AL- On Roman Polanski- Rebuttal

Opinion/Editorial by AL

The Roman Polanski case is an extremely polarizing and divisive issue, mainly because the topic of rape is such as visceral subject.  In prison rapists and child molesters are considered to be the lowest in the caste system, which at least in some form validates the honor among thieves idea.  I think any sane person regards the act of child rape to be an abhorrent act worthy of severe punishment, granted the individual is of sound mind according to legal definitions.  To be more simple, if you do really fucked up shit and you know it to be fucked you deserve to be fucked up.

The contrary viewpoint as it regards to Polanski is a legitimate one, though only in the sense that it is a belief held by a substantial amount of people.  There are also substantial amounts of people who believe a menagerie of preposterous things, of which no examples are needed, which are clearly discounted.  In any event, this hit a nerve with a lot of people.  Normally I like to argue things which I believe are not the majority opinion, however in this case I believe the general consensus amongst Americans is that this fucker should rot; I myself wouldn’t be opposed to just offing this guy.  In almost every opinion I have, I have empathy to the opposing side and can conjure some rationalization for their opinion.  In this I just can’t.

There was a discernible strong reaction to the Colonel’s article, with the General posing questions regarding what Cindi posts here and concluding that these posts reflect on Cindi.  Cindi and I used to talk way more, but we still talk regularly and we have wide ranging in depth discussions about LIB.  Cindi is like family to me; it’s worth noting that I was on board here from Day 1 with Cindi.  That being said, if I think something is hurting the site, I’m gonna let her know.  Cindi doesn’t need me to say anything on her behalf and I’m not, I’m just the loquacious type.  My concern was that certain things posted, which extend beyond this, don’t reflect her ideals and at some points what Cindi believes and what the site espouses repel.

I didn’t have to talk to Cindi to know that she does not agree with the idea that Roman Polanski should just be free.  By talking to Cindi however, I am fully satisfied that her goal is to have as many viewpoints out there as possible.  Cindi is not the talkative type; in fact she has been criticized for not even responding in some fashion to certain comments.  What’s here is discussion, and that in and of itself is a noble thing.  Without dialog nothing gets done.

With all that said, let’s remember that this site is about unfiltered opinion.  Anyone with a sound mind who disagrees with anything here can create their own rebuttal that Cindi will publish as long as it’s readable.  Shit, we have seen things she posts from people that are not really readable.  Bottom line we all want to see this recognized for what it is: the ideal place for motherfuckers that like porn to let it all out.   I would love to see the vast majority population of visitors to go on and make a screen name and comment.  The more discourse the better.  At the end of the day, this is just the Internet.  There’s nothing to be scurred about.

59 thoughts on “AL- On Roman Polanski- Rebuttal

  1. The Colonel says:

    It’s entertaining how you’re playing the role of the office bitch boy to the teeth; but let’s see: the majority of readers, those who unlike you are old and knowledgeable enough to know the subject of their discussion, agreed with the main argument of my article, including Larry Horse, The President, Big Lee Bail, Johnnie Montecito, etc. The *discernible strong reaction* you’re blabbering about, son, only came from the small town overly sensative house wife Kay Ryan and demented, frustrated copycat the General who spammed the comments section by as much verbal diarrhea as they could. Some of the lines written by the General:

    ‘LUKE IS BACK: defending the rights of those who defend child molesters.’

    ‘For you (Cindi) to choose to run an article that defends a convicted and self admitted child molester (he pled guilty), is the lowest this site has ever sunk.’

    ‘Shame on you (Cindi).’

    Then you immediately jumped on board and wrote this on comment #27:

    ‘I agree with everything the general said.’

    Everything, including all the insults to this web site and Cindi, the woman who runs this web site and has been tolerating you and your childish insanity beyond human capabilities. Interestingly enough, on the same night, you feel the need to write an ass kissing apologetic drivel and fill it up with as many unorthodox words as you could have pulled out of an online dictionary, thinking that will somehow make you look intelligent and gives you somewhat credentials. Your utter frustration, hypocrisy and ignorance would have been nauseating if it wasn’t so laughable.

    Please continue.

  2. “unorthodox words”

    lol, you believe that has unorthodox words in it?

  3. you aware a discernible reaction doesn’t imply for or against right? I hope that word is not too unorthodox for you. Clearly people are highly opinionated on the subject. Let me know when I use word you have to go look up.

  4. the general says:

    Colonel(defender of child rapists)
    Are there any other famous rapists that you feel shoudl be forgiven?
    What about all those priest who “seduced’ children?

