Scott Fayner goes to the Dogs in the News

NL-Scott sent this to me via e-mail. I think he misses us!

Best friends
Waltham’s Scott Fayner, 38, launched MassArf, a Web magazine for dog lovers, in September.
By Elizabeth Gehrman


What makes different from other dog-related magazines? It’s more localized. Dogfancy and Dogworld, those are national. Even Beantown Tails is not really a local paper; a national company puts those out in a few different places.

What gave you the idea to start it? I grew up in Newton and moved back here from LA in April. I was looking for writing jobs, but there really weren’t any. I’d meet people on the streets with their dogs — they had questions, I had answers. And after a while, I was like, I could start a website. I’m not very 9 to 5, so it’s a great job for me.

What were you doing in LA? I worked in the porn business, for Hustler. But now I’m writing about something I love, so it’s a joy to write again.

You didn’t love porn? It was great at the beginning, I’m not going to lie. But after a while, it got old. It’s the same story every day.

Tell me about your dogs. I have a 2-year-old bloodhound named Rib-Eye and a 3-year-old cane corso named La Bella. It gives me writing content every day just watching how they interact with each other.

What appeals to you so much about dogs? One of the things is that they don’t know how amazing they are. They help humans out by finding lost people, sniffing out toxins and cancer and things like that, and they don’t ask for anything in return. I kind of envy their life. They just want to please people.

How is writing about dogs different from writing about porn? Dogs are smarter than porn people.

You wrote on the website about your dog Rhiannon, who died in June 2008. She was my girl. We went through a lot together. It was really hard when she left. I flew back to Nantucket last winter and spread her ashes there because it was her favorite place.

So Rib-Eye’s your new girl? Rib-Eye’s a good girl, she’s really good. And we’re bonding slowly. But there’s always one dog in a person’s life, always one that stands out. You compare the rest to that one, and it’s a lot to live up to.

Like a first love. Exactly.

One thought on “Scott Fayner goes to the Dogs in the News

  1. I’m happy to hear Scott is doing so well. Right On Scott…Dogs Rule!

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