Tommy Gunn Hurt Badly ?- UPDATE


NL- This is a rumor that just hit twitter. I am looking for details.

The original Tommy Gunn ( the one with long blonde hair) is in the hospital after having both of his legs run over by a truck. NEW- The car in front of Tommy stopped, he slid on his bike, stopped and a truck ran over him. Luckily he had on heavy boots which kept his legs from being broken.

He is the boyfriend of Elizabeth Starr. We are trying to reach her, but the rumor there is that she is having work done on her bust. NEW-She had new implants that her body rejected she is in the hospital having that fixed.

I’ll let you know more as soon as I hear it. (Thanks Rick)

8 thoughts on “Tommy Gunn Hurt Badly ?- UPDATE

  1. Lucky Starr says:

    Oh no! That’s horrible! I hope he is ok.

  2. jeremiahsteele says:

    Rumor? Which twitter twit said this?

    How the hell did this happen? Was he on his harley?

    Hopefully this is a bullshit twit

  3. Sorry to hear that. Hope he can recover quickly and be well again.

  4. jeremiahsteele says:

    I just read this on Tommy Gunn’s myspace:

    I didn,t make it to the set got in a wreck with the bike on the way to the set ran over by a semi-truck

    Mood: aggravated

  5. Tommy Gunn always has a smile on his face much like the other Tommy Gunn. Two great guys that I like very much and I wish Tommy a speedy recovery.

  6. RickMadrid says:

    Aloha ! From Waikki Hawaii you all over there in Pornland !! I am really sorry to hear that Tommy was hurt and in the Hospital! Had work with him on a scene a few weeks ago and he seem really cool! and Liz I hope you get better! Ok you all Maholo from Honolulu and will be back soon in LA for 2 booked shoots this week. You all have a Happy Valentines day and I know I will……Adios…Rick Madrid

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