Only in Porn…. Lucky Benson is not so Lucky for Nickey

According to Nickey on

I booked Lucky Benson today thru Jim South, call time was 10.30, so at 12.30 when she called me and said she was 10 minutes away I figured I would give her a chance. So everything went smooth, ha ha, she arrives and my assistant hands her the model realease and the 2257 affidavid. I couldn’t believe it when I went to the makeup room she was sitting there reading the model release, by now makeup could of been done for three people., I asked her what is wrong and she said nothing I just need to read what i am going to sign. I said fair enough.

Ten minutes later I returned to find her still reading the first paragraph. I asked her whats up and she says can I go to the computer and read the law, I said yes cause this is turning into a freak show. So  pull up the 2257 Law on Wikepedia and she proceeds to read it. Now if you look on the internet you will find it is about 40 pages or so long.

So after 20 more minutes I call her agent and tell him what is going on, it is now 2pm. He tries to call her but doesn’t answer her phone and sits there reading. So being the polite being I tell her we are wasting time and  this has nothing to do with you since you are over 18. And I am the producer, and blah blah blah, but she insists on reading it.

So I give her ten more minutes and then give her a copy of my model release and 2257 declaration and send her home saying I would not want to shoot if she is uncomfortable with the law.  This shit cannot be made up, only in porn can this happen…. At least it was entertaining. Now I have to scramble to find another girl cause the male talent has blue balls… Another day in porn

7 thoughts on “Only in Porn…. Lucky Benson is not so Lucky for Nickey

  1. The Colonel says:

    I heard about this the other day. The truth is Nickey Milo is a nice guy, sometimes too nice, if you ask me. It really takes a lot of efforts to piss him off to the extent he cancells a shoot. Well, this whore did it, and in the most stupid manner, no less. A whore who can read and wants to make sure by signing a 2257 form, she’s not signing her life savings, stocks and assets away. Who would have thought of that? Yeah, only in the porn valley.

  2. sammyglick says:

    Having never seen this performer’s work, just from the photo alone…I have to say I’m stunned ANY porn producer/director would wait more than 15 minutes for her to show up and/or be ready to shoot.

    Is Porn Valley really so starved for female talent you’d waste half a day waiting for this plastic surgery cautionary tale?!

    WTF — call time was 10:30AM and this chick waltzes in at 12:40PM???? Does she think she’s Tanner Mayes/Chasey Lain…

  3. not very attractive.

  4. The Colonel says:

    Sammy Glick says:

    ‘I have to say I’m stunned ANY porn producer/director would wait more than 15 minutes for her to show up and/or be ready to shoot.’

    You’re right, man, only a guy like Nickey Milo would do that, because he’s a nice guy and in his attempt to getting along with everybody, sometime he goes too far. But like you said, most people including myself wouldn’t book something like this in the first place, let alone waiting several hours for her to get her lazy ass on the set and acting like a maniac. In this business cheap, delusional, washed up whores like this one come and go all the times, but they never last too long.

  5. Pornodudestud says:

    I’ll tell you something “WORLD MODELING” is going down the shitter along with the rest of the Industry over there in GayLay, California, The Industry is only going to be around for they predict, another 1 year or year and half and thats it!!! Bankruptcy and agencies going under!!! Jim south and Junior don’t give a rats ass and they will get who ever walks in off of Van nuys, blvd to work for them….This one is a real Piece of crap!!! Dammmmn Colonel don’t go and shoot this one either!! Have a good weekend you all I heard the 90’s out there!!!

  6. …She looks like an ole worn out slug anyway, good thing Nickey passed. Send her over too Shelly….the End of the Line.

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