health or well-being.

  16. and does someone want to explain to me how latex condoms are 99% effective against the transmission of HIV and pregnancy but somehow only give you a fighter’s chance against herpes?

  17. jeremiahsteele says:

    Rubbers are 99% effective against HIV? Who’s ass did you pull that statistic from? Rubbers are effective against the tranmission of HIV the way a dead frog on the doormat is a good protector against burglars.

    Magic Johnson’s wife is still HIV negative and she was fucked countless times by an HIV positive man with no condom. This suggests that fucking bareback is just as effective as condoms.

    Again, retroviruses are microscopic. The void holes in condoms are huge in comparison.

  18. jeremiahsteele says:

    “and if I give a woman head she can consider that the start of a monogamous relationship”

    LOL, maybe in your mind, but not necessarily in hers.

  19. President4Life says:

    AL, Herpes is spread from skin to skin contact. It’s essentially a rash, no bodily fluids have to be swapped for it to be spread, whereas with HIV, there has to be bodily fluids involved, that’s why it’s easier to get Herpes than it is HIV.

    As for Magic Johnson’s wife, you don’t know if they’re fuckin with condoms or not at this point. They had only been married for like a month or so when he got diagnosed 18 years ago. That was dodging a bullet. I don’t think Cookie would take that chance even if it is microscopic at this point.

    To be fair, HIV is a pretty hard disease to get from straight sex. It’s very possible, but you immune system usually has to be compromised by something else first. I still wouldn’t take the chance though.

  20. goldebear says:

    About 50% of people eventually contract oral herpes. Genital herpes is less common, affecting about 25% of adult population–albeit, we don’t know the real number. Type 1 herpes is usually oral herpes, while Type 2 is usually genital herpes. However, you can be infected with either type either on your lips or on your genitals.

    Also, keep in mind, not everyone who has herpes is symptomatic. Some people have one minor outbreak, and never have another. Others only get outbreaks during periods of illness or extreme stress, which may happen very rarely. Some people never have an outbreak at all. You don’t need to have sex with someone who has genital herpes to contract gentital herpes. Receiving oral sex from someone with a oral herpes may transmit the infection to your genitals.

    HPV spreads much the same way. Please note, the strain of HPV that causes genital warts is not the strain of HPV that causes cancer. Most people infected with HPV never have an outbreak of genital warts but they may still transmit the disease to others. Ironically, the partner that originally carried the disease isn’t always the one who has the first outbreak. So sometimes the partner that receives the blame for transmitting the infection really got it initially from the partner claiming to be the victim.

    If you’re going to have a large number of sexual partners, you shouldn’t be surprised if you contract either disease, or any number of others. In the civilian sector, you can question potential sexual partners if you choose, but they won’t necessarily tell the truth or they may not even know if they have it. Very few people are ever tested for Herpes Type II. If they are tested for herpes at all, it’s usually a more general test which only detects the presence of the herpes virus in the body–which over half of America has anyway.

    I give about as much thought to STD’s as I do getting into a car accident. Take reasonable precautions, but you can’t spend your life obsessing over it. (note, HIV demands a higher level of precaution) Having sex means exposing yourself and exposing others to STD’s (except in the case of comprehensive testing for both partners followed by monogomy). If it happens, at least it was for the good cause of getting laid.

  21. “This suggests that fucking bareback is just as effective as condoms.”

    You do with your dick whatever you want. In the real world, there still exists people of both sexes who do not have promiscuous unprotected sex and as a result do not have a 50/50 chance. I must be a vanilla civilian because I treasure my dick and won’t stick it in unprotected some place its never been because some bloodwork said it was ok

  22. @ Jeremiah

    “Rubbers are effective against the tranmission of HIV the way a dead frog on the doormat is a good protector against burglars.”

    Maybe you should check that link
    Of course, maybe you know better than the CDC and the US Department of Health, maybe the US government is releasing false information in order to carry on with their plan to exterminate the human species…

    As for Magic Johnson’s wife, you may not be aware, but the chances to catch the HIV while fucking someone HIV positive bareback are actually quite low.
    Check the last paragraphs.

  23. jeremiahsteele says:

    Hey john doe, do you know joe know? Just wondering.

    “A special review panel led by HHS’ National Institutes of Health…” those hoes are on remote control.

    I’m going on vacation now…

  24. President4Life says:

    john doe, you’re right that somebody in perfect health catching HIV from straight sex is hard. I don’t dispute that, but HIV is an opportunistic disease. If you are sick in anyway or have straight anal sex or have blisters on your penis or vagina, your odds of contracting the disease go way up, also if you have other STD’s, which a high percentage of Americans do, that puts you at risk for HIV/AIDS.

    When people talk about the microscopic chances of catching the disease, they assume that everybody is in perfect health and nobody has herpes, HPV, chlamydia, or a cold, flu, or any other disease that compromises the immune system. That’s why though technically correct, that information doesn’t always tell the story. If I was to bet how Magic Johnson and Eazy-E, and guys who are legendarily “ladies men” caught the disease, I would bet that they had STD’s that HIV piggy-backed on that left them susceptible.

    That’s why in countries like India, Russia, and Sub-Saharan Africa, HIV/AIDS is a straight persons disease, because those people have so many immune compromisers. They’re not all gay or drug addicts.

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