    Colonel(defender of child rapists), were you “seduced” as a child?

  5. The Colonel says:

    What I’m aware of ,Al, is that how desperately you want to ride on my coat tail on any way, form and shape you can in order to validate your existence and get some attention. But what you should be aware of, is that I have no pity, no respect and no sympathy for you. None whatsoever. Nothing but sheer contempt and utter despise. So in that sense, we can never have a discussion about anything. I can only abuse, insult or ignore you; and I’m sure the majority of readers on this web site feel exactly the same about you.

    You’re welcome.

  6. riding your coattail, how? If anyone rides coattails its you always bringing up Luke. You ride his dick so hard yet somehow think you are better than him.

  7. Even for you the whole it was seduction thing was very bizarre. I don’t know why a person who says they are against child abuse would say something like. General has a point, it’s almost as if you have some shit like this in your past.

  8. the general says:

    Colone(defender of child rapists)
    “no pity,no respect, no sympathy” What else would one expect from someone who supports child rapists?

    How does it feel to be publicly known for supporting child rapists?

    Al< I think its time to print the colonels(defender of child rapists) name.

  9. Actually Colonel is the victim. In the 70’s Roman came by and ass fucked little Colonel and loved it too much.

  10. Now back to the point!

    IT WAS RAPE! Colonel I’m waiting on that list of “majority of journalists and historians” who believe the way you do.

    And what’s with the House Wife thing?? You’re a porn whore and a porn producer, how is that better then me?

    and Cindi can print anything she wants! You want to tell people what they can and cannot print, have your own site.

  11. The Colonel says:

    Al says:

    ‘Riding your coattail, how?’

    Well for instance, by making a pathetic joke like this:

    ‘Actually the Colonel is the victim (in Roman Polanski’s case).’

    When you write shit like that, you’re basically begging for my fist in your asshole. Take a number and get in the line.

    And Kay, I know living all your life in a small town in America’s armpit and taking daily anti depressant drugs have pretty much fucked you up and made your mind slow, but I believe I suggested since you are *in the media* and *in the know*, then you don’t need my help to provide you with a list of anything. You can do it on your own, then you can write the book that will take you places far outside your tiny little bubble.

    All in all, it seems by the time the self rightous assholes and morons on this board are finished kicking themselves in the ass over this case, Mr. Polanski will be comfortabley sitting in a plane, on his way home to work on his next cinematic masterpiece. Cheers to Mr. Polanski.

    Carry on, clowns.

  12. the general says:

    Kay, of course Cindi can print what she wants. Its her site and she alone decides what is fit to print here. It is when someone chooses to print a defense for a rapist, a child rapist none the less, that she needs to be called on that.
    Im not telling her what to print, I’m calling her out on HER decision to print an article that supports a child rapist. As the ‘editor’ here the buck stops with her and nobody else. If she wants to let her site be used by the likes of the colonel(defender of child rapists), that is HER decision.
    I question her personal judgement to print this.
    Freedoms of any kind, especially speech, come with great responsibility. This is irresponsible.

    Kay, I do completely agree with the basis of your posts here….IT WAS RAPE!!

  13. do you know what riding coattails means???

  14. Colonel’s post-okay. Al’s post-good. Colonel & AL fighting like bitches-priceless

  15. Way to deflect Colonel!

    You now need to cowboy up. Stand behind the statement. You can throw out all the insults my way you want, but it doesn’t change that fact that you cannot defend the statement.

    and general, i have to stand by Cindi. In my civilian life I am an editor of a political magazine, but I also volunteer as a rape counselor, and I may not like what the Colonel wrote, but I defend his right to say it (and write it) and Cindi’s right to post it.

    NO ONE thinks Cindi agrees with The Colonel, but it has gotten the site hopping. AL hasn’t posted a piece in months and he did it to rebut The Colonel. Freedom of speech does come with great responsibility.

    You say it is irresponsible,I say it’s very responsible.

  16. Kay, I notice you use the words “months” to describe any significant time period you are unsure of. If you consider this past month of September to qualify as months, then you’re right.

  17. Al what are you talking about???

  18. You make it seem like I came out of a cave to write an article attacking the article colonel wrote. I don’t post here as much as I used to, but I still get it in and if you visited the site more often you would know that.

  19. the general says:

    Kay, your points are well taken.(of course Cindi does not agree with the colonel). As an editor yourself you know that the buck stops with the editor. That being said…….

    One good thing did come frome this…it allowed all of us to see the Colonel(defender of child rapists) for what he really is, a miserable peice of shit.
    All the colonels(defender of child rapists) attacks on everyone here, and all the bullshit he spews, has all led to this, defending a child rapist. At least we can all see now the ‘man’ behind the curtain.

    Polanski and the colonel…birds of a feather.

    Kay and Al, no need to go after eachother, lets just all agree that the colonel(defender of child rapists) is a piece of shit. This article of his has ended the debate, and the case is closed,,,the kernal is apeice of shit.

  20. Kay and I are friends, we don’t go after each other… I agree though, I think defending child molesters is a cat you can’t put back in the bag. What was that Colonel said about, “not being part of the problem”

  21. al, i begining to see your ways about the colonel. yes i wanted to be friends with the man off this board, i emailed him twice to the e-mail address he gave. i know he has received them, but i’m thinking he does’nt want to correspond with me. when i first discovered this board this past winter i thought the colonel was cool up to about 6 weeks ago. you start to read his statements, and if you beg to differ you get a “you can suck my dick” or “go fuck yourself”, i believe kay is starting to see what he’s all about, or maybe not. colonel i’m disappointed in you, if you care. so al maybe your right about people not being legit.

  22. those statements are tame… that just reminded he mentioned violating my ## year old step sister once. I can’t think of a more pretentious person who has done as little with their life. Glad you came around pornfan.

  23. sorry Al I was saying that it was a good thing that you put something up. You haven’t done an OP/ED piece in awhile.

    I would like to to do more of them. And I am sure Cindi would too!

    and pornfan, The Colonel and I are fine. If we saw eye to eye on everything our friendship would be boring. I don’t hate The Colonel because he defends a CHILD RAPIST, I pity him.

  24. hmmmm, so Kay, Colonel was saying we were friends because you pity me but it seems you are friends with him because you pity him and make excuses of “what he’s been through.” Even a perfectly functioning clock is fucked up in other time zones.

  25. The Colonel says:

    Jerry, today I responded to the email you sent me 2 days ago. I suppose you haven’t checked your mail box before making your latest comment here. That’s fine.

    And Kay, as far as I’m concerned, our friendship has always been based on mutual respect and trust. You don’t agree with me on certain issues, fine, you don’t need to. But don’t give me the *I’m right about this and and I’m sorry you’re wrong* bullshit. It doesn’t work that way.

  26. The Colonel said
    “But don’t give me the *I’m right about this and and I’m sorry you’re wrong* bullshit. It doesn’t work that way.”

    In my (and I quote) “life in a small town in America’s armpit and taking daily anti depressant drugs have pretty much fucked you up and made your mind slow,” it does work that way. But I didn’t gave you a valid argument, facts, the law, even then. Just because she wasn’t ripped off the street like Jaycee, doesn’t mean it was a “seduction”. If you truly can look at it that way, your mind it to far gone to change. What about the teacher who had sex with her student? Went to jail, twice because of it, and is not married to that young name and has 2 kids. SHE STILL RAPED HIM. He cannot willingly give his consent, just like Samantha could not. And in court said she did not give her consent.

    Do you find it as all interesting that in the movie Rosemary’s Baby, Mia Farrow is given alcohol, and quaaludes’ and then raped. That was not art imitating life, that was Polanski reenacting his crime for all to see.

    But really Colonel you would rather I rant like Lostbutterfly, or give you an argument that you just roll over. Sorry not on this subject.

    Here in my world, the real world, IT WAS RAPE!

    And AL when I say “I pity him” it was for his views on this topic. I am not friends with anyone because I pity them. And I am not sure I understand the “what he’s been though” statement.

    I have never excused The Colonels behavior because I pity him or “what he’s been through”. As far as I know he is a well adjusted porn peddler, and doesn’t make excuses for it.

  27. You’re that accurate clock in the wrong timezone Kay. You tell the right time but you are in the wrong place. I guess we must disagree on what well adjusted is. Take Colonel to your next dinner party if that’s how you feel. You act like this kind of person is acceptable by any loose definiton. How exactly would a soiree at your place be with a present Colonel? Or would you lock him away like Sloth in the Goonies?

  28. pornfan come on, you know this guy is shady at best and completely unhinged at worst

  29. Am I fat clock or a skinny clock?

    AL your point is you want to know why I am friends with The Colonel, I can’t help you. I’ve given you my reasons and you just don’t like them, sorry, I can’t change that.

    But I’ll give you a bone…if I ever found out that The Colonel raped someone,(or you for that matter) I would not be friends with him.

    And just because his views of the matter are way off base, I do not believe that he would EVER rape or endanger a child’s life. Sorry AL this dog aint gunna hunt!

  30. Well, to me that doesn’t really sound good. If I was truly friends with someone knowing they did that wouldn’t necessarily end a friendship for me. I’d be more apt to know why it happened instead of casting them off immediately. I guess we have different concepts of friendship also.

    You are a digital clock, which is never as accurate as an analog one

  31. max softcore says:

    Ha what’d I miss? Colonel defended Polanski? This guy did FOR REAL what max hardcore pretends to do, and Colonel thinks max should rot in jail. Un-fuckking-believable.

  32. props to max that shit is gold!!!

  33. The Colonel says:

    No Maxie, Mr. Roman Polanski did nothing wrong, and you will know that when you learn the facts. Stay tuned for my next excellent article; and in the meantime, go fuck yourself.

    I’m sure I hate you.

  34. He drugged and raped a 13 year old girl, your such a pansy hypocrite who hates women.

  35. The Colonel says:

    Maybe you should have pulled your head out of your ass and learn the facts about Roman Polanski’s case before spewing your diarrhea of the mouth. I know you’re stupid, that’s why I’m going to make your life easy by posting an idiot’s guide and explaining the documented facts of this case for you and other morons like yourself.

    In the meantime, I suggest you shut your face and continue working on your pregnant cam show. That’s the only thing you’ve ever been slightly good at: whoring yourself.

  36. the general says:,2933,560983,00.html

    Looks like the colonels buddy isnt going anywhere, anytime soon.

    Lets see the documented facts,,,,heres a short list
    alchohol given to a minor
    Drugs given to aminor
    Unlawful intercourse with an ‘under the influene’ minor
    Sodomy performed by mr, polanski on a minor

    Here is the actual grand jury transcript Colonel(DCR) Now please show us where he didnt do anything wrong, as YOU have stated.

    So please, lets see your ‘idiots guide’

  37. colonel, yes i e-mailed you on the 2nd, but i never got an e-mail from you. the only e-mail i ever got from you was a greetings e-mail way back on the 24th of august. in my first email to you i even included my home phone number.

  38. sammyglick says:

    Pornfan/Jerry — dude, whatever you want to call yourself, you’re starting to sound like an obsessed stalker or a jilted woman…

    Anyhow, when did anyone’s friendship hinge on their views over a 30 year plus case that never went to trial (because the defendant fled the country)?!

    While I don’t agree with The Colonel’s arguments in the slightest, what’s the harm in letting him have his say and then going on your merry way? He’s not going to be Polanski’s lawyer. He’s not working the case for the DA’s office.

    Hell, he’s not even a Fox News commentator wearing a low-cut shirt, push-up bra (so the tits are ‘tastefully’ about to spill out over O’Reilly’s desk), tight skirt and fuck me pumps…

    He’s just a guy on a computer throwing out his electronic two cents.

    So you don’t like his viewpoints — we get it. Write an opposing editorial with all of the ‘facts’ you like, or post up a comment or two. Otherwise, just because you stopped pissing into the wind isn’t going to keep you from getting dust in your eye. I doubt that anything less than Polanski going on live TV and admitting his guilt with accompanying video/audio will make The Colonel change his mind.

  39. I guess the Swiss authorities didn’t see it your way today LOL

  40. sammy, your way off base on me, okay! i’m trying to see if the colonel wants to converse with me off this board.

  41. and sammy jerry is my real name

  42. The Colonel says:

    General Malfunction, As for the Swiss authorities, they can dance around this issue, but the extradition process as I will cover that also in the idiot’s guide is more complicated than that, and ultimatelly soon Mr. Polanski will go back to his life and making cinematic masterpieces.

  43. The Colonel says:

    Jerry, we exchanged emails a few times in the past weeks, the reason you claim you haven’t got anything from me, is because you didn’t get the response you thought I should have given to you about my identity. I already told you, both on and off this board, my reasons for writing under an anonymous name on LIB. I have nothing to add to what I told you several times. If that’s acceptable for you, so be it. If that’s not, so be it. We don’t owe each other anything. But perhaps you should listen to what Sammy tells you and think about it: you’re starting to sound like an obsessed fan rather than the cool guy you used to be. Either way, I wish you succeed in all your endeavours.

  44. max softcore says:

    The girl testified that she left the Jacuzzi and entered a bedroom in Nicholson’s home, where Polanski sat down beside her and kissed the teen, despite her demands that he “keep away.” According to Gailey, Polanski then performed a sex act on her and later “started to have intercourse with me.” At one point, according to Gailey’s testimony, Polanski asked the 13-year-old if she was “on the pill,” and “When did you last have your period?” Polanski then asked her, Gailey recalled, “Would you want me to go in through your back?” before he “put his penis in my butt.” Asked why she did not more forcefully resist Polanski, the teenager told Deputy D.A. Roger Gunson, “Because I was afraid of him.”

    Are you fucking blind or just retarded , Colonel…

  45. The Colonel says:

    Don’t get dumb smart ass with me, Maxie, I know this case much better than you. There’s more to it, and you will learn the facts and see for yourself when you read the idiot’s guide, intended for fools like yourself.


  46. The Colonel says:

    On another note, tonight I was watching Chinatown, one of many cinematic masterpieces directed by Roman Polanski. What a fascinating, incredible, powerful work of art. Now and always, cheers to Mr. Polanski. See Chinatown, uncle Colonel says.

  47. I did you stipid fuck, looks like I touched a nerve!!!

  48. max softcore says:

    “i know this case better”. Keep repeating that mantra and back it up with zero evidence you tool. I’m getting real tired of your fucking lame ‘insider’ schtick and your delusion that you are somehow taking over the mantle of BDD, a guy who could insult me (and us) and actually have a point. Why Cindi hasn’t sent you packing is beyond me…

  49. The Colonel says:

    You’re the stupid fuck, Ruby, that’s why you’re so broke you need to run a pregnant cam show. Nevertheless, I don’t need any moral lectures from a has been, washed up whore like you.

    And Maxie, if you’re getting tired of being on this board, then fuck off and go play with your XPT butt buddies. Don’t let the door hit you in the head, you little turd.

    Why can’t you self rightous assholes and morons wait to read the idiot’s guide so you can compare the facts represented in it with whatever you think you know and then either come to an understanding or continue your verbal diarrhea? Another sign of typical American ignorance, impatience and incompetence.

    Wait, and you shall receive.

  50. Ruby doesn’t Colonel look like Barack Obama on crack crossed with Forrest Gump

  51. I have heard the opinion that yeah he raped a chick but we want him to get off. I have not heard one opinion of someone who says a crime never happened. this man is literally and completely delusional.

  52. colonel, you never sent me e-mails. go ahead and twist things back on me, to try to make it look good for your fellow followers on here, who believe everything you say. its sad it took me most of this year to finally realoze that you are a phony. i hope one day kay finally wakes up and kicks you to the curb. colonel i know you don’t care, but i won’t be addressing you anymore. what ever happened to that op/ed you said you were going to a while back, about finally revealing your identity? and to be honest, it does’nt matter who you are are not to me, i’m not losing sleep over it.

  53. sammyglick says:

    Forget it Pornfan. It’s LukeIsBack.

  54. Wow, did I hit a nerve or what! Not broke jackass, nobody likes you, and way to go captain obvious, at least I’m good at what I do, instead of trying to be a want to be writer who can only be self published cause he sucks! At least my writing has actually be published by a real publication so that puts me ahead of you in your own field, wow, that’s gotta hurt, ass munch.

  55. Nowadays, anyone with a camera is a porn producer of director, the so called colonel hasn’t ever worked for anyone of any real consequence he is the true nobody in this piece.

  56. The Colonel says:

    What’s gotta hurt, Ruby, what are you talking about? And tell me when and where you wrote anything that was published, and who published it.

    Also, I don’t know what *working for anyone of any real consequence* means. I have worked for many people in the past, and have been producing my own movies since 1994; and I love being self employed, even though it has it’s ups and downs.

    Look, I’ll post the follow up to my article about Roman Polanski case in the next few days and represent a variety of documented facts. Read it. If you agreed with me then, fine. If you disagreed, it’s still fine. We don’t need to fist fight over this. Bless your heart.

  57. Hustler’s Busty Beauties published me and I think Polanski is a pig who ran to Europe rather than defend himself in an American court of law. Cases are won on evidence not conjecture and if they can prove intercourse took place, even consenually, because she was not of the age of consent, the law states that it is still rape. I think Brooke Sheilds’s mom should have been prosecuted for allowing a photogapher to take nude shots of her daughter. The issue is the age of consent. Look up the laws, not the articles.

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